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BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks

13 Feb 00 - 10:23 AM (#177586)
Subject: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: katlaughing

Just heard that today's paper holds the very last "Peanuts" cartoon, as Charles Schultz died in his sleep last night. Doesn't hardly seem possible that we won't be seeing Snoopy, Woodstock and all of the kids every morning. "Good grief, Charlie Brown" we love you and will miss you.

RIP, Mr. Schultz and thanks,


13 Feb 00 - 10:28 AM (#177588)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Amos


A life very well spent.


13 Feb 00 - 10:28 AM (#177589)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Banjer

Just read that article about Mr. Schultz's passing. How ironic that he died the day before his last strip was to run! We have always like the Peanuts strip and watched many of the Charlie Brown specials on the tube. Sure will miss it all...

13 Feb 00 - 10:34 AM (#177592)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Willie-O

I heard an interview--it occurred to Charles Schulz that he should let Charlie Brown actually kick the football just once, but then he sort of forgot during the run-up to the last strip.

Good grief indeed.


13 Feb 00 - 10:35 AM (#177593)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: GUEST,Frankie

"Peanuts" was part of my life as far back as I can remember. My siblings nicknamed me Pigpen as I was somewhat less than kempt.

Adios, Charles Schultz

13 Feb 00 - 11:46 AM (#177621)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: bob schwarer

Just saw a TV special about him & Peanuts last night. Really too bad. Didn't even see his last strip in print.

Bob S.

13 Feb 00 - 11:49 AM (#177625)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Áine

Gone, yes. But forgotten, never.

I, for one, will continue to wait for the Great Pumpkin 'till the day I die.

-- Áine

13 Feb 00 - 11:55 AM (#177628)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: TerriM

Goodbye Linus,Lucy and the little red haired girl; my life is a little darker for your passing but brighter for having known you at all.

13 Feb 00 - 11:59 AM (#177632)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: kendall

I wish Snoopy could have shot the Red Baron down, just once..

13 Feb 00 - 12:09 PM (#177634)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: catspaw49

Hard to believe how many memories are tied up in a comic strip. "Peanuts" was a lot more, as are so many other greats of the comic world. The world is much greater for his being here.

A sad week this has been with the death of Jim Varney too. There's not enough humor in this world as it is.


13 Feb 00 - 12:20 PM (#177638)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: jeffp

Sad news, indeed. I will miss him.


13 Feb 00 - 12:45 PM (#177646)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Amos

Well guys, cheer up.

In about fifteen or eighteen years, a new cartoonist will start cracking them up and become the new Scott Adams.

I don't expect Mr Schulz will be able to stay out of the trade! :>)

Buddhism has its advantages; one of them is celebrating passages like this one.

A the SNAG

13 Feb 00 - 01:48 PM (#177668)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Banjer

I didn't realize that Jim Varney also had departed...

Good Grief, ain't many of us left, Ya know what I mean, Vern? As for not being enough humor left in this world, how about a brand new strip featuring the Mudcat Gang? Sort of a hybrid Pogo, Mary Worth, Hagar The Horrible and Grimmy all rolled into one! Heck, it's all here already, no need to make up any names. We have Catspaw, Cletus, RegX3, Cleigh O'Possum, and a cast of many more...what more do we need?

13 Feb 00 - 02:04 PM (#177677)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Yeah, we just lost two wonderfull comedians. Poor old Snoopy and Chuck...Ernest too! Yours, (sadly) Aye. Dave

13 Feb 00 - 03:14 PM (#177708)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: GUEST,Gypsy

What a wonderful way to go. His son says that he was feeling great all week, and had a good day on Saturday. Sparky Schultz always said that he wanted to work until he died, only cancer got in the way. Well, it would appear that he got what he wanted after all. Way to go Sparky! Hope that we see you around the next time.

13 Feb 00 - 04:16 PM (#177733)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Clinton Hammond2


Re: New Peanuts... It won't happen... Unless C.S. does come back... His family have it in his will that when he died, Peanuts ended...

I have to admit,and this may be a generation thing, but I only really endjoyed Peanuts when I was young... then they started to get really boring and repetative as I headed toward puberty... Kinda like Blondie...(the cartoon, not the band LOL!!) So I moved on to Dave Barry, Bill Watterson, Gary Larson and the like... 2 of which I have immense respect for, for having the balls to retire when the well was running dry...

