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Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?

18 Nov 23 - 02:47 AM (#4186923)
Subject: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Daniel Kelly

I had the honor of performing at a Filk (the folk of science fiction and fantasy fans) festival in Ohio last month.

As a folkie and singer/songwriter I have never felt comfortable investing the AUS $500+ required for a smallish run of CD albums. I did it once for my Cicely Fox Smith album and still have more than half of them in a box.

Someone put me on to Kunaki and I sold 35 hardcopy albums at the festival, for a reasonably smallish production and shipping cost.

Note that these are not 'fancy', just jewel case, black CD holder and printing for cover/back and tray liner.
However, compared to a AUS $8-9 production cost for local options, these are AUS $3 plus shipping.

So the question for this community is, who still makes hardcopy albums and who still sells/buys them?

The good thing about Kunaki is that it can also provide a public facing sales facility.

The albums I have used them for are available here.

The other thing that killed physical albums for me in 2021/2022 was a $25-30 shipping fee to the UK/AUS. Kunaki gets around this by shipping straight from their factory.

18 Nov 23 - 03:30 AM (#4186916)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Colonel Fraser

18 Nov 23 - 04:25 PM (#4186922)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: cnd

I still buy real CDs as much as possible. I find I'm much more likely to listen to it again vs digital releases, which I tend to forget about.

18 Nov 23 - 04:40 PM (#4186921)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Steve Gardham

I buy CDs from time to time, and my group Spare Hands are about to go back into the studio to record another 2 albums. They sell well enough for us at gigs and in local shops, and on our website. We had a great outlet at a local museum but it's closed for refurbishment at the moment. The big BUT is we're not trying to make a living out of it. I'm not into Spotify and other streaming services.

18 Nov 23 - 07:08 PM (#4186924)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Robert B. Waltz

I know people who still have CDs made of their recordings because (1) a lot of us don't subscribe to music services :-p, and (2) it's a lot harder to sell a physical object at a gig than to say, well, go to this web site, give them your credit card, and then you'll be able to listen. :-)

At folk music gigs in this part of the world, the audiences are OLD. They want something to hold on to. Probably, in another twenty or thirty years, that will have changed -- if there are still any folk music gigs to attend.

Count me among those who still prefer a real CD. Of course, I lived on limited bandwidth for a long time, and still have limited data on my cell phone's data plan.

18 Nov 23 - 07:40 PM (#4186919)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Stilly River Sage

I still play CDs (because I have so many that would be expensive to replace somewhere streaming) and buy them occasionally.

18 Nov 23 - 11:16 PM (#4186920)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Sandra in Sydney

last year a performer thanked me by giving me a download card. So I downloaded, listened once & forgot it (oops) I also never play the other stuff I've put into my iTunes library in the past, even tho several of the not very large number are rarities.

Between lockdowns I ruthlessly got rid of ~500 CDs I was not playing, I only kept 2 shelves. 250 Oz CDs went to a community radio station, others to charity shops & friends, others have become lucky door prizes at my folk club. I only kept those I loved & play. I very occasionally buy new ones, & sometimes pick up unwanted CDs.

I like to own stuff & would never join a streaming service, besides my phone is a sensible phone & not connected to the net!

19 Nov 23 - 05:34 PM (#4186917)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,matt milton

Folk audiences are among the very last who still buy CDs. Always worth pressing some up if you're playing some headline gigs.

19 Nov 23 - 06:10 PM (#4186918)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle

CD has become obscure ... a little like "buggy whips" and "horse harness".

I exchange Blues CD during Christmas ... all bootleg.


Napster began the demise, Nero Burning ROM accelerated the conflagration, MP3 more so.

21 Nov 23 - 04:15 AM (#4192108)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: BobL

Possibly a little off topic, but I still have occasion to burn CDs.
The P.A. system in our parish church is decades old but perfectly functional: for recorded music at weddings or funerals we've found it handy to burn the required selection, in the right order, onto a single CD. That way any mistakes can be made and fixed in advance so there's less to go wrong on the day.

21 Nov 23 - 09:53 AM (#4192127)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Cool Beans

I buy CDs and I sell mine. I've never made a profit on my CDs but I'm glad I made them and have them. My latest CD may actually break even.

21 Nov 23 - 07:51 PM (#4192160)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,.gargoyle


For a friend's funeral, the requested song was, "I Dreamed I Walked the Streets of Heaven."

