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What do you wear when you perform?

24 Jan 00 - 01:46 PM (#167593)
Subject: What do you wear when you perform?
From: M. Ted (inactive)

I alienated some former students (who, I had thought, were also good friends) because I made a remark about the fact that a friend of theirs, and a performer, ought to have at least put on a clean pair of sneakers when he performed as the opening act for a certain sixties folk/pop million seller music legend at the local theatre--

A long haired, bearded person, he had not bothered to wash his hair, he wore an unkempt T-shirt, and scruffy(not clean) blue jeans, and really dirty white reeboks--he basically looked like he had spent the day cleaning out the basement--

I realize that people dress like this for informal sessions, and even for dancing, especially if it is outside and in the Summer, but this was in a theatre, on a Saturday night, with an SRO crowd, many (if not most) of whom were dressed up--

The sixties folk/pop idol was dressed for the occassion, as well(though not in the rather theatrical hippie style that he was known for in his heyday).

My friends have not spoken to me since, but have relayed sarcastic and even angry comments on this incident through mutual acquaintances--

Any thoughts?

24 Jan 00 - 02:18 PM (#167608)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Allan C.

I think a lot has to do with the occasion and what kind of image you want to portray for that occasion. I haven't been onstage but once in the past twenty-some years (but I am starting to get back into things now) so I can only go by what I have seen in others and by what I did recently. I performed for a winter holiday event which was to be attended by a couple of hundred of my coworkers and the administrative staff. I decided to wear jeans, street-shoes, and a red, long-sleeve silk shirt. By doing this, I think I looked a little dressy, a bit colorful (appropriate to the season) and somewhat casual all at once. I think it worked. I heard nothing to the contrary.

Personally, I like the idea of combining a little bit of looking dressy with a casual appearance. There might be an event or two for which I would add a brown suede blazer-like jacket I own. But that would be about as far as I would take the "dressy" thing.

My overall image for those who know me well, is that of one predisposed to wearing jeans and a t-shirt. Those same people would also be likely to know that I despise wearing ties. It would be incongruous for me to perform while wearing a tie. The image would be a lie. Therefore, I would more than likely decline any gig which would require one. It just isn't me. I would not appear onstage looking like someone other than me.

24 Jan 00 - 02:24 PM (#167610)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Joe Offer

Well, Ted, I wear plaid. This stems from my upbringing in Wisconsin, back in the days before the yuppies invaded....

It is an interesting question, though. My punk rocker sons often smell rather "ripe" when they're performing, but then so does everybody in the room. They're middle-class kids, experimenting with living on the streets, riding the rails, and all that. Now they're getting a bit older, and they're starting to smell better. I think there have always been performers and other artists who believed in having a disheveled look, that this was somehow more "artistic" than bathing.

Bill Staines has the most casual appearance of any folk performer I've seen. He wears rumpled clothes and battered boots, and his guitar looks like it's seen combat. He smells OK, though, and his appearance makes you feel very comfortable.

-Joe Offer-

24 Jan 00 - 02:28 PM (#167615)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Joe Offer

Transferred from another thread:

Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Áine
Date: 24-Jan-00 - 02:24 PM

Dear M.Ted,

I suppose that anyone's style of dress is a very subjective matter. On one hand, I can understand how you felt about the 'dishabille' of the aforementioned performer. On the other hand, I'm assuming that this performer thought that his style of dress was either irrelevant to his music and/or message, or, he thought that his wardrobe added to his music and/or message.

I remember having a reaction similar to yours at a performance of a very well-known female singer/songwriter. I thought that the see-through dress sans bra was a little much; but, then this young lady sat down on a chair in center stage to play her guitar and sing, and, well, it was a case of 'I see Paris, I see France . . .', if you know what I mean. Casual dress I can understand; but exposing one's self on stage I cannot.

Before I went to this woman's performance, I enjoyed her music very much. Now, I can't stand to listen to it.

-- Áine

Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Bert
Date: 24-Jan-00 - 02:26 PM

A plain western cut shirt or an off white "folk" sweater, black slacks (or jeans it they're fairly new), black shoes or newish black sneakers.

BTW, does anyone think that we should have a Mudcat "performing" shirt?


Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: MMario
Date: 24-Jan-00 - 02:31 PM

No, Bert, I think we should allow a mudcat to choose it's own performing attire, just as the rest of the 'catters do.

Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Bill in Alabama
Date: 24-Jan-00 - 02:35 PM


I generally wear dress pants or freshly-washed and creased jeans (unfaded), plaid shirt and solid tie or solid shirt and plaid tie, polished leather boots (I don't allow sneakers on stage with me) and a fedora hat. I do this primarily because I feel that it shows the respect I feel for the tradition in which I'm performing, and also because folks usually dress fairly nicely to attend our concerts. The folks from whom I learned much of my music thought enough of the music to dress acceptably when performing it onstage, and I feel obligated to do the same. I realize that this attitude brands me as an anachronistic old curmudgeon; I can live with that, too.

(damn, it's hard to fix things when the 'Cat is loading slow....)

24 Jan 00 - 02:52 PM (#167636)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: BDenz

I almost always wear black. Sometimes it's "spiced up" with my Gordon tartan scarf; sometimes with jewelry. Winter it's long sleeves. Summer it's short or sleeveless. But it's almost always black. [Sometimes, I'll go for a hint of color and do dark green]. The only time I don't do black is for RennFaires or SCA events -- which are usually summer and hot.

Black comes from long years of classical concerts and from the general tradition of the musicians being "invisible" in performance in traditional times. Rumpled, it still looks fine. Hot, it doesn't show sweat. It covers a mass of physical "anomalies." And I feel comfortable in it.

Most of the local scene wears flannel shirts or t-shirts and jeans in varying degrees of rumpledness.

24 Jan 00 - 03:44 PM (#167656)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: JR

My reaction would have been the same as M Ted. I think dirty/smelly belongs in the back yard, the basement or garage. I think if you're going to put youself on stage, you owe your audience the respect of straightening up a bit.

24 Jan 00 - 03:54 PM (#167660)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: sophocleese

Bernard Shaw, I think, said that all dress was fancy dress. When you're up on stage you're sending a message, playing a part, for the audience. Different parts and messages need different clothes. This young mans state of disarray seems to be this generation's blue jeans revolution. A deliberate attempt to push the focus away from outward appearance and towards the music. How many people forty years ago would have worn even clean jeans for a gig?

24 Jan 00 - 04:40 PM (#167682)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Bob Bolton

G'day all,

over my ~40 years of involvement in the Australian Folk Revival, I have always believed in the value of a bit of dress sense. As I perform in a colonial (19th century for us) tradition I prefer a few hints of older, sensible bush (country) styles ... light moleskin trousers, fairly basic coloured shirts, contrasting waistcoat, Akubra hat.

For formal occasions (like the colonial balls we run 2 or 3 times a year and, for which I often play with The Heritage Ensemble) it is either cleaner, 'flasher' versions of the above (in the style of the 19th century "Flash Coves" ... young bloods who could afford flashy gear) or ... reluctantly ... formal wear, which hasn't changed much in 150 years.

For years I have fought against the "arse-out-of-the dirty-jeans" contingent. In running events, and in advising musicians booked by my wife's Agency, I suggest that they are not dressed for the stage if the client's barkeeper expects them to pay for their drinks!


Bob Bolton

24 Jan 00 - 04:49 PM (#167685)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Mbo

I've only performed in public a few times, but I've worn the same thing every time--dress pants, dress shoes, dress shirt, and pullover sweater (varying patterns, of course, for different occasions.) Then again, the performances were in a rather formal setting (mostly) so the occasions warranted it: 3 performances of "Christmas In Our Heart" Christmas show at the Jacksonville Mall, my junior classical guitar recital at Community College, performance for the president and administrators of the North Carolina Community College System in Raleigh, and the Coastal Carolina Community College Awards Dinner. One day I'll perform in my usual jeans and baggy shirt!


24 Jan 00 - 04:59 PM (#167688)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Clinton Hammond2

Ummm.. from the top down....

My grandfathers old grey fedora... (Last of the Working Stetsons)

Hair pulled back in pony tail... Buttoned shirt, undone to here... vest over it... Nice black or dark blue jeans... well polished boots...

and that's to play the pub... if I'm gonna be on a stage, I'll go even more neat... maybe trim the beard up... Nice dress shoes or garrison boots and black kakies (huh?)

Cause, it's better to look good than to feel good...

and Darlin'... and you know who you are...

I look marvellous!! LOL!!!!

