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BS: Give Us A Break

12 Feb 00 - 01:42 AM (#177010)
Subject: Give Us A Break
From: GUEST,Al

There is just too much BS being posted on the non BS links that it is becoming difficult to help the folks that are genuinely looking for information. I see 40 and 50 posts on a simple request. For God's sake, if you don't have any useful information to add - don't post. Don't say "I have the recording - I'll post it if nobody else does." LISTEN to the recording and THEN post the lyrics. Don't post "I don't know that one - I'll send an Email to xxx to see if he/she knows." In other words, if you don't have anything to contribute to the thread - don't post. PS. PLEASE DO NOT add more shit to this thread - although the boneheads undoubtably wll.

12 Feb 00 - 01:55 AM (#177014)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Metchosin

Guest Al, Do not be so quick to condemn. Some post, I'll get back to you, to guests, so that the person requesting help does not feel their post is being ignored. It is a form of politeness. You would be surprised what you may learn from thread drift. How dull the world would be if terse supposedly "informative" answers, were all the world engaged in.

12 Feb 00 - 05:39 AM (#177054)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Escamillo

Al, I understand that there is a person who created this forum, who maintains it and who has the authority to say what is best for all, what is shit and what is not shit, who are boneheads and who are not.
You may contact him by sending a message to "Max".

12 Feb 00 - 07:33 AM (#177065)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: McGrath of Harlow

I think Al's is the kind of comment that is better responded to in a friendly personal message, explaining something about how things work, and suggesting lightening up. But since he's a GUEST that's not possible.

But while it can seem a nuisance having masses of threads, so that the one you're looking for gets lost, that's not really such a big problem, if you use FIND and the 3 days RESTORE, and revive threads if hey haven't had the response they need.

However I can't see how it makes a lot of difference if a thread builds up a bit of length. Normally when a simple request turns into a long thread, it means that some interesting stuff is turned up - related songs, stories about where they came from.

With the requests that end after one or two posts, it normally means the songs in the DT anyway, but the person posting hasn't worked out how to look there. What I like is threads that start "This song is in the DT - but what is it all about?" and so forth.

Where a song isn't in the DT, it's amazing how quickly this place comes up with the goods - and if a song isn't in the DT that deserves to be it's normally unusual enough to deserve some kind of exploration and discussion.

Incidentally I don't know anybody without a lot of bone in their head. I mean, there aren't a lot of molluscs on the Internet, I'm led to believe. (And that is friendly jocular, not sneery, I suppose I should point out. I don't do emoticons as a rule. I don't know how to spell them.)

12 Feb 00 - 10:01 AM (#177120)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: bbelle

Since you are a guest, you might try acting like one ... moonchild

12 Feb 00 - 10:10 AM (#177123)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

Re: Bineheads probably will add shit to thread

I dunno Al -- but I do know a few boneheads and will email and ask them if they will, and get back to you with their reply. What's your email address?


12 Feb 00 - 10:11 AM (#177125)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

Boneheads, bonehead, not bineheads.


12 Feb 00 - 10:23 AM (#177129)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: GUEST,skarpi Iceland

My dear man , the people of mudcat family have help me alot and by sending an E-mail to this man or a woman are one way to let you know that they can help you to find what you are looking,I often get this message and I just come back to the thread later . My fellow Mudcatters as you can see today I am a QUEST damm,#!!!!!!!!. Somthing happent to my computer, so I cannot send a personal post, and I was going to. Sorry me.So Max if you see this thread please look into it, I can´t find my cookie. skarpi Iceland .

12 Feb 00 - 03:53 PM (#177244)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Chet W.

Since no one else has answered your initial request, Guest, please feel free to take a break. Come back when you feel refreshed. Have a coffee. Read People magazine, always right to the point. We'll save your place!

For the bonehead contingent, Chet

12 Feb 00 - 06:05 PM (#177304)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: McGrath of Harlow

QUEST: I like that. Seriously.