I gave them eight different versions burned to CD and they selected one.

Today, it would be a "flash-drive."


tech is changing so fast ... my dsl camera is almost obsolete.

26 Nov 23 - 05:40 PM (#4192415)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Hesk

There are many HiFi CD players on the UK market, and I have just bought a What HiFi recommended one myself, Then again I have a fairly new HiFi standard tape player, and, also a turntable. These are all used. principally, for playing folk. I was recently persuaded to get a set of wireless headphones, but have found the free version of Spotify irritating, with its endless adverts and forced selection choices.

12 Apr 24 - 09:58 AM (#4200824)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

Tagging on to an existing thread...

Thinking about what to do with some CDs and DVDs that I probly won't listen to or watch, wondering if there might be some sort of BIG online resource/library where people can swap or buy/sell their shtuff. Cause SOMEone out there might like some of what I have, and there might be something else I'd like to acquire.

Does anyone know? It seems a shame that so many discs might go to the trash heap.


12 Apr 24 - 10:09 AM (#4200825)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,John from Kemsing

Should I be put out to grass? I still enjoy my LP`s and my cassettes on the music centre and CD`s and especially when revising songs and tunes.

12 Apr 24 - 12:52 PM (#4200831)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Stilly River Sage

eBay has a thriving number of sales of the older media, even cassette tapes and VHS tapes.

13 Apr 24 - 07:49 AM (#4200862)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Anne Lister sans cookie

I am happy to say that I've been given CDs recently, by Robb Johnson, by Martin Simpson and by a wonderful French early music group. So yes, people do indeed still print and buy them. I sell some (via gigs, Bandcamp and my website) although there are more digital sales. I was also given a good quality player last year to replace one that had died. We have one player in the kitchen, one on the computer and one in our sitting room. Sadly, not in the car any more!

13 Apr 24 - 03:05 PM (#4200874)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?

FWIW I still buy 'em.

13 Apr 24 - 06:04 PM (#4200881)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: robomatic

It's a bunch of years ago now I went to a Rickie Lee Jones concert and bought a wrist-USB with all her albums on it. Wonder where it is?

14 Apr 24 - 03:07 PM (#4200918)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

Looks like time for a cross link to the thread about folk music diappearing from Spotify (whatever that is).


15 Apr 24 - 03:49 AM (#4200946)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: John MacKenzie

I only listen to and buy only CD's, I do not/will not listen to streaming platforms. Can always play my music without fear of losing service or having my music remotely deleted at the whim of some millionaire conglomerate company,

15 Apr 24 - 05:05 AM (#4200957)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: WillH

I think physical media is still important for folk music, I've discovered lots of local folk artists through finding their LPs in charity shops. I burn CDs to listen to in the car, mostly of artists where the album was never released on CD but it can be copied from Spotify, MP3 to CD format. I think they're also good for folkies starting out as burning your own albums to sell is way cheaper than pressing on vinyl or ordering bulk CDs.

15 Apr 24 - 06:06 AM (#4200960)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

I usually have a few of each of my CDs, burned and printed on home equipment. I also make my own card CD covers to avoid extra plastic use.
I have also planted about 650 trees so far this year so I think that counts as sustainable!


16 Apr 24 - 09:07 AM (#4201050)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,saulgoldie

Yes, Wrestler, I did notice the thread about Spotify. I don't use it. But I understand why some folks do. Are they another evil empire that is impervious to customer concerns? I mean, just willy-nilly removing material or causing it to be unreliable to play doesn't seem to be customer-friendly.

Also, I did check the Interwebs. And I found several sites that buy, swap, and sell CDs, DVDs, and vinyl LPs. So physical media still lives.


16 Apr 24 - 01:12 PM (#4201072)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Howard Jones

I'll sometimes stream stuff to explore new music, but if I want to own it I always buy CDs. I might then copy them to my phone/computer for convenience, but I prefer to have a physical product. I still have my LP collection for that matter. I'll miss having a CD player in my car when I eventually change it.

For musicians it's essential to be on Spotify and other streaming platforms to showcase your music, and it can then lead to sales and gigs, but the payments for streams themselves are barely visible to the naked eye, even before Spotify stopped any payments at all for tracks which don't get much play.

