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F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge

11 Mar 25 - 05:36 AM (#4218833)
Subject: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Now, because I love this D-18 so much and we've bonded, I want to avoid anything that could be bad for it.

Bearing in mind the forward shifted, scalloped bracing, would 12's be a safer choice? It left the Martin factory with 13's, shouldn't that tell me that it's safe to continue with 'em?


11 Mar 25 - 09:44 AM (#4218845)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: gillymor

Have you contacted Martin, Fred? One of my old bluegrass chums acquired a D-18 Authentic 1937 when they first came out and, according to him, there was a warning on the label not to go heavier than light gauge strings and it was a boomer, even with 12's.

11 Mar 25 - 10:00 AM (#4218846)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Gillymor- not contacted Martin. That's a stupid overlook on my part as they were so helpful recently.

Cheers mate, I'll drop them an email.


11 Mar 25 - 10:06 AM (#4218847)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Fred, the Standard Series D-18 is supplied with 13-56 phosphor-bronze strings from the factory and is designed and built to be perfectly happy with that gauge. In fact, in their website FAQs, they say this…

”All of our six string guitars designed for steel strings have been tested to withstand the tension of a medium gauge string. However, since each top is unique, take note if the top starts to rise abnormally. If this happens, go back to the lighter gauge strings.”

Whether to move to a lighter gauge is a matter of personal choice. There’s little doubt that the lower tension of a lighter gauge set will reduce the likelihood of an early neck-reset, but there may be some change of tone as a result, and the individual owner has to weigh this against the possibly-beneficial lower-tension of a lighter set.

I run both my D-18 (same spec as yours) and HD-28V with either Elixir or D’Addario XS 12-53 strings, both in phosphor-bronze. This is not because I think I’m ‘protecting’ the guitars, but because the arthritis in my hands makes playing 13-56 strings too uncomfortable now, but I used 13-56s for many years until the arthritis set in.

As always, the standard disclaimer applies - IMHO. However, I realise that YMMV, and that’s fine with me.

11 Mar 25 - 10:11 AM (#4218848)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Gillymor- doesn't the D-18 Authentic come with no adjustable trus rod? Maybe that's why 12's recommended for that.


11 Mar 25 - 10:17 AM (#4218850)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Should have also said that it is very unlikely that CFM would recommend a gauge for a particular model, and supply that model fitted with that gauge, if there was any doubt about the suitability of such strings. That would be very bad practice indeed, IMHO.

If you’re not already a member, I would strongly recommend that you join the Unofficial Martin Guitar Forum - membership is free, and there are many expert players, technicians, and luthiers on there, and it’s an excellent resource for reliable information…

The Unofficial Martin Guitar Forum

11 Mar 25 - 10:18 AM (#4218851)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Backwoodsman- cheers :)


11 Mar 25 - 10:27 AM (#4218853)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

I can’t speak for past iterations of the Authentic line, but the recommended strings for the current D-18 Authentic 1937 are ‘Authentic Acoustic Lifespan 2.0, Phosphor Bronze, Medium’, i.e. 13-56. I believe I’m right in saying that this model also has a fixed (non-adjustable) truss rod.

It should be remembered that truss-rods have nothing whatsoever to do with the need, or otherwise, for a neck-reset.

11 Mar 25 - 10:37 AM (#4218854)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: gillymor

Apparently some Authentics do have adjustable truss rods but it was so long ago I couldn't say about the one in question. I was lucky enough to play a pre-war D-18 in a local music shop that is long gone and the sound was magical.

11 Mar 25 - 10:56 AM (#4218855)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Not heard back from Martin Customer Services yet but, when I do, I expect 'em to say that there's nothing to be concerned about.

If they do, I'll go with that, accepting that they know more about Martin guitars than I do!

Thanks lads, appreciate it.

11 Mar 25 - 01:42 PM (#4218869)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Reply from Customer Services, basically saying to watch for bellying and to drop a gauge if it gets excessive
That'll do me
I'll stick with 13-56.


11 Mar 25 - 01:59 PM (#4218872)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: GUEST,Ray

My D18 survived it’s first 45 years with nothing but 13s but, just as we all get frailer with age, I decided to go down to 12s several years ago - not that it seemed to be suffering with the 13s. The need for neck re-sets does, however, seem to be commonplace on older guitars although I’ve never been there myself.

