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17 Feb 00 - 04:52 PM (#180251)
Subject: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: katlaughing

Max, has given us an amount he needs to get more hardware to keep the SuperSearch going and to keep us from reaching the 503 server disconnect message. I don't knwo about you all, but I have gotten that message several times, today, even when I have been in between threads and I don't like it!**BG** Max, says it is because the site is getting so busy.

Anyway, short term, the need is for $2,000. Long term, $100 per month for several years would be very helpful.

So...I am issuing a challenge to everyone who cares and is able to do this. Each month, whenever is convenient to your finances, come to the site and make a credit card donation of $10 or, send your check in. If even just ten of us did that once per month, every month, there would be the $100.

I know we've talked about this in the past, then we got the auction, but I am hoping now there are enough of us on here that we can get this one off the ground finally.

So, what do you say Mudcatters? Is it worth ten bucks or more to you per month and, if you can afford it, will you take the pledge?



17 Feb 00 - 04:55 PM (#180258)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Lonesome EJ

I can't believe it, Katlaughing. Great minds thinking in patterns again?! Let's delete one of these posts and get on with it! :)

17 Feb 00 - 05:00 PM (#180266)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Lonesome EJ

OK kat...I pledge $25 to this. Sorcha has sent $30.

That leaves $1945 to go...

17 Feb 00 - 05:02 PM (#180268)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: katlaughing

Ah, LeeJ, we are great, aren't we?!**BG** Well, I just donated my first twice per month $10. For those who are new and may not know, you can click on the fish jumping out of the banjo, scroll down to Max's message and he has a link in there for donations with a secure server and all. It was quick, easy, and painless, plus there is a great big thank you at the end.

LeeJ, I thought about doing one like you said, with competition, but didn't want to embarrass or scare off anyone who may be on a limited income, but Hey! if people post to both we'll get twice as much donated, right?**BG**

Thanks ya'll,


17 Feb 00 - 05:24 PM (#180286)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Sorcha

I will also, hopefully in the next week, have a GREAT item for the auction, but what it is is secret til I finish it (just so I don't put my foot in my mouth too badly!)

17 Feb 00 - 05:40 PM (#180290)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Bert

And dig through your garage or attic and find some junk to auction. Doesn't HAVE to be music related, it has to be worth shipping though.

Or buy from one of the suppliers under "Support Mudcat"

Or buy a T shirt.

Or save yer pennies to buy the Mudcat CD when it comes out in the next week or so.

Thanks everyone,


17 Feb 00 - 06:48 PM (#180331)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Night Owl

or bid on a date with Max. Presuming I heard this correctly.....we have a choice of a date with Max....OR dressing him in attire...appropriate to his NEW image...for the radio show. (he did NOT agree to piercing eyebrows etc. but anything else goes.)RIGHT?? Thought I also heard Bert say he would be next, after we're done with Max. ;o)

17 Feb 00 - 07:47 PM (#180361)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Mbo

I guess my date auction didn't go over too well. That's what you get from living in backwoods Eastern North Carolina! But hey, if you ever want to go on a nice date to Andy's Cheesesteak House....


17 Feb 00 - 08:06 PM (#180373)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

I support the Mudcat will send along a bit o'plastic

17 Feb 00 - 09:02 PM (#180405)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Dani

DID I hear correctly? I haven't been able to keep up with Mudcat Radio, but if this is so, let the auction begin, Max. I know someone who would be tickled to have a date with you. (Not me - besides being married, PA's too far for dinner.) I'll be happy to bid if you have indeed sunk so low as to offer your 'company' for the 'company'. Part of me hopes it hasn't come to that, though....


PS Hey! Didn't I see a kissing booth around here somewhere?! Why can't we install one at any gathering of 'cats as a fundraiser?

17 Feb 00 - 09:40 PM (#180424)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Mbo

Yeah Dani, the Kissing Booth was my deal--wanna come over? We're in the same state--I'm up in Greenville! Kiss Mbo, support Mudcat, see the famous Amazing Mudcat Guitar, and shake hands with Petey the Pirate! What more could one ask for? And if the kissing doesn't go too well, I could always sing....


17 Feb 00 - 10:06 PM (#180446)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Night Owl

Dani...the auction for Max began during the radio show Wed. (click on "auction" at the top of the page and then click on "a date with Max".)

17 Feb 00 - 10:11 PM (#180450)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: MMario

bert! a or so? great gallopin' mudcats, last night Max gave us 30 days to put submissions in. Now your saying a WEEK?

