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BS: The Coronation

04 May 23 - 01:03 PM (#4171500)
Subject: BS: The Coronation
From: Senoufou

There doesn't seem to be anything on here about The Coronation. To be honest, that's quite a good thing, because I'm already bored stiff about this bloomin' event. We definitely aren't going to watch it on TV, and the idea of pledging allegiance to The King during the service made me giggle. Have 'they' secretly put cameras in all our living rooms? We'll probably go out somewhere, but will all the supermarkets etc be closed on Saturday? Hope not!
Anyone else feeling grumpy about The Coronation, or am I the only one?

04 May 23 - 01:15 PM (#4171502)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Well we're celebrating it at our Memory Café tomorrow! I'm going with the flow and zippin' me lip, with the proviso that I will not singing the Anthem nor waving a plastic flag (actually, I picked one up in Poundland this afternoon and waved it at Mrs Steve. She was less than impressed...) I hasten to add that I didn't buy it. I've suggested to Mrs Steve that we avoid the whole shenanigans by having three duvet days. She was even less impressed...

04 May 23 - 02:31 PM (#4171507)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Doug Chadwick

There doesn't seem to be anything on here about The Coronation

There was a thread on the coronation but all the posts were moved to the "BS: Brexit & other UK political topics - 2" thread.


04 May 23 - 04:39 PM (#4171517)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Maybe we're all too busy going to food banks.

04 May 23 - 06:00 PM (#4171522)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Sandra in Sydney

'tis underwhelming, here, too. The archbishop's comment about standing in one's living room chanting, hand to heart, has led to risible comments & a journalist mentioned the bloke to be crowned has said it wasn't his idea.

04 May 23 - 06:04 PM (#4171523)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Sandra in Sydney

What coronation? Many Australians don’t know when it’s on and few seem inclined to recite the oath

05 May 23 - 12:51 AM (#4171543)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: JennieG

I'm interested to see the clothes and the trinkets.....they have some nice trinkets. The whole religious pageantry doesn't do much for me, though, not being of a religious bent.

I have read that the new queenie does not have pierced ears. This means that most of the earrings in the royal jewellery vaults cannot be worn by her, so I would like to offer my serves as Chief Pierced Earring Wearer.

Especially of the green ones. Emeralds are my birth stone, and I am quite fond of green.

05 May 23 - 03:57 AM (#4171547)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

I'm looking forward to swearing at the King.

05 May 23 - 07:38 AM (#4171557)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

I take it that everyone has heard our new national anthem by now, courtesy of Celtic football fans. Just google "You can shove your coronation up your a...". It's a beautiful rendition!

05 May 23 - 07:53 AM (#4171559)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Backwoodsman

Here ya go Dave…

05 May 23 - 01:40 PM (#4171567)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Charmion

It’s a non-event to most Canadians, too.

Today’s locker-room gathering at the YMCA concluded that only a fool would watch it live, unless she found herself wide awake and unable to go back to sleep at zero dark thirty.

If there are souvenir mugs, I have yet to see one. Plastic flags ditto. As for swearing an oath at the telly — HAHAHAHAHA!

05 May 23 - 05:26 PM (#4171576)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

I should like to ask a practical question. All these thousands of people camping out in tents on the Mall. So what if you need a wee, esp. if you are of the female persuasion? And what about if you need to take a shit? Huh? How does it work?

05 May 23 - 05:34 PM (#4171577)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Doug Chadwick

Perhaps some of the £100 million is being spent on Portaloos.


05 May 23 - 05:34 PM (#4171578)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Could it be that I, as an anti-royalist Republican sort of chap, am paying with my taxpayer's money for the provision of multiple portaloos to provide for the needs of empty-headed, pro-royal sycophants?   I mean, where's the outrage! :-)

05 May 23 - 06:45 PM (#4171583)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Charmion's brother Andrew

Charmion and I swore the oath to our late sovereign to "be faithful and bear true allegiance to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth the Second, Her heirs and successors according to law. So help me God" in the early 1970s. It had no expiry date and covered Charles, too, so I am not going to chew my cabbage twice.