12 Feb 00 - 07:07 PM (#177343)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Banjer

Well, just like the 'Ignore This Thread' threads, this resident bonehead just cannot resist posting to it. 'Guest Al' must reralize by now that posting as he did in his opening salvo does nothing but stir up the locals...Thanks , Al, for another interesting use of the BS thread system!

13 Feb 00 - 12:02 AM (#177460)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Chet W.

Forgot to say earlier, as a biology teacher I can tell you that a head without a bone will not do good service. I'd see an orthopedist first, probably will need to get a neurologist involved. Keep us posted.


13 Feb 00 - 12:27 AM (#177469)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: catspaw49

I dunno...Maybe he's squid or something, huh Chet? Got the slimy part down pretty well........


13 Feb 00 - 12:34 AM (#177471)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

The gnashing beak and thrashing tentacles of a giant octopus...the only nonbonehead in town. Song there somewhere.


13 Feb 00 - 01:31 AM (#177486)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Escamillo

Thanks Chet, my doctors can give evidence that at least in my case, head is composed of a solid block of bone with a little cavity deep inside, for which they still can't find a reason or use. I am sure it's a resonance chamber for better singing.
Bonk ! - Andrés

13 Feb 00 - 02:27 AM (#177495)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: GUEST,Al

Y'all just proved my point - 14 replies within 24 hrs to a post quite clearly marked BS. Some people would like to use this site to obtain help on folk/acoustic music. Be a part in the disemination of information - don't clog up the legitimate threads with your own particular and strange theories. If you know nothing - don't post - you just look like an idiot! If you must create a new thread, please clearly label such items as "BS Thought For The Day" and whatever. It makes it easier for people who have a serious intention to avoid the spurious and inane on the site. Thank you.

13 Feb 00 - 02:45 AM (#177497)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: SeanM

Hey Al... here's a thought...

If you don't like the BS threads,


A) Don't contribute to them


B) Don't start them!


What you've done here is barely a step above base internet trolling... posting on an inflammatory topic, and then setting yourself up to be able to insult anyone who responds to you regardless of their post.

Now, I don't know you, and I don't know your reasons for posting here, but if you REALLY want to keep things based on "folk" then POST ONLY TO THOSE THREADS. And keep off the flamebait. The only thing around here it will destroy is your credibility.



13 Feb 00 - 03:01 AM (#177500)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Sorcha

OK, let's get a BREAK going here, who's got the break?
Fiddles! now

13 Feb 00 - 03:08 AM (#177502)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Escamillo

The Police has spoken. As for me, I'll continue learning music and contributing for things I do know, and posting some friendly or humorous comments too. As an amateur musician, I have never felt restricted to anything from the owner of the site, nor from other members. Futhermore, 14 BS replies to a quite clearly marked "BS" thread seems natural. A very different thing would be 14 BS posts to musical threads, which we don't do. I'm getting bored of people who come here to insult everybody, but the Mudcat has a value (musical and human) that is far more important.

13 Feb 00 - 10:02 AM (#177573)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Gint

I'll get back to you on this one

13 Feb 00 - 11:25 AM (#177613)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Chet W.

I know that I'm an anachronism and so are good manners, but to show up at a place and, without a warrant, start to tell people what they should be doing is not a good mark.


13 Feb 00 - 11:43 AM (#177620)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: wildlone

Headbone's connected to your neckbone

13 Feb 00 - 11:47 AM (#177624)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Brendy

No, I agree with Al. So that's why I won't post to this thread. Go away everyone.

I'm pleased with myself now, that I didn't drag myself down to everybody else's level by lending credence to this ridiculous thread.
It is, quite simply, the most ridiculous subject EVER, and people, who are people, should realise this.
Enough bullshit has been crapped about these kind of threads.
And it's all true.
So my advice to everyone is to ignore Al, ignore meaningless posts like this, and lets all get back to the serious business of being.........serious, I suppose.
I cant stress the point enough folks

Ignore BS Things

They serve only to increase stress levels, which are high enough already

Thanks be to God I didn't get that off my chest!!!!


13 Feb 00 - 11:52 AM (#177627)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

Brendy, you crack me up!! And I'm so glad that you feel better now -- that looked like it was a very heavy thing to be carrying around on your chest!