17 Feb 00 - 10:18 PM (#180459)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Sorcha

Mbo, you selling your kisses for dollars now, not tunes? What is Max's cut?

17 Feb 00 - 10:20 PM (#180461)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Mbo

It's for charity--Max gets it all!


17 Feb 00 - 10:26 PM (#180463)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: GUEST,_gargoyle

Dearest, Kindest, Therapeutically Purr, Laugh Kat

You have been listening to too much Minnisotta Public Radio.

Please Do not follow their prescendent with an advertising admonition every-other post!!!

17 Feb 00 - 10:29 PM (#180468)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Troll

Meebo. How much do I have to send if I DON'T kiss you?

Seriously tho, as soon as those boobs in Washington get off their duffs and get my retirement checks started( it's only been five months) I'll be more than happy to contribute.


17 Feb 00 - 10:35 PM (#180471)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Mbo

Then you'd have to pay DOUBLE, Troll. But you'd still get to shake Petey's hand--unless you profess to be an NC State fan, then he'll more'n likely chase you around with his cutlass!


17 Feb 00 - 10:40 PM (#180474)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: GutBucketeer

Here is an idea...

Would anyone be willing to teach banjo, guitar, autoharp, or voice lessons over the internet using Hearme or some equivalent (PowWow, Firetalk, Excite Voice, even Net Meeting). Some of these programs even support on-line camera's for video links. We could even auction off lessons to help support the Mudcat.

I got to thinking that I know that I'm somewhat musically challenged (tone deaf and got no rhythm, can't spell either). I would love to get pointers, suggestions, etc. on how to improve my playing and singing. I can take constructive critcism (I think), otherwise How Will I get Better? That got me to thinking about the possibilities of using Hear me for other types of things.... Like Lessons.

Imagine, getting an hour lesson from some of the greats that we do have haunting Mudcat like Rick Fielding, Art Thieme, Kendal, and many many others. Not quite as good as sitting around in the living room with them, but much cheaper than a plane ticket!

What do you think?


17 Feb 00 - 10:41 PM (#180478)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: harpgirl

...well gals...harpgirl has entered the bidding war...

17 Feb 00 - 10:57 PM (#180487)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Sorcha

1) As a married woman I am staying out of the biiddig war. 2) REF: The bidding war--I would if I could, but I cain't 3)REF: The Lessons--I would if I could but I cain't, no mike, no sound card, no nuttin. I'm tryin' to get it fixed.

17 Feb 00 - 11:05 PM (#180491)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Sorcha

TO "GUUEST" Garg--spell it right, child. There are a few real grown ups here.

18 Feb 00 - 12:57 AM (#180537)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos


I will undertake to write a GENUINE FOLK SONG concerning any situation and any point of view desired, for the PALTRY SUM of $50.00 to be paid to Mudcat Org. I will deliver same in any meter desired (for which there is precedent in English-speaking folk music) in .aiff, hard copy or other format as desired. I will engage the burning creative geniuses of the Forum to assist including the Incredible EJ and Far Shambles, as available. This, ladies, gentlemen, is no less than the Bargain of the Century. Your VERY OWN ORIGINAL GENUINE FOLK SONG to add to your estate, regale your grandchildren, and immortalize you for GENERATIONS TO COME. Do not hesitate! Availability is limited to available hours. Get yours NOW.

18 Feb 00 - 01:38 AM (#180548)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Joe Offer

OK, the check's in the mail. I'm still hoping to win a date with an F34 in Australia. She's probably at least 35 by now....
-Joe Offer-

18 Feb 00 - 01:40 AM (#180550)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: alison

I'll happily teach bodhran over the net.....

let me know where and when



18 Feb 00 - 01:41 AM (#180551)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: alison

OOOHHH... I just read Joe's post... I'm still F34 thanks!!!!

Aine.. how about gaelic lessons over the net?

18 Feb 00 - 07:53 AM (#180613)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Crowhugger

Alison, sign me up!

Joe or Max or some blue-clicky whiz, how 'bout a link for the impulse shoppers in our midst?

18 Feb 00 - 08:12 AM (#180621)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: wysiwyg

I'm passing the hat from now on at our monthly jam.

18 Feb 00 - 09:07 AM (#180642)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Áine

I do hope that someone is writing down all these great ideas and will coordinate them -- You guys are brilliant!

alison - you bet, I'll be happy to do some Irish lessons over the net!

-- Áine

18 Feb 00 - 09:41 AM (#180657)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: katlaughing

Here is a direct link to the secure page for making donations by credit card, for the "impulsive" buyers.