As for adjustable truss rods; I don’t think Martin used them on anything prior to the late 1980s on the basis of their claim that “Martin necks don’t bend”. True to form, mine didn’t bend, it twisted! Nothing a plane and a re-fret couldn’t cure though.

11 Mar 25 - 02:20 PM (#4218873)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Yep, that’s what it says in FAQs on their website (see my post 11 Mar 25 - 10:06 AM).

11 Mar 25 - 03:00 PM (#4218877)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

That was a response to Fred’s post of 01:42 PM, BTW! ;-)

11 Mar 25 - 03:42 PM (#4218878)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

This D-18 is the best guitar I've ever had and, presently, I'm without a tame tech which is unsettling, though I have heard of one in Nottinghamshire said to be "phenomenal".

But I'm rambling again :)


11 Mar 25 - 05:16 PM (#4218886)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Have you tried Lincolnshire’s own John Levoi in Alford. Very skilled and a very nice guy.

11 Mar 25 - 06:24 PM (#4218892)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Backwoodsman- yep, he did some work on a J-200 I had a few years ago. But he's close to fifty miles one way.

I used to use CCGX and let them arrange collection and delivery, but the last job they did for me wasn't very good.
There's A.J.Lucas in Lincoln and Guitar George there too but...well, when you don't know their work, it's a bit of a risk.


12 Mar 25 - 04:17 AM (#4218913)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Yep, JLV’s about fifty miles from me too, but he’s good and trustworthy, and I regard that as being worth the drive. And it’s a nice drive through lovely countryside so… ;-)

12 Mar 25 - 05:13 AM (#4218914)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: GUEST,Ray

Luthier in Nottinghamshire? Are you thinking of Colin Keefe? If so, I think you’ll find that he’s moved to Bishop Aukland.

12 Mar 25 - 05:28 AM (#4218915)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Backwoodsman- I don't drive though. I'm taken to gigs by a mate, and he can't take me to Alford during work hours, so I'm restricted to pushbike range lol.

Ray- No, a guy known as Dickie. Not sure, but I don't think I'm allowed to post his contact number on the open forum?


12 Mar 25 - 06:21 AM (#4218917)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Aaaahh - didn’t know that Fred. Sorry to hear that.

12 Mar 25 - 06:55 AM (#4218923)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Backwoodsman- no worries mate.

At this point my D-18 requires no tweaking; when it does, I'll most likely ship it to Dave King
I believe he now has a place on London's Denmark Street as well


12 Mar 25 - 07:18 AM (#4218925)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Dave’s work is superb - he did a full refinish on the back and sides of my D-18, absolutely faultless. I didn’t know about the Denmark Street thing, I’ll have to check it out - London’s a doddle from Newark on the train.

12 Mar 25 - 08:07 AM (#4218933)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Apparently, this is Dave King's London repair shop:

21 First Floor, Denmark Street. I can't find a contact number (that works) but there's an email -


12 Mar 25 - 08:33 AM (#4218936)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Backwoodsman

Thanks Fred!

12 Mar 25 - 10:18 AM (#4218946)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Ray- as I said, not sure if the forum allows contact numbers unless PMs BUT, this Dickie fella is known to PMT Nottingham and so if you need to, you can get his details from them.


12 Mar 25 - 01:56 PM (#4218970)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: GUEST,Ray

Thanks but no need for a luthier at present. I’ve known Colin Keefe for years but I don’t know PMT in Nottingham. I have used the luthiery at PMT in Salford; they sorted a finish issue on one my ‘Cruz guitars. I don’t think they do the work in-house - spraying nitro. nowadays involves all manner of regs. and careful climate control - so it’s easier to send it out to a ‘shop which specialises in spraying.

12 Mar 25 - 02:06 PM (#4218971)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Ray- ah, The Guitar Repair Workshop in PMT Salford. Fronted by Steve Curtis, a decent lad. I've used his services many times.


12 Mar 25 - 03:20 PM (#4218977)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: Fred

Ray- yes, they have a 'secret' sprayer they send all that work to.

You used to be able to go into the workshop but, since Covid, you can't. You press a bell and wait for someone to come. Shame, as I loved going in and yapping with 'em.


12 Mar 25 - 06:38 PM (#4218990)
Subject: RE: F/S scalloped bracing & string gauge
From: GUEST,Ray

Yes, that’s the man - and I’ve been in the workshop!