05 May 23 - 07:03 PM (#4171587)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

I'll happily be corrected by bible scholars l, but I seem to recall the good Lord in Matthew 5:34 saying that we should not swear oaths, but instead let our speech be yea yea, nay nay...

06 May 23 - 12:14 AM (#4171594)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Stilly River Sage

Being an hour earlier than Charmion's "zero dark thirty" there is no way a live viewing of this is going to happen. Or even very much viewing of an after-the-fact YouTube video, since I have to work on the garden on Saturday and that seems a good use of the time (and environmentally speaking, a better outcome). Considering all of the fuss involved, Charles would have been smart to forego most of this and spend Saturday in his garden. Whichever one he chooses.

06 May 23 - 04:09 AM (#4171605)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Or shooting grice.

06 May 23 - 04:18 AM (#4171607)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

Best coverage is from Private Eye

06 May 23 - 06:00 AM (#4171617)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

I see they've watered down the bit about swearing homage or whatever it was. It's 10.58 and I'm off to Morrisons to buy a cabbage and some carrots. It'll be quiet in there!

06 May 23 - 06:18 AM (#4171618)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

I quite like all the pomp and ceremony. It's the royal bit that is annoying. Same as religion. Love the rites. Shame about the god bit :-)

06 May 23 - 07:01 AM (#4171624)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Donuel

The crowd mirrors the weather. Cool and damp.

06 May 23 - 07:28 AM (#4171625)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Captain Swing

"Perhaps some of the £100 million is being spent on Portaloos."

Well if it is, let's hope that after the whole silly event, they will be redistributed around the City for the use of those who have to sleep on the streets the full year round.

06 May 23 - 07:56 AM (#4171629)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

Good idea Captain!

06 May 23 - 08:22 AM (#4171632)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Georgiansilver

It's a testimony to the world we live in that a prince who was having an affair all the time he was married is made king. Also that his mistress, who he later married, is made queen. I have no respect for either of them. Diana would have made an amazing queen but sadly her life was ended... please note, I did not say her life ended....I said it was ended!! Charles should have abdicated and William 5th should rule!.

06 May 23 - 08:41 AM (#4171633)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Alternatively, they should all just bugger off. I'll be generous and let them keep Frogmore Cottage. If there isn't enough room, they could always just throw up a few sheds in the garden.

06 May 23 - 08:46 AM (#4171636)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

By the way, Morrisons was bloody heaving and the sun has been beaming warmly down on Bude since 11!

06 May 23 - 09:57 AM (#4171637)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Mrrzy

I got up at 5 am to watch. So pageantry, such rite, wow.

06 May 23 - 09:59 AM (#4171638)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Donuel

I second that CAPTAIN. Inevitable genius.

06 May 23 - 10:00 AM (#4171639)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: keberoxu

I didn't watch, but I have read that
the Archbishop had a little trouble
getting the crown to fit the king's head,
in front of everybody.

06 May 23 - 11:10 AM (#4171649)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: keberoxu

The New York Times, in honor of King Charles,
published an article today with a lavish description
of the guesthouse which he owns
near the Carpathian Mountains of Transylvania.

Oh! the rich possibilities for satire in that fact . . .

06 May 23 - 11:14 AM (#4171650)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Stilly River Sage

After getting up at my normal time I opened the phone app for the New York Times, where they ran a set of stills and short videos encapsulating the whole event. That's all I need to know how it happened.

06 May 23 - 12:40 PM (#4171651)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

It was pretty good apart from all the king and god crap :-D

06 May 23 - 02:20 PM (#4171657)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Big Al Whittle

In Loscoe Debyshire they celebrated by having a 'pin the ears on King Charles' competition.

06 May 23 - 03:32 PM (#4171667)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Rapparee

Since I am, by ancestry, in line for the Throne, I could not in good conscience watch it. Sure, it’s 2,067 who must die or abdicate first, but still…..

06 May 23 - 03:52 PM (#4171668)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Senoufou

Many of our neighbours in this village had decorated their houses with loads of flags, some of which were upside down (a distress signal!). It was rather nice to hear the church bells peal out (our church was built in the 14th Century). One of my friends has been learning bell-ringing with a group run by the vicar.
I haven't seen even one minute of the Coronation on TV. We spent the day getting our groceries in and having tea at the big supermarkets. Glad I'm not the only one on here with no interest in the event.

