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Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!

31 Jan 00 - 06:11 PM (#171295)
Subject: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Rick Fielding

I don't even have time to explain WHY I think it's terrific, 'cause I'm late for the radio show, and have to run. However, it's one of the best submissions for the show I've received in over a year. Great work Jed!


31 Jan 00 - 06:13 PM (#171296)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: JedMarum

Rick - you made my day! Thanks kindly.

31 Jan 00 - 06:49 PM (#171320)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Sandy Paton

Liam/Jed: How can the rest of us get copies? Tell the world! That old Rickster's hard to impress.


31 Jan 00 - 07:08 PM (#171331)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: JedMarum

I can make one to send to you Sandy, and would be pleased to do so. Shall I use the Sharon Mountain Road that I found on the web?

31 Jan 00 - 07:39 PM (#171351)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Sandy Paton

Sure, Jed. That would be great. I'll look forward to it.


31 Jan 00 - 10:51 PM (#171435)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Big Mick

Jed, I would love one as well. And I insist on paying for it. You know how to get hold of me.


31 Jan 00 - 10:57 PM (#171439)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Bill D

heard 'ol liam LIVE last SAT....I know what you mean..great music...(and he's a willing worker, too...helped us set up stuff for the festival) [he had this TINY little guitar, but it sounded good!)

31 Jan 00 - 11:07 PM (#171441)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Rick Fielding

Hi folks. Had a wonderful show tonight. Jammed with Garnet Rogers for the better part of the hour and yakked the rest of the time. Twas fun. We took phone requests, and it's some comfort to me that he TOO forgets the words to his own songs. But this ain't about that.

Yah Sandy, you better believe it takes a lot to impress me these days, but Jed certainly has. All the things that make up fine original acoustic music are well in place on this tape. The vocals are strong, the pitch is excellent, and Jed's range is wide and interesting. The guitar work is solid with a fine command of traditional styles, good and appropriate instrumental breaks, with an occasional unusual chord voicing, which tells me he wants each song to really sound different. Love musicians who never lose their curiosity for their instrument. I don't like to compare artists, but Heather opined that Jed sounds and writes a bit like Dan Fogelberg...and that ain't too shabby. Simply put, it sounds to me like Jed has as much respect for the "craft" of making music as he does the "art".

I Look forward to the CD Jed. Good stuff.


31 Jan 00 - 11:22 PM (#171452)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Big Mick

Well allrighteeeeee then, that about does it for me. When Bro Fielding, one of my personal folk heroes, delivers that kind of a review, it pretty damn well means I must hear more. Go for it, Jed. I can't wait to hear more. Unfortunately I am on the road so much that I have not heard Rick's show or the Mudcat show in a while. Let me know how I get a copy.


31 Jan 00 - 11:38 PM (#171462)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: catspaw49

You can sign a lot of us up Jed.....You did one particlar one on Mudcat Radio that sold me. The first one was good, but the second was terrific.

And remember Sandy and Rick....He plays a Larrivee! Neat voice Jed, just enough character to be different without getting too far afield.


01 Feb 00 - 01:22 AM (#171532)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: JedMarum

Wow. Thanks all for the kind comments. In fact, I'm floored! Your comments are encouraging.

Rick the CD is just a better cut from the same master. I don't have any 'finished product.' It will take me another week to get that done, since I have to get time to go to my friend's studio ... but I will do so within a week or so.

01 Feb 00 - 10:34 AM (#171663)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Wesley S

Let me know when the tapes are available - I have a couple of suggestions on some places { coffeehouses } for you to play over in Ft Worth - y'know that little 'ol suburb of Dallas. I'm at Good Luck in the studio.

01 Feb 00 - 10:46 AM (#171669)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: JedMarum

I will Wesley, thanks. I have stored your email addr.

01 Feb 00 - 10:59 AM (#171674)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Áine

Dear liam,

Congratulations! I can't wait to hear your CD. Don't forget to let me know when and where to get it.

Wesley -- I'm incensed! Suburb of Dallas indeed! Surely you know that Tarrant County is God's country -- and don't forget that Dallas is where the East peters out and FORT WORTH IS WHERE THE WEST BEGINS! ([Sorry about that outburst, everyone; but, the two cities have *always* had a bit of competition going on between them ;-)]

-- Áine (born in Dallas; but I grew up, got some sense and moved!)

01 Feb 00 - 11:58 AM (#171712)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Liam. Didn't mean to create the wrong impression about the tape. It's not a full album, just a 5 song demo. But a GOOD demo. Best of luck with it.


01 Feb 00 - 01:14 PM (#171745)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Wesley S

Aine - I couldn't agree with you more. I've been in Ft Worth since 1979 and I love it - esp since we're finally getting some venues for folk and traditional music here in cowtown. I'm not quite an Amon Carter { who would brown bag his lunch from Ft Worth to Dallas }. What I was trying to do was lure a good singer over from Dallas using language he would understand. Once he gets here then we'll convert him. I might need your help though. Feel free to e-mail me sometime. We'll set the trap. { do you ever make it to Jefferson Freedom Cafe ?? my Mrs and I and some friends will be at the Austin Lounge Lizards show.}

01 Feb 00 - 02:15 PM (#171789)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: JedMarum

Thanks for the clarification Rick.

Aine and Wesley - I think y'all need to come over to Dallas this weekend and see Ed Miller. He's at the Tipperary Inn Friday and Saturday nights.

and I'd love to be lured over to Fort Worth.

01 Feb 00 - 03:56 PM (#171825)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Áine

Wesley, I swear I've been trying to liam over here! I haven't been to the Jefferson Freedom Cafe -- where is it located and what kind of music do they play there?

Liam, Ed's great. I'm sure his show will be wonderful, and I'd really like to get back to the Tipp again. Thanks for the heads up on that.

-- Áine

01 Feb 00 - 04:25 PM (#171830)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Wesley S

It's on the east side of Ft Worth at the Unitarian Church on Sandy Lane . Once a month they tend to have singer / songwriters. Tish Hinijosa, Chuck Pyle, Sara Hickman,ect. The Austin Lounge Lizards will be this month and John Gorka is coming up. Theres also a church coffe house near TCU that plans to have Tom Paxton on April 1st.

I'll try to get the web site for Freedom Jefferson Cafe to both of you so you can check it out. I'm also planning to attend to Irish Festival in Dallas on the 4th of March. Maybe we can all say hello when Altan is performing.

Or I'd be interested in getting a song circle going in Tarrant county. Let me know if y'all are interested. I know Liam plays and sings - Aine - how about you??

01 Feb 00 - 04:53 PM (#171837)
Subject: RE: Liam Devlin's Tape is Terrific!
From: Áine

Well, I don't know if you could call it singing; but, I'd be willing to try a singing circle.

-- Áine