21 Jan 00 - 07:44 PM (#166399) Subject: Lyr Add: THE DEVIL AND THE PLOUGHMAN^^ From: Alan of Australia G'day, From the Penguin Book Of English Folk Songs, Ed Pellow's rendition of the tune of The Devil And The Ploughman (Child #278) can be found here.
Sung by H. Burstow, Horsham, Sussex (R.V.W. I903)
There was an old farmer in Sussex did dwell, (whistle)
The Devil he came to the old man at plough, (whistle)
'Now it isn't for you nor yet for your son, (whistle)
'Oh take her, oh take her with all of my heart, (whistle)
So the devil he took the old wife on his back, (whistle)
He trudged along till he reached his front gate, (whistle)
There was thirteen imps all dancing in chains; (whistle)
Two more little devils jumped over the wall, (whistle)
So he bundled her up on his back amain, (whistle)
'I've been a tormentor the whole of my life, (whistle)
And now to conclude and make an end, (whistle)
Previous song: The Deserter From Kent.
Cheers, |
21 Jan 00 - 09:02 PM (#166437) Subject: RE: Lyr & Tune add: The Devil And The Plough From: BDenz Thanks, Alan. Just what I needed. barbara |
21 Jan 00 - 09:35 PM (#166457) Subject: Lyr Add: THE DEVIL AND THE PLOUGHMAN From: GUEST,James Don't know if this is in the DT version but I often sing it
"The Devil he hoisted her up on his back
He carried her down to the Gates of Hell
The last verse goes: |
23 Jul 00 - 09:28 PM (#263267) Subject: RE: Lyr & Tune add: The Devil And The Plough From: Malcolm Douglas From the notes to the Penguin Book (1959): "The Devil comes to fetch a farmer's wife. The farmer is delighted. But the shrewish woman behaves so abominably in Hell that the Devil is obliged to bring her back again. The song, apparantly common all over the British Isles and frequently recorded in America, seems to embody a very old joke indeed. Perhaps in early forms, the farmer had enlisted the Devil's aid in his ploughing, promising the soul of one of his family in return. Most versions of this song have a whistled refrain, and this is not without sly meaning, for there is an old belief that whistling summons the Devil (hence the sailor's superstition that whistling aboard ship may bring on a storm). Burns re-made a Scottish version of the ballad, and called it The Carle o' Kellyburn Braes. Mrs. Burns, speaking to a scholar of the way in which her husband altered folk songs, remarked: "Robert gae this ane a terrible brushing". Our text is filled out with some verses obtained by Alfred Williams from David Sawyer, of Ogbourne, Wiltshire. (Folk Songs of the Upper Thames, 1923). A Dorset version is given in FSJ vol.III, p.131-2." -R.V.W./A.L.L. This version was collected by Ralph Vaughan Williams from H. Burstow of Horsham, Sussex, in 1903, and was first published in The Folk Song Journal, vol.II, p.184. Child 278 @devil @marriage Versions on the DT: The Women Are Worse Than The Men From Irish Street Ballads, ed. Colm O' Lochlainn, 1952. No tune given. The Devil And The Farmer's Wife Transcribed from a record? No tune. Tee Roo US version, with tune. Kellyburnbraes Robert Burns' version, with tune. Devil And The Farmer's Wife US version, with tune. In the Forum: Killieburn Brae From a Dubliners songbook. Auld Carle (No source specified.) The women are worse than the men Mostly discussion, includes another version of Kellyburn Braes. There are versions at Lesley Nelson's Child Ballads site: The Farmer's Curst Wife (The Devil and the Farmer) Child version A Child version B Kellyburnbraes Bruce Olson has the text of the earliest known broadside version at his website: A Pleasant new Ballad you here may behold, How the Devill, though subtle, was gull'd by a Scold. "Printed at London for Henry Gosson, dwelling upon London-Bridge neare to the Gate". Stationers' Register, June 24, 1630. There is an entry at the The Traditional Ballad Index: The Farmer's Curst Wife Other titles: The Old Man under the Hill The Devil and the Farmer's Wife Give eare, my loving countrey-men Old Lady and the Devil The Farmer's Curst Wife Little Devils Randy Riley The Old Woman and the Devil The Farmer and the Devil The Carle o' Killyburn Braes The Battle Axe and the Devil There are some broadside versions at Bodleian Library Broadside Ballads: The Devil in search of a wife Printed between 1819 and 1844 by J. Pitts, 6 Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, London. A pleasant new ballad you here may behold, how the divel (through [sic] subtle) was guld by a scold Printed between 1663 and 1674 for F. Coles, T. Vere, and J. Wright of London. The Sussex farmer Printed between 1819 and 1844 by J. Pitts, Toy and Marble Warehouse, 6 Great St. Andrew Street, Seven Dials, London. These are large images. The last is closest to the traditional versions. Malcolm |
13 Aug 00 - 02:07 PM (#276963) Subject: RE: Lyr & Tune add: The Devil And The Plough From: Malcolm Douglas There are three American versions, with sound files, at the Max Hunter Folk Song Collection: Devil Doings As sung by Mrs. George Ripley in Milford, Missouri on December 14, 1959. Farmers Curst Wife As sung by Mrs. May Kennedy McCord, Springfield, Missouri on May 21, 1960. Devil's Curst Wife As sung by Johhny Morris, Springfield, Missouri on May 22, 1960. Malcolm |
07 Aug 08 - 09:13 PM (#2408070) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Devil and the Ploughman From: GUEST,ednaelk I'm looking for the chords to this. Anyone have them? Thanks |
11 May 16 - 04:50 PM (#3789836) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Devil and the Ploughman From: GUEST |
12 May 16 - 02:14 AM (#3789873) Subject: RE: Lyr Add: The Devil and the Ploughman From: GUEST,threelegsoman I uploaded two versions of this song: 1. The Farmer's Curst Wife: The Farmer's Curst Wife (Including lyrics and chords) 2 The Little Devils: The Little Devils (Including lyrics and chords) |