22 Jan 25 - 09:30 PM (#4215760) Subject: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e Carnation milk the best in the land Transcribed from this facebook video: https://www.facebook.com/reel/913828717347782/ Post your version below. |
22 Jan 25 - 09:35 PM (#4215761) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e A little old lady from Wisconsin had worked in and around her family December 8, 2009. Posted by healingmagichands See here: https://healingmagichands.wordpress.com/2009/12/08/acayallhave-jingle-well-never-see/ |
22 Jan 25 - 09:42 PM (#4215762) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e One evening, a woman was working on completing a jingle to win a large cash Jul 29, 1999. Posted by -log(on) to the alt.tasteless.jokes usenet group. See here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.tasteless.jokes/c/bMlF34LUwnI/m/eZIASpa5OnQJ |
22 Jan 25 - 09:45 PM (#4215763) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e Pet Milk comes in a little round can, Posted by GatrGrad68 to the same usenet group as a variant to the above. See here: https://groups.google.com/g/alt.tasteless.jokes/c/bMlF34LUwnI/m/QqyVy-JMRx4J |
24 Jan 25 - 11:07 AM (#4215884) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e This boy and girl married, and they had been October, 1939. American Highways, vol 18, page 10. Of course this prize is for a four like poem but only two lines are given. See here: https://babel.hathitrust.org/cgi/pt?id=mdp.39015021063592&seq=118&q1=carnation . |
25 Jan 25 - 09:37 AM (#4215927) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e My mother told me about that back in the 50's and swore that it Retrieved from here: http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-fetch-msg.tcl?msg_id=009fRP So the PET version goes back to the 1950s. |
25 Jan 25 - 10:26 AM (#4215932) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e ....Eager to know what it might be she 1949. The Anthology of American Humor. p.486. Published by Magazine Digest Publishing Company. Preview only: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Anthology_of_American_Humor/72y-FmK0akgC?hl=en&gbpv=1&bsq=%22just%20punch%20a%20hole%20in%20the%22 |
25 Jan 25 - 12:24 PM (#4215937) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e Swan's Down Milk, the best in the land! 1942. The Medical World. p.144 Can't see the full page. Snippet view: https://www.google.com/books/edition/The_Medical_World/p91XAAAAMAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&bsq=%22just%20punch%20a%20hole%20in%22 |
25 Jan 25 - 01:09 PM (#4215939) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e There is also a certain amount of half-believed lore The Rational of the Dity Joke, p.158. See online: https://archive.org/details/rationaleofdirty0000gleg/page/n10/mode/1up?q=%22just+punch+a+hole%22 |
26 Jan 25 - 07:51 AM (#4215982) Subject: RE: Folklore: Carnation Milk / Pet Milk poem (bawdy) From: and e Carnation Milk 2001. So Ole Says to Lena : Folk Humor of the Upper Midwest by James P Leary, See online here: https://archive.org/details/soolesaystolenaf0000lear/page/152/mode/1up?q=carnation+milk |