24 Jan 00 - 05:11 PM (#167694)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,reeebop

if i showed up at any of my performances in a spiffy, or even fashionable , dress---i'd proably be laughed at and i'd feel uncomfotable--as if i'm trying to be someone else....

usually i wear a white tank top (looks nice against my red guitar and i like to have my arms free) with either jeans or a long skirt (though sometimes a skirt can get dangerous---i seem to have a klutz thing going on in them and i manage to always rip them....)

but i usually go without shoes and my whole group usually does too---it came from when we had a really long rehearsal bore our biggest-ever performance and we took off our shoes to relax and get grounded----we had the most amazing rehearsal and it stuck... :)

24 Jan 00 - 05:44 PM (#167710)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: M. Ted (inactive)

My last known costume ( I stopped playing about seven years ago) was a chartreuse camp shirt with a black velvet vest, black bicycle pants, and alligator boots with silver heel and toe plates, and a lot of silver bracelets and such--

Before that, I had a white dinner jacket with black silk shirt and vintage handpainted tie with a Sunset on the Palm trees scene--

One of my fave outfits was a Rayon Hawaiian cut shirt that was Tweety bird yellow with big black polka dots, with either black or white linen pants black and yellow striped socks, and black suede slip-ons with silver and feather buckles--

My repertoire at the time was a mix of blues and twenties-forties standards, plus strange requests and the odd Hawaiian song--

24 Jan 00 - 05:44 PM (#167711)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: The Shambles

I do not tend to think very much about what I wear any time. When on stage I do try and insure that my flies are done up. I don't always suceed though.

24 Jan 00 - 06:05 PM (#167721)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Áine

Roger, if I'm in the audience you'd better be 'done up'! Unless, of course, you'd like me to stand up and sing 'I've seen Paris . . .' ;-)

-- Áine

24 Jan 00 - 06:08 PM (#167723)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: reggie miles

I've always been attracted to vintage clothes. The old lines caught my eye right off while rummaging through garage sales and thrift stores in my youth. I still fancy old threads, though they are harder to come by now that so many seek them out. I don't search as much as I used to but still enjoy a dated look even if it's just a great old tie. There was a time when my entire look was all comprised of vintage fashion and lately I've been trying to recapture more of that in my performances. I don't know, maybe it's a mid-life Crysler thing. I just whacked off most of my twenty years of hair growth to try the look I had just after I gradgiated frum colleg again. I figure twenty years or so is long enough maybe it's time to try something new, er, old. I enjoy the chance to get a little gussied up for a gig no matter how casual the setting might otherwise be. The old music I play seems to fit well with the old clothes, they're both just a reflection of what I enjoy. Someone I knew long ago said, "it's not the clothes, it's who's inside'em."

24 Jan 00 - 06:49 PM (#167742)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: JenEllen

Comfort is a big element. See-through and fly jokes are exposing yourself just by being there. I like to be comfortable when sharing my innermost. Faded jeans, clean and not torn to shreds...t-shirt or tank top depending on weather, and boots or barefoot, depending on weather once again. Never do I leave the house for a gig with out my elephant charm around my neck.

24 Jan 00 - 06:51 PM (#167745)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: bbelle

Well ... I always wear my guitar placed strategically in front. Then I swirl my long hair around my body in such a way that all pertinent body parts are covered. 'Tis a tantalizing effect, to be sure, but one that suits my audiences ... moonchild

24 Jan 00 - 06:58 PM (#167752)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,emily rain

something something something
and i never wears no clothes
i wraps my hair around my bare
and down the road i goes.

-shel silverstein

24 Jan 00 - 07:04 PM (#167756)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Ferrara

I try to wear a relaxed, casual outfit that still looks dressed up. For example, I might wear a long denim skirt with a hand-painted or embroidered T-shirt. Or wear a pleated, print skirt that falls well, and a solid color blouse. I adore hand made jewelry and can usually find something striking to complement an outfit, maybe a formed-leather necklace, or some antique beads, or recently someone gave me a butterfly pin made of Belgian lace.

If I'm playing my zither or zither-harp, I have to make sure my skirt or slacks aren't made of a slippery material that will make it hard to keep hold of the instruments! -- But I tend to wear longish skirts rather than slacks. Now that I think of it, that may be because I want to hide the extra pounds where I sit....

I know a lot of women singers who are a treat to watch as well as listen to, partly because they always dress in gorgeous, ethnic-looking clothes and jewelry. They've been an influence on me. - Rita F

24 Jan 00 - 07:12 PM (#167759)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Magpie

It differs a bit according to the occasion. On New Year's Eve I chose dressy. I mean, all the guests wore their best finery, and I wouldn't have felt comfy wearing worn jeans, and a t-shirt. A pub-gig is another ball-game altogether. I usually wear jeans and maybe a dressy top. But whatever I wear, I always have a shower first. Gee, I sweat enough as it is up there, I don't want to start the gig smelling like nobody's business! I don't normally wear a lot of make-up, but I put on a bit extra when I'm doing gigs. Stage lights have a tendency of making you look rather pale and sallow, and I don't want to look like I'm completely knackered (Although I usually am on a Fridsy gig after a long week at work).


