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BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled

12 Feb 23 - 08:53 PM (#4165008)
Subject: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Mrrzy

What is being shot down over North America these days?

What about the shooting down part?

12 Feb 23 - 09:33 PM (#4165012)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Stilly River Sage

Listening to the news about an object shot down, then before you've had time to figure out that story, another object is shot down. The question is - what is being shot down and will they find they acted too quickly?

13 Feb 23 - 02:01 AM (#4165018)
Subject: BS: I am troubled
From: skarpi

Hallo all, is it just me or does someone else have a bad feeling, something is coming and it aint good.
It all started when they shot down the so called UFO
Over Alaska.

I have no idea what is, yet.

Maybe I am just little of, but when my sence start
, I start to be troubled. As always my english is not good
All the best.

13 Feb 23 - 02:22 AM (#4165019)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: Ebbie

Your English is fine, Skarpi! As for your premonition, I doubt that you are alone in it. Just remember to breathe! And keep in mind that this situation is not a new thing- we have faced other bad things, and survived.


signed, Ebbie

13 Feb 23 - 04:00 AM (#4165023)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Rain Dog

We have been here before.

The Great Airship Scare

13 Feb 23 - 04:31 AM (#4165026)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Rain Dog

From The Guardian.

First Dog On The Moon cartoon

Mystery balloons! What are they? Aliens probing our atmosphere? Or a race of ancient skywhales?

13 Feb 23 - 05:29 AM (#4165032)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Steve Shaw

Any minute now someone will give a serious mention of UFOs...

13 Feb 23 - 05:37 AM (#4165033)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Rain Dog

Well they are unidentified flying objects.

The correct term now is unidentified aerial phenomena. In Dover they usually turn out to be gulls. Hence the term gulled.

13 Feb 23 - 05:55 AM (#4165037)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Steve Shaw

They are not unidentified by everyone on Planet Earth. Someone, somewhere, can identify them, whereas truly alien crafts couldn't be identified by anyone. There's usually a strong implication in the use of "UFO" that we are being invaded, or at least watched, from without...

13 Feb 23 - 07:17 AM (#4165040)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Dave the Gnome

I was in the local greasy spoon the other day and saw some unidentifiable frying objects

13 Feb 23 - 07:32 AM (#4165043)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: gillymor

The world survived Trump, barely, so everything else should be a breeze. At least during our lifetimes.

13 Feb 23 - 07:55 AM (#4165044)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: skarpi

Well, I am not afraid of the other beings, when something big is a about to happen, those things show them self.

13 Feb 23 - 08:03 AM (#4165045)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: gillymor

I'm more concerned with IFO's (Identified Fucked-up Objects) like Trump.

13 Feb 23 - 08:31 AM (#4165048)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Steve Shaw

Biden deliberately upped the ante by ordering the shooting down. He needed to show a bit of political muscle at home. Someone wants us to think that only dangerous foreigners indulge in surveillance over other people's countries, whereas the truth is that we're all at it all the time. This will quickly blow over (see what I did there...?)

13 Feb 23 - 08:38 AM (#4165052)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: Jeri

Where are the Jewish space lasers when we need them?
Seriously, I think those things have always been there. We only just noticed them.

13 Feb 23 - 08:43 AM (#4165054)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: Donuel

Alaskan coast, Michigan and Canada are the locations of shoot downs. There is not enough information so far to be overly concerned. Perhaps the worst outcome could be leaving the fate of humanity in our own belligerent hands, but there is as of now, no legitimate reason for concern.

The power of evasion has always been a part of the ufo phenomenon.
Lets hope if there is a 'they' we both will learn something.

Shoot first and ask questions later is a primitive response.

13 Feb 23 - 08:51 AM (#4165056)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: Rain Dog

"The power of evasion has always been a part of the ufo phenomenon."

So has the power of pareidolia.

Perception is intentional.

13 Feb 23 - 09:01 AM (#4165057)
Subject: RE: BS: I am troubled
From: Donuel

Radar pareidolia is a possibility and is being pursued as an explanation. The Pentagon is just using different words.

Instead of calling them a 'wheel within a wheel' we are calling them the size of a compact car.

13 Feb 23 - 09:07 AM (#4165058)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Donuel

Biden did not order the shoot down over Canada.
The broadcast media referred to the small objects from the beginning as UFO's.
If the shoe fits...

13 Feb 23 - 09:17 AM (#4165061)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Rain Dog

UAPS, please.

13 Feb 23 - 09:24 AM (#4165062)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Steve Shaw

Well, Donuel,

"On Saturday, a US F-22 jet, acting on US and Canadian orders, downed a “high-altitude airborne object” over Canada’s central Yukon territory, about 100 miles (160km) from the US border..."