06 May 23 - 03:56 PM (#4171669)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Nigel Parsons

I will support Charles III as king, BUT!
He is making promises in church. I remember the promises (oaths) he made during his (first) wedding ceremony.
I have doubts about his willingness to keep the promises he makes.

06 May 23 - 04:43 PM (#4171671)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

I was out shopping so I missed it (on purpose). When I got home I read a piece about his thirteen mansions and palaces, then I read another piece about the murky ways in which their finances are hidden from the public gaze, ostensibly because the tax exemptions on their incomes, lavish gifts and inheritances they enjoy are ones that no-one else can benefit from. I was reminded that we also give them £86 million of our money every year. Then I read a piece from a few weeks ago in which this multi-billionaire was suggesting that we should all do a days unpaid volunteering for charity. And this earnest environmentalist, who owns 50,000 acres of Scottish land that's been devastated so that the privileged few can shoot at grouse, was wearing ermine today, obtained from killed stoats. And who knows how many Canadian bears were slaughtered in order to produce those hundreds of bearskin hats on parade. So I'm glad I missed it.

06 May 23 - 04:53 PM (#4171672)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

I watched Liverpool beating Brentford this afternoon (on Now TV I hasten to add!). The Premier League had asked clubs to play God Save the King at the start of matches. Well it was played at Anfield but you couldn't hear a single bit of it as the fans booed and chanted "Liverpool, Liverpool" all the way through, followed by a mighty rendition of You'll Never Walk Alone. Liverpool, a great city shat on from on high by Thatcher, then demonised by the right-wing (royalist) press as they fought for thirty years for justice after Hillsborough. Had I been in that crowd I would have booed and chanted as loud as anybody. Maybe it takes a football crowd to see through all the dismal bullshit we've been subjected to for the last week. Well all power to football crowds say I!

06 May 23 - 04:55 PM (#4171673)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

And yes I know who Now TV belongs to, thanks.

06 May 23 - 05:54 PM (#4171676)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Stanron

For US members I'd like to point out that Steve Shaw's comments represent the views of less than 10% of the UK. Possibly less than 1%. He states them a lot and reacts strongly when contradicted but his position is nowhere near a consensus. The fact that most voices on this forum will support him should not lead you to think he speaks for most UK people.

06 May 23 - 06:18 PM (#4171679)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Charmion

Don’t worry, Stanron; on this side of the Herring Pond we’re just as abnormal as Steve is — and you. Nary a one of us can speak for the masses.

But we are quite capable of observing a widespread lack of fuss and feathers.

The English-language CBC may be wall-to-wall Westminster Abbey, but one just gets on with one’s day.

06 May 23 - 06:33 PM (#4171680)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Doug Chadwick

Just come back from a superb firework display on Cleethorpes seafront. Before anybody lectures me on the waste of money, damage to the environment, the rights and wrongs of the monarchy vs a republic etc., let me say that I don't care. I just like fireworks. At least celebrating a coronation is a better reason than celebrating the execution of a Catholic or the calendar changing from December to January.


06 May 23 - 06:36 PM (#4171681)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Well, old chap, my views are what they are and, as an independent-minded sort of chap, I tend not to take too much notice of facts and figures chucked at me about what other people think (I do listen carefully to individual arguments, a different thing altogether). However, I think you know all too well that your ten per cent/one percent claims are complete rubbish. I honestly can't be arsed to research numbers simply because you came out with that vacuous nonsense, but what I do know is that the vast majority of young people have little time for the royals and that you'd struggle to show that the royals have anything like an enthusiastic majority of followers in this country. I don't claim a consensus and never have, nor do I claim to speak for Brits on the whole. Of course, you are completely at liberty to challenge anything I've said about the royals' palaces, wealth or tax avoidance. Be aware that I tend to do my homework before posting, even though I rely very little on links.

06 May 23 - 07:02 PM (#4171682)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

"At least celebrating a coronation is a better reason than celebrating the execution of a Catholic or the calendar changing from December to January.

