31 Dec 24 - 12:27 PM (#4214457) Subject: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Katlaughing started these threads many years ago, as a place where our musically-active members exchange mostly non-musical tips and moral support. By comparison, The Mother of All BS ran for years and years and accumulated over 60,000 posts (not all in one thread – the original has been down for "work" since spammers used it as an impromptu DOS attack.) MOAB also didn't help us clean our guest rooms or garages, though it did have us diving deep into our imaginations to keep the patter moving along. These annual declutter threads may add up to a lot of posts, but don't clog the server. The Sisterhood of Decluttering has thereby spared the 'Cat shutdowns and proved that organizing content, even if only once a year, is efficient. We've discussed organizing our homes and businesses through articles from Martha Stewart and books of Don Aslett and Marie Kondo and whatever the source was of Swedish Death Cleaning. There have been dedicated declutterers who dropped in for tips for a time, finished their work, and moved on. There are lurkers who rarely say anything, but we're glad to learn of their projects or progress when they do. Last year we saw accounts of people moving or preparing to move, a much larger project than just the Chinese sliding puzzle most of us do. I suppose some of us who have more than one floor in our houses are doing a large-scale version of Rubik's cube. Moving is harder, especially if you're doing much of the work on your own. Pacing yourself and not beating up on yourself if things need redoing or a big change in plans is part of it. Health issues for several of us have been working out in real-time over the weeks and months of 2024, and though some former members haven't posted here lately, I've seen accounts of knee replacements and more as we get things treated or fixed and move forward. Cooking and cleaning utensils enter and leave our homes. Hearing aids (they're no good if they aren't easy to operate), vehicles, trailers, snow tires, storage units, clean garages, organizing yards and compost, they're all part of the conversation. Here is the 2024 thread, for reference, and each one links back to prior threads. If there is some discussion in particular you're looking for, use the Google advanced search, place your terms in the top and Declutter in the "must contain" line and point it at the Mudcat site. |
31 Dec 24 - 12:47 PM (#4214461) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Every time I see some immaculate modern home on a program or film I have to snort; there are people who manage to do that, but I'll never be one. Keeping up with the dog hair and sweeping regularly, dusting on occasion, and mostly just being able to find the things I'm looking for when I need them are my goals. Having spaces set aside for specific activities means there is a room where I can work jigsaw puzzles and another one where I can sew. There is a fully functional guest room that isn't the recipient of stuff that needs to be put out of the way (my front room, kind of a second living room, is where that happens). My bedroom is the tidiest room (though there is a chair where clothes hang that aren't ready for the laundry yet) and my closet is organized. Years ago I took a hint from my father's closet when I cleared out his estate and have clothes hanging arranged by color. To put away the holiday decorations on shelves using a sturdy step ladder mean's I'm going to have to temporarily evict the dog and her bed that now occupy my office closet. It's almost noon on New Year's Eve and I'm still puttering in my bathrobe so I will dress and get a few things done. Since the start of the New Year tends to be a depressing time (even moreso this year) I try to have the holiday stuff put away so it isn't there as a reminder of something that needs doing. I'll take down the outside stuff when I get around to it (simply unplug for now). The new LED up lights on the mantle will stay there and I'll enjoy using them, now that they don't present a fire hazard. |
01 Jan 25 - 12:29 PM (#4214515) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage A grim start to the New Year, news channels covering an assassination-by-pickup of revelers in New Orleans instead of what they probably planned, looking at the magical setup for the Rose Parade in Pasadena. The local fireworks and gunfire last night were noisier than any July 4th I've heard in recent memory. Is this a celebration for the year they think will be better under Trump? I hate to rain on their parade so soon, but with their votes they drilled holes in their own boat below the water line. We will all sink with this one if we don't work hard to keep Democracy afloat. I have a fresh notepad next to the computer to keep track of letters and emails I'll be writing to my representatives and others in positions to make a difference. This is starting before the inauguration because in Texas it's all GOP hardliners who were re-elected. I may need to start a spreadsheet at some point, those being more easily searchable and use for cut-and-paste. Meanwhile, locally, this is the year when the front room gets emptied out. I've planned it for a while, have the boxes I need to ship things, now to list them and get them out the door. My bullet journal is set up for January and I've used an earlier blank page to start a list of eBay items, to be able to see progress as things sell (versus them just disappearing from the eBay page itself). A visual aid. |
01 Jan 25 - 02:41 PM (#4214527) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER *hoards *bad habits *toxic stuff - 2024 From: MaJoC the Filk Comment from Herself (who's a dinkum cook) about air fryers: "If it cooks hotter, you'll need better cuts of meat." Here's the air fryer post from yesterday (but also from last year). ---mudelf
01 Jan 25 - 05:46 PM (#4214540) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: keberoxu Sometime this month I must complete one task, summoning to my apartment the 1 800 GOT JUNK people. There are some items that are no use and I need to get rid of them. It will be an important step in preparing for an eventual move. So that declutter task is ahead. |
01 Jan 25 - 08:53 PM (#4214558) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink So what's the breakdown on that, keb? Will you need a central staging area where all the 'take this stuff' sits, or will each room have a go-pile, a stay-pile? Sounds like a big task to get that ready. |
02 Jan 25 - 08:07 AM (#4214568) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion I have done something unwise, and my lower back is in spasm. Oh, well, so it goes. This is why I keep Advil in the pantry. |
02 Jan 25 - 12:47 PM (#4214579) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Back strain - one of those things that is so easy to re-injure when you try to work too soon. Give the cats a lap to hang out on as long as it takes to get better! And Keb, let the beefy got junk guys do the heavy lifting! Shredding paper this morning as I looked around the office for digital journal logon information for my tablet. I keep a couple of 3-ring-binders of account information, one for the free stuff, one for the paid. I print out the pages for the binders but they tend to sit for a while before getting filed. The search for one page means I find a couple of dozen others that need filing or shredding. Today the blue heeler's coat was brushed to remove the sticky tangles from the baldcypress. As the dogs play and roll they pick up sap from the cones the tree drops. She's not a breed of dog that goes in for grooming, but still needs attention periodically. I also have to go through the entire house with broom and vacuum to round up all of the loose hair she has shed. It's amazing how much hair comes off of one 45-pound dog. |
02 Jan 25 - 03:02 PM (#4214592) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Donuel I haven't had a cold in four years, but today, I am decluttering my body big time. I have bags of used Kleenex, etc. On this side of the cold, I can almost say it's good for me now and then, but it was challenging for my rib muscles at its peak. |
02 Jan 25 - 04:24 PM (#4214604) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Mrrzy We might get a winter storm, so I shall be re-cluttering my fridge, I think... |
03 Jan 25 - 09:59 AM (#4214640) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Surprising to hear the new year can be depressing to some, I'm pretty invigorated at the thought of new starts and new adventures. Going on a road trip starting tomorrow, and am taking time to methodically get ready to go. Much less anxiety than a rushed push, so far. This morning a redditor polled the older people on how to keep things clean, and there were well-earned bits of advice given. Same old stuff but it works; clean as you go in the kitchen, place for everything, put everything back in its place when done. Clean the way you like; if you like dedicating a day to it, fine. If not hit one room at a time, or one task at a time. Maybe this is the year I finally get into some kind of rhythm along these lines. |
03 Jan 25 - 12:19 PM (#4214644) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Patty, you'd think new starts would be forward-looking and cheerful, but I believe it's a combination of dark days plus the end of events and ornamental lights, etc., that set people back. They see nothing to look forward to. I had a mother and grandfather in the mental health field so grew up with lots of observations about times of year to do with holidays, length of sunlight, full moons, etc. The social worker always observed that client crises happened most often at the full moon. While skimming Instagram this morning I saw a short video about a nonprofit group of women helping women with cleaning projects called Hot Mess Express. Their slogan is "not a handout, just a hand." I see a branch in the town west of me. I'd rather volunteer there than have them over to the house, so I need to get my stuff taken care of first. Whether we already exercise or for those who have thought about doing more, a PBS News report from January 1 might help inspire more activities at the gym, via fitness classes, or just walking. (Bonus - the Stanford doctor has a nice Scottish accent to listen to during the report). More power to the consortium of researchers, they've decided to look at exercise for both men and women. Duh. While you're at it, does anyone else see what looks like a large boulder emerging through the floor behind the doctor? Yesterday I offered several items through the free groups and today is eBay stuff. |
03 Jan 25 - 02:25 PM (#4214648) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion The back is better, thanks to Advil and pool class. In the locker room today, a plump woman well younger than me said that her goal for this year is what I did last year. Some months ago, this same woman scoffed at the notion of low-low-carb ketogenic eating. I blushfully accepted the compliment and forebore to remind her of her previous scorn. She who laughs last, etc. I just ate the most wonderful stew: bigos, a Polish dish of hunter’s sausage, pulled pork, onions, carrots, mushrooms and sauerkraut in a tangy broth. Delicious! I got it from the nose-bleedingly expensive fancy grocery-cum-deli downtown, where they sell frozen soups, stews casseroles and curries among the virtue-signalling grass-fed this and organic that. Their chef is a genius with slow-cooked meats, and, although a litre of her bigos costs $16.95, it tastes worth the price. |
03 Jan 25 - 10:34 PM (#4214664) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Some items in the garage have been moved out of the way so I can drag several small potted trees and shrubs inside tomorrow in preparation for a late Sunday hard freeze. A Freeze Miser device has been installed on the back yard faucet so I can still use the hose in the winter (between cold snaps). A potting stand and cart in the sunroom were both piled high with stuff that is now in the recycle bin. A few things were added to the donation box in the garage for teacher art supplies. I was able to unload some of my recycling at the village bins this afternoon but they hadn't been emptied yet this week so hopefully tomorrow they'll be cleared out and I can get rid of the rest. |
03 Jan 25 - 11:13 PM (#4214665) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: WEll, I again picked up "too heavy" groceries - then spent 3 days hoping I did not fracture vertebrae - as in Feb.I have stopped holding my breath and will remember to take more bags into store and only lift them one at a time! That trip to the ER was one of the worst nightmares of my life - prob The worst. So ... It is already Friday - 3rd day of the new year! Today, I ascertained that my back is OK but energy level was barely up to get out and push level. until about 6 pm when I put cranberries on to cook - Taun's way! Watching them every few minutes lest they burn - YAY! Did a batch of apple sauce as well! There is still cauliflower soup and cooked carrots, and turkey/gravy from the bakery. Cleaned up yesterday's singed pot and accumulated cutlery and a few dishes. R helps but I need to do my share when I can. A comment here reminded me of a visit to a couple about my age some years ago; The wife showed me around their lovely - looked like a model house ready for resale! I was stunned. Never in my wildest dreams! WE LIVE in this house! The wedding was a bit chaotic - the tech expert may have been a bit excited about getting married! But it was a small gathering on FT, decided up and "planned" between leaving here on Sunday, getting back to Philly, getting the license and sending out lovely invitations... They did have a nice Quaker wedding - once they remembered what they had planned to say! Quaker wedding - no one officiating (as in minister) - kind of a do-it-yourself project! Attenders in person were Tenley's adult son, my ex and his 3rd wife, and the cat. On screen were R and I, T's parents and an aunt and uncle, Jeff and Agata and a couple other friends. WE did not exchange many words though I think I made an appropriately Quakerly remark. The next morning, I pulled a notably crazy faux pas - I inadvertently hit the FT button on my phone and caught almost everyone at BF! Kind of neat actually! My son on Whidbey said a cheerful hi! Figured out what mother had done and said, "I'm going back to bed!" And back to bed is what I am going to do! |
04 Jan 25 - 09:54 AM (#4214686) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Had to cancel my trip, hard freezes predicted every night now for who knows how long. Have to hang around and be sure the pipes don't freeze. I thought I could just drain the pipes, but would also have to drain hot water tank, pressure tank and cut the pump off, and I'm just not comfortable with all that yet. There is someone coming to check on the air in the pipes problem by Monday. Hopefully they can fix the issue and tell me exactly how to set things up so I can leave here on winter trips. But I'm afraid by the time a new decent pumphouse is built it'll be spring. |
04 Jan 25 - 12:23 PM (#4214695) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Patty, that Freeze Miser device I linked to is one way to avoid the frozen pipes - when the water temperature reaches ~37 it releases a small amount to keep water moving in the pipes (once in place the water must be turned on). There are also Thermo Cube electric plugs that detect the temperature and I use one of those in the greenhouse (except I gave my extra oil radiator heater to my daughter last year for her pump house). Plug in the heater and turn it on; only when the air reaches something in the high-30s does the plug power the heater. But like you, I'm preparing for several days of very cold weather. This morning I have floor mats and the cover of a dog bed in the wash, and will build a cocoon enclosure for Cookie, who doesn't have Zeke to sleep on this winter. That old lab really put out the heat! Pepper has never let her cuddle, so in lieu of that (and she's not going to sleep on my bed!) I'm thinking zip ties and a couple of things set up on two sides of the kennel will work. She also has a little jacket but getting her into it is a colossal struggle. Going shopping for a few basics and some pecan halves to make the Crispy Pecans my friend shared a week ago - without being careful, those are one way I could find myself gaining weight! I'll vacuum seal them in small jars. I've realized his recipe uses a Worcestershire sauce substitute with coconut aminos (it didn't bother me but I avoid it when I can). Regular Lea & Perrins is made with HF corn syrup, and others don't have the anchovy that adds great flavor. After a search I've found one that I can pick up locally (Bear & Burton's W Sauce). I'll drop office paper and junk mail at the recycling bins, though I've put a bunch of old holiday cards into a paper bag for a pyre in the burn barrel. They need a more dignified departure. I need to revisit some of them first, sent by now-deceased loved ones. I'll keep a few choice letters from them, but I must keep thinning out the paper around here. |
04 Jan 25 - 03:40 PM (#4214705) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion It’s snowing again in Stratford, now officially kinda deep. Lake-effect “streamers” — ribbon-shaped storm systems — have been blowing in from the west for three days now, and I have dug out my front walk twice, sore back and all. Today I decided to let it be, and just sit at home and read. I intend to go to church tomorrow morning. There’s no point digging out again until then. |
04 Jan 25 - 05:22 PM (#4214712) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage After my online search for Worcestershire sauce without HFCS and with anchovies, I looked at the bottle in my cupboard - it had exactly what I wanted and came from Family Dollar. It has a few ounces of sauce still but is six years old and was supposed to be refrigerated after opening, so I got a new bottle of each, and the Family Dollar product still has the same ingredients. I'll compare them. Now to the yard to take down the all of the light strings before dark. |
04 Jan 25 - 10:43 PM (#4214728) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: That Thermo cube has been great at Beaver. Has to be plugged into a special Bathroom type outlet. Keeps the bathroom above freezing - as long as the electric is working! |
05 Jan 25 - 11:27 AM (#4214765) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage My Thermo cube was doing a great job in 2021 until the power went out for 4 days, and I lost everything in the greenhouse. Now I have it in the garage and the heater set up so it turns on if it gets super cold. Holiday lights are all taken down, a good move because if the power were to go out in this upcoming cold snap the nextdoor neighbors plug my longest line into an unused bank on their generator. This removes the need to retrieve it from the tree light display out front. Potted plants that might suffer from 20o are in the garage now. Some potted plants out front are tucked up on the porch beside the back wall. I have a test batch of the crispy pecans in the oven. They're a bit spicier with the fancy Worcestershire sauce, but I think that will be fine. The guest room is ready in case the friend who usually stays with me decides that the bed at her daughter's house isn't comfortable enough. At 90 she doesn't mince words, so won't suffer a bad night's sleep. Being ready probably means she won't need it, but that's ok. (Her daughter's daughter and family moved out recently after finally getting their own place. Now there's a guest room again. This is a common story these days.) Yesterday when I was shopping I realized I wasn't tempted by the bulk chocolate when I was buying pecans, but at the dollar store I looked to see what kinds of snacks were borderline in my low-carb diet. (Research - if a day comes when I really do need something to eat quickly, what do they have?) The point-of-purchase stand had really salty nuts, really salty jerky, tons of sugar, and then there are peanut m&ms. If I haven't eaten many other carbs during the day I could get away with those, but after all of these low-sugar months they were way too sweet. Savory snacks are more appealing - so this afternoon after the nuts are finished I'll also make another batch of the smoky gouda cheese and pecan spread. I use it with gluten-free crackers. Amazon delivered some of the King Arthur gluten free flour to try, my first attempt will be making white sauce with lots of cheese to make a small batch of macaroni and cheese (with rice or chickpea pasta). |