24 Jan 00 - 07:31 PM (#167767)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Midchuck

There is a clothing-optional resort in the southeastern US that has a folk festival every year. We applied for a gig a year or two ago, but didn't get it. Now that would have been an interesting decision to have to make....


24 Jan 00 - 07:34 PM (#167769)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Sorcha

Depends on where we're playing, and what...I play in an Old Time String Band, and we do lots of different things. When we play historical re-enactments, of course we are in period clothes, @1879. For ordinary stuff, like town Summerfests, we all usually wear decent jeans, and usually some sort of light denim blue tops. We don't try to co-ordinate, but usually end up wearing the same type stuff. For the Eastern Star ladies, we will submit to long denim skirts and silk shirts, and for stage gigs, we tend to dress up a little more than for the Hay Bale Float in the parade. We once did an "I Hate Winter" Hawaiian theme party, and we all wore shorts and wild shirts ( it was only 20F that nite!) I think clean and neat is more important than exactly what performers have on. I too, tend to be put off by the severe "grunge" look and think that looking at performers clothing detracts from the music aspect of a performance, but the clothing definitely needs to sort of blend with the style of music. Can you see Grandpa Jones in a tux????

24 Jan 00 - 07:37 PM (#167772)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: catspaw49

Oh.................perform..................... music....................I get it .......... See, I was thinking like, you know..."PERFORM!!!"........but,uh.........skip it...................


24 Jan 00 - 07:42 PM (#167773)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: InOBU

To see what I wear when I perform, see the photo of me performing in bbc s photo colection. It also happens to be what I wear all day long, most days. I kind of think Irish music in a tie and formal jacket would be just too wierd. Though,I must admitt to going through a thin tie and waistcoat period every once and a while, when I also find myself drawn to collars, which I seem to have sworn off somewhere or another
All the best

24 Jan 00 - 07:52 PM (#167777)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: M. Ted (inactive)

This was all just a set up for you, Spaw--thank you for delivering!!!!

24 Jan 00 - 08:07 PM (#167786)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Áine

I just wish I had the guts to follow moonchild's example . . . ah well, not all of us have her fortitude! The last time I performed I followed my mother's advice: 'Cover yourself from your neck to your knees, girl. They're there to hear the song, not to see your dress!' Of course, I was singing at the local KoC hall . . .

-- Áine

24 Jan 00 - 08:15 PM (#167792)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Mikal

Emily Rain:

The line is "My beard grows, down to my toes, I doesn't wear no clothes. I wraps my hair around my bare, and down the road I goes."

Myself? Long sleeves, either plaid lumberjack or dunim, (chambray for summer.) Good, but faded jeans or fairly new work pants, suspenders, Natural color mule-hide cowboy boots that have been around.

Then I can wear the leather wheel hat or the black hiker and look okay. Much of what I would like to wear does not come in the "Oh My God It Is Alive And Comming My Way" size.

Then I just make sure that the beard and hair are clean and nice, and try to seem awake.

Of course, doing the "other stuff" I am in full dress Norse, circa 900 AD.


24 Jan 00 - 08:18 PM (#167793)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Alan of Australia

Click here to see the Beat Around The Bush Band dressed as for a gig. The band includes Alison & Alan of Oz.


24 Jan 00 - 08:26 PM (#167799)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Victoria

Fashion meets tradition...what a great thread! :-) I agree with several of the folks who posted, when they said what a performer wears should reflect themselves. Wearing something that is not "you" can only be uncomfortable, and who needs more distractions on stage? I favor a purely eclectic mix of vintage-style clothing with the occasional trendy or hip addition... (and who would have thought green combat boots would go so well with full length vintage velvet?) It may be my years in theatre beginning to tell, but I seem to opt for a whole "look", and match lots of (handmade or vintage)accessories to whatever I am wearing... that and my trademark hats. Definitely an exercise in personal style! But then again, so is life! :-)

24 Jan 00 - 10:03 PM (#167850)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: JedMarum

whatever's clean and comfortable!

24 Jan 00 - 10:15 PM (#167862)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Sure, worn a "costume" when hackin' at a wash-tub bass....and playing around and it was expected.