I think there's a quasi-philosophical point here, Doug. We're not really talking about reasons to celebrate, we're talking more about excuses to celebrate. Not necessarily to celebrate specific events (such as coronations, to pluck a random example from the air), but, in consideration of the fact that this life is nought but a vale of tears, to celebrate even the tiniest things that strike us as positives. We all need more excuses and more celebrations. If the coronation lights yer fire, go for it. Mrs Steve and I started the evening with a gin and tonic. We couldn't think what we might drink to, and I certainly wasn't going to be raising a glass to Prince Flappyears or his erstwhile mistress, but then we remembered that G&T was the Queen Mother's favourite lunchtime tipple...and afternoon tea tipple...and pre-prandial evening tipple...and bedtime tipple...

06 May 23 - 07:44 PM (#4171683)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

The Conservative party’s deputy chair, Lee Anderson, has said that anti-monarchist campaigners should emigrate rather than use their right to free speech to protest against the coronation of Charles III...

...He tweeted: “Not My King? If you do not wish to live in a country that has a monarchy the solution is not to turn up with your silly boards. The solution is to emigrate.”

Deputy chair of your party, Stanron. You ok with that? Will you pay my fare?

06 May 23 - 07:58 PM (#4171684)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Tattie Bogle

Little interest here in Scotland as far as I can gather. They put up a huge screen in Princes St Gardens in front of the Ross Bandstand for people to watch it there: photos show a wee smattering of audience, probably mainly tourists. Haven’t heard of any street parties at all, and that’s not because I have no mates! I have plenty, but many of them are of the Republican persuasion.
In the meantime, 2 other events in Edinburgh attracted more followers: the “Not my King” protesters up on Carlton Hill, and the annual May Day March down the Royal Mile, the date of which would have been decided long before the Coronation date.
And over in Glasgow, a big Independence March was well supported.

06 May 23 - 08:03 PM (#4171685)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Tattie Bogle

And a couple of Coronation howlers:
According to “Edinburgh Live” - an online news channel apparently staffed by numerous “trainee reporters” - King Charles was “coronated”.
And according to BBC subtitles, Sir John Eliot Gardiner is head of the rock music department. ( I think they meant Baroque?)

06 May 23 - 08:29 PM (#4171686)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

"Coronated," eh? Heheh. I think I'll hang on to that one. Reminded me of something I read a while ago about a famous American (can't remember who) who'd died and who'd been "funeralised..." :-)

06 May 23 - 08:43 PM (#4171688)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Stilly River Sage

It was an interesting day to choose to crown a new king; the same day as the Kentucky Derby (more horses' asses, for one) which is the first race in the Triple Crown (three successive races that if one horse wins all three, it's a BIG DEAL.)

07 May 23 - 02:21 AM (#4171699)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Senoufou

I agree with all that Steve says about Charlie.
We haven't watched one minute of the bloomin' thing on TV. All the flags round here got drenched when the rain bucketed down yesterday afternoon. I feel rather relieved that it's all over.
In the several supermarkets we visited, it was telling to see numerous charity collecting pots for such causes as the homeless, children in need, and food bank collecting crates. Just imagine how all these good causes could be solved by the billions owned by the royal family and spent on the brouhaha of yesterday's pageantry!

07 May 23 - 03:03 AM (#4171701)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Backwoodsman

Billy Bragg on FarceBook yesterday. I have to say I completely agree with everything he says…

”One of the most annoying things about appearing on a topical debate programme on tv or radio is that you spend the day after thinking of all the things that you should have said in response to audience questions. My appearance yesterday on BBC1’s Question Time was no exception. It was obvious that we’d be discussing the Coronation and sure enough the first question was about the invitation to swear allegiance to King Charles III, his heirs and successors.

I made the comment that such things were obsequious, that pledges of loyalty to a new king belong in Game of Thrones rather than a modern democracy. What I should have done was to pick up on what one of the other guests had said just before I spoke, something that I think is more important than the flummery of a coronation. There were two MPs on the panel, one Labour, the other Tory, and both admitted that they had already pledged allegiance to the monarch - in their case the late Queen - when they became MPs.