05 Jan 25 - 02:06 PM (#4214780) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall SRS: You could have a small propane heater on hand for outages in the GH! Out of the house, the fumes would not do harm. On Whidbey, I bought a "Mr Buddy" (I think). and used it in the greenhouse turned pottery studio. The info said "No fumes"; there were. I phoned tech support and was told to return it for a replacement. No fumes! Worked wonderfully well. Wish I had remembered that when you were cold in Texas! Even if you had to let some fresh air in, it would have kept you warmer. Sunny afternoon! -10C |
05 Jan 25 - 05:57 PM (#4214803) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Thanks for the ideas on fighting freezes, all. I have a friend who uses one of those propane 'Buddy' heaters to keep a large 5th-wheel cozy, and we've used them to play cards in a huge tent on a cold evening. Basically an apparatus on top of the propane tank size of your choice. Just would have to be darn sure the thing was not tippable by pets. |
05 Jan 25 - 08:48 PM (#4214811) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Dorothy, that suggestion would be great in places further north, but it isn't very cold for very long here, so most of the year that Buddy device would be parked. For now, the garage is large enough that it won't freeze in the few days we're below freezing, and if it gets warm during the day I can open the door and let in sun or water the plants. This kind of cold snap is a reminder to charge all of the various devices around the house. The Stanley power supply sits in the sunroom and is charged several times a year. I carry a pouch in my shoulder pack (in lieu of a purse) with a 6700mAh power supply that works with the phone or tablet. The bright "million candle" flashlight also gets charged (and it can run a smaller LED unit on the back as a lamp in the house). I probably won't need any of them, but charging ahead of possible events is a good exercise. The grim dark days of January are brightened by a house across and up the street that seems to be going for the full 12 days of xmas. And my little string is twinkling over the porch to cheer up passersby. |
05 Jan 25 - 11:44 PM (#4214820) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage There was a nice surprise this afternoon - two items listed for a while on eBay sold and are now franked and ready to hand to the mail carrier in the morning. That is two good-sized boxes out of the house. Patty, that warm tent sounds like a nice social setup for dining or playing cards or playing music. There's something charming about taking an empty space that with a simple cover and heat turns into a comfortable event. I've been to places that had big outdoor heaters and it's remarkable how well they work, but as you say, you don't want one of those toppling over. Today was a big travel day for folks heading home after the holidays. I didn't go anywhere, but I'm also treating this as the end of the holidays and tomorrow will get back to business as usual. Here's hoping that from this point forward we can snatch victory from the mouth of defeat in 2025. |
06 Jan 25 - 12:17 PM (#4214839) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Two boxes out the door this morning with my tiny Vietnamese mail carrier who looked more like an eskimo with his heavy jacket and faux fur lined hood. I know I lost money on one of the items, something I bought deeply discounted years ago then decided not to use myself. But after a while it isn't about the money, it's about getting it out of the house. I've tried several versions of a new recipe for crispy pecans and made notes. Now to see if the Interwebs offer any interesting variations. Cold weather forecast through the rest of the week, snow or something equally slick forecast for Thursday. |
07 Jan 25 - 11:58 AM (#4214888) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Yesterday was a slap-my-forehead moment. For a few days the light in my dressing room has flickered and gone out when I flip the switch. Since that switch has been problematic in the past (replaced at least twice) I was fussing about doing that again: I'd have to turn off power in the room at the breaker box. . . But wait! First check the bulbs! Duh. I have one down to take with me to buy a set today and see if that's the problem. They are the older long fluorescent ones that do burn out (I've replaced the bulbs in two other similar fixtures with LED versions and they last a long time. But not in this one.) Along the same lines, it's time for changing batteries in devices that use them for memory backup. A couple of radios seem to be losing their pre-sets. Don't replace the radio, check the batteries. |
07 Jan 25 - 07:21 PM (#4214913) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: I suspect this is very good news: the oncologist, a very nice person, does not feel the need to see me until April; Then we will look at a lesser dose of the heavier med that made me sick in late October. We feel I have recovered. I wonder if the blood tests show improvement of some sort; we never think to ask. I am having positive thoughts about making it to the wedding in June- even if we have to take a week to do a two day trip. I spent much of yesterday's "grief group" trying to get the hearing aids to work better - which requires use of phone. I was jumped on for "fiddling with my phone" indicating that the person had not even paid enough attention to realize that I have been having a really hard time hearing; Some of that is because no one seems to have the concept of listening. When more more than one person is speaking, I cannot tell what anyone is saying! The "leader" does not think it is necessary for everyone to listen. Why then bother speaking? She also noted that this was a first session after a break - it should be social. I did not say that Christmas can be very stressful; the group could have been very helpful. We won't be meeting for two weeks; I will be thinking about how to address this --- with whom. Now, I want to cook some veggies as we are out again! |
07 Jan 25 - 07:24 PM (#4214915) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall PS: I spent time with Apple Help and hope the help has sorted out the hearing aid problem! When I tried, I ended up with a black screen- totally black! When I got through to A.H. I was Whimpering, "Help, please help!" |
07 Jan 25 - 09:33 PM (#4214922) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Dorothy, are the people in that "grief group" strangers to each other, that they don't know about things like who is hard of hearing or who is reluctant to speak up, etc.? I picked up LED replacements for the fluorescent bulbs and only two of the four worked, and as I thought about it, I could smell those two getting hot so took them all out again. They're not the right type, so either I stay with fluorescent bulbs or get a new fixture. One more thing on my list for the electrician who I will probably call this spring (there's some outdoor work so I'll wait till weather's nicer.) The 55-gallon rain barrel was transferred from my SUV to my daughter's in the garage at her workplace, under the interested gaze of the security guy. I in turn accepted a large bag of glass recycling since her local recyclers won't take it. The glass was dropped off at the village bins on my way home. There is a growing stack of solved jigsaw puzzles that may go to the library or the thrift store soon. I found some children's puzzles in the garage that can go in the donation stuff for the art teachers. This week I realized the elastic waist of a favorite pair of fleece pajama pants has disintegrated. The existing drawstring is puny so I'll work on a more robust cord to run through the channel. No point in removing the elastic, it would mean taking the top of the pants completely apart. |
08 Jan 25 - 06:14 PM (#4214968) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: MaJoC the Filk Problems with lights: We once came back from holiday; the weather was cold, and I'd had the bright idea to save fuel (and reduce fire risks) by turning the heating off. When we got back, three of the ceiling lights, erm, wouldn't, so I worked out which circuit breaker to turn off to isolate them, and we called the electrician. When he came, much to my surprise, all the failed lights worked. When the electrician stopped laughing, he explained that LED lights, and some compact flourescents, don't work properly when they're cold (by then, the house had warmed up). He wouldn't take monies for the visit, but we funded his next pint for the call-out. |
08 Jan 25 - 07:47 PM (#4214977) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage LED lights are cool to the touch, but if they fail they can get hot and be a big problem. Generally I've found that the inexpensive odd-name brands don't last long, just stopping instead of any catastrophic failure. I returned the LEDs and brought home fluorescent, but only two of them light. They're on circuits so two must be in place to light, and no tinkering got the second pair to light. For now I have two dead ones in the back rows and will look into replacing that ballast. I'll keep the receipt with the two unused lights to return if not much time has passed if I end up having the fixture replaced. The visiting friend is comfortable at her daughter's so my guest room will stay empty, and with the possibility of snow, we'll confine our visits to phone calls. Will I be organized enough to do more around the house instead? |
09 Jan 25 - 09:49 AM (#4214991) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion I have reduced my music CD holdings to very few, with the rest packed up in book boxes and ready to go. That leaves me with a full-height 60-cm IKEA Billy bookcase to unload, along with six shelf inserts for CD storage. At one level, I’m still a bit amazed that it’s come to this. Until about four years ago, my habit was to accumulate all the recorded music I could, and never let go of anything. In the aftermath of Edmund’s death, a switch flipped, and I realized that I wanted much of it gone — just out of the house and off my hands. A wide range of music that I love was no longer appealing in recorded form; I would happily pay to hear it live, or listen with someone else, but it doesn’t appeal when I’m alone. Also, my tastes have changed. I literally don’t care if I never hear the voice of Bob Dylan ever again. |
09 Jan 25 - 03:28 PM (#4215006) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage That's kind of sad, Charmion. The whole music out thing, not the Dylan thing - that's a point of personal preference. There's another Mudcatter, who I won't name here, a family friend, who so reduced her personal holdings that I think she could happily live in the space of a modest dorm room. I don't know if she streams or gets everything from the library, but it was a choice to make life easier and less expensive. I'm watching the horror, but now also, the navel gazing following the fires wiping out homes and communities all around Los Angeles. They've charred rich and poor alike, though we seem mostly to be hearing about the rich neighborhoods. When so many there work with broadcast media, they are exploring the loss microphone in hand, experiencing the shock on camera, people figuring out whether to move or rebuild, it's all on view (mostly on streaming/cable). But I'm thinking about Mudcatter open mike (Laurel Paulson-Pierce) who was in different parts of the state but has been burned out of two different homes in California. I remember the discussions of replacing destroyed musical instruments. I mailed her a cookie press a few years ago when the holidays came around and she wanted to make traditional cookies a few months after the most recent loss of her home. The point is that for those wishing to clear out extra stuff, there will be a lot of people working to replace a supply of the basics, to furnish their lives with books and music and a few attractive objects along with the basics. I suspect those who will be looking for good used items aren't the same ones whose burned foundations are in view right now. Those with the big houses will itemise and use insurance to replace stuff. It's incredibly lucky that so few lives (so far) have been lost. They can move forward and perhaps figure out what is really important when doing the replacement thing. We have freezing rain and slick sidewalks here today so after slithering to the curb to deposit my trash bag (that may not get picked up until tomorrow due to weather), I'm inside and think I'll switch to music instead of TV to accompany my online work. I watched Carter's funeral, that was the important thing to see today. |
09 Jan 25 - 09:40 PM (#4215036) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion We were early users of iTunes, copying the contents of those myriad CDs to our desktop computer so it could be loaded on iPods. So most (if not all) those CDs are still available to me on Apple Music. Now I listen most to classical music, and I’m a committed subscriber to SiriusXM satellite radio so I’m spoiled for choice. I’m not quite in the class of your dorm-room friend, Stilly, as I still have seven full-height bookcases stocked with books, but I understand her. I have days when I imagine unloading everything and settling in a bed-sit with a microwave, but there’s no danger of that as long as I’m hanging onto sterling silver flatware and Waterford crystal for eight. |
09 Jan 25 - 11:30 PM (#4215039) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: I am gradually realizing that I am feeling almost like my previous self - a moderate amount of energy and more positive attitude. I really did think I was going to die soon and felt OK, in fact, good about it. Tired of struggling and wanting the end of it. My son was having none of it - hence the family Christmas! I surmise that it has taken my bod since November to recover from the heavier meds. A relief to know I won't be dealing with that again - at least until April, and a lower dose! The "grief Group" hit the wall on Monday. 1. The room smelled of perfume when I arrived - a major possible problem for me. I commented and received no question/no response. Then the "leader", nice but lacking, let go of the whole thing and it was a gab session with several separate gabs occurring around the table. I kept trying to get the phone to do its thing with the hearing aids tho nothing would have helped in that chaos. As we neared the end of the time, nothing meaningful had occurred and I was fairly fed up when one of the women made the pronouncement that it was a wonderful session - as though she were making a group pronouncement. I said that it was not that for me. I got royal what-for from the woman next to me for playing with my phone - it should not be allowed! Nope! She was unaware of my hearing problem. And I had only just realized she is going blind - and just learned her name as I have only seen her a very few times. The "leader" said firmly that I had no right to believe that people should listen when others are speaking. And, anyway we had just been through the holidays ... I did not inform her that the holidays are known to be highly stressful - all the more reason to check with how people were doing....... She was all upset -"all my fault!" I gave her a hug and told her it had nothing to do with her. There are a few people I like and would like to get to know better. I keep telling people they are welcome to visit. I am ready to give it up. But wonder if I have a responsibility for explaining the why of it - How to improve the group for those who need it. She is a volunteer. She is suffering from loss of husband and has shared her own pain. Everyone just left so I went out to the parking area and told the woman going blind that I was trying to use my phone to hear better. and expressed concern for how it must feel to be going blind. On the home front: I did major grocery shopping today "(four dif shops) - very careful not to put too much in one bag and only pick up one at a time! Took me a while to get it all in the house. Then have a bite to eat and put a roast/potatoes/carrots, in the oven along with a pan of cabbage rolls from M&M. Opened a can of yellow beans- too tired now to do up the fresh ones! Fell asleep in my chair and woke to cooked cabbage rolls and a roast needing more heat/time. Then woke up to some of the pot/car burned on the bottom but the beans and roast were fine, However: watching the FB page for the bridge, I sent R notices of how dangerous it was - NO lights at all on the entire bridge and dreadful slush and those dreadful new fangled headlights that make it harder to see! So he decided to stay in town. Now! to bed, and so to cogitate... and sleep... |
10 Jan 25 - 01:07 AM (#4215044) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Charmion, every year I call SiriusXM to cancel because the introductory rate is fine but the monthly rate is too high. And every year they offer to extend the introductory rate for another year. I also listen to a lot of classical: "Alexa, play Symphony Hall on SiriusXM for 2 hours" is heard here often. I have my Echo dot next to the big receiver and a Bluetooth adapter plugged into it, so Alexa sends some mighty-fine sounding music through the system. In the car I switch around more between blues and classic rock and news. I don't think they're losing money on me, I don't go for the celebrity talk shows or sports. Dorothy, sleeping while stuff is on the stove. Oy. I applaud you for how you generously spoke with those other members of the group. They're lucky to have you there. Finished a big html coding project that must be done every January. I stopped part-way through to get moving by doing an Essentrics workout since PBS is broadcasting one of the older seasons this month. I subscribe and can do any of them, but I figure what the heck, do this because it's right here in front of me. Streets are crusty, tomorrow is supposed to hover in the low 30s, then a real cold dip into Saturday morning. I don't have to go anywhere till Sunday, so will just bide my time here at home. |
10 Jan 25 - 09:43 AM (#4215068) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: keberoxu Stilly, freezing rain is the worst. But at least the freeze will de-clutter any bugs around. |
10 Jan 25 - 10:08 AM (#4215069) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink So we've had a couple of snows during this deep freeze. One lovely walk in it. The pump & well people came out and charged up the pressure tank, so the problem is solved for now, we'll keep an eye out for a slow leak. Carpenter insists on working through the bad weather but keeping key equipment in my house, dry and charging. Really wish I had just put a tin patch on the veranda roof and gone about my business, this rebuild is taking forever. The weedeater refund finally came through, and I filled out the survey about how much I loved twisting in the wind for 3 weeks. Tending to lots of address and bank changes. Astonished to find the new credit card is not only unusable but so is their website; you fill in sensitive info then it says 'we can't process, come back another time'. 2 days later, same thing. The phone line is solid static at all times and ridiculous wait times, and I suspect I would be told 'try again later' anyway. I'll attempt to turn the card in today at the bank which 'issued' it. Tried to set up online access at said bank, got through their process, and was told they would review it for security and contact me in 1-2 days. I think this is day 4. I already tried the credit unions in town, all my documents in hand. One told me to go away for 1.5 hours because the officer was going to lunch soon, and no they wouldn't give me an appointment for another time 'it's on a first-come-first-serve basis'. The other has a dizzying array of nuisance fees. I guess I'll cling to old out of state accounts that at least are designed to work. Bev Praver did a great song at the Singaround about automated phone systems, something about 'whatever you do, don't press 9'. Ironically 9 was my assigned choice on the credit card line. |
