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Show of Hands, Canada tour dates

01 Feb 00 - 03:24 PM (#171815)
Subject: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: The Shambles

Tour Dates. A chance for folks in Canada to see this fine band. There are other dates too.

01 Feb 00 - 05:01 PM (#171844)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Anyone comming to Nova Scotia the Home of Canadian Folk Music? shit John Renbourn in Toronto now this... Does anyone know if someone will be comming to the Tall Ships Parade.. I was hoping some Shanty singers would show up. Dave

01 Feb 00 - 05:05 PM (#171848)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Clinton Hammond2

neat... I may try to catch 'em in London, but what's wrong with playing somewhere in WIndsor?? If it's good enough for Nor. Winds... and for me??

Any other Catters gonna try to catch 'em in London?? Anyone need a ride from Windsor... Or wanna convoy there and back??

01 Feb 00 - 08:26 PM (#171940)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Bugsy

If any 'Catters in Canada have not seen this duo.




09 Mar 00 - 07:58 AM (#192392)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: GUEST,James

Whys is it that a Canadian tour always seems to from Toronto To Vancouver......Do any tour promotors know where Nova Scotia Is / ?

09 Mar 00 - 08:30 AM (#192407)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: alison

saw them last year... wonderful



09 Mar 00 - 02:52 PM (#192605)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: poet

I once had the honour of singing Tall ships with them. and I murder the song at least once a month ever since. If you miss seeing and hearing them you will be kicking yourself for the rest of your life. Request the full version.
Graham (Guernsey)

24 Jul 06 - 09:50 AM (#1791609)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: countrylife

Show Of Hands Canadian Dates:

Sat 5th Aug 2006 Canmore Folk Festival

Thu 10th Aug 2006 Edmonton Folk Festival

24 Jul 06 - 10:08 AM (#1791624)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: number 6

I think Maritime Canada and Newfoundland and Labradour should suceed from Canada ... then maybe we will be able to book artists as such.

Dave ... count me in as a little upset of not having the opportunity in seeing John Renbourne.


24 Jul 06 - 10:11 AM (#1791626)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Willie-O

The Rolling freakin Stones can play in the Maritimes--but shanty singers don't go there? What is up?


24 Jul 06 - 09:53 PM (#1792200)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: GUEST,William Pint

Don't miss them! Show of Hands does everything right -- terrific material, beautifully performed with exquisite production values. They set the standard!

25 Jul 06 - 04:41 AM (#1792461)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Strollin' Johnny

They're not shanty singers Willie-O.

25 Jul 06 - 08:47 AM (#1792608)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: countrylife

If you really want to see the likes of Show Of Hands down there in The Maritimes, then get on to your local folk club(s) or concert promoters and let them know how you feel...heck SOH will play practically anywhere...from The Royal Albert Hall, to your local village hall...go for it!

World Music From The West Country Of England

26 Jul 06 - 09:51 AM (#1793645)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

Dear Canada,

Please look after Show of Hands....and make sure you send them back safe and well.

Your gain is our loss....we're missing having them at Sidmouth this year, as they're over with all of you....ho hum...but, we're going to have to learn to share them I guess....

I know you'll love them.....just don't hang on to them for tooooo long though!

Oh...Beautiful Canada, Gorgeous Canadians AND (possibly) The Best Wandering Minstrels In The Land! It's not fair...some people have all the luck! ;0) least we got to see the wonderful James Keelaghan and Stephen Fearing this year, so that makes up for it. Mmmmmm...Canada!

Lizzie :0)

26 Jul 06 - 09:57 AM (#1793648)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: The Borchester Echo

make sure you send them

Nah, keep 'em. And Canada, can you get Barachois to reform?

26 Jul 06 - 10:20 AM (#1793662)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

Dear Canada...

Is there any chance you could take a countess?

Where's the most wild part of know, deserted, open, boggy, wild, hundreds of miles from anywhere and BEAR RIDDEN? ....*That's* the place she'd love to be!

I'll send her over in SoH's luggage.... ;0)

Tell you what though Canada...any chance you do a pupil's exchange visit and send us Great Big Sea?

And here's that 'Cold Missouri Waters' sad...James is a brilliant storyteller..just like SoH.

And Stephen Fearing...Oh we had such a lovely night that night...what a great chap and a fabulous guitarist!