-- Áine

13 Feb 00 - 12:35 PM (#177643)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

I'm new to the thread. What's that on Brandy's chest?


13 Feb 00 - 01:24 PM (#177656)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Little Neophyte

Amos, I think what happen was Brendy was so out of control, Andres wrestled him down and sat on his chest. But it seems like Brendy's okay now, so Andres got off.

Little Neo

13 Feb 00 - 01:39 PM (#177665)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Banjer

Chet W., if you call yourself being an anachronism then I am proud to number myself as one of you! I too feel that when in Rome, do as the Romans do...And when in Turkey,..well you turkeys know what to do..!!

13 Feb 00 - 01:53 PM (#177670)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: GUEST,Marymac90

And when in an Akron, do what anakronisms do!

13 Feb 00 - 02:07 PM (#177680)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

What's an Akronism -- some local joke made in Akron?


13 Feb 00 - 08:16 PM (#177832)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: McGrath of Harlow

I squid you not, there are some very historic songs about boneheads:

Bonehead was a warrior, way-ay-o

Say boneheads remember, they called me Al
It was Al all the time
Say boneheads remember - I'm your pal...

13 Feb 00 - 09:27 PM (#177868)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: simon-pierre

Hey, it's quite funny here!

But, as i am a definitly bonehead newbie (but not a guest), can someone could tell me what does mean BS? In my country, it's the check the governement send you when you got no work...

And by the way, do i understand that you can send personnal message throught this site?

Maybe this thread could be useful...


13 Feb 00 - 09:33 PM (#177872)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: MMario

Simon-pierre -

BS - stand for "Whatever you want it to mean but not necessarily music related"

For sending personal messages, click on the "personel pages" link at the top of the page, and then "send a message" from that page. You can send a message to any registered mudcat, but not "guests". when you have a message waiting, the main forum page will display a notice for you. to delete the messages after you read them, you have to archive them, and delte from the archive page.

13 Feb 00 - 09:33 PM (#177873)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine


BS is an abbreviation (in English) for 'merde de taureau'.

-- Áine

13 Feb 00 - 09:50 PM (#177879)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

Bien dit, mignonne -- alors, pourquoi m'as-tu dit que t'as oublie toute la Francaise qu't'as appris? Hein?

Ah, zut, c'est divinit&gravee n'arretera jamais m'etonner!

13 Feb 00 - 09:51 PM (#177881)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Hagbardr

Let's talk again about an all-too-familiar subject: Guest Al and his amoral expositions. Permit me this forum to rant. Technically, he thinks that everything he says is thoroughly and utterly true. However, some ribald wretched primates don't have a clue. Whenever he finds himself confronted by the law, he insists it needs reforming. Even if we accepted Guest Al's bromides, so what? Does that mean that his "compromises" prevent smallpox? Of course not. I agree that I am quite certain that Guest Al has failed to provide us with a context in which his hastily-mounted campaigns could be discussed and understood. But I also think that letting Guest Al erode constitutional principles that have shaped our society and remain at the core of our freedom and liberty sends a clear message to what I call atrabilious wastrels that they can popularize a genre of music whose graphic lyrics explicitly urge superstitious airheads to criticize other people's beliefs, fashion sense, and lifestyle.

I'm sure you get my point here. In other words, he treats serious issues callously and somewhat flippantly. To make a long story short, those who believe that everyone and everything discriminates against Guest Al -- including the writing on the bathroom stalls -- are either naive or deliberately misled. His memoirs are a disgrace and an outrage. So don't feed me any baloney about how governments should have the right to lie to their own subjects or to other governments. That's just not true. The Orwellian implications of Guest Al's wheelings and dealings are clear.