10 Jan 25 - 11:02 AM (#4215073) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Mrrzy Our snow is solid ice. I walk on top like a polar bear on roller skates. Meanwhile, The Chair is back. I had it down to actual chair surface at some point recently... But the spare room is spare, again. So, good news bad news. |
10 Jan 25 - 11:06 AM (#4215075) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Mrrzy In another vein, as it were, went through about 17 little bags of pot of various kinds and consolidated into one bag of daytime, one bag of nighttime, and one bag of who knows what weed this is, but it's weed. |
10 Jan 25 - 11:38 AM (#4215079) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Mrrzy, good luck sorting that out. I'm told that what is produced these days is so much stronger than the weed of our youth that one has to be careful using it. I was a chicken, I never used it, and now it sounds like it's a riskier product than I'm interested in. Alcohol is the drug of choice here (though I'm off of that for a while also, just because.) Patty, congratulations on the eBay refund! Did you try the CUs in the city that is on your mailing address? Las Cruces is larger and has a university, it is bound to have better functioning credit unions. There are some linkages between different credit unions (you'll have to ask your distant one how to connect with something closeby). Plus there are surcharge-free ATMs that seem mostly to be set up in 7-Eleven convenience stores and other credit unions. That said, my remote CU won't let me use their online form to link it to my nearby CU. I have to call them to do it (and I'll avoid "9"!) I can write myself a check and deposit it via a phone app, and that said, the phone apps are pretty robust. There must have been reasons why you chose to rebuild the veranda versus patch it. Was the wood weak? You would have had to do regular repairs on it? Living in a construction zone is never fun but I bet you'll enjoy the outcome. When I moved into this house I had remodeling done, but I had a new garage built in the back when the existing one was enclosed in the house. I always enjoy puttering around the garage; it may be 500sf, but it's something I had built. A friend who lives in the Davis Mountains of West Texas is at the point of replacing the furnace and AC in her home, and the local AC shop recommended five "mini-splits." That's what you're using now, right? Do you like their performance? Any tips I can pass along? More snow fell on the icy crust overnight so it's pretty, but this morning is 33o, so drippy. Yesterday was a national day of mourning so may be the reason for no trash pickup (and no mail and a delay on your CU paperwork); we'll see if the bag at the curb goes away today. There's enough greasy stuff in it that raccoons or coyotes will eventually tear it up if it stays out too long. Unless I have so much stuff that the large Rubbermaid can makes sense, I put a bag out to save myself having to retrieve the can later. A damp dog has decided to hang out next to my computer chair. Time for a towel to use on these two as the snow melts. For those of you who use FB, yesterday I posted a photo of the red cap my daughter crocheted on a whim for one of her chickens. I'd seen a photo of a different hen with a hat and sent it to her, and she decided to whip up a little one. The result? "She was quite offended." But it's a lovely photo. |
10 Jan 25 - 11:54 AM (#4215080) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink The mini-splits are a huge step forward if you have an older home that wasn't set up for central heat. They are quiet and efficient at cooling, and offer a dehumidify setting in addition to just fan or heat options. But in winter you're using electricity rather than gas for heating, which isn't ideal unless you have solar power. When the weather is changeable, you can't run a bit of heat in the one cold room and leave the A/C set to 78, all the units have to run on the exact same 'mode' although you can fine tune the temp. Apparently the main air handler that sits on the roof has to be working in one mode only. There's a little too much running around resetting each units temp morning and evening. Though you theoretically can program that with the remotes (1 for each unit). Not excited about maintenance. Though they look sleek and simple, they sit very high on my walls, and it seems difficult to clean filters and troubleshoot. The Youtube videos I've seen involve ladders and plastic sheeting enclosures, yikes. If she's already got ductwork set up for central heating and a/c, I'd be inclined to keep a central system going, unless the new units are crazy expensive. |
10 Jan 25 - 12:57 PM (#4215083) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage That is good to know, thanks - I'll send these remarks along. This morning I've completed most of my employment work so the afternoon is for sewing and jigsaw. And I may get dressed; everyone I've spoken to this morning is still in robe and pjs. In northern parts of the world cold weather is common and getting dressed each morning is typical. Here it's a snow day and lounging around the house. |
10 Jan 25 - 01:41 PM (#4215087) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage A radio show on now will be a podcast later - Think on KERA has the topic Tech has outpaced evolution. There will be a link to the program and you'll find a link to the book if you're interested. So far their conversation has covered brain health, nutrition needs, brains of babies, parts of the brain that respond to screens, and habits and addictive behavior, spectrum tendencies versus poor social skills based on poor socialization due to screen time. Laundry needed folding because I was out of clean underwear. A lot of what was in that load was yardage that came from the friend with the yard full of plants I'll be digging; she also has art supplies and I'll be folding and adding these to the donations to the Welman Project (mentioned before). With the cold weather keeping me indoors I should poke around and see what else I have here I can donate next week. My sewing room was once my daughter's bedroom, and the closet is still stuffed with things of hers. Perhaps it's time to go through and have a call later asking what she does and doesn't want. |
10 Jan 25 - 06:53 PM (#4215105) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Three cubic feet of music CDs and a wine box of books have left the building — gone down Highway 7 to the Goodwill bookstore in London. Now I have to figure out how to move the empty bookcase from the music room downstairs to the garage. No, I won’r try to do it alone. I have some respect for my neck. Yesterday I received a visit from one of my fellow choristers, Marco of the bass section, who paints houses for a living. He came to measure the music room, which is enormous — two thirds the size of the two-car garage upon which it was built. I’m bracing myself for his quote. I must get that job done this year; the current purple-and-puce colour scheme has got to go! |
11 Jan 25 - 11:55 AM (#4215145) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage I need to repaint the hall bathroom (where I went through a bright yellow phase a few years ago.) And the halls. And take down wallpaper in the kitchen. And the popcorn on the upper walls in the den. New windows and doors. So much stuff to do, but has been ignored for years. Poking around for extra small things to tuck into a box going to my son I came across a #2 can full of art pencils, nothing precious, that is now going in the Welman donation box. I need to go through his dresser drawers and see what else can go because I remember just packing things in that would fit, not necessarily things that go in a dresser. This morning I woke to what feels like the beginnings of a bladder infection. I haven't been drinking as much fluid in the colder weather, mostly cups of tea, and some of the carbs this week had more sugar than usual. Low compared to how much I got before going low-carb, but still there to grow an infection. This morning I put two frozen bags of cranberries in the steam juicer, and when it's cool I'll mix a batch of cran-apple juice, heavy on the cran. (I keep frozen apple juice for this reason). Outside it is now above freezing so the ice should be gone by mid-afternoon. The special quality of mud after a freeze means I'll be washing floors this week, there are dog footprints in view everywhere. |
11 Jan 25 - 02:16 PM (#4215160) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: MaJoC the Filk We've just had our back fence replaced. Now to put back the vine eyes, and wire up the wysteria which pulled the previous fence over .... but can I get sufficiently beefy wire? can I microsoft :-( . Double thickness of the thinner galvanised wire will have to do For Now, but I fear it'll go Ping. Meanwhile, the quote is in to replace our big back window: when I went out for firewood the other week, I found the windowsill on the floor, where it had finally rotted through. And I found parcel tape doesn't stick well to rough stone or wet wood, so the plastic bag over the gap is about as much use in stopping water getting in as a G-string. Grumpissimo (*sigh*). |
11 Jan 25 - 06:16 PM (#4215168) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage During this wet weather I got a good look at the standing water near the patio and figured out how much closer to it the new French drain will have to start. Last month I sketched out the route about six inches deep and 12' long. From the far end of that trench to the spot where the water still stands it'll need to be about 20' long and 10" deep. I'll finish it this month so when the plum tree blossoms in March it won't be too wet. And if it doesn't blossom in the spring I'll take it down and whatever replaces it won't suffer the same fate. Apple juice with my home-juiced cranberry added blew today's carb count out of the water, but a glass of that plus a couple of the cranberry capsules (buried in the pantry) and drinking a lot of water should clear any bugs. I'll take the capsules all week. I've had this happen before if I wasn't drinking enough water and was inactive. While working the latest jigsaw puzzle I finished an audiobook and then set up a spare Roku stick on the TV on that table. This way I can listen to books or TV streaming stuff (I have a lot of PBS programs to catch up on) while I work puzzles. It's a stay-home day. Laundry is in. Leftovers for lunch and dinner. I am dressed in fleece pants and a layered shirts. This is flannel season. |
12 Jan 25 - 09:30 PM (#4215218) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage There is a growing stack of craft items on the bench near the back door to be donated on Tuesday. Last night I pulled out three bags of fabric scraps from my daughter that I'd stuffed into a bin until I could look through them. I am keeping just a few. Along with other art materials and storage containers this will be a nice clear-out. Interestingly, a couple of hours after that task I had an email from a friend offering quilting scraps, so I described the place where I'm donating and she's going to see if there is something similar in her community. Today's museum tour was in a dressier pair of black jeans, size 10. I haven't worn these in ages. I think these weekend tours stay open because the other docents know there is a chance the tours won't make. They wait and see if anyone is interested; I promote the tour as people come in and can usually talk at least one or two people into going with me, as I did today. That's ok - I get credit for the time spent whether I speak to 3 or 30. Another pants observation - while we had a few cold days I was wearing regular jeans and later fleece sweatpants but I forgot about the pair of LL Bean flannel-lined jeans. Those are size 8 tall but are roomy so will fit ok now. We have another arctic blast headed this way in about seven days so I'll move them to the front of the rack. In the meantime, maybe I can get the waistband restored in my favorite fleece pj pants. I think there is another pair of flannel pants in the sewing room; I remember a pair that wasn't in my dresser drawer where I expected them to be so they're probably needing work. Lots of water and cranberry seem to have helped turn the tide on the nascent infection. That's always better than antibiotics, because they come with their own set of problems. |
13 Jan 25 - 11:15 AM (#4215233) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Made a little headway on the clutter backlog, unpacked a few more boxes, and broke down shipping boxes that had been piling up; cut up some airpocket material for a million little rock-collecting bags. Found some sentimental items, a baking pan, as well as the doorstops that I knew were somewhere. Power was out most of the day and then on into the freezing evening, really aggravating because the local power company apparently lies about when power will be restored. Apparently they automatically announce 2 hours as their estimate, then extend every 2 hours, it was more like 9. Apparently the issue was up in the Gila national forest, they know darn well it takes time just to get up in there, never mind the time it takes to do a fix. Work continued on the porch, with a generator adding to the aggravation. Yes, it was wise to replace the roof and patch the concrete, no it's not going to be any more usable or pleasant than it was. It was worth the promised 2 weeks of disruption, not the several it has turned into. Retreated to the motorhome at sunset, and just as had my gear moved out and settled in for the night, power came back on. Now it's back to computer work. Reservations, insurance stuff, escrow suddenly changed, and the Illinois Tollway tells me they will close my account if I don't call them to ask to keep it. All that stuff they think it's nice to throw at people 'after the first of the year'. |
13 Jan 25 - 11:42 AM (#4215237) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Power outages - after 2021's long cold one we're all a bit punchy. My computer UPS devices can charge small stuff and my sister recommended one of the Stanley portable power stations. The one I got has been helpful, but I should have read the description more closely because I had to buy an adapter to shift the 12-volt plug to AC plugs (lamp, radio, etc.) You were more than prepared with the RV in the driveway! My neighbors are leaving for two weeks (cruise in the East Caribbean - nice time of year to go) and we discussed the possibilities if the power goes out. Since they won't be here the generator won't be in use (she apologized in advance, if that happens) but she has children who live in the area, so I'm to give one of them a call if power is out for a couple of days so they can come retrieve items from the freezer while it's still frozen in case power is out for a long long time. The side of my fridge hosts a list of alarm codes, family phone numbers, and house keys for them. |
14 Jan 25 - 01:06 AM (#4215280) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Going through more craft room items. Some embroidery hoops going to my son's partner, a dozen in various sizes. I think they were to frame finished projects I never got around to. (I'll keep a couple for use in projects that might call for embroidery). I spoke with him this evening so what they don't want is donated. Some of the associated vintage items, like the first edition DMC floss color card, has 330 colors, but research shows me that the most recent card has 489. eBay gets that. Books on rug and quilt crafts that don't interest me, gone to a better place. |
14 Jan 25 - 11:29 AM (#4215302) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion To Kitchener this morning for my monthly shot of Xolair (asthma drug). The weather is treacherous — snowing heavily, lousy visibility — so I took Highway 7/8 instead of the shorter but riskier route by the county roads. For a wonder, everyone seemed to have just received a stern safety brief: no speeding, no dangerous passing, no tail-gating, no going through intersections “on the pink”. It was downright relaxing. The imminent painting project in the music room has me stressing a bit. In the small hours of yesterday morning I woke up worrying about where to put all the books and sheet music while the bookcases are under drop-cloths in the middle of the room. Not a good sign. |
14 Jan 25 - 11:49 AM (#4215305) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage More materials soon on the way to my son, including his four high school annuals. I intentionally bought them for each kid. Neither was excited at the time, but they didn't realize that years from now those might be interesting references (if for no other reason than if, like me, they read the hometown obits and go looking for the faces that go with the names from decades ago.) They weigh about five pounds each (it was a large school) so it's good thing media mail is priced low for this kind of parcel. A few more tidbits from the sewing room, and I found a large durable plastic bin that matches those I'm using in the freezer for like items. I'll see if it fits. It might help me organize all of the types of flour in there, or maybe a home for all of the packages of frozen fish. We're getting an idea about the extent of the next Arctic air - Saturday through the following Wednesday, way cold overnight and 30s high each day. I'll be feeding my friend's cats again so I'll be out in it. I love that the SUV has a remote start feature so I can warm it up before trips. |
14 Jan 25 - 03:06 PM (#4215320) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage It's cold out but the sun is so bright that I've given my mood and immune system a boost just for being out in it for a while. Craft items dropped off; when I explained that the box had bags full of clean scraps and yardage from costume design the volunteer receiving them showed a little thrill of excitement. Perhaps an interest of hers also? Dog food picked up and then I browsed the dog toys and came home with two nylon chew toys. Cookie ran all over the yard with one of them, I probably need to go find it. Pepper is still chewing one on the bed that she typically drags sticks to from the yard then chews to pieces. I wish I could say this is the start of a trend for her. Potted plants in the garage need to be moved into the sunshine and this week I can start the bed where I'll plant potatoes. |
14 Jan 25 - 09:16 PM (#4215332) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Making progress on the organization front. I made a 'desk' in the library/office room using old planks,a 2 drawer file cabinet and the extremely heavy-duty box the mattress came rolled up in. Some artful draping with tablecloths and at least I have a place to spread out and work a bit (the little desk/table is busy with the microscope etc.) Unpacked a couple more boxes. Still cluttery, but feels a lot better. In tidying that area, was moved to wash a bunch of rocks from the last field trip during the warmer afternoon hours -- I always do that the day after a trip, but let myself get distracted this time. And this evening I'm labeling the sides of all my various little boxes of treasure in the rock room / work room, so at least I know what I have, and where on the shelves it is. Need to fish out some stuff for the Albuquerque stop on the trip. Air in the water lines has returned. So frustrating to know they just wasted my time with a band-aid. Maybe a better well company can come out here, take a look, and train me on winterizing before I have to leave Monday morning. Maybe not. |