They are required to do so due to the nature of our constitution. The current arrangement stems from the 1689 Bill of Rights, an agreement that William of Orange was required to sign in order to become King of England. Under this settlement, the monarch agrees to give parliament the right to exercise executive power while they in turn pledge their loyalty to the crown. As democracy developed, the power of parliament grew while the monarch assumed a figurehead role, but the concept of the crown in parliament has remained the same. As a result, the people are not sovereign in their own parliament - the government acts in the name of the crown.

Although the administrative powers of the monarchy - the right to make laws and raise taxes - have long been under democratic control, that are some very important powers that the government have retained, powers that they can use without recourse to parliamentary debate. These so-called ‘royal prerogatives’ include the right to declare war and the right to sign treaties. In practice, prime ministers have chosen to let MPs debate treaties and the Iraq War was debated and voted for by parliament. However, while these precedents remain uncodified, there is always a danger that an irresponsible prime minister could seek to exercise what are the final few remnants of absolutism.

What we need is a written constitution, a document that begins ‘We, the People’, a modern Bill of Rights that protects citizens from abuse and can’t be abolished by a government with a majority, as the Tories are threatening to do with the Human Rights Act. Removing the crown from the constitution will allow us to end the anomaly of the royal prerogatives, replace the House of Lords with an elected chamber and ask incoming MPs to pledge allegiance to the people of the United Kingdom, rather than one person.

We could hold a referendum on retaining a ceremonial monarchy that does the things that monarchists like - attract tourists, open hospitals, offer a sense of continuity - as well as the things we all enjoy - like providing an excuse for extra public holidays and giving people like the Sex Pistols something to rage against.

The spectacle of what we all know as the Queens Speech would have to go of course. That big gold throne in the House of Lords would look splendid in a museum. More importantly, the symbolism of that event - of a monarch summoning our elected representatives to bow before them - might make us all feel less like subjects and more like citizens who are sovereign in their own parliament.”

07 May 23 - 04:55 AM (#4171704)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

Well, much as I hate to admit it here, we watched the main bit in the Abbey. As I said earlier, I love the pomp and ceremony. I was brought up in the Orthodox faith and my earliest memories of religious rites are of the ceremony and show of the Orthodox mass sung in archaic Slavonic. I had no idea what they were on about and it was so uncomfortable and boring for a kid to stand about for over an hour but now I can sit on my comfy sofa and watch these things objectively on my wide screen TV, it is great :-) Take the god nonsense out of religious rites and they are very entertaining. Remove the royal rubbish and the coronation is the same

07 May 23 - 04:57 AM (#4171705)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

It's just struck me. Maybe that is why I am into fantasy fiction and films. You don't have to believe in something to enjoy it :-D

07 May 23 - 05:33 AM (#4171707)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Backwoodsman

I watched it too, Dave and, like you, I enjoyed the pomp and ceremonial stuff which I believe ‘we’ do very well. I enjoyed the music very much indeed, especially ‘Zadok the Priest’, Bryn Terfel, and the Gospel group (although I wish they’d stood still while they sang, I found the emoting and ‘dancing’ embarrassingly cringeworthy).

07 May 23 - 05:36 AM (#4171708)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Backwoodsman

I hate ‘dancing’ choirs! ;-)

07 May 23 - 07:35 AM (#4171712)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

The idea of an elected Lords has always troubled me slightly. I think you can have too many elections. We have local elections and general elections already and the former get low voter turnouts. I can't help thinking that extra Lords elections would suffer similarly. Low turnouts in elections are not what democracies need, and frequent elections could lead to voter fatigue. I like the idea of a revising chamber but I think we need some alternative means of deciding who's in it. One things for sure: it seriously needs slimming down. It also needs no more jobs for the boys, and no fee unless you show up for the whole day.

07 May 23 - 08:57 AM (#4171718)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Bill D

I woke up at 6:30 here, and as I was snuggling in to go back to sleep, I remembered that it was set to happen about 7:00, so I flipped on the TV at the end of my bed and gazed at the event on 4-5 different stations.
My takeaway was that it would be hard for the country to give up the pageantry. I would hope that, eventually, after removing the monarchy, some sort of ceremony could happen, say, every 10 years to mollify those who crave such things. Tourism brings money, and there are SO many artifacts that can't just be tossed out.. ;>).
   Yeah, I can see issues about what to do with descendants of the current batch, but other countries have solved that.
oh well, not my problem.