For example, a stream of one my my band's tracks on Spotify paid $0.00420939. That's before Paypal fees and currency conversion to £. That's then shared five ways. Fortunately it's self-released so we don't have to give half away to a record label. We're not trying to make a living from it, but it would be nice to get back the costs of recording eventually.

16 Apr 24 - 01:26 PM (#4201074)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,James Phillips

What's amazing to me is that there are loads of classic folk albums which don't even seem to be available on CD, or at least aren't being sold any more so you have to try buying them second hand. Nic Jones' early albums being a good example, along with Dick Gaughan's first album. For stuff that's not on Spotify and for which no CD is available, I can usually find an upload on YouTube (even if it's a scratchy vinyl rip) or I can find someone to download it from on Soulseek, which has always been a great place to download rare stuff that isn't available or very hard to come by.

16 Apr 24 - 03:15 PM (#4201081)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Howard Jones

James Phillips, search for "Dave Bulmer" to understand why so many classic albums are no longer available. Bulmer died several years ago, but his estate appears to be equally uninterested in publishing them.

16 Apr 24 - 05:04 PM (#4201084)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

A moment of silence for my Muntz Stereo-Pak 4-track player, (sniffle.)
Amazon-US still ships a crappe tonne of CDrs out of Kentucky every year. Hours on end of reissues and oldies compilations and even some new stuff. But the volume and profits are a fraction of their download & streaming biz.

CD sales are, mostly, a resale, boot sale, thrift shop market these days. New material trends toward the home business & hobbyist.

Most big name brick & mortar stores have long since packed up their DVD, Blu-Ray, 4K &c&c sections as well. Yet also have a spanking new end-cap for over-priced, over-weight, poorly pressed & reissued vinyl LPs... oh well.

17 Apr 24 - 07:21 AM (#4201122)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: The Sandman

yes people still buy.
Dave Bulmer suppressed a recording I was involved in ,it was originally recoded by Dambuster. I confirm that his esyate hasnot published it, they are a bunch of........

18 Apr 24 - 09:14 AM (#4201192)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: John MacKenzie

I just bought a Barry Dransfield CD, it arrived today and it's called Unruly.

19 Apr 24 - 03:07 AM (#4201220)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Richard Mellish

Just a reminder that home-burnt CDs have an uncertain life before they cease to be readable. If you buy one, copy its content somewhere else (and hope that that doesn't also die young).

19 Apr 24 - 05:48 AM (#4201226)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: Black belt caterpillar wrestler

I keep copies on at least two hard discs at any one time, as well as burned CDs and mp3 players.


19 Apr 24 - 11:09 AM (#4201236)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Paul Slade

I still buy them. Pretty regularly, in fact.

19 Apr 24 - 04:27 PM (#4201253)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Phil d'Conch

I joked about Smithsonian-Folkways in the other thread but they have a huge "print-on-deman" library. Sound quality is as good, or bad, as the originals. In general, CDs are still a staple in most institutional souvenir, gift shops, on-line merch &c. Not a bad way to contribute.

Any media can fail. Shellac chips & cracks; vinyl skips; tape gets eaten and sheds; CDs rot; spinning drives don't and SS drives can lose more data in a single zap than anything else I own.

I actually have quite a few 'albums' in every format. Not so much of a problem losing the data forever. Keeping the all the playback hardware up and running is a whole 'nother deal.

19 Apr 24 - 06:49 PM (#4201259)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: GUEST,Malcolm Storey

Judy is the one with the CDs. The few I have are still on the shelf but have also been ripped to enable copying to USBs for playing in the car.
I still buy blank DVDs to backup precious photos, videos & live sound stuff as I do not trust SSDs which can fail instantly with no warning and at the moment are unrecoverable (unless anyone knows different).

Strange really as SSD was being used to my knowledge by the Royal Navy over 50 years ago!!

21 Apr 24 - 08:02 AM (#4201338)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: wendyg

I don't trust any commercial service not to remove music (or movies, or TV, or books) that I like and want permanent access to.

In 2022, Andy Cohen, through Riverlark Music (, commissioned CDs from a group of people whose music he likes but hadn't recorded much. The first of these are now being of which is mine:

has the details and the liner notes (on the assumption that people who use streaming services won't see them otherwise).


21 Apr 24 - 09:41 AM (#4201340)
Subject: RE: Tech: Do people still print or buy CDs?
From: DaveRo

That should be

(I initially read it as lasttrimphone!)