15 Jan 25 - 12:17 AM (#4215334) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Good luck with the lines. Sounds like the first crew didn't want to bother to look for the leak? Hoped to get lucky with that bandaid. Can any plumber also do that, or does it have to be a specialized well company (or are those one and the same out there?) The second desk in my office is similar to what you described. A leftover piece of furniture grade plywood (I finished the edges with a strip of iron-on oak veneer you find in rolls at Home Depot, etc., so it looks like solid wood.) It sits atop two two-drawer filing cabinets spread apart to give me a kneehole. Solid. |
15 Jan 25 - 07:58 AM (#4215350) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion's brother Andrew Charmion: "In the small hours of yesterday morning I woke up worrying about where to put all the books and sheet music while the bookcases are under drop-cloths in the middle of the room. Not a good sign." Not a good sign? Well, given that your concern is about as First World as it gets, it's not a bad sign, either. "Painter, more drop-cloths for that heap of printed matter!" ;) |
15 Jan 25 - 04:38 PM (#4215382) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Mrrzy I'm going to paint my house's insides soon. Paint makes a lot less mess than drywall work, I'll say that. Meanwhile have acquired a lot of counter space by consolidating my toaster oven and microwave into a single unit, air fryer/microwave. It can make toast, too. But it added a lot of counter space, and extra sides to stick magnets to, too. |
15 Jan 25 - 11:26 PM (#4215394) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Sounds good, Mrrzy. Though I've read that magnets on appliances (including refrigerators) isn't necessarily good for them. I would never do that on the convection oven because it gets too hot. What about your new device? Does the outside stay cool during use? Going through old email this evening I came across a class-action thing in the spam. It actually has to do with a business I did use in the past, so I've filled it out. Perhaps in seven years I'll get a check for $35 after all of the fees and lawyers have been paid. This makes two of these things now. I have a file for these and every year or two I check up on the cases. I've picked up the two repaired Sarouk Persian rugs and will get them to the kids soon. I asked him what value they should list them as for insurance purposes and he said $2250 each. They spent the first 100+ years on the floor, perhaps the next 100 years they should be on the wall. I need the same repair on the ends of the bigger one in my room, but I'll wait till warmer weather, it's the rug I stand on beside the bed and the tile floor is cold this time of year. I experimented with some King Arthur Measure-for-Measure gluten free flour and a couple of pieces of gluten free bread from the freezer. I toasted the bread, broke it into the little food processor, and finally put it in a fine grinder to make bread crumbs. Add an egg and some chicken breast to roll through all of it and I had the makings for a few chicken strips. Making a very small batch involves about the amount of one of carbs as one of the the slices of bread and a tablespoon of flour. I used some of the corn oil I still have here, but it isn't a keto-friendly oil, so will get very little use and won't be replaced when it runs out. |
16 Jan 25 - 10:49 AM (#4215412) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Someone will come out Monday to look at the well and supervising draining of pipes 'winterizing'. Then I'll travel a shorter distance than I had planned, probably stay in Truth or Consequences, and hit Albuquerque the next day. Reassured in a way by the women in the well service office; but in a way unnerved because one immediately jumped to the conclusion the well is sucking air because the water table dropped. I don't think so, but what if the tech also jumps to that conclusion? I guess I'll get a second opinion before rebuilding the well. Ripped the end-cover off my awning while pulling away from the house where I parked too close in order to load recycling directly from the porch, yet another humiliation in front of the neighbors. Got to the enormous transfer station; there was a bin the size of a chest freezer, stuffed full of cardboard, nowhere else to put the stuff. And I had a chest freezer's worth to drop. Unattended shoddy operation. Went into town where I had spotted big recycling containers. GONE. In the corner of the lot remained a tiny bin marked 'tin cans' and a regular dumpster. Put all my stuff in there, cardboard, trash, and all. I had already dumped the scrap metal at the transfer station. Just getting a lot of 'nothing works any more' vibes everywhere I go. The bank transfer facility that should work, doesn't, no recourse, no one to call and get things working. The lumber I paid HD extra to have delivered, and waited 10 days for--was delivered to the wrong address, then carpenter had them bring it here and received it, weeks ago. As he builds the roof, finds, tucked inside, a colossally warped timber, had to be replaced. Even he of even temper has become frustrated. the RV park well failed, and they were sold 2 non-working pumps, so went thru installation process 3 times. No one cares if they waste buckets of your time because of their carelessness or poor quality. |
16 Jan 25 - 12:24 PM (#4215415) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage It does feel like everyone is giving up. Let's see, why could that be? (We all need to send a message to Merrick Garland to for heaven's sake drop the charges on the other two in the Maralago documents case—because Trump will anyway—and release the report. We want to see it, not have it buried.) That rotten plank stunt is so stinky, and they had to know what they were doing when it was in there. Childish trick. The lumber these days comes from rapidly grown young trees (better than cutting old growth, I'm not arguing for that) and isn't as strong. When I pick out my own 2x4s sometimes they'll be in a batch where everything is warped. It isn't being handled and dried as well at the mill. A good argument for not doing demolition with a bulldozer, but disassembling buildings that need to be replaced and reusing as much of that material as possible. It isn't just about rescuing fancy trim, windows, and old fireplaces any more. The recycling bins are emptied two days a week here and I have to keep track of those days to get in right behind them, because bins fill quickly when people don't flatten their boxes and put in bulky non-recycling things. Back when I had a travel trailer I remember a couple of embarrassing sideswipes or things dropping off. They're handy, but there are so many moving parts to keep track of! Another eBay item sold and will go in the mail today. One item is left in the listings, so I have to get more up there. And I have to finish a large box to my son; I'll take that that and the box of high school yearbooks to the post office. Turning inward this year. More audiobooks, more work that doesn't involve listening to the news. Putting in the garden as a really serious source of food, because in addition to the climate change I think the broad distribution of solid waste "fertilizer" embedded with PFAS has probably damaged our food supply in a serious way. |
16 Jan 25 - 09:45 PM (#4215439) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Mary G hope this is not too far off topic, but i am not working quite enough hours right now. I need to work from home or in nearby community.. I have a car but it is unreliable and mechanics can not figure it out, so it has to either be on bus route or walking distance, two miles or so. Are there any reliable places to start looking for online at least? Any recommendations? High wages are not expected. Thanks. |
17 Jan 25 - 12:24 AM (#4215440) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage You were previously MG on the 'cat, correct? Are you in a city now? Last I remember you were moving from a small town on the coast, but I don't remember where you were headed. There are lots of job scams out there these days, sites with offers but that suck people in for various nefarious reasons. That said, be careful about uploading your resume, but at some point you're going to have to have one ready to go. Indeed.com seems to be the winner in online job searches, if you enter your keywords. There were a couple of others I used a few years ago, when I was seriously looking, but this one rises to the top now. Linked-in works for networking and you can use it free or for a fee. Getting the connections in place so you can look at their workplaces or use them as references takes a bit of work. Your university connections would be a great place to start. Sometimes the site can't see the linkages you know exist and won't let you request a connection. Do you have particular jobs in mind? Freelance? Contract work? Regular part-time hours? All packages mailed and other things delivered in person. Several items listed on Freecycle. Trying to stay busy as the world prepares to implode. |
17 Jan 25 - 12:37 PM (#4215467) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage The dining table is set up in the den now with one leaf and the photo cube and lights in place. After the holiday move of equipment into the front room I decided I wasn't going to try to photograph and work on eBay items in there, it's too cramped. Success breeds success - selling a number of items in the last two weeks inspires me to get more listed. I'll start with small and easily described items to build back the inventory. The next cat sitting gig happens while an Arctic front is moving through, and though the chance of precipitation is low, it's not nil. I have a route I can drive that involves no bridges in snow or ice. Last year at this time I had new tires put on because I'd be cat sitting in similar weather; this afternoon I've scheduled a free tire rotation since I'm sure I've gone the 6-8000 miles they suggest is a good interval. I'm also looking at what I have on hand here, regarding events of the 45 administration. I ordered a box of KN95 masks to go along with my home-sewn 3-layer cloth masks. My garden will be going in gradually in the next couple of months, and I don't think there's anything I need there. The import things I use are generally food items like avocados and fruit, and I'll have to keep shopping at the discount gourmet grocery and hope we're not hit too hard over there. If immigrants who work in the meat packing plants are in fear of deportation then meat costs will rise. Buying larger pieces, whole chickens or turkeys, may be part of the answer. That's all I have in my crystal ball* for now. I'm getting a lot of mail from non-profits and charitable organizations as everyone scrambles to try to bolster their operations against what is ahead. The spreadsheet helps keep track of what I'm already supporting or subscriptions to renew. I need to look into the postal list to reduce junk mail, if there still is one. *One glimmer of hope in our Texas government - the MAGA supported candidate for the Speaker of the House in the Texas legislature that meets again this year lost to a Republican member who challenged him and was supported by Democrats. He doesn't roll over and do what MAGA wants. The house, senate, and governor are all GOP, but there are still a few rational people out there. No knowing where all of this will go, but there will be some pushback. |
17 Jan 25 - 04:53 PM (#4215476) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion I'm having my annual "How long to stay in Stratford?" crisis. Part winter blues, part post-Christmas slump, but mostly awareness of how much I miss my brothers and sisters-in-law, and my old friends. Not that I don't have friends here, but they are new friends, nice folks but they didn't know me back in the day, and they never knew Edmund. So I did some housework. That usually perks me up. |
18 Jan 25 - 11:27 AM (#4215497) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage That "where to live" inner dialogue is a constant companion here as well. Complicated by one brother moving to the east coast and one estranged, the remainder of family are six, three elsewhere and three here. But here is gawdawful hot in the summer and horrible politics. There it's about 3X as expensive to buy a home in. Tornadoes and hurricanes here, earthquakes and volcanic eruptions there. It's insurance policy renewal time. Rates are calculated by state, and Texas hasn't had a disaster for a few years so it shouldn't go up too much. I'd hate to live in California in the next few years. I've solved the dishwasher pod problem. It turns out those pod covers are dissolvable plastic and end up polluting the water and the treatment plant has trouble with it. I stopped using the Platinum pods with liquid contents because they don't clean any better than the less expensive stuff. The ones I'm using now are a powder in the pod, so I cut the cover off and threw it away. Dishes washed just fine. When the laundry detergent runs out I'll switch over to powder in a cardboard box (the current laundry sheets are embedded with dissolving plastic to hold their shape). First world problems. I'm getting requests for the spider lily bulbs I put on the free places, but not for the rest of the stuff so far. |
18 Jan 25 - 07:43 PM (#4215512) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Everything is gone via the donation route except the halogen lights. And I scored a case of a dozen heat pump air filters that I'll pick up tomorrow. That's a nice cost savings. Today was one of those days in which my ex has had technological issues all day long. I tried calling last night and today, no answer. No response to texts. Finally got a call and he came over for our shopping trip, and realized he'd put his phone on Do Not Disturb yesterday. We got back to my house after shopping and he couldn't find his phone. I found it slipped down beside his seat in my SUV (ringing, since I called it.) And then when he got ready to leave realized he'd locked his keys in the trunk of his car. So I drove him to his house and let him in (with the copy of his housekey on my keyring) and he got his spare car key and we returned to my driveway. I told him that getting all of those goofs over with in one day was one way to do it. Today's trip let me get organic blueberries at $3.99 a pint; at Aldi's this week they had 6oz clamshell packs of organic blueberries for $4.26. I picked up a case of 12 and they'll go into the freezer. They're one of the fruits that have a lot of residual stuff on them if they aren't organic. The Arctic blast arrives overnight. I think we're set. |
18 Jan 25 - 09:35 PM (#4215516) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: Did not fall asleep on purpose! Never did that before! I had burners turned down very low and one set to go off automatically. But still!! That rotten piece of wood! reminds me of when our family cottage was built - 60 years ago! Old Mr. Heller cut oak trees on our side of the mountain, took the logs over the hill to his sawmill and made rough planks which were then used (green) to build! Dad asked the govt bureau what sort of preservative??? They wrote back- nothing! That will outlast you! So I lost this last week: on Monday, I got up about 4 am because I couldn't sleep so might as well. Made delicious blueberry buckwheat cakes and ate two. Made a phone call to find a doctor to fill out a form for Driver's Licence. YAY! THEN: I was hit with the worst GI disturbance of my life - sitting on toilet with plastic bucket on lap, I wretched and screamed... The vomiting was excruciating and went on forever - scary! When R found me, still in the bathroom, he had already eaten two of the cakes! NO effect on him so it wasn't them. But I have done nothing but lie in bed with the hots and colds all week - until this morning. I finally feel OK - barely. Mystery bug, I guess. I stayed home from Chateaugrass today. freezing rain was part of decision. I did do a carrot soup and porridge. And clocked hours on computer! Someone scientifically minded (SRS?) might check out this woman on internet. Dr. Beata Halassy, ---VERY interesting and sounds sensible. A woman from the grief group, whom I really like, is coming by on Monday - I'm skipping the group; looking forward to a real visit with Valerie. Would like to find out what she thinks about the group --and life in general! And just finished The Choice by Edith Eva Eger- Holocaust survivor/psycholgist- PTSD and more- VERY Good! Nice to hear there is something OK politically in Texas!! |
18 Jan 25 - 10:37 PM (#4215520) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Aww, Dorothy, that sounds so miserable. Isn't the Norovirus making the rounds? That sounds a lot like how it has been described. Though I've only experienced that kind of virus a couple of times in my life, it was memorable, in all the worst ways. As to the politics down here I wouldn't say it is ok, just less bad for now. The cold is descending, and my last trip to feed cats tonight was in a down vest. Tomorrow I'll be out in the full-on winter parka and gear. I have another museum tour, though chances are it won't make with the weather. |
19 Jan 25 - 10:25 AM (#4215536) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink This morning while it was still freezing, dashed out in my jammies and robe to test the Thermo Cube thermostatic outlet. I had made a trip into town last night to exchange the wobbly junky walmart heater for a name brand. Plugged it in, nothing happens. Come inside to test the heater inside, works fine. Try it again out at the pumphouse; unplugged the extension and tried the cube and heater combo out there. Not only didn't work, the connection is so tight on these things, it broke off the prong from my heavy duty extension cord, rendering it useless. So now I'm panicking, because now there's no heat out there. Couldn't get the rig close enough to help position power close enough. Finally added a shorter extension cord from the house, was able to get enough distance and keep some heat out there. Glad the other cord on hand was a 40', I debated on what length to get. Looked up reviews online, on Tractor Supply site they have 62 reviews, and 6 of them are 'just doesn't work'. So apparently the company is fine with shipping stuff that maybe 10% of the plugs don't actually work, but it seems like if a store has one bad plug, they have a batch of them. Couple guys report exchanging and trying multiple ones, all failed. If there was ever a product that needs testing at the factory, this one is it. Home Depot of course has an alternate brand, with 100 they can ship, but not a one actually in a local store in the winter. Not that I have time to make a long buying trip today. I guess I'm back to the drain-everything plan instead of keeping some heat going in house and pumphouse, though I'm not sure there won't be water trapped if I do that. Hope the guy coming tomorrow morning is knowledgeable and helpful. Well, back to packing, and getting ready for the online Burns Night at noon here. |
19 Jan 25 - 11:44 AM (#4215545) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Donuel There is no defense against Norovirus by means of cleanliness or hygiene. For example Lysol is effective to kill 99.99% of viruses and bacteria but Norovirus is in the 100th of 1% that is immune to Lysol. |