So a US plane shot it down. Are you trying to tell us that Canada alone, or someone else, ordered a US jet to shoot it down?

13 Feb 23 - 09:49 AM (#4165066)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Steve Shaw

That was from the Guardian, I meant to say.

13 Feb 23 - 09:59 AM (#4165068)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Donuel

Trudeax ordered it not Biden.

“I ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace,” Mr. Trudeau said in a statement posted on Twitter. He said an American F-22 with the North American Aerospace Defense Command, which is operated jointly by the United States and Canada, downed the object over the Yukon Territory.

I expected the UAP name change would have been used but it has not.
Perhaps it is a Navy vs Airforce kerfuffle.

13 Feb 23 - 10:14 AM (#4165071)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Donuel

Until even one recovery is made, speculation would only invite arrogant obstinate criticism from the usual subject. With temps at 40 below and two objects underwater and ice, disclosure won't be anytime soon.

13 Feb 23 - 10:57 AM (#4165080)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe
From: Rain Dog

"Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau said he ordered the takedown of "an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace."

"Canadian and U.S. aircraft were scrambled, and a U.S. F-22 successfully fired at the object," he tweeted.

Canadian Forces will now recover and analyze the wreckage, Trudeau said."

Trudeau ordered the take down of an unidentified object that violated Canadian airspace

13 Feb 23 - 11:49 AM (#4165086)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Steve Shaw

From Rain Dog's link:

"Following a call from Trudeau to President Joe Biden on Saturday, Biden authorized that U.S. aircraft take down the new high-altitude object and a U.S. F-22 shot it down with a sidewinder missile, Ryder said.

The leaders authorized that the 'unidentified, unmanned object' be taken down "out of an abundance of caution and at the recommendation of their militaries..."

I'm scratching my head here. There is no way that US military aircraft would shoot down a balloon without the president's authority. Come on, now, chaps!

13 Feb 23 - 11:54 AM (#4165089)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: leeneia

"Biden deliberately upped the ante by ordering the shooting down. He needed to show a bit of political muscle at home."

Can anybody think of another way to take down a huge object that is 60 miles up in the air?

background info: "The Chinese balloon is also roughly the size of three buses, whereas weather balloons typically expand to only about 20 feet across. Scientific American spoke with Villasenor about why the aircraft's maneuverability is so unusual and how such surveillance balloons compare with satellites.

13 Feb 23 - 12:15 PM (#4165090)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

One American Senator called one object "balloon like based on its matching wind speed", based on his briefing.
Maybe is an accurate word in this case so far.

I have spent forty years researching this subject and lending opinions on radio and in print. I have been exposed to more claims and evidence than most folks but I do not use the word expert.

My dad referred to the subject as "the boys upstairs" and my mom was angry at the victimization of witnesses.

I think Biden was reacting to current political events and is not even aware of MJ 12 or the full scope of other possibilities. Senator Reid would not have been so cavalier and pull the trigger of political convenience. I don't like opening fire and asking questions later but
I am not worried about retaliation. History does not support it.

13 Feb 23 - 12:45 PM (#4165096)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: The Sandman

I am surprised no one has blamed the Russians, they are a useful bogeyman

13 Feb 23 - 09:00 PM (#4165138)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

Robo would know but some pilots have said that the new F-22 is not as robust as the F-16's and 18's but now the 22 has a spotless record of downing UFO's. That may not be wise but it is pretty damn impressive in some circles.

13 Feb 23 - 09:05 PM (#4165139)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Steve Shaw

I blame brexit.

13 Feb 23 - 09:42 PM (#4165141)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Stilly River Sage

Closer to 11 miles up, leeneia. 60,000 feet. The Thermosphere at the distance of 60 miles doesn't support aircraft1.

13 Feb 23 - 10:06 PM (#4165149)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

I heard that the 3 objects were at 40,000 ft. or less. The balloon was at 60,000 ft and above.

13 Feb 23 - 10:18 PM (#4165151)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Stilly River Sage

Yes. The three objects were shot down because of the threat to commercial aviation or other aircraft. The balloon, not so much.

14 Feb 23 - 09:52 AM (#4165182)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

Japan airlines flew over Alaska and had a 1,000 foot UFO fly alongside for 20 minutes with such deft precision I doubt they will ever pose a threat. Or at O'Hare airport a UFO came down near the runway and shot up through the clouds leaving a hole in the clouds. Perhaps one example of a collision occurred in Florida but it is doubtful. Collisions don't occur with UFOs.

14 Feb 23 - 10:06 AM (#4165184)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

14 Feb 23 - 10:09 AM (#4165185)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Steve Shaw

That would be because they are stuck on their own planets dozens of light years away from ours.