Sexism, in this case, is a tactic tied to a broader strategy of granting Guest Al the ability to create an ideological climate that will enable him to mold the mind of virtually every citizen -- young or old, rich or poor, simple or sophisticated. As for the lies and exaggerations, to forestall his vengeful solutions, it would be immensely helpful to have more people understand that this hasn't sat well with power-hungry voluble yobbos. Perhaps it sounds like stating the obvious to say that if Guest Al is going to make nearby communities victims of environmental degradation and toxic waste dumping, then he should at least have the self-respect to remind himself of a few things: First, history has once again proved me right. And second, in order to build an inclusive, nondiscriminatory movement for social and political change, we must embrace diversity. And that's just the first step. Remember, Guest Al should stop caterwauling about what he doesn't understand. (Actually, Guest Al's protests do not hold under close moral scrutiny, but that's not important now.) Now that this letter has come to an end, I honestly hope you walk away from it realizing that unravelling the Gordian Knot that is Guest Al is not difficult when you realize the multifaceted nature of Guest Al and his cronies.

I've been waiting for a good chance to use the automatic complaint generator.


13 Feb 00 - 10:03 PM (#177888)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

Al...the reason there were 14 replies to your post is that a number of poeple gave you the benefit of the doubt and assumed you wanted to communicate.

If that is not what you wanted...if you wanted no-one to communicate...why did you post a thread at all? :>) Oh! Maybe so you could capture the offenders and chastise them for not adhering to the true light of Constant Folk?

Tell ya what -- stay away from those terrible BS threads.


13 Feb 00 - 11:27 PM (#177911)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Guy Wolff

They seek him here they seek him there those Frenchies seek him everywhere. Is he in heven or is he in hell that demmed elusive Pimpernle..<><><><>>><><><><>><><><><>><><><>><.

13 Feb 00 - 11:35 PM (#177916)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: katlaughing

Hagbard! I hadn't even thought of using the auto-complaint-generator! Good one!

Simon-Pierre, welcoem to the Mudcat!


13 Feb 00 - 11:35 PM (#177917)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Gary T

A careful reading of Guest,Al's first post will show that he was not referring to BS threads, but to "BS" on non-BS threads. Presumably he was frustrated with threads that meander while simultaneously failing to get to the point of the request. Unfortunately, his example: 'Don't say "I have the recording - I'll post it if nobody else does."' did not help his case, for the reason Metchosin gave in the first response.

Guest,Al's original viewpoint may be shared by others who would prefer to see song request threads kept short and on topic. Unfortunately (again), the scolding and dictatorial nature of his first post and the understandably negative reactions to it have likely discouraged some who might have felt as he did from posting.

A new thread, Guest,Al, using the "honey instead of vinegar" approach, may at this point be more effective in seeing if there is support for your position.

13 Feb 00 - 11:44 PM (#177921)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Rick Fielding

Gosh, it's good to be back at Mudcat! Actually "Guest AL" DOES love it here, 'cause of course he doesn't want to use his real name and actually get yelled at by folks he knows. T'will always be thus, from now on in the Mudcat....bit sad really.


13 Feb 00 - 11:53 PM (#177926)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Crowhugger

Gary T, that's a good idea. And so very kind. Maybe it would help if posters can remember to identify drifts or creeps using the time-tested flame method. Speaking of which, Al's opening tone did irk me, so...

flame on GUEST,Al, if it's too much reading, hire an assitant to precis the threads you (dis)like. OR You think it's too much reading? Try the library for the same info. AND Realtime is not a flash, but a whole day to walk 25 miles. flame off.

There, now that that's off my chest...this is, after all, a forum and not a short-answer test.

14 Feb 00 - 12:01 AM (#177931)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Mark Cohen

Hagbard, that was brilliant. I couldn't have said it better myself, and now I don't have to. I would only add, "Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what it might appear to others that what you were or might have been was not otherwise that what you had been would have appeared to them to be otherwise." (Free bag of macadamia nuts to the first correct attribution.)


14 Feb 00 - 12:04 AM (#177933)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Mark Cohen

Oops. "...was not otherwise _than_ what you had been..." How could I have been so careless?

14 Feb 00 - 12:06 AM (#177935)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: paddymac

Chet W gave some good advice about consulting certain medical practioners, but apparently over-looked proctologists. :>)

14 Feb 00 - 12:23 AM (#177939)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Metchosin

Mark I want my Macadamia nuts, that's Robbie Burns.