19 Jan 25 - 01:00 PM (#4215550) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage I have both the white thermocube and a yellow Frost King cube, but they were purchased at least a dozen years ago. The yellow one is from HD. They both work. The air in the space does need to be below a certain threshold before they kick in, so you're sure it was below about 37o when you tested? Using those devices you have to be careful that everything is in the On position even though it only comes on intermittently, and usually when you're asleep. (My friend with the cats set up the Freeze Miser on her faucet and on her last trip I checked it and the water was turned off. It only works if the faucet is on so it can drip when the temperature reaches 37 or lower.) It is goofy that those things aren't in the store. I looked at my local HD - they could ship one to the house by Wednesday or I could pick one up in the store starting Feb. 3. Really? Porch pickup was a zero this morning, she forgot to leave it on the porch. I texted, it's there now and I'll go by before my next cat/museum run in a little while. She has a great landmark in the front yard, one of those Little Library boxes on a post. I have a book to add to it, A Return to Common Sense by Leigh McGowan. I read the first few chapters and found it to be clear an accurate description of how US government is set up and how the amendments work, etc., but it's stuff I already learned in school (and should still be taught now). I've wondered what to do with it. Putting it "out there" to do some heavy lifting seems appropriate. It's cold and clear, very bright today. Fingers crossed it stays this way, no snow because I have too much coming and going to do to fuss with slithery side roads. I'm halfway through freezing those organic blueberries. There are 12 avocados ripening on the kitchen counter to be made into guacamole and frozen. Yesterday Town Talk was particularly full, even as late in the day as we usually go over, and I think everyone had the same thing in mind - getting produce to freeze or can, and other stuff to stockpile in case things go pear-shaped in a hurry after tomorrow. We had to queue in line to reach the checkout for about twenty minutes and had a good conversation with the guy behind us, an inspector with the local office of the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. He is concerned about the threat to downsize the federal workforce. I'm working my way through those crispy pecans I made a couple of weeks ago (I've also gifted a bunch of them). I weigh out a ounce at a time and find that the sharp flavor of the crunchy nuts is just what I need for a healthy snack. I also found another good very dark chocolate bar yesterday, that I'll pick up more of tomorrow (because it will go away fast, waiting a week or two doesn't work at that store.) |
20 Jan 25 - 08:05 AM (#4215579) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Another full-height bookcase, this one equipped with shelf inserts for CD storage, has left the building, given away on Facebook Marketplace. I definitely need to stop moving large furniture up and down stairs. |
20 Jan 25 - 09:40 AM (#4215584) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Wow, was not expecting 'you probably did something wrong'. For the record, I tested outdoors, with the knob turned to lo then hi heat, at 26 degrees. Then I tested at another connection, where it failed, and upon removing it, broke a prong off my extension cord because the receptacle holes are too tight. It is a brilliant idea and I was glad to find it. I'm not accusing the product line of being bad, I'm saying I got a bad one and there are bad ones out there. Perhaps whoever was in charge of quality control retired and was not replaced, or was replaced by an incompetent. |
20 Jan 25 - 12:57 PM (#4215591) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage No, I wasn't saying you did something wrong, and I understood about the broken prong. But those cubes are kind of counter-intuitive, so it was more just of a "triple check to see if it's really set up the way you think you set it up" before some guy comes along and points out a snag in the setup. Including the outlet you have the extension cord plugged into. You're ready for the guy who might suggest something was done wrong. (I hope that helps!) I've been on the receiving end of that repair guy smugness a time or two - it's not so bad with the conversation in person when I explained the problem, but a few minutes later when I look over at the truck they arrived in and the guys are sitting there laughing. Running around this week, making the cat trips the bookends around other stuff to save driving. This morning's bookend trip was back to Town Talk, where I found a really good type of dark chocolate on Saturday so bought a whole bunch today, and it was marked way down below what I thought it would be. I may go back for more tomorrow, and truly have a lifetime supply. It's the low amount of sugar per serving that works for me; dark chocolate from places like Aldi's still have more sugar than I want. I may have to take the little cat to the vet. He's not eating much at all today, and has had the trots. This morning I gave him the medication she indicated. Yesterday he got into a small jar of babyfood I accidentally left out on the counter, and must have eaten most of the jar. That may be what is upsetting his system (she uses it in small dabs to give various medications to the cats.) So letting it clear out and see how things progress. It's not like she's somewhere else in the state and can drive back home early to deal with this, she's scuba diving off the coast of Honduras for a week. If he's dying at this point I'll sit with him if I need to. This cat has used all 9 and several spare lives at this point. |
20 Jan 25 - 10:28 PM (#4215622) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Long afternoon at the vet with cat - it seems he is having a bad reaction to diabetes medication. He was such a mess, I was sure he was sliding toward the rainbow bridge. He'll be there for several days and feeding cats at her house just became a lot easier. I'm working on a new web page (it will be a file that lives on my desktop but opens in any browser) with the links to places I want access to as far as writing to representatives about votes they are considering. Today I wore the LL Bean flannel-lined jeans and they felt great. I found a kleenex in the pocket so know I wore these before and aired then put them back in the closet. After this wearing they will go in the wash, as will my hoodie jacket - even with a veterinary waterproof pad under him, I had the cat in my lap at the vet and he was a stinky little guy. My friend asked if he was in my lap and I described his state - he was getting petted but was on the exam table. "There's worse than cat urine on your clothes" was the answer. And if it had been his last trip to the vet, a cuddle was needed, so I scooped up all of it. |
21 Jan 25 - 11:25 AM (#4215651) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage I've made progress on the personal web page, looking up sites I want to include (meaning I don't need to keep a bunch of bookmarks). Still super cold today, and I get my haircut midday. I don't do anything fussy, no drying or combout or anything, but she usually does that if it's this cold. I'll take along a bag of my crispy pecans as a thank you. The little cat has much perked up, my friend spoke to the doctor on the next shift. She's grateful I acted yesterday, I think the little guy would have died overnight otherwise. I'll be taking a box of his preferred food over to the vet this afternoon, a kitty care package. Who knew pet sitting could be so dramatic. (She's going to be poking his ear and taking daily blood sugar readings after this, plus twice a day insulin shots - so life did just get more complicated.) Another cuppa tea then hit the road. |
21 Jan 25 - 04:38 PM (#4215664) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion This year's "Where to live?" crisis has resolved into a decision to move back to Ottawa this year. What's more, I have told the family and tonight I tell the choir. And I contacted the real estate agent who sold us the house back in 2017. When she gets back from Mexico, this shit gets real. The Brothers (and sisters-in-law) are thrilled. The choir won't be. So it goes. |
21 Jan 25 - 05:08 PM (#4215668) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage WOW! And congratulations on making the decision. You've done so much downsizing hopefully it is easier moving out of the house than moving in was. (You also did a lot of remodeling, as I recall.) Does this mean you'll be doing more painting or repairs now getting ready to list? |
22 Jan 25 - 12:41 PM (#4215733) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Still cold, and today it's windy enough to make it feel even worse. Overnight tonight will also be frigid, but then it's supposed to move out of the area. Day three this week of medical stuff. Monday the vet, last night my ex called, he'd somehow bit his tongue (eating salad!) and it wouldn't stop bleeding. He might need a ride to an emergency clinic. He never had the icemaker plumbed to his fridge and doesn't keep an ice cube tray so my first move was to get a bunch of my ice and take it over. After about 20 minutes of a cube wrapped in gauze (and dampened so it didn't stick) the bleeding stopped. It actually became kind of funny - I snapped a photo of him with the gauze in his mouth and sent it to the kids in a group conversation. This morning was my blood draw in advance of next week's checkup and after six months of no statins but the changed diet I am curious to see what shows up. I'm going to take Taubes' Good Calories, Bad Calories with me to the exam. Patty, were you able to get everything worked on early in the week in time to do the travel you were packing for? I do apologize if my remarks were inappropriate regarding the work you're doing. |
22 Jan 25 - 10:00 PM (#4215765) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: Finally back to feeling reasonably good. Whatever that was, was a doozy! At least R did not need to deal with it or with me having it; I just mostly stayed in bed with book and computer. Now R's bro (80) was in hospital yesterday with something nasty wrong. I am hoping R will be home tonight or let me know. They are partners in the business and the load is already too much for R; if bro cannot help, I fear for R's mental health. I sent off a treatise of the 66 years of my so called "marriage" to #2 son. Sent it to #1 a few months ago after he browbeat me and triggered PTSD. I decided they are old enough to have a clue what I have been through with their "DT clone" of a father. DTclone is the most polite way I can refer to him. Had a wonderful visit this week with a woman I met at the grief group. My first friend in this burg! Charmion! Sounds like a great decision! Wonderful to have family happy to have you back! |
23 Jan 25 - 01:02 PM (#4215819) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Dorothy, I hope Robin's brother recovers quickly. And it sounds like the "treatise" you sent the sons needed writing. Getting it out of your system, making clear to others who needed to know your side of the story, that lets it be set aside. (I had a particularly toxic friend like that once - I wrote it out then burned the pages and buried them in the garden, and remarkably, that let me put it behind me.) Still darned cold here, and the faucets have been dripping every night for a week. Tomorrow it looks like things finally warm, and then we're into a rainy spell. All week has been one for layers and chapstick. I am working to maintain forward momentum these days despite retrograde developments in the US. Progress on eBay listings, and setting aside more household craft things for the next donation for city teachers. I'm also getting back to after-school tutoring; I tutored for a couple of years in the town where I was working until I retired (it was long drive for a couple of hours a week.) I'll find a program here; I sent a note to the friend at the university who works with groups that do tutoring and teacher service-learning to get a recommendation of where to start. |
23 Jan 25 - 09:45 PM (#4215858) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Hi from the road, wishing everyone well with their changes and upheavals. SRS, glad your devotion to the friend's cat had a happy ending! Worked very hard to get everything loaded for travel, and still managed to pack 5 hairbrushes but no hand lenses, but whaddya gonna do. Did use several well-thought-out lists but just too many moving pieces to juggle. Drained all the pipes, winterized, with questionable help from a well guy. I gotta find a decent water well driller, maybe there's one in Silver City. Had a great visit with the micro collectors in ABQ, then pressed on, stopping overnight at Homolovi State Park, which was a serene little place not far from the interstate. Got in a hike and learned a few things from the ruins and exhibits. Stopped a night in the wide spot in the road called Wikieup, Arizona, at a true oasis of an rv park-cum-pie-cafe. Lovely, and much warmer than the high country was, while hitting 8-10 at night. |
24 Jan 25 - 12:30 AM (#4215863) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage That's a nice looking little park, Patty. I've been through the area a number of times but never made it to that one. A recommendation came through on a good tutoring program so I'll investigate their options. This is will build on the number of things I'm doing to help others but also make myself feel better. It's clear that federal money to schools is probably going to drop, and in this state the legislature plans to divert dollars to vouchers, further harming public schools. This is my small thing to help. There was an essay published that is making the rounds on Facebook (lots of copy paste, but here is the original: Do I Dare Disturb My Doomscrolling?) "You can’t identify what needs to be done next if you aren’t doing the simple things that can be done now." |
24 Jan 25 - 06:44 PM (#4215909) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: keberoxu A most unexpected form of de-clutter in the last day or two. My taxes are prepared by an accountant, a very nice one, who is part of a large nationwide firm. The firm in question just informed its people that all accounts below a certain dollar figure are going to be terminated. That includes me, and according to the accountant, about fourteen clients of hers. She fortunately thought of a remedy. I've been with this firm long enough to have gone through a series of accountants there. One of them left the firm to become a partner in a smaller business, and he is accepting clients as lowly as myself. So today he and I agreed to resume our accountant/client relationship at his newer, smaller firm. |
24 Jan 25 - 11:13 PM (#4215916) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Keb, that worked out rather well! I've only had my taxes prepared professionally a couple of times, when estates were involved. I still manage to make a few mistakes and it gets rejected by the IRS free file software until I fix it. I never use the commercial products; those companies use well-paid lobbyists to pester the government to keep the income tax code so complicated that no one can do them easily so they can stay in business. This evening listing easy to describe and ship eBay things. Small and non-breakable like Tupperware and sewing stuff, to build up the inventory. The weekend is fully subscribed; cat sitting will finish Saturday evening and I need to clear the kitchen counters and table for our university group lunch on Sunday. |
25 Jan 25 - 09:51 AM (#4215929) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Keb, I am so glad there was a way to slide over to a new firm. My fervent hope is that some day a lot of business will move over from the giant chains back to real people running small businesses. We can't afford the overhead and excessive profits of these big chains. Only reason they can often charge less is they are allowed to bully suppliers into sweetheart deals. That policy, once illegal, was up for review by the government recently, I forget if it's FTC or Justice. |
25 Jan 25 - 11:27 AM (#4215935) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Sitting here in snowy Stratford, doing my best to stop stressing and get on with life. Marco the painter will start work next week, so I have been preoccupied with planning his access to the walls of the music room. I have to shift six full-height bookcases — and their contents — into the middle of the room. I think the neatest way to accomplish this task is to unload each bookcase onto the work table, move the empty bookcase, then load the books back in. When Marco has finished, I will simply — but not without considerable effort! — reverse the process. Yes, labour-intensive. But that’s what I have to do if I am to get that room redecorated without spreading stacks of books all over the house, which would take just as much work and make the place unlivable for a week. And no, I’m not prepared to “just get rid of” the books, as many people would advise. Not people who hang out here, I hasten to add. Barbara the real estate agent will return from her holiday next week. She suggested looking at the house in the first week of February. With any luck, I’ll have the music room back to rights by then. Meanwhile, my level of anxiety bobs about the threshold of intolerable, which is very distracting. |
25 Jan 25 - 12:24 PM (#4215936) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Charmion, you made a big decision that isn't set in stone yet, and I imagine you're viewing a bunch of related parts of the move as one whole huge task. There is a drill - start making lists and put the discrete parts of it in such a way that you don't have to do all of it at once. Feel good about each accomplishment. So what is the first step? Getting this house ready? Starting the house search in Ottawa or nearby? I imagine your family is going to be a big help during the relocation. Meanwhile, lift with your legs and get a good workout moving all of those books. Bonus - squats are good for the pelvic floor. Anxiety here in the US is through the roof - it's dry January and probably needs to stay a dry four years because it would be too tempting to self-medicate the entire time. Better to let the anxiety push us toward resistance. I found Dr. Amen's chapter 10 (Happy Nutraceuticals) in You, Happier to be helpful, and have added GABA and L-Tyrosine to my supplements, as needed. L-Tyrosine is found in green tea, so simply drinking more of that can help your mood. I heard this morning that there is an early election of some sort scheduled in Ontario because of the tariff issues threatened by Trump. Green tea for everyone. |
26 Jan 25 - 11:19 AM (#4216003) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Yesterday I bought three cases of sparkling water at Costco, and was careful as I loaded them into the cart, into the SUV, and then into the garage. They're heavy enough that I was feeling it this morning in the abdominal muscles. Tylenol to the rescue. I'm preparing for friends over for lunch so don't need to be struggling with everything I need to do. One of the eBay items listed on Friday sold on Saturday so will leave the house on Monday. Nice! Last week was freeze, this week is rain, so more indoor activities. |
26 Jan 25 - 08:34 PM (#4216025) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: Charmion! The path ahead is fraught with many mini-obstacles. You have made the big decision and made yourself and others happy! When I think of all the stuff you have moved in the last few years - this looks like a piece of cake! Of course the impending election is ... interesting? I hope we can get someone who is not a DT clone this time. Moving books one more time is a big job but not insurmountable. That nice pic on FB, depicts - a foldable bookcase over by the window? I have the twin next to my chair! And that rocking chair! - mine is a memory. Too many moves...too much panic of divesting too much stuff! Bro is a bit better; he did one of those incredibly stupid things - ignoring a pain in his toe, resulting in a day or two in hospital as the swelling was reduced so he can stand. Walking is still almost impossible. It seems that friends are taking turns helping out but R was not home for two days. But, today, he brought in the rest of the winter's wood after I moved the dry wood from hallway into Den, near wood stove - which was pouring out welcome heat while the outside door was open to bring in cold wood! The temp was just about freezing and the sun bright! Hoping for a bit more energy tomorrow. Going to be about freezing - with light snow - yuck! |