And you can't have a SoH Candian thread without mentioning Martyn Joseph either..a man who puts you in touch with your soul!   Martyn's often out 'that way' too....another great songwriter:

Oh heck! I SO wish I was going to Canada! :0(

26 Jul 06 - 10:23 AM (#1793665)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: GUEST,Jon

Dear Canada...

Is there any chance you could take a countess?


Oh heck! I SO wish I was going to Canada!

Curiouser and curiouser...

26 Jul 06 - 10:34 AM (#1793675)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

I'm not dreaming of going where the 'countess' is going!

Trust me! ;0)

Gordon there's another lovely man! His 'unofficial' myspace page got zapped though...that's a shame. Never mind, we'll improvise, as I have Canadian Railroad Fever rather badly at present.......

Right, altogether then, after three.....

"Oh there was a time in this fair land when the railroad did not run. When the wild majestic mountains stood alone against the sun. Long before the white man and long before the wheel. When the green dark forests were too silent to be real.."

I know ALL the words to that song...I think that alone should qualify me for free entry to Canada and places at all the Show of Hands gigs.

In fact...SoH should sing that song...then I could help them out with the chorus....

I think I'm on to something here....


26 Jul 06 - 10:36 AM (#1793676)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: The Borchester Echo

And you can't have a SoH Candian thread without mentioning Martyn Joseph

Eh? The ex-patriate Welsh live in Patagonia (last time I looked). And that's not near Missouri either.

I SO wish I was going to Canada

I'd go to Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton.

26 Jul 06 - 11:00 AM (#1793696)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

See....I always knew you were a secret 'Anne of Green Gables' fan.

I love that book...and the series! Did you know it was mostly filmed in Ontario though...yup! Interesting fact for the day that was.

I'm going to dig those videos out tonight and watch them....

Actually, they could make an entire new episode, where Anne discovers the delights of Show of Hands, after seeing them at Canmore...I'll have to think up a new name for that episode...;0)

Just look at this incredible setting (the link above isn't working):

Can you imagine Anne sitting there...and then Steve and Phil come on stage....and well..........

26 Jul 06 - 11:12 AM (#1793704)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: The Borchester Echo

Can you imagine Anne sitting there

Nah, she'd be with me and the real musicians: Acadians, Cape Bretonners and Québecois.

26 Jul 06 - 11:21 AM (#1793709)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: number 6

countess richard .... "I'd go to Prince Edward Island and Cape Breton." .... "real musicians: Acadians, Cape Bretonners and Québecois." ... then I think you should expand your intinerary to include New Brunswick and Quebec.


26 Jul 06 - 11:44 AM (#1793717)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: The Borchester Echo

Yea, I'd go all over Nova Scotia, Newfoundland, La Gaspé, up the St Lawrence to Québec City, Trois Rivières and on to Montréal. Got ant cheap flight info?

26 Jul 06 - 11:46 AM (#1793719)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: The Borchester Echo

Meant to type 'any cheap flight info'. And ferries.

26 Jul 06 - 11:57 AM (#1793724)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: number 6

Zoom has cheap flights between Halifax and Glasgow ... unfortunaely it's schedule is seasonal ... ferrie's, none from Britain and Canada, it's a pretty big ocean between us .... PEI is now joined to the mainline by a bridge, no need for a ferry anymore (free to drive over, $70 per car to drive off the island) .... in case you are unaware, Cape Breton is connected to the mainland by a causeway for some years now.

If you want Acadian music you have forgotten the north shore of New Brunswick.

Gaspe is worth the trip in the autumn ... in fact if you schedule a trip in the fall you can catch the Celtic Colours festival in Cape Breton (October 6th - 14th) ... there is a post floating around the Cat regarding this festival.


26 Jul 06 - 12:08 PM (#1793731)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: The Borchester Echo

Thanks sIx. No, I didn't actually mean a transatlantic ferry (!) but local (ish) ones that sort of cruised around the Maritimes and maybe on up the St Lawrence. A civilised way to travel. I didn't know about the new bridge and causeway as I haven't been to Canada for about 25 years. Yes, I met some Halifax musicians on Skye who told me about the cheap flight into Glasgow; you can do a stopover in Reykjavik. Isn't there much Acadian on PEI? It's where Barachois come from . . .