14 Feb 00 - 12:25 AM (#177940)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Brendy

Well it's not Robbie Williams, anyway.

14 Feb 00 - 12:30 AM (#177945)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Metchosin

Besides Mark, I owe my husband big time. Mrs. Claus put a small bottle of them in his stocking this Christmas and they turned out to be rancid.

14 Feb 00 - 02:27 AM (#177971)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Escamillo

Let me quote something interesting from Gary:
A careful reading of Guest,Al's first post will show that he was not referring to BS threads, but to "BS" on non-BS threads. Presumably he was frustrated with threads that meander while simultaneously failing to get to the point of the request. Unfortunately, his example: 'Don't say "I have the recording - I'll post it if nobody else does."' did not help his case, for the reason Metchosin gave in the first response
That's the point (in my opinion), if Al would not show such a dictatorial attitude and accuse all of us of idiots and headbones (?), myself and many others would have understood perfectly, and would support his points: keep bullshit where bullshit belongs, OK, perhaps we have really made mistakes ! But why insulting ? Are we all Internet-ill teenagers who insult each other everyday for fun ? do we need a police to discipline us ? do we need just HIM to learn the rules ? we are mature people ! Give US a break !
I'll continue, and , as usual, as ALWAYS, will try not to interfere in musical subjects with my strange theories. So simple.
BONK ! - Andres' head

14 Feb 00 - 04:06 AM (#177983)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Metchosin

Hmmm. someone who wants instant gratification without social interaction.....sounds like a wanker to me.

14 Feb 00 - 08:12 AM (#178005)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Lucius

So are you looking for the John Lennon song that goes: "All I am saying is give me a break"? I got the album somewhere, I'll post the lyrics if nobody else gets to it first.

14 Feb 00 - 09:28 AM (#178032)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Gary T

Ah, Lucius--touche!

14 Feb 00 - 09:30 AM (#178034)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Alice

Hagbard, thank you for redeeming my Nov 27 activities.


14 Feb 00 - 10:06 AM (#178045)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: canoer

Mudcat alchemy!

Turning dross into an all-day smile. -- :<))

14 Feb 00 - 11:09 AM (#178066)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: The Shambles

This is it! (

14 Feb 00 - 12:18 PM (#178090)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: leprechaun

What's the definition of "Wanker?"

14 Feb 00 - 12:24 PM (#178093)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

Dear leprechaun,

You've got to be kidding! If not, go ask your brother or your male cousin . . . but, DON'T ask your daddy . . .

-- Áine

14 Feb 00 - 12:38 PM (#178099)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Bert

Here Leprachaun

14 Feb 00 - 12:39 PM (#178100)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Bert

The first verse says it all

14 Feb 00 - 12:42 PM (#178102)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

Well done(?), Bert!

-- Áine

14 Feb 00 - 01:08 PM (#178116)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Troll

For those of you with a more classical bent, look up onanism. Ain't culture grand?


14 Feb 00 - 01:30 PM (#178129)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Max

Al, feel free to start your own forum. Your opinion is important AS A MEMBER, your are ONE of us. As a guest, take it for what it's worth or go away.

14 Feb 00 - 03:36 PM (#178211)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

Don't ya love it when Max gets mad?


14 Feb 00 - 03:58 PM (#178232)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Chet W.

Went and had my head x-rayed. Full o' bones, says the Doctor. I'm supposed to stay away from bats and severed limbs. It's a big old goofy world, ain't it?


14 Feb 00 - 07:44 PM (#178354)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: McGrath of Harlow

No,I don't believe it leprechaun. It's only English judges who say things like that.

14 Feb 00 - 08:46 PM (#178382)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: dick greenhaus

Well, since Max started slinging his weight around here, I'll join in the mud-wrestling. I think that this obvious need for irrelevant self-expression has dragged this Forum down to the level of the Irish Trad. list---a level that's truly subterranean.

