12 Feb 25 - 01:50 PM (#4217114)
Subject: RE: Origins: Here's to Good Old Beer, Drink It Down
From: Lighter
The Book of Popular Songs (1860): HERE’S SUCCESS TO TODDY. A POPULAR CONVIVIAL SONG. Here’s success to Toddy, Drink it down, drink it down, Here’s success to Toddy, Drink it down, drink it down, Oh, here’s success to Toddy, For it cheers both soul and body. Then here’s success to Toddy, Drink it down, drink it down. Here’s success to Wine, Drink it down, drink it down, Here’s success to Wine, Drink it down, drink it down, Oh, here’s success to Wine, For it makes you feel so fine, Then here’s success to Wine, Drink it down, drink it down. [Similarly:] ...Sherry, For it makes the heart so merry.... ...Whiskey, For it makes you feel so frisky.... ...Punch, With some good friends in a bunch.... ...Gin, For it makes the heart to grin.... ...Brandy, For it makes you feel so handy.... ...Port, But let it be of the right sort.... ...Beer, The thirsty soul to cheer.... ...Ale, That will make you strong and hale.... ...Porter, Of strength a true supporter.... ...Lager, For it does not make you stagger..... ...Cider, For it makes the mirth flow wider.... ... Water, On the earth’s remotest quarter.... ...Water, That brings no care or slaughter.... ...Water, ’Tis the noblest drink in nature.... The Universal Songster (1864): DRINK IT DOWN. A popular Camp Song. Here's success to Port, Chorus — Drink it down, drink it down, Here's success to Port, Chorus. — Drink it down. Here's success to Port, For it warms the heart for sport, Drink it down, drink it down, drink it down. Here's success to Sherry, Drink it down, drink it down, Here's success to Sherry, Drink it down. Here's success to Sherry, For it makes the heart beat merry, Drink it down, drink it down, drink it down. [Similarly:] ... Whiskey, For it makes the spirits frisky.... ...Cider, For it makes the frame grow wider.... ...Brandy, Just enough to make us handy.... ...Ale, When it's made us strong and hale.... ...Punch, With a little social lunch ... ...Porter, While we use it as we "oughter,".... ... Water, Heaven's draught that does no slaughter.... Selecting and ad-libbing must have been common: some of these rhymes are too lame to sing.