26 Jul 06 - 12:36 PM (#1793743)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

Oh Phew! It's hot enough in Sidmouth today to Go Commando....

but I've decided to remain ladylike and Go Canadian instead! ;0)

From Quebec.....the sensational GENTICORUM!

And...they're coming to Towersey and Shrewsbury this year!

26 Jul 06 - 12:38 PM (#1793744)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

And Scotland too....they're coming to Scotland...Genticorum that is...

26 Jul 06 - 01:24 PM (#1793783)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: GUEST,number 6

countess richard ... there is a small but very tight knit Acadian population on PEI ... the majority of the Acadian population is in New Brunswick, along the north shore ... in fact roughly 1/3 of the population of the province of New Brunsiwick is Acadian. New Brunswick is also, I'm proud to say since it is where I live, the only true bilingual province in Canada, as it being legislated by the province.

As per a water trip down the St. Lawrence ... I can't help you there as I have no knowledge of those services available ... but that does sound interesting.

I should like to commend you on being knowledgable about where the best music in Canada is found ... in Eastern Canada and Quebec!


26 Jul 06 - 01:41 PM (#1793797)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Cllr

damn i would love to go to canada I could meet countess richard at a gig and listen to show of hands and afterwards we could go backstage.
My idea of heaven a good political debate and music. Knowing my rightwing politics countess richard and show of hands would unite together to have ago at me ahhhh bliss

PS On a serious note "f sharp" no "john major" no anyway errmm

pps Show of hands are brilliant and i think any canadian mudcatters willl really enjoy them

26 Jul 06 - 02:27 PM (#1793831)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

Oooohhhhh! wouldn't want to go 'backstage' with Sweetums Cllr (my pet name for the countess)

That's even more scary than being chased by a bear!


26 Jul 06 - 05:40 PM (#1793979)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

From Me: "And you can't have a SoH Candian thread without mentioning Martyn Joseph"

From countess: "Eh? The ex-patriate Welsh live in Patagonia (last time I looked). And that's not near Missouri either."

Actually Martyn's over in Canada right at this minute, although he's due to cross over to the States shortly. Here's a bit from his on-line 'Canadian' diary:

And he's doing the 'Witness' tour with Show of Hands in the autumn...can't wait for that, they all 'spark' off each other brilliantly!

26 Jul 06 - 07:21 PM (#1794070)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: GUEST,Jon

damn i would love to go to canada I could meet countess richard at a gig and listen to show of hands and afterwards we could go backstage.

Don't fancy that but her "proposed tour of Canada" does sound very appealing - wonder if she will take me to Cape Breton, etc - Diane, pls - you could pay for my flights too....??? ;-)

26 Jul 06 - 11:27 PM (#1794237)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: JohnB

Already there, hmmmm wish I was in England such great Folk music back home where I came from. Who the hell is Martyn Joseph?
Show of Hands I did get to see on one of their trips over here, GREAT Band, pity there was a poor turnout for them at Harbourfront in Toronto for a "FREE" gig. They were great! (probably still are)
Unfortunately they don't appear to be playing in thr Toronto area this time around.

27 Jul 06 - 05:01 AM (#1794341)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: GUEST,Keith

>>Who the hell is Martyn Joseph

Welsh sing-songwriter from Cardiff. BBC Wales Male Vocalist of the Year 2003. Tours in Canada and the USA fairly requently.

See his tours dates here and check out the various downloads that will tell you what he looks and sounds like.

27 Jul 06 - 05:29 AM (#1794350)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

John....THIS is Martyn Joseph....

If ever you get the chance, go and see him, the passion he conveys in his live performances is palpable! Even my children 12 and 19, sit on the edges of their seats....they love his music and his sentiments...he's a man who blows apathy apart!! How we need people like him....and to see Martyn and Show of Hands together me, it's not something to be missed!

Lizzie :0)

27 Jul 06 - 04:17 PM (#1794827)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

Dear Canada,

Us English SoH fans have decided to send you a whole pile of Show of Hands songs to listen to.

There you go!

Lots of love...

Lizzie :0)

27 Jul 06 - 04:18 PM (#1794829)
Subject: RE: Show of Hands, Canada tour dates
From: Lizzie Cornish

Sorry....should have said BRITISH! Been talking too much about 'Roots' and am starting to think of myself as English again......