However, if it is not a recording session (where you can wear only your underwear ... if you long as you are good, are punctual, and stick to union-scale)

A professional attire is required, black shoes, black socks, black pants, black shirt/white shirt-black-tie(depending upon the local prefernce....but black seems to have won out lately)

If you want to SCORCHED!!!! were white socks....the wrath of a conductor makes my own MC tirads seem small.

24 Jan 00 - 10:42 PM (#167875)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Caitrin

Well, with my choral group it's the regulation long black dress, black hose, black flats, no perfume, no jewelry, etc. My conductor is apparently much like _gargoyle's; I have no wish whatsoever to face her wrath.
On the few occasions when I've performed less formally, it's been clean jeans and a decent shirt. For casual performances, I figure it's mostly a matter of personal taste and the audience one is playing for.

24 Jan 00 - 10:56 PM (#167883)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Kristi H

In our old time string band, us girls have discovered a truly unique tye die artist and in the past two years, we have only worn his dresses on stage. The fellows always end up wearing blue jeans and some type of blue shirt(between button down and ragged muscle t shirts). That wasn't planned, but they always end up playing in blue shirts. Us girls coordinate our dresses so our color scheme matches. Since our band mates are out of town, our new members have managed to coordinate the dress and blue shirts. It wasn't planned but tie dye(please help me with the correct spelling)dresses and blue shirts seems to be our standard dress. It must work, because even though our band mates have been out of town for over a month, we keep getting asked to play at events.

24 Jan 00 - 11:26 PM (#167896)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: JamesJim

At least be clean and smell good. Jeans and a long-sleeve or short-sleeve sport shirt (depending on the season) works for me. Once sung with a trio and we did a lot of Kingston Trio stuff. I have some nice striped shirts that helped set the mood. Jim

25 Jan 00 - 01:35 AM (#167936)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Benjamin

That depends on the gig.

I haven't done a lot of performing at my young age, but I plan to do a lot more.

The last time I performed, I was part of a 40 peice guitar orchastra. I had planned to wear a white shirt and black pants along with dress shoes. Forgot to change when I got out the door and wound up wearing a thick blue cotton shirt for the army surplus store, jeans, a pair of Filas (shoes) and a Santa Clause hat (it was a Christmas concert). Would of worked had I been up there playing old blues tunes and what not. I was playing Classical guitar (with 39 other guitarists) though.

25 Jan 00 - 06:26 AM (#167958)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Roger in Baltimore


Roger in Baltimore

25 Jan 00 - 06:38 AM (#167960)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Banjer

Since I do not perform publicly (having a voice that could curdle milk) most of my singing is limited to the shower. Therefore I can honestly say I wear nothing whilst performing!

25 Jan 00 - 06:47 AM (#167961)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Liz the Squeak

Clinton, my house, now!!!

BTW, do you have any leather trousers............ (slurp)

Seriously, would you pay to see someone looking like a gargabe heap? Well, unless it is a punk band.... SO wears a selection of disgustingly bright and scary waistcoats when playing, a lot of which, I'm responsible for.....

In church I try to be a bit smart, but for big occasions I try to dress in the same colour as the church dressings - white for Easter, red or gold for Christmas, purple for Holy Week, and black for Good Friday. If we have a big do, midweek, like a dedication, we have tried to co-ordinate with all in blue.


25 Jan 00 - 07:54 AM (#167978)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Mbo

Benjamin--from one young classical guitarist to another--cheers! (And long live Villa-Lobos!)


25 Jan 00 - 08:52 AM (#168020)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: kendall

It depends on the venue. I once did a performance at the Union League Club on Park Ave, in NY City, and, I was expected to wear a Tuxedo!! I said, "No way, I dont own one, and I'll be damned if I will rent one." I wound up wearing a 3 piece suite (Navy blue) and, I was UNDERDRESSED! The worst part was, they didnt want subtle Maine humor, they wanted raunchy jokes. I earned my pay that night, but, never again.

Usually, I wear chinos and a striped dress shirt for after dinner gigs, but, at bluegrass festivals or folk festivals I wear CLEAN WHOLE jeans. Out of respect for both myself and my audience, I would never appear looking like I cleaned porta Johns for a living.

25 Jan 00 - 10:09 AM (#168057)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Clinton Hammond2

Thanks fer the offer Liz! hehehehehe

I'll be right there...


It's folks like you, are very good for my ego... Maybe I'll finally get around to filling out my bio and sending a pic in to Mudcat.. that way you can actually see me and realise how misguided you are!! LOL!!!