27 Jan 25 - 01:09 AM (#4216034) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Funny you should notice that folding bookshelf, Dorothy (I had looked at the whisky wistfully, I'm off of it for at least January, but didn't look at the room). I have several of those collapsible bookshelves around here. They're practical. I'm glad to read R's brother is better. Those brothers do seem to neglect their health at times, don't they? Lunch with friends today was great. A lot of pent-up stuff added to the animated conversations. (Lunch was homemade mac and cheese, fruit, and chocolate. Hot tea to wash it down.) One had a signal on the dash that a tire was low so I got out the portable compressor from the car and added air. I could have used the fancy Stanley one I keep inside the sunroom door but realized I didn't know how to run the compressor part of it (power supply, car battery cables/jumper, and compressor). Must get out the instructions. |
27 Jan 25 - 04:28 PM (#4216069) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage I pulled up a draft blog essay from last fall and after editing I dropped it into my Wordpress account, just to see how it works now. I think a lot of people will be going back to blogs instead of sharing everything on Facebook. The place I used to host photos messed up a lot of my images so if I want to revive this seriously I need to restore what went missing. And probably pay for the blog to have more functionality. Still kind of feeling the effects of lifting heavy boxes on Saturday. To save your back when lifting it helps to clench the abs, but I seem to have been over-exuberant with the compensation. The den is back to full-strength forest floor after mud, hair, and chewed sticks have built up in the last couple of weeks. The kitchen was looking great for guests yesterday, but I left the lights off and the curtains closed in the den. Keeping track of simple things (harking back to the essay I linked to on the 24th) I find will be helpful in improving my mood. I subscribed to Snopes.com yesterday after being a user for years. And I used it in one of the fact check activities I pledged to do more of. For today I will remind friends around Texas who like to vote absentee that they need to send in the request form every year now (because the GOP Lege wants to make it more difficult to vote.) These are things I can do. |
27 Jan 25 - 08:56 PM (#4216080) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: The bros do very little self care. R has me kicking and screaming - take your supplements; Did you drink water today? clean clothes would help! -Bro, I ignore; only see him on rare family occasions. He actually behaves reasonably at the cousin's home. They are the "headquarters". I will not have him in our house; R agrees. He is over 80 now but he has always been a horror. The bit of wood I moved yesterday was enough! Back is complaining slightly but I dredged up enough energy to make a pot of chick/veggie stew for a couple days. Later in the week, I will go to the bakery and Little Green Library (books due), visit Geri, maybe a couple other friends down near the border. Between snows! Signed up for friend Jessie's farm thingie for this summer. I do not envision being able to spend much time at Beaver (sadly). |
28 Jan 25 - 06:50 PM (#4216156) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage The afternoon went to composing a letter to both US Senators and the US Representative of my district. A folder is set up with templates for future letters and printed mailing labels along with brightly colored envelopes. I mailed the first batch, and will see about the online message system for each of these folks later. When I tried in the past they didn't let formatting or even paragraph breaks show up so reading a message isn't easy, hence the printed mailed letters. I also mailed my request for all of this year's absentee ballots. Addressing the impulsive illegal acts of 47 is going to waste a lot of time, but we can't ignore this crap. Other things this week: the potted plants put in the garage for the week of hard freezes are out now and will get rained on tomorrow. I need to set up pots with soil and start veggie seeds for the garden this spring. Doctor and dentist check-ups this week. And soon I'll go back to the friend's house and dig up the almond verbena to transplant here (they're a glorious smelling shrub and attract loads of bees). |
29 Jan 25 - 09:30 AM (#4216189) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: MaJoC the Filk --- Ah: "composing". My eyes did a mischievous tyop and rendered it as "composting" (presumably because of the context). |
29 Jan 25 - 10:06 AM (#4216190) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion I find that I am, indeed, weeding the books again, though I'm not yet sure exactly what I'll do with this batch of cast-aways. Of all my possessions, it's the books that Marie Kondo's approach works best on, though it's not a spark of joy I'm looking for but a pique of renewed interest. Since the pandemic, I have lost any inclination to read military history, especially the conventional accounts of policy, campaigns and battles. I'm even ready to part with my copy of Clausewitz. On the music front, the Stratford Concert Choir is in the process of self-destruction. Three weeks ago, the Board voted to dismiss our conductor, an excellent musician and choir trainer, because the choir is losing money. There were two dissenting votes on the motion: mine, and one other that I assume came from the Alto section leader, a serious musician. The conductor has seen this coming for months because the board executive have fought him on every suggestion he has made to improve the financial picture. Now the other shoe -- the announcement to the membership -- has dropped and the fall-out is beginning. This whole business is a major component of my decision to move back to Ottawa. The choir was the main anchor keeping me here, and now it's failing. I'm just tired of the resistance to change and the refusal to work toward improvement. So I resigned from the Board at its last meeting. I wasn't the first rat overboard; our lead bass, a Lutheran pastor with decades or experience in non-profit organizations, beat me to it by 24 hours. On the home front, Marco the painter can't start this week and proposed next week. Okay, especially as the scope of work is changing -- now I want him to paint the bathroom, not the box room, because the bathroom is butt-ugly and must look as attractive as possible when the house goes public, and the box room is just kinda tired. And I won't take the curtain rods down. Changing the curtains would cost a bomb, and I'm not doing it since I won't be here to enjoy the result. I still feel very stressed, but I'm managing it better. One task at a time, baby steps. The basement work table is again covered with kitchen stuff to go to Goodwill -- muffins are permanently off the home menu, so why do I have two muffin pans? Likewise loaf pans, of which I have six. If I ever make bread again, I have some round earthenware cocottes that do the job just fine. It snowed yet again overnight, and the wind is blowing it all over the place. At noon I will pick up my friend Ruth to take her to Woodstock (40 km to the south on narrow county roads) to see the opthalmologist who did her cataract surgery, so I'm watching the weather radar map with intense interest. One of its screens shows wind direction -- very important in these parts. Time to take a shower. My hair looks like a barley-stack bewitched. |
29 Jan 25 - 11:23 AM (#4216193) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Changing the diet does affect the use of cooking equipment. I've collected lots of small baking pans for fancy bread but I still bake at the holidays so I haven't thinned them (they go as gifts to people who still eat flour - a move I am considering changing - can soda breads work with gluten free?) It is apparently possible to make yeast bread with non-wheat flour, but again, it's the carbs not just the wheat. I'm at that target weight I registered in MyFitnessPal and need to get enough carbs to stay here, I drifted down 10 pounds since last summer because of the diet change but don't want to keep losing. It's about staying healthy. (Also headed for the shower, then the doctor's office to discuss this big change seven months out from stopping statins, now that she will have blood work in hand.) Between Charmion painting and an old high school friend putting new windows in his house I see, through others' eyes, a lot of work that should be done so this place is ready if I decide the time has come. At this point in time, there is probably no place safe from the current administration and I at least have a lot of room for a garden here. MaJoC, I have a reporters notepad next to the desk (long narrow thing that easily slips into a shirt or back pants pocket), a remnant of my old days as a journalist. It seems the most appropriate reminder of what I need to do now - write. Today's task for myself is to write to Cruz and Cornyn to oppose Kennedy. "Would you want him dictating your family's health routine?" I think after the attempted Federal employee masacre that Musk has fingerprints all over they see this clown car is off the rails. Even the GOP senators have to get serious and block his choices. Impeach Hegseth while they're at it. The friend with the plants I've been digging posted a request on the Freecycle group for an embroidery hoop. I just sent a dozen in various sizes to my son's partner but still have several and will take her one next week when I go to dig again. It was purchased years ago, and has the price written on the side - 69¢ - not a huge giveaway. Back to scanning this afternoon, and maybe the gym. |
29 Jan 25 - 11:48 AM (#4216197) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink In the Anza-Borrego desert now, enjoying a bit of electricity and Starlink before going back to dry camping for the weekend. While we're on the subject of ditching pans, I started looking at getting a few baking pans for the house, and it's not cheap, and they are not the quality they used to be. And there are cheap versions the mart sells, guaranteed to not last, and now they have warnings on knives and peelers "Hand Wash Only", lol. If I had a cupboard full of baking pans I didn't use often, but were long since paid for, I'd be very slow to get rid of them. Because they are going to make everything worse before it gets better. Every necessity of life is under the microscope for the greedy rentier class to squeeze us. I have no desire to grow and make all my own stuff. But I am fearful of deliberate or climate induced shortages, and prices being jacked up on everything. I don't bake much now, but I can foresee a time when the weight is off and I don't need to exclude carbs as much, and commercial breads are all manufactured by some hedge fund, full of garbage, and $10 a loaf. Maybe I can teach friends the mysteries of bread baking, or swap loaves for their tomatoes. We have all been exhorted to declutter as much as possible in the past few decades, and yes, we need to have less crap in our homes. But I'm starting to have to rebuy stuff I should have kept, at ridiculous prices, and I'm starting to wonder how much of the declutter movement was just a way to get us all to buy again further down the line. I'm not ditching stuff just to have a clean-looking living room, or to delete anything that isn't tied to my immediate areas of interest. |
29 Jan 25 - 12:21 PM (#4216199) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: MaJoC the Filk > I have a reporters notepad next to the desk Ooooh, that takes me back, Stilly .... I used to carry a reporter's notebook with me everywhere in my coat pocket, since I got fed up with myself for thinking of fragments of filk which evaporated before I could write them down. Over the years, at least one coat pocket got all but torn off by the weight (of responsibility?). |
29 Jan 25 - 07:22 PM (#4216227) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Patty, if you have a list of things you need send me an email or PM here and I can look for them at Goodwill. You would be astonished the number of things people donate because they now have the newest device and discard all of the others (I see this because this is a huge urban area where so much more is donated). I always test electrical appliances and only buy those in mint condition. Things I see regularly include Pyrex and Anchor Hocking glass baking pans (various sizes), cast iron skillets, glass storage containers, stainless steel stock pots, and appliances like crock pots, George Foreman grills, toaster ovens (I also see glass bowl convection ovens as well as the metal oven ones; there was a great glass one at Goodwill last week I couldn't think of anyone who needed one or I'd have picked it up.) Shipping a few of these things will still come out less than trying to buy them new. I can also send photos to your cell phone via text if that is convenient when shopping. I think a lot of these things end up at Goodwill after they don't sell at estate sales. A long and productive discussion with my GP today resulted in a plan that for the next three months I'll follow - the diet I'm on now, but higher protein, less fat. Otherwise the same, and we'll see if the cholesterol lowers. The HDL is at a great level but she doesn't like the LDL (this was expected). Triglycerides are great as is everything else, and I was most interested in that marker. She says there is an expensive medication for people who don't tolerate statins, but I'm not considering it unless I learn a lot more about it and am convinced it won't mess up my brain or anything else. And after three months to see where the levels are. There are also a couple of scans that can be done to see where some levels are as we move forward. She could see I am feeling much better. Family health history would be excellent except two of the three sisters in Mom's family were heavy smokers and that messed up their health. The one who didn't smoke passed away at 95. The friend with the sick kitty says he's back to eating and is much better. She's now injecting him with insulin every morning and is learning how much testing will be required. She had never seen him in the state that I described when I took him over to the vet, so is glad the old common sense kicked in and I got him to a vet that afternoon instead of waiting till the next morning. Another set of messages sent to the senators from my state. Don't vote for JFK, Jr., he's a menace (phrased more politely). I told my GP about dry January and realizing that it might have to last for the next four years; the thought of self-medicating to reduce the stress of Trump is otherwise a real but unhealthy possibility until 2029. |
29 Jan 25 - 08:33 PM (#4216232) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Thanks, I'm sure I will find what I need over time here in our thrifts. I was just making the point that tossing lots of kitchen stuff might not be desirable in the long run. Everything is 'always available cheap'; right up until it isn't. |
30 Jan 25 - 12:00 PM (#4216261) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion I saw my doc last week to get a referral to a surgeon to remove a growth on my face. (No, it doesn't hurt, and it's most unlikely to be cancer but let's not take a chances.) She looked me over and asked, "Are you still on that keto diet?" I said, "Sorta -- with a bit of a net carb boost to accommodate enough milk to deal with that osteopaenia you warned me about." She pages through a bunch of lab results on her computer. "Why do you have absolutely perfect blood lipid levels?" "I dunno. Just lucky I guess." This may be the first time in my life I've ever been perfect at anything. |
30 Jan 25 - 02:34 PM (#4216271) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Congratulations, Charmion! I'm pretty sure things like the chicken skin contribute to the levels my doctor was looking at, so we agreed I'll remove that to adjust the protein amount upward and see if readings are closer to what she wants in three months. Too much protein can cause issues with the gut. (The Atkins diet is notorious for causing constipation.) Today was the dentist, and when scheduling my next six months check it bumped up against my (now) annual dermatologist check. In all I'm doing pretty well at this age with only three prescriptions; it could be two if I decided to not treat the ADHD. On the way back from the dentist I passed one of my regular feed stores that had seed potatoes and onion sets in stock so I'm set to start work in the garden. It needs a couple of days to dry after last night's heavy rain. I may need to get a new spark plug for the tiller; it wouldn't start the last time I tried it. |
31 Jan 25 - 12:39 PM (#4216346) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage As a gift to myself this morning I finished all of the dishes in the sink last night and ran the dishwasher. Some days I'm so easy to please. The weekend temperatures will be into the 70s and I plan to do some yard work. The garage needs tidying, easier to do in warm weather with the big door open. There is a long list of other things needing doing in the yard and I won't elaborate here but I've put them all down on the task list in my bullet journal for February. I had a newer restaurant-quality plastic bin that I moved my regular flour into (I still use some of it for baking for other people, at least until I use this up). That empties a large round Tupperware bin. There is a smaller (nesting) Tupperware bin for my whole wheat flour, and that should also be moved. I've had the Tupperware for so long I have no idea how that plastic was made but it's time to stop using it for food. I'll look at the restaurant supply place and see what other options for food storage. They do sell some glass things, lots of stainless steel, and lots of acrylic. I nearly dropped my salmon filet out of the skillet last night when transferring to the plate when the little silicone spatula sagged at the edge. The old hard black plastic wouldn't have done that. Neither would metal, and I think the answer is to use the metal utensils and not use non-stick pans so it doesn't matter that they're metal. |
31 Jan 25 - 02:57 PM (#4216367) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: keberoxu I sympathize with Charmion's difficult decision to de-clutter her life of the church choir. It's hard when being a member of such a group determines whether one will stay or go. I may be faced someday with a similar decision, for now I'm staying with my community chorus. Charmion and I commiserated some time ago about the bass section in choirs and choruses. I am putting up with a particularly noticeable bass singer in our chorus. He is a holdover from when the chorus was with its previous director. He has a big imposing bass voice and is a big imposing man. And he admits, when pressed, that he cannot read a note of music. What he does with the chorus, he does by reading the words, learning the music by ear, and following the other big imposing bass voice who IS a skilled and professional musician. This was very difficult for him to do when faced with the Bruckner Mass in f minor, a work of symphonic complexity and length. One time, during a rehearsal break when the director was out of the room, the illiterate bass sat down at the piano, stomping his big foot, and improvised something he called "the Bruckner blues," which sounded nothing like Bruckner. We now are preparing a program of Beethoven, Haydn, and Mozart in which the texts are entirely in German, not one of this bass's languages. The director is pragmatic about the fact that this is a community chorus and it takes all kinds to build one of such. I am not pragmatic, but I am resigned. |