14 Feb 00 - 08:49 PM (#178388)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

Uh, dick, I think we get message . . .

-- Áine

14 Feb 00 - 09:15 PM (#178398)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Sorcha

"DOWN" to the Irish Trad. list? I thought we Irish trads were bringing the rest of you UP to our level! Ah, Dickie boy, ya probly shouldna done that.

14 Feb 00 - 09:20 PM (#178402)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

Well, Sorcha, you've got to admit that the IRTRAD list doesn't have half the personality that the 'Cat does. And, (with the exceptions of the 'Catters that post on that list, of course) most of the folks there are really too full of themselves.

-- Áine

14 Feb 00 - 09:21 PM (#178403)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: dick greenhaus

My previous message got chopped, so I'll continue. Since all too many Mudcatters don't appear to read any better than they spell, I'll copy the original post, and then add my own comments.

There is just too much BS being posted on the non BS links that it is becoming difficult to help the folks that are genuinely looking for information.

I'll agree with this. Some of us just don't have the time (or the gumboots) to wade through all the irrelevancies on all the threads, and, as a result, just read fewer and fewer each day.

I see 40 and 50 posts on a simple request. For God's sake, if you don't have any useful information to add - don't post. Don't say "I have the recording - I'll post it if nobody else does." LISTEN to the recording and THEN post the lyrics. Don't post "I don't know that one - I'll send an Email to xxx to see if he/she knows."

OK. THis is an opinion, as valid as any other opinion. In general, I concur.

In other words, if you don't have anything to contribute to the thread - don't post. PS. PLEASE DO NOT add more shit to this thread - although the boneheads undoubtably wll.

I personally don't give a fiddler's whatever how padded BS threads become. If everbody that responded followed GUEST,Al's request, this thread would have vanished off the bottom of the screen long ago. I'd personally be much happier if music threads stuck more to the subject. One can speak or write for two basic reasons: to convey ideas and information to others, and to express oneself. The latter isn't really communication; I prefer to call it munication . And it really is only of value to the person who's municating. GUEST,AL---stick around. Join the Mudcat. And let's hear some substantive comments on music threads from you.

14 Feb 00 - 09:28 PM (#178410)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Brendy

And, Guest Al, overlook us Irish Trad folk. Please forgive us for dragging the whole tone of this place down.
In fact I want to apologise for everything Irish Traddies have done down through the ages, for my ancestors, my contemporaries, and all future generations.
After all, we know nothing about music whatsoever, and have no right to do anything except take advice from experts, who know everything. And you will find them all over this place.

14 Feb 00 - 09:53 PM (#178424)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Sorcha

Mea Culpa, mea culpa, mea culpa. You know, the reason we say things like--I have 'em, will post--is so that the poster does not think he/she/it has been ignored. I HATE being's worse than being slammed. I, for one, (and there are lot's others), ALWAYS get back with what I promised. I just may not have time to do it "right this minute." And, as has been pointed out, the BS threads sometime go to the most amazing places. Regarding "time".......even after I've been off the forum for 48 hours, it only takes about 30 minutes to catch up on ALL the threads. I do the ones I'm interested in first, then if I WANT TO, I check out the others.

14 Feb 00 - 09:55 PM (#178425)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Sorcha

And, you notice, GUEST AL has not been back, that we know of, to check out what he started.

14 Feb 00 - 10:15 PM (#178438)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

A Bhréandaí,

Tá súil agam nach bhfuil tú ag smaoineadh go raibh mé ag labhairt fút féin nó fána daoine Éiennacha/Meiriceánach-Éireannacha ar an líosta seo! Ní raibh mé ach ag magadh fána daoine ar an líosta IRTRAD ar nach bhfuil focal Gaeilge ar bith orthu agus chuir siad an t-ainm 'Irish Traditional Musician' orthu féin agus iad ag cur siad féin suas mar 'experts' ar an cheol traidisiúnta.

Le an-mheas, Áine

14 Feb 00 - 10:17 PM (#178441)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Crowhugger

OK so who else has noticed GUEST,Al's skill at tossing a match and sitting back to enjoy the fireworks? I say he's having a great time lurking. Too chicken to post though, once a little ticky-offy is shared.