25 Jan 00 - 02:13 PM (#168178)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Peg

hi all;

I collect vintage clothing so I like to wear something unusual, colorful (unless I am opting for all black) and, if possible, confortable...

re: Peter mentioned being invited to perform at a clothing-optional site...LOL...I have been performing at pagan gatherings for years and have never once seen anyone in the band go onstage nude or even is usually just too cold at night which is when most concerts take place...personally I do not walk around naked even on hot days except at my own campsite among friends; refilling tiki torches is much easier without clothes on...besides a sarong is lightweight enough to feel like almost nothing...

one group I perform with often at these gatherings, Green Crown, have a rather psychedelic bent to their songs, so they often wear outlandish trippy clothes onstage; the upright bass player, Violet, makes crocheted hats and mushroom pendants so she has made some very colorful headgear (including one that looks like a giant fairy toadstool...)

anyway, for a look at what I might typically wear to perform at one of these "clothing optional but cold at night" venues(from the shoulders up, only, sorry but you can imagine the rest--long sheer black skirt over black tights and black engineer boots!) try this...


25 Jan 00 - 03:05 PM (#168205)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Áine

Dear peg,

Your link didn't work, so I made this blue clicky thing here.

-- Áine

25 Jan 00 - 03:09 PM (#168206)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Peg

thanks Aine; I think I used dashes where I should have used slashes...i am no whiz at the blue clicky thing, that's for sure...

now that I look at that picture again it is not that clear what I am wearing--but it is a lace-up brown suede vest/bodice over a black lace slip...with the afore-mentioned foot gear...the original picture has me holding up a silver goblet and at least three other leather-clad lads in it...

I have trouble using the scanner I have at work; it does not let me save things as jpeg images..anyone have any advice on that? (personal reply is fine)


25 Jan 00 - 03:13 PM (#168207)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: kendall

Hey Peg, how do I get to be a Paegan?

25 Jan 00 - 03:19 PM (#168210)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: shep

I ware anything I feel comfortable in.

You should be seen for your music, not what you ware. Most folkies dont care what they ware. They are not that superficial.

25 Jan 00 - 04:17 PM (#168235)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Wesley S

Whenever possible I'll wear a suede vest with pockets for a capo and extra picks. I tend to wear darker color shirts to contrast against the light color of my guitar and mandolin. Not to mention my cleanest jeans and boots or suede wingtips. In church I'll wear a suit with the jacket on - the other guys tend to want to perform in their shirtsleeves. And I try to wear one of my Jerry Garcia ties if I'm going to wear a tie.

01 Feb 00 - 11:33 PM (#172048)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Joe

I perform best when I wear nothing @ all

02 Feb 00 - 05:59 PM (#172524)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: buster

I wear glitter shoes. I make them myself from old running shoes, covered with glitter glue. Also, I prefer wild shirts. I'm not that good a musician; I get more comments on my shoes than on my music (P.S., I'm a drummer--bodhran--in an Irish band.) buSter

24 Jul 02 - 12:48 PM (#753785)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Mr Happy

depends on the season & heating/cooling in the venue.

usually i wear what's comfortable- shirt, jogging bottoms [no flies on me!].

lots of venues have spotlights & these can make you overheat. sometimes, esp. in winter, when i've been all togged up against the elements, we've gone on stage only for me, usually after the 1st number, to be removing layers of clothing, often to the extre entertainment of the audience!

24 Jul 02 - 01:05 PM (#753793)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,nobby


24 Jul 02 - 01:23 PM (#753813)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Catherine Jayne

When I was performing with various orchestras I would wear a long black (floor length) dress and black shoes. I didnt feel comfortable wearing something that reminded me of a burnt merangue and when you perform you have to be comfortable so I didn't wear shoes. The socks and my feet were clean.

When I was in the church choir I had to wear a Red Cassok (sp?) a ruff and a white surplice along with my medals. It didn't matter what I was wearing underneath because nobody could see. I HAD to wear black shoes but hey you can't win 'em all!!


24 Jul 02 - 01:42 PM (#753817)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: greg stephens

what were the medals for?

24 Jul 02 - 02:15 PM (#753844)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Catherine Jayne

In some church choirs the choristers took exams with the RSCM (Royal School of Church Music) if the chorister passes the exam they are presented with a certificate and a medal on different coloured ribbons depending on the level. I got my Deans Award, the Archbishops Award and then the St Cecilia Award (Boys do the St Nicolas Award) The St Nicolas and the St Cecilia are the highest they award.

Sorry about the repeat posts the computer kept saying "this page cannot be displayed" annoying huh!!