07 May 23 - 09:44 AM (#4171721)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Charmion's brother Andrew

"Dancing choirs?" The vestiges of hereditary Calvinism in me cause me to shudder.

07 May 23 - 10:53 AM (#4171727)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

Agreed about the Lords, Steve, and you set me thinking. Don't elect them. Have it as a constantly changing rota. Sort of like Jury service! Maybe we should also do that for the titular head of state. Everyone gets chance to be monarch for a year. Have the draw on TV and turn it into a reality show :-D

07 May 23 - 11:21 AM (#4171732)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Tough one, Dave. What we wouldn't need is a House made up just of people drawn from the establishment, picked by the establishment...

We don't need the royals for tourism. That's just an oft-churned out canard. We are a very old country with a lot of history and a lot of historical places, few of them directly connected to the royals these days. In fact, few if any royal places appear in the top twenty UK tourist attractions. Our history will look after the tourism side of things.

07 May 23 - 12:03 PM (#4171738)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Donuel

The image of the King and Queen in their gilded cage on wheels was most telling.

07 May 23 - 12:07 PM (#4171741)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

Maybe it's back to plan A then. Keep the monarchy for those who love it but make sure it puts more into the economy than it takes out. To that end I suggest it is run by those who know how to make spectacle and entertainment pay - Disney! :-D

07 May 23 - 04:09 PM (#4171768)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

I hope you're watching the concert, Steve. There are 2 Liverpool supporters singing You'll never walk alone at the mo :-D

07 May 23 - 04:54 PM (#4171773)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Saw that. Unfortunately, it appears to be a bloody awful concert! And now I'm enduring the far-right Gary Barlow...

07 May 23 - 05:10 PM (#4171776)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

The light show was pretty damned good

07 May 23 - 05:17 PM (#4171778)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Oddly, Dave, the jocular part of my last post was deleted! I merely suggested that the right-wing Gary Barlow's support for Liverpool FC should be an arrestable offence... It was either a gremlin or a sense of humour deficit wot did it ...

07 May 23 - 05:20 PM (#4171779)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome


07 May 23 - 05:31 PM (#4171780)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Backwoodsman

At least we were spared a couple of the usual suspects they roll out at these kinds of events - bloody Rod Stewart and McCartney - two antediluvian has-beens who’ve lost their vocal ability and who should have thrown in the towel years ago.

Katie Perry looked and sounded good. Bryn Terfel and Andrea Bocelli sang well but I hate ‘YNWA’ and would have preferred it if they’d done ‘”Au Fond du Temple Saint”. Take that were Take That. The drones were amazing. The band were brilliant.

All IMHO, of course, and YMMV.

07 May 23 - 06:10 PM (#4171782)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Donuel

They did not televise the bedding ceremony of the new Queen.
Apparently, Charles was not up to it.

07 May 23 - 06:45 PM (#4171789)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Raggytash

What a crass remark.

07 May 23 - 06:48 PM (#4171790)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Can't agree about McCartney. He's a legend and a true talent. I won't be deleting my recording of his wonderful Glastonbury gig any time soon. Rod's just a bit of a tit. As for the big duet, Bryn is marvellous, but I have to ask myself whether Bocelli has ever sung a note in tune in his life. I feel the same about the sainted Maria Callas.

08 May 23 - 03:21 AM (#4171809)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

Never really liked Rod in the past but his more recent work is pretty good.

08 May 23 - 04:31 AM (#4171812)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

What about Penny Mordaunt as a Sith overlord? With the Poundland logo on her costume :-)

08 May 23 - 06:06 AM (#4171816)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Backwoodsman

Despite Penny Mordaunt being a Tory {{spit}}, both Mrs Backwoodsperson and I were impressed with her performance. We thought she was very smartly dressed, and carried out her duties flawlessly and with grace. Not really surprising I suppose, as she’s ex-RN and still a member of the RNVR.

