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Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?

05 Feb 00 - 10:39 PM (#174164)
Subject: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Rick Fielding

Hi Folks.

I'll be heading off to the annual Folk Alliance conference in Cleveland this week to do some singing at the Borealis Records showcase, and I wondered if any other Mudcatters will be going. I'm not much of a "convention goer" (ask Sandy) but since I'm with a new label, it's probably a good thing to do. One thing I'm definitely going to do, is hit the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. (heresy eh?)

I forget if any Mudcatters live in the area, 'cepting 'Spaw (and he's 200 miles away)


05 Feb 00 - 11:28 PM (#174171)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Nancy-Jean

Don't have a label except for the one on the back of my shirt, but I'm going. I'm looking forward to people watching, workshops and singing.

My friend, Judy Cook, is coming.

06 Feb 00 - 06:44 PM (#174249)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Sandy Paton

Have fun, Rick. Don't forget to push your Folk-Legacy CD, too! Remember that it was Judy Cook to whom we were indebted for the fine sing-around sessions at the Washington, DC, Folk Alliance conference. Those sessions really made the whole thing worth it, for me. But Cleveland ain't in the cards for us. Give Nancy-Jean our love (looks like she'll be wearing a bowling shirt?). Tell her we'll see her at NEFFA. Give our warmest regards to Grit Lasking and the other Borealis artists. Does Eve have to stay in Toronto and mind the office for 'em? Tell her to form a union!


06 Feb 00 - 06:54 PM (#174256)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Sandy Paton

I do know how to spell Grit Laskin's name! I see it in my guitar every time I change strings!

06 Feb 00 - 08:02 PM (#174283)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Rick Fielding

Thanks Sandy. I'll say hello to your brother, General Patton. Eve will be there, and of course I'll shout FOLK-LEGACY to the skies!

Lookin' forward to seein' you Nancy- Jean.


07 Feb 00 - 09:30 AM (#174448)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Rick Fielding

By the way, I forgot to mention, any cats in the area, please drop by the Borealis suite and say hello.


07 Feb 00 - 09:59 AM (#174466)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: catspaw49

Well I had serious thoughts of running up that way and seeing a few folks, but the price of admission is a bit out of my range at the moment, especially since we just dropped 2 G's on a new furnace, not to mention the stupid bathroom. Is there some way of catching some of the private showcase things like at Borealis (and last I knew Rick, Art is supposed to be there and perform somewhere too) without filing Chapter 11?

Spaw---Broke, but warm.

07 Feb 00 - 11:04 PM (#174840)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Art Thieme

I'll be there---probably very early Friday morning. Looking forward to it for sure. Am going to ride with Phil Cooper & Margaret Nelson. I'm not performing (can't do that any more) but Will be doing a talk/demo on resources with old friend Joe Hickerson on Sunday morning---9:30 to 11:00 AM if I'm correct. We'll be talking about where to find the songs---where we found some of the folksongs we sing. We'll also be playing examples of some of the singers who influenced the two of us. Pretty loose.

And you can be sure we'll be talking about MUDCAT and givin' folks the URL.

See ya there.

Art Thieme

08 Feb 00 - 08:10 AM (#174941)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Dani

It's good to know 'catters et al will be connecting. Send a song up for the rest of us far away!


08 Feb 00 - 02:11 PM (#175109)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Bert

Spaw is 200 miles away from everywhere.

08 Feb 00 - 02:35 PM (#175119)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Peter T.

If you've never been to the Museum of Art, you should shoehorn it into your schedule. One of the great art museums of the world. yours, Peter T.

08 Feb 00 - 06:20 PM (#175236)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Rick Fielding

Peter, I'd rather go to the Museum of Art AND the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame....but if yer in the folk bizness, ya have to let 'em know yer alive, so I'll be at the convention. Jeez, am I cynical. Trust me folks I LOVE playing, but I hate selling!


08 Feb 00 - 08:10 PM (#175285)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?


08 Feb 00 - 08:49 PM (#175301)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Art Thieme

Rick, we gotta search each other out.

It's a grand place to see old friends, get a few new ones and, in general, just schmooz 'til ya drop. I know you'll enjoy it. For me, I've found that if I put my own musical tastes/prejuduces on a back burner and see it as all of us in one big boat (hotel) just doing the best we can in our small inlet of the big ocean of the music industry, well, it can be a great time. Two years ago in Memphis Phil Cooper and Ms Nelson were kind enough to haul me there for that good gathering and I put the wheels in motion to put together what'll most likely be the last CD I'll be putting out. Without the Folk Alliance and the people I met there it never could've been a reality. And I see that Paul Mills will be there too. Yes, it's a heady time. Everywhere you look there are legendary folks wandering (or rolling) around. Where else could I challenge A. Lomax to a race across the hotel lobby??? ;-)

Art Thieme

08 Feb 00 - 08:54 PM (#175305)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Art Thieme

Mike, If I run into Eric there I surely will. Too bad Frank Hamilton won't be there. I can just hear 'em doing "San Francisco Bay Blues" in the hotel lobby.


08 Feb 00 - 10:29 PM (#175344)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: harpgirl

Hi Art,
Have a wonderful time at the conference! Say a big hello to Linda and Dave Siglin for me and find out the news of our Chicago musician friends....don't forget!!!!!Oh and I wish I was going to see you and Joe Hickerson do your dog and pony show!! I bet it will be awesome!Love you...harp

08 Feb 00 - 10:55 PM (#175357)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Rick Fielding

Art, I'll find you if it takes all night. And then I'll wake you up!