31 Jan 25 - 09:50 PM (#4216388) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage That's a tough one, Keb. Will he do the work to learn to at least lip sync if he doesn't know all of the words but is standing there? I changed my mind about the restaurant supply store and used one of my smaller acrylic jars with a gasketed lid for the flour and what didn't fit in it is bagged in the freezer. I went to Goodwill and stumbled upon a small George Foreman grill - the one I use is larger and hard to clean because of the spacing on the ridges on the grills. This is sized for one and the metal cook plates, while ridged, are better spaced and easier to clean. I don't think it had ever been used. I'll offer my old grill on the Freecycle page. While at Goodwill I was astonished at the number of high-end printers, coffee makers, computer monitors, televisions, and other devices in the housewares department. Recycling dropped off this afternoon, laundry in, dishwasher will run next. I have my tablet charging and just added a couple of my gmail accounts to it (the ones that receive messages with links to podcasts and newsletters that are so important these days now that some of the big social media sites are less than reliable). I made it to Jan. 31 in dry January, but the Friday night massacre at the FBI is just one too many assaults on my brain. I have a glass of red wine to help the supplements L-Tyrosine and GABA do their work. |
01 Feb 25 - 09:11 AM (#4216410) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Sorry, keb, it’s not the church choir but the community chorus that’s in financial melt-down. But the same conductor was also the organist and choirmaster at my church, and abruptly now he’s not. With the community chorus gig collapsing around him, something happened with the rector and wardens of the church and that gig has now been yanked out from under him as well. I have no idea what happened at the church except that it’s neither creepy nor criminal. The rector would say only “not a good fit”. So that’s the last prop knocked out from under my life in Stratford. The Brothers have agreed to help with the one part of the move that I have to handle myself and can’t do alone: moving the cats. The trip from Stratford to Ottawa takes at least seven hours by road (six hours of actual driving), and the cats can’t be left alone in the car while their human visits the loo. There’s an excellent “cat resort” near Ottawa where I intend to board them during the packing and the move, damn the expense. Meanwhile, Marco the painter is still set to start work next week, which means it’s time for me to roll up the big rug and start shifting the furniture into the middle of that enormous room. Stilly, you’re right about gut problems and low-carb eating. I have diverticulosis, a problem of 20 years’ standing, so I have to be very careful to eat enough but not too much of the right stuff, such as broccoli and red sweet peppers, while sternly avoiding the wrong stuff, such as beans. I’m just emerging from another seven-day belly-ache, this one caused by eating cheese without enough veg to help it along. The fancy new electronic scale I got for Christmas tells me that excess body fat is not my problem these days, but my “bone mass” is verging on way too low. Better not fall down this winter, then! |
01 Feb 25 - 09:35 PM (#4216449) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Someone has already claimed the large old Foreman grill, picking it up tomorrow. Some Tupperware containers are cleaned, my daughter doesn't need them (she took one to use for chicken feed at her property, but no interest in these) and I have one of the VHS players cleaned and tested and ready to list on eBay. Got the remote control working (the batteries had crusted up in one spot) and it's ready to go. (This was a Goodwill purchase a while back.) The dogs are in need of baths so I'm thinking tomorrow might be a good time for that. It'll be in the mid-70s. |
03 Feb 25 - 02:11 PM (#4216574) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage The dogs are clean and sweet smelling and the bathroom is cleaned up of all of the water and dog hair. My refurbished antique sewing machine for sale on eBay had some interest yesterday. Several questions about "does it work" - it says so right in the description. What color - again, right there in the description with all of the photos (does it matter?) and then finally "this is what I want but out of my price range, will you drop your price by $50 and pay the $50 shipping and sell it to me that way?" Geez. I set it up so I wouldn't receive offers from people, but that's what they were leading up to. No. It can ride the sales page a while longer. Busy week ahead, writing to, calling, and this time also visiting the offices of our federal elected officials. |
03 Feb 25 - 06:19 PM (#4216608) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion No word from Marco about painting. Grrr. |
04 Feb 25 - 01:03 PM (#4216658) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage I spent yesterday working on a portable web page (it's a simple text file that when saved with the ending .htm becomes something that automatically opens in your default browser). It has all sorts of government links and reliable news sources. Next, to share it. I have lots of calls and emails to send today. I know the assignment. Sweeping, cleaning, dusting, and pacing myself as I work on projects around here. I'm wondering about the wisdom of trying to file my income taxes today, if they'll just slide into a black hole somewhere. Life right now is measured by whether the federal checks arrive as scheduled and guaranteed by law and past administrations. So far Musk has gone after contractors (any that aren't his personal business) and the poor around the world. Federal agencies. The third rail that will rise up en masse are those receiving pension and medicaid type payments, so I suspect he would go for that group last. Sorry about the politics here, but right now I am busy trying to declutter the US government of a coup. |
04 Feb 25 - 04:15 PM (#4216669) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Hey, Stilly: I looked on the Globe website for Musk antics and found little; on this side of the border, we’re preoccupied with all the tariff nonsense. Then I checked the NYT and read Michelle Goldberg’s latest piece. Maybe you’ve already seen it, but, if you haven’t, you should. On the home front, five more cubic feet of books went down the road this morning and the bookcases now look decidedly light on content. Next is another cut at kitchen stuff, targeting items that survived previous purges. We had so. much. stuff. I haven’t even started on the garage and the garden shed. Hoo, boy. |
04 Feb 25 - 09:58 PM (#4216683) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Thanks! I subscribe to the Times and have seen some articles, though they still seem to be glossing over the rough edges of what Trump is doing. Finding reports that aren't pulling the punches in mainstream news is the goal. I think they'll be outside our borders to start with. The local independent reporters are doing the lion's share of the reporting right now. (At the moment Rachel Maddow is giving us updates on progress - the protests and complaints and lawsuits are beginning to have effect.) More dust and dog hair cleared out today, and organizing the fridge makes room for more produce. We're planning to head to the favorite store on Saturday. Ex was over here this evening and suggests we should go earlier in the day. That is a change for him, because he used to hate earlier shopping because the lines are so long. Now as prices are going up he's willing to wait in line to check out if it means they won't have run out of things we want to buy. At Goodwill this week I found another of the Rubbermaid bins that work well when storing produce; it keeps longer than in the crisper drawers. So much of our produce here in Texas comes from Mexico. I have an appointment and volunteering to do this week, but I've otherwise spent most of my time working on daily complaints to senators and government leaders and updating some of my materials that can be helpful to others. We live in interesting times. |
05 Feb 25 - 08:41 AM (#4216715) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion's brother Andrew Does Stratford do neighbourhood spring yard sales? That would seem an opportune time to relieve oneself of the contents of a garage or garden shed. I would say early May before the starting gun goes off in the run-up to Victoria Day. |
05 Feb 25 - 12:54 PM (#4216728) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Good point, Andrew. The gun goes off a little earlier here, so early May would be about as late as I can leave it. |
05 Feb 25 - 06:08 PM (#4216752) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion's brother Andrew Looks for when neighbours are intending to have theirs, like the Great Glebe Garage Sale. |
06 Feb 25 - 09:13 AM (#4216782) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion The real estate agent visited yesterday, and I feel relieved. First, she told me not to paint the library/music room. Too much hassle and expense, and not necessary. (I hate the colours but others don’t.) Then she said that she believes the house will sell for enough to finance the entire move, including the land-transfer tax and professional fees. The renovations Edmund and I did drastically improved the house, removing the problems that made it a slug in a seller’s market in 2017. So all that hassle and expense was most likely not in vain. We will aim for late March to mid-April to list the house for sale. By then, I should have finished disposing of the stuff that I won’t use in my next life and don’t want to pay for moving. (I won’t wear Edmund’s mess dress uniform or gardening hat, but I’m not ready to part with them yet.) Other than all of that, life continues in Stratford with a freezing rain warning today with yet more snow in the forecast, and work on the choir library this afternoon. Sur avec la guerre, as they don’t say in France. |
06 Feb 25 - 10:16 AM (#4216788) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Charmion, I remember when you were doing all of the renovations - that was a gift to your modern-day self. You're going to be busy for a while this year, sounds like! The large 3-ring binder with printouts from various accounts (in the book of things that are paid for) is now minus about 30+ pages. I went through and removed those so old they no longer work, those that have gone away (I tested), and I revised only a couple. Then they all went through the cross-cut shredder for today's trash. It wasn't enough to bother with the burning barrel. The second binder, with all of the free sites, needs the same attention. We're testing a theory about the Town Talk shopping hours during the week, and this morning are going to see if we can get most of the produce instead of waiting for the huge Saturday market that fills the parking lot, and has every shopping cart in service (so you have to get carts from people who finished with them in the parking lot). Costco yesterday was more expensive (e.g. avocados up to $10 for six instead of $7 for six, and that tariff didn't kick in yet) and the clerk at the self-checkout said she'd never seen lines form to get in there (they have a new expanded setup). I coughed up $10 for a large rubber-backed doormat, to see if can catch more mud on dog feet. The existing mat has moved to a less-trafficked doorway. I can't grow avocados here, but I'll be growing other stuff to lessen the shopping runs this spring and summer. |
06 Feb 25 - 11:16 PM (#4216827) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Shopping was successful: that early on a weekday there weren't many people yet and there was a good selection. Considering the amount of produce I bought plus chicken breasts, three free-range organic pork sirloins (no brine added), several high-end quarts of yogurt, and some gluten free bread and crackers, my entire bill was $52. If I'd shopped at one of the big name stores the meat alone would have cost that much. I bought four beautiful large cauliflower for $3. I really love this place. I await more message t-shirts and have culled some that are too large. I have two to send over to a friend to find new homes for, from the Black Lives Matter protests. Today I wore my new Internet Archive shirt ("Universal Access to All Knowledge.") In a note to those who pay attention to supplements, I'm finding that the L-Theanine and GABA are very helpful, particularly in the evening. The anxiety of the news lately is difficult to deal with, but these two products are enough. No shot glass of Scotch needed to in its own not-so-healthy way blur the rough edges. Mary, it has been a while since you dropped in. Have you had any luck with the online job search? |
07 Feb 25 - 08:44 PM (#4216870) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage I'm a moderator on a local Freecycle page, and today someone complained that another person's post asking for old electronics (working, not working but repairable, or for recycling) is inappropriate because the request "is intended for the purpose of making a profit and not repairing to donate onwards to those in need." I answered politely and quoted the group's mission statement that is to keep things out of landfills and in circulation. There is nothing about donating to the needy or that you can't repair and sell what you get on the site. But I have been thinking about that request for stuff; I have things I picked up to put on eBay and some of them are probably not going to sell (at the time they might have, but I've been slow to list them). So I'm thinking I should load up a box that he can do something with (supposedly he will recycle electronics). I've spent the day playing with the blog, trying to create a new set of posts by adding a new page, but it isn't working the way I wanted. I moved a lot of pixels around today but don't have a lot to show for it. |
09 Feb 25 - 03:52 PM (#4216948) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Hoping to hear back from the guy who wants electronic devices, but I won't start filling a box until he responds with information about what he takes and how he disposes of things if he can't use them. Charmion, is there still some work for the painter Marco to do, or is that job completely off? Does he do other contractor work that you will be utilizing? Have you been up to your eyebrows in stuff you're sorting to pack or give away? Is Patty out wandering the Sonoran or Chihuahuan Desert picking up rocks these days, or back home checking on the progress of the carpentry work? Dorothy, are you snowed in but staying warm by the fire? Any new interesting projects you and R starting on or finishing? Are you still feeling better? Keb, how is the clearing of your apartment going? Have you been back there to work lately? Any lurkers want to report in? |
09 Feb 25 - 09:16 PM (#4216962) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Dorothy Parshall Dupont: Today was a VGday! I went to the library and used both our cards to take out a few interesting new books. Then spent all day on the computer looking at what is going on down below. Posting good stuff for others to see. I am not as overwrought as two weeks ago. No surprise.....But - maybe I need to look for a thread on the subject. That has basically occupied me for most of the last two weeks. I have had mostly not so bad days. Glad to see that Charmion is making some real progress on her moving project. SO glad it is not me!! But I am 88 now and others are going to have to pick up my pieces. Some of the posts help me realize - Oh yeah, I could get rid of.... There is, however, plenty of room in this house. No real need to get rid of stuff. I managed to give my son an interesting small frying pan with a wood under-piece. Special when I bought it but I forget why! I try to give him stuff when he is here but he refuses - He wants my stuff to still be here; I want to see treasures safely re-homed. Thinking of SRS in Staples today when I saw an interesting puzzle; took a pic and will post it when I figure out how. R's most recent crisis was having a bailiff serve a man who had moved into an expensive rental and paid no rent for a few months! ("You did not get a security deposit?? You did not talk to previous landlord???") He assaulted the bailiff and was hauled off to jail - briefly - but could not return to house. His wife (divorced) picked up the kids clothes and will probably have full custody after this! So R was up in the snowy Laurentians for a couple days, showing it to a woman who WILL pay security,etc! Here,at home, I noticed a piece of the lower facade - just above the ground - gave up - fell off. Will it get repaired? Waiting two years now for a roof repair. ---So he came home and I ranted about deferred maintenance... He always has moderately valid reasons. Ok- goal for tomorrow is to print out a calendar so I can try to keep track of how I feel/weatherconditions/food eaten. |
10 Feb 25 - 08:24 AM (#4216971) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Yes, Stilly, I still need Marco, but for a much smaller job — the eggplant-purple bathroom, which has nasty holes in the drywall as well as the, um, purple. Two boxes and a bag of clothes, shoes and household linen are sat on the cedar chest waiting for the next run to Goodwill, which will be today or tomorrow. The collection of bakeware on the basement worktable has been joined by a whole whack of cutting boards and sheet pans of varying sizes, all ready for me to find some larger boxes so they, too, can leave the building. As winter wanes, I will attack the garage, where I must have at least four folding chairs I will never use again as well as accumulated car stuff and garden tools. If my house-hunt goes according to plan, my next abode will be a condo where I don’t have to till the soil if I don’t want to. As I nurse my strained-yet-again lower back, I so don’t want to. Today, I have a date with a plastic surgeon about the bobo on my face, which is still larger than it was when I last mentioned it. I can’t believe my luck — Stratford has a plastic surgery practice! And still no walk-in clinic for people who don’t have a family doctor. Hmmm. Priorities, people! |
10 Feb 25 - 03:48 PM (#4217008) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage This week I'm participating in a study at my university. It took two phone calls from them to finally understand that I'm capable of finding their building and my parking permit is in good standing. My regular campus lot is literally beside their new building, so please don't fuss at me if I don't want to park in the old funky parking garage that is actually farther away. They've set this study up for people who aren't part of the campus community. (I am not claustrophobic, but every time I drive in one of those concrete buildings I have images of the pancaked freeway lanes of a California earthquake flash through my mind, and a childhood of driving in the Alaskan Way Viaduct in Seattle that always felt like it could fall down. They finally tore it down before it could fall down.) A bag of cleaning supplies has been offered on the Buy Nothing page, and I am awaiting a reply from the electronics donations guy. I sent a note clarifying why I'd like to know what he does for recycling, because I still have that dead UPS (explosion & fire) and would like to see the components get recycled. |
11 Feb 25 - 10:57 AM (#4217047) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Spent the week back in Quartzsite after the Anza-Borrego stay, boondocking with old friends. Nothing more pressing than a campfire. My hiking buddies found some interesting glints in a nearby mining area, so we did an expedition up there, collected some great stuff. This week I will head east, attempt to find a car in Tucson, go to a couple of rock and gem shows, catch a short symposium at the main show. If my knee allows, it is suddenly angry about something. |
11 Feb 25 - 12:28 PM (#4217058) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Good luck with the car hunt. The last three I've purchased I found online via Edmunds Car Guide. Since the reports are online I would never go through an entire sale without test driving and getting a good look and smell in the inside (I am so averse to cigarette smoke, especially the stale smoke smell in vehicles). But it's a starting place. What kind of "glints" did you find? I've spent time poking around road cuts and mine tailings picking up interesting minerals that are exposed from the activity. I made the calls to my elected officials this morning; two went to voicemail, but the representative's office had a real live person. With notes I made my points and thanked the man for making note of my concerns. It is harder to call than to email, and having written it out ahead made it easier in a nervous situation. I'll alternate writing and calling from now on. When making the bed this weekend I took off the top wool blanket but left it folded nearby, and last night put it on again. We had a noisy thunderstorm pass through at about 4am, accompanied by dog complaints in the hall. This morning I moved one of the dog beds into the hall bathtub, because that seems to be her shelter choice if I'm not around so she can hunker by my feet and trip me up. They have various types of beds for warm and cold weather just like me. This time of year I use layers instead of the down cover for that reason; there might be a week or two when down is ok, but it's not worth the trouble to unpack it for that short a time. |