25 Jul 02 - 12:45 AM (#754201)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

25 Jul 02 - 01:13 AM (#754205)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Kaleea

I came up playing in band & orchestra in school, and in grade school, we were usually told to wear black skirts/pants & white blouse/shirt. By high school, we were normally told to wear (unless in marching band dress) black. When in college bands/orchestras/choirs, you guessed it, "performance noir." When I play in the ceoli band, I usually wear black, and on St. Pat's day I wear some green, but green is definately not my color, and does not flatter the women of my family. I still have the habit of wearing black for most performances. However, when I am performing at a local museum (quite often) I wear the dress of a lady of the late 1800's. When I play in my bluegrass band, we dress as gals from the sticks--way, way back in the sticks! Don't worry, we never forget the jug!

25 Jul 02 - 04:26 AM (#754254)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: An Pluiméir Ceolmhar


25 Jul 02 - 09:24 AM (#754341)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: fogie

I like to relax and dress down to perform. I like a casual Tweed jacket, riding cavalry twill breeches, and a deerstalker, and shooting stick. Hey wait a minute what performance are we talking about??

25 Jul 02 - 06:05 PM (#754619)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Shonagh

Well, in our band, we have 3 rules! if its a really big gig, no chewing gum, no jeans and no trainers!! apart from that we almost always wear long tartan skirts (the girls!) and a coloured top to match, and the lads wear their kilts. it looks really smart, and we are usually playing for tourists so its nice to give a good impression. it looks like we've made the effort! if im performing on my own,i usually wear a gipsy kinda top (usually black) and a pair of smart trousers. If im at a folk club, usually jeans and a top! To be honest, I try and wear whatever i think will match the occasion. I dont want 2 look 2 dressed up, but not scruffy. I sumtimes find it a problem tryin 2 guess what 2 wear!! anyone else have this problem?!?

26 Jul 02 - 03:59 AM (#754798)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Genie

Well, Ted, My first thought was that the kind of attire you described is exactly what I see on Saturday Night Live every time they have a young rock band on as their special musical guests!  Or what you see whenever Willie Nelson and his pals perform.

Mst of my gigs are for senior facilities, and many are theme programs.  For themes, I dress in character (as LTS said)-- Baviarian style for Oktoberfest; Mexican for Cinco de Mayo; green for St. Patrick's; red and green for Christmas; red-white-and-blue for July 4th; red for Valentine's Day; a black dress with a witch hat for Hallowe'en; jeans, boots, and a cowboy shirt for "Western Days," etc.  It it's not a theme but it's a more formal program -- like a candlelight dinner-- I usually wear a long, colorful skirt (usually a lightweight cotton) with a solid color tank top [most often black, and colorful earrings.  If it's casual, it's the same kind of tank top with lightweight cotton or rayon slacks.  Wherever I perform, it's always sandals, Birkenstocks,  or some other flat shoe -- seldom tennies, and NEVER high heels, since I perform standing up, and I value my feet.  I seldom wear a really formal kind of outfit because suits are way too hot when I'm moving around and I don't own any cocktail dresses--and they look stupid with Birkenstocks, anyway!

I usually dress in layers, since I never know what the temperature is going to be.  I tend to incorporate vivid colors into my attire because--well, because I LIKE vivid colors (as opposed to mini-prints and pastels and beiges)--and because it wakes up your audience.  But I do like to wear something that I can mover around in comfortably.  (You can see my typical layered casual performance outfit in the personal photos section under my name.  I'm the one without the beard.  The pic from JenEllen's Mudcat gathering --in that thread --this July shows my 'dressier' outfit--i.e, salmon colored pants instead of gray.)

One more thing that I learned from my earlier life as a drama student:  if I'm going to be under spotlights, I wear more make-up than usual.  If you don't, you'll end up having no face when that spotlight hits you, unless your features have very strong natural definition (like Brooke Shields's eyebrows).  If I'm singing in a small, casual, venue, I may not wear any at all, except maybe lipstick.   [I'm not suggesting you guys follow suit.  But  you probably know that a lot of performers on stage, screen, and TV are heavily made up, so they'll look "normal" under the lights.]

Moonchild, I used to take my guitar out to the nude beaches at Rooster Rock and Sauvie Island near Portland, OR, and play with nothing on but the guitar.  Problem is, the damned guitar sticks to you!  (So, actually, I usually had a towel between me and the guitar.  (Then I developed a malignant melanoma... .)
One thing I do try to avoid is flashing the audience (cleavage, crotch, etc.)  You want folks to watch your hands or your lips, after all!

