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Coop Rec Service-World Around Songs-recordings

03 Aug 22 - 01:13 AM (#4149109)
Subject: RE: Cooperative Recreation Service-World Around Songs
From: GUEST,Susan Brumfield

Hi, all, taking a shot in the dark here, since this is an older thread… does anyone know anything about the recordings that were made to go along with some of the books? I read that they were LPs and could even be rented out! I’m doing some research with a PhD student and we haven’t been able to find out what’s happened to them. Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

03 Aug 22 - 01:45 PM (#4149152)
Subject: RE: Coop Recreation Service-World Around Songs-records
From: Joe Offer

Hi, Susan - you pose an interesting question. Yes, I have seen some of those records. It was years ago in a library book sale, and I resisted the temptation to buy them.

As you've seen, we have two threads on the booklets by Cooperative Recreation Service / World Around Songs:

As stated in both threads, the American Folklife Center of the Library of Congress has possession of the records of World Around Songs, which is still in business. My acquaintances there are Jennifer Cutting and Steve Winick, and both of them would be happy to talk with you about what's available.

Joe Offer, Music Editor, The Mudcat Cafe

03 Aug 22 - 02:20 PM (#4149157)
Subject: RE: Coop Recreation Service-World Around Songs-records

Thanks, Joe, and thanks to anyone who can help us locate these recordings!

01 Oct 23 - 01:35 PM (#4182830)
Subject: RE: Coop Rec Service-World Around Songs-recordings
From: Joe Offer

Word has it that World Around Songs was sold two years ago to the husband of Elizabeth La Prelle. Can someone give us details and updated contact information?

01 Oct 23 - 01:35 PM (#4188528)
Subject: RE: Coop Rec Service-World Around Songs-recordings
From: Joe Offer

Word has it that World Around Songs was sold two years ago to the husband of Elizabeth La Prelle. Can someone give us details and updated contact information?