09 Feb 00 - 12:14 AM (#175391)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: katlaughing

Art, any chance someone will tape you and Joe doing your thang? Video or audio? Copies we could order/buy/beg/steal??

It sounds like a wonderful place to be. Have fun!


09 Feb 00 - 06:28 PM (#175806)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Roger in Baltimore


Contact the Folk Alliance web-site CLICK HERE. I know they always have the workshops recorded and available on cassette. You should be able to get what you need from them. I did not see anything on the site about this, but if you contact them via e-mail, they should be able to help you.

Roger in Baltimore

14 Feb 00 - 11:45 PM (#178518)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Art Thieme


The Folk Aliance taped all of the sessions and most are available from them. I do know that the one Joe and I did on Sunday was taped. Too few people came but one was a guy named Pete Seeger who had some great comments to make from the audience---as did Nancy Jean Siegel. It was great to hang out with Pete and Toshi in a social situation where nobody had to be on stage.

More later,

Art Thieme

15 Feb 00 - 12:11 PM (#178796)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Art Thieme

Folks, I've got to tell ya that Judy Cook's CD---"If You Sing Songs"---is simply wonderful. No need for instrumental backup at all. She has a beautiful, thoroughly accessible voice that is a pleasure to listen to. And they are all wonderful songs---great varients and many are new to me also.

Expect a bunch of comment from me here. I picked up TWENTY EIGHT CDs in Cleveland.

Art Thieme

15 Feb 00 - 12:22 PM (#178800)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Tony Burns

Thanks for telling us about Judy Cook. The CD sounds intreging. According to this web site the CD and book are available from Folk Legacy and CAMSCO. I think I might just order a copy.

15 Feb 00 - 12:35 PM (#178802)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: katlaughing

Okay, Art, we're ready and listening! So glad you enjoyed yourself. Must've been just wonderful. Thanks to you and RiB, too, for the info about tapes of your session. 28 CD's??!!!! WOW! You are gonna be busy, my friend!


15 Feb 00 - 02:02 PM (#178849)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Sandy Paton

Yes, Judy's CD is available from Folk-Legacy, although it's not listed on our web site yet. Thanks for reminding me of this, Tony (got your e-pistle). Folks can call the toll-free 800-836-0901 to place an order, and BE SURE TO MENTION MUDCAT!! Or, you can get it from Dick at Camsco and Mudcat will also get it's commission. Support good ballad singing and Mudccat at the same time!

Sandy (Folk-Legacy's resident folk fogey)

15 Feb 00 - 02:08 PM (#178855)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Sandy Paton

Twenty-eight CDs? Shucks, that's nuthin'. Mike Yuhas, the list-mom of the FOLKDJ-L listserv sent a list of the ninety-six CDs he had picked up at the Folk Alliance for airplay on his radio show. And a couple of others wrote in about getting over 100. Mike was just being picky, turning down some he felt he wouldn't really use. It's a great game, folks.


15 Feb 00 - 02:21 PM (#178865)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: GUEST,Nancy-Jean

I came to the Folk Alliance to learn more about Folk Music and to seek out people who like traditional singers. Of the many workshops, by far the finest I attended was the one organized by Art Thieme and Joe Hickerson. These gents presented an informative picture of where--over the years-- they have found songs. I came away knowing more about them, about their connections to specific songs and about the field in general. There were many times during the conference I was grateful for having my tape recorder on. Sunday morning was definitely one of them!

15 Feb 00 - 06:47 PM (#178987)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: harpgirl

...sure wish I had been there...come on Art! tell us more please please please...harpster

16 Feb 00 - 04:00 PM (#179551)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Art Thieme

Mike Yuhas is a folk DJ and therefore is sought out by the hungry masses of performers from all sides of this thing now called folk. I admit, I only got stuff I wanted mostly. Since our apartment is the size of a cigar box, I don't generally keep stuff I won't be listening to. Out of the 28 CDs I picked up (swapped), 14 (already) are probably going to be sent to my buddy Fritz Schuler in Manitowoc, Wisconsin for his perusal.

Besides Judy Cook's CD, one that is truly a wonder is Jody Stechers newest one called "Oh The Wind And Rain---Eleven Ballads". I liked it so much I actually bought it.


04 Feb 08 - 02:17 PM (#2253341)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?


04 Feb 08 - 02:24 PM (#2253349)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

So who is the guest that just refreshed and are you going?

04 Feb 08 - 03:38 PM (#2253431)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Phil Cooper

I'm going. Hope to see you at the DJ reception, Ron.

04 Feb 08 - 03:40 PM (#2253434)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

Unfortunately I can't make it this year Phil!   I wish I could. I'm curious to see who will be there. I hope you have a great time!!

04 Feb 08 - 10:06 PM (#2253726)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: Phil Cooper

Sorry you won't be there. I always tell newcomers to enjoy the experience for what it is and not to expect too much.

05 Feb 08 - 10:50 AM (#2254086)
Subject: RE: Any Cats goin' to the Folk Alliance?
From: WFDU - Ron Olesko

You are right Phil.   Too many artists that I've talked to over tye years expect to go to Folk Alliance and come back with recording contracts and a full slate of bookings. It is not meant for that.

It is a business conference where you will learn new ideas, make contacts, and have a good time if you have the right attitude. I find conference like the Folk Alliance and the regionals to be extremely important in perpetuating older traditions and nurturing new ones. I really wish I could be there, especially this year.   

Phil, have a great time and be sure to report back!!!