26 Jul 02 - 05:53 AM (#754826)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: ozmacca

I believe the dress must be appropriate for the occasion - regardless what kind of performance is being considered (ahem) I've worked with a couple of trios who do different stuff, so we dress differently.

One group does predominantly traditional scots material, usually mixed in with a light-hearted theme - so I (bodhran and chat) usually wear the kilt, either the phila-beag or phila-mhor ('scuse spelling), and the other bloke (guitar) wears basic black waistcoat and trousers with white shirt, while our female dulcimerist wears long tartan skirt and blouse.

The other group is more Cape Breton and trad/modern Canadian/Irish - there's a mix for you! - and the girls (fiddle/leader and keyboard) go on looking smart and dressy in long gowns, while I stick to dark trousers and a fancy coloured shirt.

Photos of both line-ups look good, and both groups feel that our outfits "fit" the presentations. Dingy sneakers and run-down jeans just don't measure up if the audience has paid good money to be entertained, unless it's done deliberately to make a point - but it had better be a good one!

26 Jul 02 - 12:33 PM (#755018)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,mg

hot pink and orange spandex and lots of sequins...sometimes feather

26 Jul 02 - 03:38 PM (#755101)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Genie

If I'm dong bluegrass, it's jeans and a T-shirt (or some other plain cotton shirt), of course. It's the law, isn't it?


26 Jul 02 - 03:56 PM (#755109)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Genie

Er... that's "doing bluegrass..."

Ozmacca, That last sentence of mine (the post above yours) about not flashing the audience was NOT meant to be connected to the paragraph about the nude beaches!   It was in response to comments -- which must have been in another thread -- someone made about a female folk singer who appeared wearing a see-through blouse with no bra and then sat on a stool above the audience allowing everyone to "see London and see France" throughout the performance.  I was just agreeing, that wearing provocative attire* is mainly a distraction from your music.

Putting that sentence right after the paragraph about Sauvie Island and Rooster Rock DOES make it take on a whole new--and quite unintended-- meaning, doesn't it?!  Blushing at my faux pas.


*BTW, nudity at a nude beach is not "provocative attire."  A bikini, however, may be.

26 Jul 02 - 04:14 PM (#755123)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: open mike

i thought the legal dress code for bluegrass was string ties, suits and a ca-boy hat--for the guys any way... whaite hats of course--the good guys, you know... its those bad boy country singers who don the black hats..ha!

26 Jul 02 - 04:43 PM (#755146)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Genie

mike, that's the Republican bluegrass attire. The commie, pinko, llllibbberal bluegrass folks wear jeans and t-shirts. *G*

26 Jul 02 - 06:32 PM (#755182)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Barracuda d'Morte

I always have on my pirate gear. strip pants, natural shirt with laced up front, bucket boots, hat with lots of feathers and pins, and a chest with treaure for the kids.

26 Jul 02 - 07:54 PM (#755225)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: X

When I pick bluegrass I wear a suit and tie. When it's top 40 country, something cowboy.

27 Jul 02 - 02:17 PM (#755531)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: Genie

Banjoest, is "suit and tie" the statutory requirement for bluegrass attire in southern California, or is that a local San Diego County ordinance? *G*

27 Jul 02 - 02:38 PM (#755537)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: GUEST,Venthony

For many of the events that a lot of us play, period costuming is expected and even encouraged. When this is the case, I think it's worth spending a bit of money and time in order to err on the side of authenticity. Nothing is tackier than a chintzy costume -- Nogahide "mountain man shirts" with curtain fringe come to mind. And for Pete's sake, take off your wristwatch and plastic glasses!

For just regular shows I figured a long time ago that it's best to copy the style of the masters. There's a reason Bill Monroe put his guys in suits. Enough people think we're all just a bunch of crackers as it is.

Doc Watson, from a player's standpoint, is about as clean and pure and genuine and brilliant as it gets, and Doc always has a neat haircut, nice looking slacks and a quiet, conservative open collared shirt.

He plays like God and he looks like a professional. My own playing is a ways off from that sort of apotheosis, but I figure I owe it to the audience to at least look like I'm proud they showed up.

27 Jul 02 - 05:14 PM (#755602)
Subject: RE: What do you wear when you perform?
From: X

Hi Genie:

When I perform bluegrass my band wears a suit and tie. It looks neat and clean and helps deflate the 'Hick Myth.' I can't stand seeing a bluegrass band in overalls and straw hats. 'Suit and tie', as far as I am concerned, is required in Southern California Bluegrass. ;0)