11 Feb 25 - 01:50 PM (#4217067) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Donuel Hello my name is Don and I am your personal hypnotherapist, now retired. I dealt with controlling performance anxiety among athletes, musicians, public speakers, and control the parasympathetic nervous system to enhance performance. I had much success in overcoming phobias or addictions. Training the body to breathe at six times a minute is important. Getting the process down to one breath to initiate the mind and body into a relaxed hypnogogic state makes the process an on going hypnotic self-help day to day exercise. When your breathing is controlled so is your heart rate and pressure. It is a bit like using control knobs that you can dial up or down from a relaxed state. Other more bizarre applications were too remarkable to mention here but what I found quite satisfying was learning from thousands of people their unique personal stories. A priest might feel the same. Post hypnotic suggestions have a shelf life but are highly useful. They can be self aware reminders or unconscious reactions. Be it forms of Yoga or guided imagery the quality of self control mechanisms are within your grasp whether its called therapeutic hypnosis or prayer. btw I never believed in past life memories. I considered that stuff paranormal BS however I believe we had pre natal dreams. It is clear to me that we know far more than our conscious mind thinks it knows. |
11 Feb 25 - 05:47 PM (#4217086) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion's brother Andrew A "bobo on [your] face?" I have a vision of my sister the fencer with a scar worthy of Heidelberg on her clock. ;) |
12 Feb 25 - 08:34 AM (#4217102) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Um, no, Andrew. The bobo (probably a wart) is a blob about the size of a lentil, located a couple of millimetres south of the outboard edge of my right nostril. The scar will look like a repaired puncture, and the classic Heidelberg effect was a slash on the cheek. Unless the biopsy indicates malignancy, this little adventure will cost me $400.00 in teeny-tiny Canadian currency. Fortunately, Premier Doug Ford’s bribe cheque (the infamous $200.00 “taxpayer rebate”) arrived in the mail last week, so I’m subsidized. Yet another major snowstorm is bearing down on us today, direct from Baffin Island by way of Lake Huron. I promised to drive a Syrian refugee (mother of six, won’t wear gloves) to a medical appointment tomorrow morning, so I devoutly hope that the worst will have blown through by then. |
12 Feb 25 - 09:13 AM (#4217106) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Another travel day, charging up devices this morning before another several days of boondocking. The knee is better, got a fresh bottle of Aleve in Gila Bend, got in a water workout. While in the small dollar store, marveled that they would stock 39 variations of ibuprofen. Another time I counted 17 mascaras, all black. You'd think they'd be a little more streamlined in order to carry more useful items. We got some sparkly specular hematite the other day. There were glints of chalcopyrite but it was elusive when we returned. There will be various microminerals when I clean and split; probably some vanadinite, etc. |
12 Feb 25 - 11:45 AM (#4217111) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Specular hematite is so much more attractive than plain old brown hematite! (I have a necklace or two with the beads). Chalcopyrite means you might indeed have a whole bunch more goodness in those samples! I used to hike up to the mine entrance on Vesper Peak in the Cascades to find all sorts of interesting stuff in the copper mine tailings. And there was a road cut up near Index, WA, with molybdenite. It was always a wonder that the geology professor I worked for knew where all of these great spots were for class field trips. More rain overnight but the flood warning has passed. I've puttered around the house a bit, took time to complain on Google maps about the idiocy of renaming the Gulf of Mexico. It looks like most of today's rain is over so the drive is safe to visit with a couple of friends this afternoon. I haven't heard back from the electronics guy, so maybe I'll tell him I have a couple of VHS players needing repair (I do - I was going to sell them for parts or repair on eBay) to see if that gets an answer. And if nothing, I may kick his ad off of Freecycle for being bogus. |
12 Feb 25 - 08:24 PM (#4217128) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage It was one of those days that started with the chore (the study on campus) and ended with three excellent visits with friends who were my coworkers before retirement. It boosts one's spirits to have those kinds of conversations (and having good material to share forward with other of those co-worker friends). How did your visit to the plastic surgeon go, Charmion? Uneventful, I hope! I had a mole on my jawline most of my life that always bugged me and a friend in my writing group was a plastic surgeon and invited me down one day to have it taken off for a modest co-pay. That was a gift - it always felt like the Wicked Witch of the West's bump (not that bad, but I always saw it that way.) One of today's visits included helping that friend set up a Google Voice account with an extra phone number. I have one that I use for those stores that want a phone number to track purchases, etc. but I never want to hear from. It is tied to his regular cell phone, so any real calls that come in can be forwarded to it. Sad news today, that Joann's (the fabric store) is closing many of its branches. So far it looks like my local store will stay open, but I dread the day when the only way to buy fabric is online. Time to find stores closing and buy up stuff on sale? But that will mean less business at the one that is still open. (I loaded up when Hancock went out of business, ended up sharing a lot of that stuff with my daughter.) The curse "may you live in interesting times" is in full effect right now. Every day seems to last forever, and we are counting down the next four years one slow day at a time. This isn't the way I want to prolong my life. Now to send more messages to my representatives. |
13 Feb 25 - 12:18 PM (#4217141) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: MaJoC the Filk I don't know if you've seen it, Stilly, but The Register did a little checking with a VPN, and the Gulf of Mexico's only misnamed for people with (apparent) locations in the USA; the proper name appears for those in Mexico, and both names for those elsewhere. Google Maps do have precedents for that sort of thing, of which the first that comes to my mind is the English inability to name La Manche properly. Apologies if this should have been in the Manbaby thread, but it's Google's way of coping with the Unreasonable. |
13 Feb 25 - 01:22 PM (#4217144) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Google reclassifies U.S. as ‘sensitive country’ alongside China, Russia after Trump’s ‘Gulf of America’ comments = "snowflake country." I'm trying not to pull politics into every thread where I participate, so I'll post that over on the Convicted Felon thread as well. But I've reported that error a couple of times and plan to keep on doing it. This morning I have a list of grievances to call into my representatives, then I'll get moving on my other stuff to do around the house. It's a lovely sunny day but unfortunately it is still freezing, so not a good day to start in the garden. No call back from the electronic device guy, and when I looked him up I found that three weeks ago he had started new accounts in several surrounding cities and sent the same post. I removed his post and put him on moderation, and need to alert those other cities to the problems with his listing. The member who complained about his not sharing with the poor made a complaint for the wrong reason but at least it got me looking at what he was doing. Disappointing as that is, the good news is that when on campus yesterday I stopped by the electronic waste bins (I used to be the library contact person for those) and see they're heavily in use. I plan a couple of trips over there to visit friends and drop off stuff each time. The company that collects it treats it the way I want (disassembles and recycles wire, components like chips, etc.) The friend with the cats I periodically care for has rejoined Costco since I told her they have good prices for pet prescriptions, but as another person who lives alone, finds the volume of stuff in their packaging to be too much. I told her she can join my ex and I in dividing up some of those things, making it more practical for each of us. |
13 Feb 25 - 02:10 PM (#4217148) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Every so often the arrangement of prescriptions and supplements needs addressing, usually when I buy something then I discover I already had it, or when I'm sure I have more of something but can't find it. Today the cupboard where those things live was rearranged and the cotton balls, cotton swabs, bandaids and cough drops were evicted. The bottle of calamine lotion had a use-by date of 2011, evidence that I never use it, so it is also gone. There's another cupboard where a subset of this lives on a rotating double-decker lazy Susan with pain killers, Sudafed, etc. Time to get out the step stool and see what I can end up with. Not sure where the cotton products and bandaids will live. Maybe in a basket in the pantry. |
13 Feb 25 - 04:18 PM (#4217152) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: MaJoC the Filk > it is still freezing, so not a good day to start > in the garden Use a mattock :-) ? > Today the cupboard where those things live was > rearranged As soon as I saw that, methunk "Oh Dear". |
13 Feb 25 - 05:41 PM (#4217155) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage It's not the use of a mattock (I have two of them I use all of the time) it's the cold weather. I'm not fond of outdoor work at 36o. If it was just cold weather, not a problem, but working in that cold air makes my eyes water and I tend to end up with a chapped face. Rearranging cotton balls and bandaids was a delaying tactic before I waded into the online Medicare/My Health insurance website to determine if there was a way to have a test that was ordered paid for (without the copay the provider said would be required). Before I got to that part I updated my beneficiary information and signed up for credit monitoring (all the more critical these days). It makes sense to take advantage of every benefit from my insurance coverage. But I finally got to the coverage pages and then called my doctor's office. It's now a question being put to the rep for the company that would do the scan. There is job security for people who know how to accurately use those Medicare codes. eBay research this afternoon show me that I missed an opportunity as far as t-shirt yarn. Back when I was using it to make COVID masks it was all homemade and turned up online, but now there are companies that make big long uniform rolls of the jersey yarn and I don't see much of the homemade type offered. I was going to use the shirts I bought to make my own to use, but I don't need it now. I may go ahead and make the yarn and sell it as a lot, it will sell, it just won't go for a big price any more. It'll clear out the extra stuff in the sewing room and listen to an audiobook while I do the work. |
14 Feb 25 - 11:57 AM (#4217191) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage MaJoC: I'm looking at some of the supplement bottles on a small lazy susan on the tall table in the kitchen (a workspace that arrived in the form of a great table for $20 at Goodwill that I lugged into the kitchen when I got home. It immediately became a working space and was never moved farther.) This device was in the cupboard but put here I think this might work. There is a lot of veterinary stuff in another cupboard and the various cold and pain medications that now must be considered. (What I also need to do is find a way to store all of the lids for various Rubbermaid food containers. Now they're organized but not easy to reach in a lower cupboard, but I use them all of the time so they should be more front and center somehow.) I am considering switching over to Firefox as my default browser and in a prelude to that imported all of the bookmarks, passwords, etc from the now-default browser. The bookmarks didn't land in a separate folder, they did a shotgun blast into the existing bookmarks. What a tangle. I woke this morning thinking about what jobs I can do in the yard and garden. That's a good sign! Time for pots of soil and starting seeds. (Past time, actually, but it's a long growing season.) I have a sweet potato in the window to grow slips for planting later. This year I plan to use a large "Smart pot" (an unwoven sturdy pot) for sweet potatoes, and some in regular beds, to compare results. |
14 Feb 25 - 12:50 PM (#4217203) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: MaJoC the Filk Apologies, Stilly: when I saw "rearranged", my mind autocompleted it with "and everything's been put Somewhere Safe". I suspect I've wittered on about that family phrase, at length, somewhere heareabouts. |
14 Feb 25 - 03:55 PM (#4217216) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Rearranging does come with the risk of forgetting where things were moved to. I've done that to myself in the past. And sometimes the process of rearranging brings about discoveries of items lost for a while. Lots to do around here. Another cold clammy day, but I'm gearing up to head into the greenhouse and start some seeds. Must do laundry, I'm down to the last pair of undies, and I have a couple of t-shirt new arrivals to run through the wash before wearing. The ACLU shirt has a very large message, they don't want any ambiguity when supporters wear them. Today I'm wearing my ALT USFS shirt from the first 45 term. ("Only you can prevent forest fires! Seriously. We've been defunded. It's just you now.") Sewing. Listing. Writing. Everywhere I turn are chores waving "me, next!" |
14 Feb 25 - 04:36 PM (#4217218) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Charmion Heavy snow started falling on Wednesday and let up about noon yesterday, and yet more is due tonight and tomorrow. For the first time in years I put on my high boots yesterday; with the snow well up over my ankles, I’d get a soaker for sure digging out the front path in my normal Stratford boots. The snowbanks are now both a menace to navigation and an attractive nuisance. They are so high that little kids climb on them to slide, running the risk of skidding into traffic, while drivers at intersections can’t see over them to spot on-coming vehicles. In Ottawa, city crews equipped with monster snowblowers and ten-ton dump trucks take down such snowbanks several times each winter, but Stratford apparently counts on Mother Nature for that service. I’m surprised by this laissez-faire policy because Perth County is the very buckle on the Ontario snow belt. Only six more weeks to go … unless it’s longer. I haven’t done any more house-clearance this week while I’ve been nursing my sore back. The visit to the plastic surgeon was a calm affair; she thinks the growth is a wart, so its removal would be “cosmetic” and therefore not covered by the provincial health plan. The tissue will be examined as a matter of routine, however, and if it turns out to be malignant I get my money back. The deed will be done next Wednesday afternoon. I will have a couple of stitches and probably a fat lip. |
14 Feb 25 - 04:59 PM (#4217219) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Charmion, given the alternative, that is a good plan. I've struggled today to get a scanning facility on the phone, but calls keep dropping. My doctor wants this test done even though it isn't covered so will cost me, the first time I've come across one of these in years. Working for the state meant lower income but great retirement benefits, including they pay for your insurance (combined with Medicare that I pay). I hope your back feels better soon. Re: your snow, I shudder to think of the sledding we did on the hill where I grew up during middle and high school years. Two blocks long and while one street was a T into that slope, at the bottom you shot into the cross street. (The very long block above those two was so steep that no one would sled on it because of the speed and because there was a jog in the street at the bottom and chances were you'd hit a wall. So we lived dangerously but didn't have a death wish.) |
15 Feb 25 - 09:03 AM (#4217249) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: pattyClink Yikes, snowbanks high enough to block visibility! I'll take my dusty but warmish skies more gratefully. Camped between Phoenix and Tucson, having driven a long way yesterday to secure An SUV At Last. Was not about to have a 'just right' one slip through my fingers, so got on the road shortly after seeing the listing at breakfast. Long day getting the deal done, but cleared the Phx metro by 5, only to sit in a senseless jam for an hour on the interstate in the middle of nowhere. 's okay, I had found and booked a site along the route, with pool, and finally landed there as night fell, only to find my envelope for late check in locked in a guardless guard shack. Grrr... not in the bin where it should have been. Why? No explanation from the guard who bumbled along 15 minutes later and thinks that's a fine way to welcome weary guests, more convenient for him. I swear we are going to have to start teaching courses in hospitality, because all people are learning at home, school, and work is 'make it easy on yourself'. |
15 Feb 25 - 01:56 PM (#4217272) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Good news, Patty! Will you now tow the SUV behind the RV back to the house? I'm glad you are so experienced with trailers and towing! It looks like snow here mid-week coming up so I'll finish my driving to shop this weekend. Unlike in Charmion's neighborhood, a little snow stops everything even when we have so little that there is a clear view all around. Writing this weekend. Finished the complaint to the board of REI, now for the senators and rep, and then for the blog. Same song, different verses. |
15 Feb 25 - 04:55 PM (#4217285) Subject: RE: DECLUTTER: *Sorting *Health *Progress - 2025 From: Stilly River Sage Virtual decluttering and some organizing. The Bluesky account started with a lot of people following and for efficiency at first I followed back, but then spent time looking into who those folks were. Not all there with good intentions in their hearts - so they were unfollowed. A few blocked. Today I created a "starter pack" of the accounts that I am always going to look at if they scroll across my feed. Friends who are there as followers are still following though many are quietly postless, and that starter pack is intended for them, if they're interested. I looked in on a couple of those friends and was pleased to see they've gotten a great start and are communicating well. I used Instagram for photos, and still do to a large part, but Bluesky is a replacement for the important political accounts I used to follow on that bird site that took a bullet to the heart (and brain) when the fElon took over. Now for some me time, a shower, then get a bit of sewing in for a banner project I've wanted to do for ages. I've thought of a good way to use it (so I'll make an extra one.) |