There’s a brilliant pic of her going round on SM, with the sword photoshopped into a huge kebab, and titled ‘Penny Mordaunt carrying the Kebab of State’! :-)

08 May 23 - 08:16 AM (#4171825)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

Yes, she did well. Imagine if it had been the leader of the commons before last (Rees-Mogg) A victorian haunted pencil wielding a big sword. The stuff of nightmwares :-D

08 May 23 - 12:59 PM (#4171847)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

The irony of "You'll never walk alone" being sung at the concert when the same song was used at Anfield to drown out "God save the King" is quite delicious :-)

08 May 23 - 01:06 PM (#4171848)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

We had an M&S stuffed turkey crown last night that we got (for free - don't ask!) at Christmas that's been in the freezer since. Very nice it was too, with some roasties and plenty of veg and gravy. Tonight I'm making Turkey a la King with the leftovers. The peppers, mushrooms and cream are standing by. Vol-au-vents seem a bit fussy, and true Italians never put chicken with pasta, so we're having it with rice. I assure you that every word of this is true!

08 May 23 - 03:28 PM (#4171857)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: fat B****rd

flipped through most of the concert but it was good to see Steve Winwood,

08 May 23 - 07:07 PM (#4171872)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Steve Shaw

Well the Chicken a la King (OK, turkey) was perfectly fine. Very seventies. Like a creamy chicken curry without the curry. I couldn't help thinking that the cream sort of blandified everything. All those lovely ingredients, blandified. I'm thinking I might do a seventies night soon. Prawn cocktail, then chicken Kiyv, then arctic roll, washed down with Liebfraumilch. Blue Nun even. Might even start with pineapple chunks with cheap cheddar cubes on cocktail sticks. I'll do all this in reparation for my terrible seventies behaviour, when I swanned around everywhere wearing a Stuff The Jubilee badge (the Queen's silver job, don't you know). I even wore it when the future Mrs Steve and I went to meet Father Burke in Poplar, the priest who married us. He was a broad-minded chap, thank goodness!

10 May 23 - 07:24 AM (#4171920)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: G-Force

I played Coronation Jig at the pub the other night. I was the only one who knew it.

11 May 23 - 06:01 PM (#4172008)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Tattie Bogle

WE had our monthly session on Tuesday - theme night - "Kings, Queens, Lords and Ladies". My contributions included doing Vic Gammon's song, "Kings and Queens of England", Lord Inchiquin (O'Carolan) and some tunes put together by a friend to make up a "Queens Set" for QE2's platinum Jubilee, though none of the tunes were written for her! "Queen's Jigg (Queen Anne), "Queen Elizabeth March" (Queen Mum) and "The Queen's Welcome to Invercauld" (Queen Victoria).

16 May 23 - 05:28 AM (#4172313)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: MaJoC the Filk

We managed to miss seeing the event live, due to having another longstanding commitment*. What I most object to is being stampeded by the Management into signing up for BBC iPlayer (to watch the highlights later) in such haste that I gave away some of my cherished off-grid anonymity to the Beeb. Herself can very pointedly get me flustered sometimes (often by saying "Why don't you just ---").

Now, of course, I can't remember the [redacted] passphrase I used. Grrr.

* No, not at a golf course in Ireland.

16 May 23 - 08:26 AM (#4172318)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Raggytash

I am reminded of a conversation of 40 years ago. We had treated ourselves to a video recorder for Christmas. One of my mates asked me if I was going to record the queens speech .......... why the **** would I want to do that I asked .......... so you can play it again when you're out and miss it twice came the reply!

16 May 23 - 08:30 AM (#4172319)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Dave the Gnome

My friend Conor was complaining about having the coronation on TV all day in the pubs etc. I pointed out that with a simple letter switch it could be all about him - The Conoration :-D

17 May 23 - 01:21 PM (#4172440)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: Tattie Bogle

Ha-ha Dave!
And at the singing weekend away last weekend, sandwich lunches included plenty of Coronation chicken!

22 May 23 - 06:40 PM (#4172848)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: robomatic

From the high perch camera angle that I viewed it at, it sure looked like anyone who cared could fit in "the room where it happened."


27 May 23 - 07:07 PM (#4173295)
Subject: RE: BS: The Coronation
From: keberoxu

I could not help wondering how long Charles III will live,
and how soon there will be another royal funeral.
I suppose his funeral, like his coronation,
will be all about
TRA-DI-TION! Tradition! (Fiddler on the Roof)