14 Feb 23 - 10:17 AM (#4165187)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

Object 3 that fell in Lake Huron had two sidewinder missiles fired at it. The first missile missed.

14 Feb 23 - 10:21 AM (#4165190)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

14 Feb 23 - 10:57 AM (#4165193)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Stilly River Sage

Those missiles are expensive, but the cost of a "UFO" collision with a commercial airliner is astronomical.

14 Feb 23 - 08:40 PM (#4165213)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Steve Shaw

Oh dear, yanks, egg on face here...Let's see what you can still make of that first balloon... Otherwise... ?

14 Feb 23 - 08:56 PM (#4165215)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Rapparee

The planes were asked to shoot the Lake Huron one down but couldn't get the guns to bear correctly.

What gets me are the politicians complaining that Biden didn't order the first thing, the balloon, shot down and are now bitching that he overreacted.

I don't understand the need for surveillance balloons to start wigth. If you want to see Malmstrom AFB from above use Google Earth. If the satellites whizzing around overhead, no matter who they belong to, aren't at least as good as Google Earth they were sold a bad bill of goods.

15 Feb 23 - 08:02 AM (#4165235)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

"This has been going on for a long long time"
quote: Senator John Kennedy

"Thats a fact Jack"
quote" Donuel

15 Feb 23 - 08:22 AM (#4165237)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

I remember two of the last three airliners that were shot down by missiles were by Russians. One should not conduct international or other relations with live ammo.

Airlines' collision with UFOs is silly on its face and is preposterous

Thank god this didn't happen over the UK. If anyone wanted to be taken to the leader, King Charles looks like the Ferengi..

15 Feb 23 - 09:27 AM (#4165245)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

speculation tyme

The military tries not to speculate, they just downright misinform.

16 Feb 23 - 01:28 PM (#4165333)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: leeneia

"Object 3 that fell in Lake Huron had two sidewinder missiles fired at it. The first missile missed."

Where did the first one go? What became of it? Whenever you're dealing with firearms, always ask where the ammo went.

16 Feb 23 - 03:33 PM (#4165340)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: skarpi

Pilot´s see TicTac Opject´s, also see spears, also see triangle´s Opject´s ,
disc´s, so who are they, those thing´s.

Lockheet Martin skunkworks are suppose to build a triangle craft that can travel space called TR-3B, TR-3B Manta

some say also Tic Tac is also man made ?

well who know´s, only the future will tell us,
Shooting down those Opject´s is a mistake, there will be payback.

I am not troubled by that though,

Past is gone, future has not come, so what we have is only the moment we live in.

Love your family´s and hold on to them,
what we have today we may not have tomorrow.
Over and out

All the best

16 Feb 23 - 08:34 PM (#4165356)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

Dr. Steven Greer says he knows.

16 Feb 23 - 09:24 PM (#4165363)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Rapparee

Biden on shot-down objects (CNN report).

The Sidewinder missile has a range of 0.6 to 22 miles, depending (I guess) on things like trajectory. FIW, it's been in service in several different iterations since 1956.

17 Feb 23 - 03:30 PM (#4165419)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: keberoxu

Indeed, Skarpi,
what we have today we may not have tomorrow --

and hopefully the Mudcat will still be here tomorrow,
gremlins or no gremlins
(thanks Max!).

20 Feb 23 - 02:44 PM (#4165647)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

The search for the downed ufos is now abandoned by US and Canada.

That's what the military has told the NYT.

curiouser and...

26 Feb 23 - 05:31 PM (#4166222)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Donuel

U.S. Northern Command said the decision to end the search for the objects shot down over Alaska and Lake Huron came after the U.S. and Canada "conducted systematic searches of each area using a variety of capabilities, including airborne imagery and sensors, surface sensors and inspections, and subsurface scans, and did not locate debris." Northern Command said air and maritime safety perimeters were also being lifted at both those sites. There has been no comment from the United Federation of Planets regarding their search and rescue efforts.

28 Feb 23 - 07:38 PM (#4166431)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Jack Campin

The Icelanders have taken Scarborough's masturbating walrus.

No sympathy.

01 Mar 23 - 09:38 PM (#4166576)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: skarpi


02 Mar 23 - 05:18 AM (#4166601)
Subject: RE: BS: Balloons, maybe + Skarpi troubled
From: Jack Campin

Been in the news here. A walrus turned up in Scarborough in north-east England just before New Year. They had to cancel their usual fireworks to avoid frightening him. So he sat around on the seafront for a while masturbating for the locals to watch (ok, most tourists visiting Scarborough act like that). Then he disappeared and was tracked to Iceland.