Catch ya in the funny papers Charles! Now's yer chance to get a really good rest!
Tell Jim Henson I said "Hi!"


13 Feb 00 - 05:16 PM (#177754)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: fulurum

charles once said that when he dies, charlie brown dies. thanks charles for showing us ourselves.

" The candle flickers towards its last, our time together has ended, R.I.P.

13 Feb 00 - 06:33 PM (#177787)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Mbo

Poor Charles...I'm gonna miss him. I loved his comic so much because I am Charlie Brown--a pathetic loser, in love with a little red-haired girl who won't speak to him.


13 Feb 00 - 10:04 PM (#177889)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: thosp

they are faces i remember - in my life i'll love them always

rest in peace__thosp

13 Feb 00 - 10:14 PM (#177893)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Hagbardr

Mbo, you just made me cry, shame on you.

It's not true unless it makes you laugh, but you don't understand it unless it makes you cry.


P.S. Ok, she's s BIG red haired girl.....

14 Feb 00 - 10:56 AM (#178062)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Peg

I was shocked he died the night before the last strip...hard to believe. I am glad I caught the tv specials with Charles Cronkite and the one on Nightline...

Peanuts was a big part of my life. My older brother collected the books of strips, he had literally dozens of them! (He also collected BC, Wizard of Id, and later Doonesbury). And one of my favorite childhood movie memories was going to see "Snoopy Come Home" and laughing and crying through the whole thing...

I played Lucy in a dinner theatre production of "You're a Good Man, Charlie Brown" in college. What was the role I was most remembered for in those four years by my peers and professors and audiences? Not The Maid in _The Bald Soprano_. Not Millie in _Picnic_. ? Not St. Joan. Not Rosalind. Lucy...

A difficult role, despite the show's simplicity. Lucy's songs are written in a very high range and sound silly when sung with soprano stylings. But hitting those notes was very hard cuz they fall right on most female singers' "break" between chest and head voice. I saw it once years earlier and was disappointed that Lucy coudl not cut the mustard, and when I was cast vowed I would deliver a Lucy with proper "yell factor" in her songs. I worked very hard to get a brassy, clear sound that never went into head voice. I had a whole month, fortunately, and only almost lost my voice once.

We had a great time doing that show. Since it was so simple and easy to memorize, we spent a fair amount of time playing around with it, even switching roles at rehearsal a few times. (playing Snoopy was fun!) Our Schroeder was actually a pianist, and, though it does not occur in the show, he learned the funky dance song by Vince Guaraldi and played it as our entrance music after intermission...the crowd went wild as we danced like the cartoon characters, or tried to...

i stopped reading the daily strip in recent years, because The Globe does not carry it. But I always loved running across old ones, or seeing the tv specials. I imagine there will now be a rush on Peanuts memorabilia...whch i have mixed feelings about. I must ask my brother if he still has all those books...


14 Feb 00 - 12:04 PM (#178084)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Wesley S

There was one strip I fondly remember. If I recall it was printed in Pete Seegers banjo instruction book. It shows Charlie and Linus talking and saying that "This world can be a scary place - If it was up to me they would give every new baby a banjo! "

I agree - and I'm glad we were given a Charles Schultz also.

14 Feb 00 - 01:03 PM (#178111)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Steve Latimer



Thank you Mr. Schulz.

14 Feb 00 - 02:06 PM (#178155)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Peter T.

LUCY: "It sure is getting dark out there these days."
LINUS: "It is better to light one candle than to curse the darkness."
LUCY: (thinks.) (Lucy outside on doorstep) "YOU STUPID DARKNESS!!!!!!"

you stupid darkness.

14 Feb 00 - 02:46 PM (#178178)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: JamesJim

Charlie Brown's Christmas Tree will no longer have anyone to love it. I plan to bring in a scrawny scrub tree next Christmas, in honor of Sparky, Charlie and the gang. Fare thee well and Rest In Peace. Jim

14 Feb 00 - 07:42 PM (#178353)
Subject: RE: BS: So Long, Charlie Brown & thanks
From: Tony Burns

Folks will find this site interesting. Most of the cartoons were created as a response to Sparky's retirement announcement and now have meaning on a different level.