Oh yes:

flame off.

14 Feb 00 - 10:26 PM (#178445)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: katlaughing

I followed the venerable *elders* of the Mudcat when I first came and watched as they posted messages of "I have it and will post it later if no one else has by then", so I was only following what seemed to be SOP.

I understand some of what you are saying, Dick, but none of those types of things are clear, hard and fast "rules", which it is my understanding, Max really doesn't want, anyway.

Would it be helpful, for those of us who are in there and see good stuff "buried", to send you a personal note of who, what, when, and where?

Also, Irish Trad, here on the Mudcat, is wonderful, as far as I am concerned and I hope none of you go away. Dick did seem to be referring to the specific List, not anyone on the Mudcat.



14 Feb 00 - 10:34 PM (#178452)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Sorcha

Ah, Ok, didn't realize he was referring to a specific site. Sorry, Dick G. katl--what are you doing to get double posts? Hitting submit twice 'cause it's slow, or what? No prob, just that I have never seemed to do it....(knock wood)

14 Feb 00 - 10:35 PM (#178454)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Brendy

Níl fhios ar bith agam fáoi rúdaí mar líosta IRTRAD a hÁine. Níl mé cinnte gur bhfúil fhios ag Ristéard Téachglás ar ndóigh.
Tá an ceart agáinn a hÁine; Na bac leo.

14 Feb 00 - 10:45 PM (#178464)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: katlaughing

Usually it's because it didn't seem to go through, Sorcha. I don't know how that happened!

14 Feb 00 - 10:53 PM (#178472)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

A Bhréandaí,

Go raibh maith agat, a chara chóir.

Le gach dea-ghuí, Áine

14 Feb 00 - 10:59 PM (#178481)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Sorcha

There they go, the big kids talking in code again. The scary thing is that I am picking up more and more from context!

14 Feb 00 - 11:04 PM (#178483)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

Dear Sorcha,

We're not talking in code. If you'd like to learn Irish, I could help you with some good learning materials. If you're understanding some of it already, I'd encourage you to study it. It is a beautiful and expressive language, and well worth the effort! Send me a private message if you're interested.

-- Áine

14 Feb 00 - 11:05 PM (#178484)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Amos

I thought it was the little tykes who went for all that ecret-say alk-tay! Most adults I know ar ehappy to own up to what they're saying. :>) .
Alors, les copains, on va nous admettre dans votre societe secrete? Ou non?.

14 Feb 00 - 11:06 PM (#178486)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Brendy

Try this one Sorcha
Na bac le mac a bheacáigh, is ní bhacfáidh mac a bheacáigh leatsa.
Good advice at any time of the day!!!!

14 Feb 00 - 11:09 PM (#178489)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

No, Amos, we won't let you in! I'm just kidding. I bet you'd be a quick learner, too. Let me know if you'd like some Irish lessons, ya Frenchie ya!

-- Áine

(just wait 'till you find out that the word for Frenchman means another thing entirely(?) in Irish, too!)

14 Feb 00 - 11:12 PM (#178491)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine

I don't know, Brendy, I have a feeling that Sorcha would just love it if 'an mhac a bhachaigh' would 'bacaigh' with her a little bit!

-- Áine

14 Feb 00 - 11:16 PM (#178493)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Brendy

It means (approximately) 'Don't worry about the beggar's son, and the beggar's son will not worry about you."

14 Feb 00 - 11:23 PM (#178500)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Brendy

Ah, you got in before me there Áine!!!LOL

14 Feb 00 - 11:40 PM (#178512)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Sorcha

<Á:>nie--Yes, I would like to learn, I don't have too much touble with vocab, but it's the darn m/f and genitive I have trouble with. When do you add an "h"? I will messaage you AM. Have done that 2x, have you rec'd?

14 Feb 00 - 11:50 PM (#178526)
Subject: RE: BS: Give Us A Break
From: Áine


Send me an email at -- that ought to reach me.

-- Áine