As for all of the ideas. They are really great! I think it would probably be best if everyone interested in whatever lessons, were to send a personal message to the person offering then, they and the teacher, could work out times and payment to the Mudcat. That way no one person becomes burdened with too much to coordinate.

Please remember, we need to make these things happen, for real, so that there is an immediate flow of aid for the Mudcat. Thanks, kat

18 Feb 00 - 09:54 AM (#180662)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Bert

Sorry Mmario, I got it wrong. What Max says goes of course. The sooner the better though.

18 Feb 00 - 11:13 AM (#180701)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Crowhugger

Max or Joe,

Is entering my address on the Membership page an absolute prerequisite to making a credit card donation? After seeing the ugly injuries to a house-mate by a plain oldfashioned stalker, I'm not prepared to submit my street address together with e-mail etc. on a non-secure site. If it is a must-do, I'll take the off-ramp and find me a snail.

18 Feb 00 - 11:17 AM (#180705)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Ach, hugger, those snails are slimey critters, not fit for one of your fair raiment. I think there's a secure (SSL) link to do CC donations with.

18 Feb 00 - 11:35 AM (#180721)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: dick greenhaus

..And don't forget The Mudcat Shop!

18 Feb 00 - 11:56 AM (#180732)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Uncle_DaveO

Just plastic'd Max in the amount of $25.00

Dave Oesterreich

18 Feb 00 - 12:01 PM (#180734)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Cara

I have entered the battle for a date with the All-Mighty Max.

18 Feb 00 - 12:02 PM (#180735)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Molly Malone

Did I hear someone mention Gaelic lessons? Boy, that would be worth much here in Phoenix!

I'll see if I can spread the word around the community here that I know uses the lyrics site, but doesn't pay a lot of attention to the threads.

18 Feb 00 - 12:24 PM (#180754)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: katlaughing


If you click on the link I posted in my previous mesage of today, it takes you to a secure server, where all you have to enter is your real name, cc# and amount you wish to donate, no physical addy required. There is also info on that page for where snails can deliver it the old-fashioned way.**BG**

18 Feb 00 - 12:43 PM (#180767)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: The Shambles

I have contributed 10 somethings to the secure link. Will that be $ or good old £.

I was just about the make an addition to the Mudcat Songbook. It is a song about 'bikers'. If someone would like this song to be dedicated to them or someone they know. A donation will ensure that the song will appear in the Songbook with the name and thanks, next to it (if that is OK with Anne).

18 Feb 00 - 12:48 PM (#180773)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Max

Yes, great. Everyone who is gigging in the next 30 days, simply put a hat on the front of the stage and mention that you are collecting funds to save the greatest place, not-on-earth. That, I think, would be appropriate and effective. Whatever you can do will be greatly appreciated. Thanks everyone.

18 Feb 00 - 01:02 PM (#180780)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Áine

Dear Roger (the Lodger) [a/k/a The Shambles],

I don't know who this Anne person is, but I'll be proud as punch to put the Mudcat donation/dedication and song on the Mudcat Songbook. ;o)

-- Áine (The Keeper of the Book known by many pseudonyms and smoler of many smoles)

18 Feb 00 - 01:18 PM (#180789)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Dear Ampersand-ine:

What is a smole, smoler?


18 Feb 00 - 01:31 PM (#180792)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Áine

Geez, Amos, and here I thought you'd grajeeated from hi skuul! Don't you know that famous sayin': A smole is just a frown turned upside down?

So everybody send your sawbucks and pounds into Max -- It'll put a smole on your face!!

-- Áine

18 Feb 00 - 01:40 PM (#180800)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

OOhhh. I thought it was smelled spowl.


18 Feb 00 - 02:04 PM (#180817)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Night Owl

geeze Amos, with the literary talent posted above...and your musical talent we heard on the radio show, I HOPE you have plenty of time for writing songs!!!!

18 Feb 00 - 02:12 PM (#180820)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

I'm a little nervous abou which "above", Night Owl...and I was gonna ask if I could have one of those blue crash helmets your patients seemed to be wearing, maybe with a Mudcat slogan painted on it, for my next visit over to Neil Young's place ">) -- we could sell them (on behalf of the Cat) for those who want to take the whoopdidoo crash, burn, leap and fly rollercoaster of competing in Áein's Challenges, a death defying multi-dimensional glissando if ever there was one! :>))

18 Feb 00 - 02:33 PM (#180832)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Night Owl

ALL of the above and in your other posts!!! (BTW, didn't know you got released from the Neil Young center so soon!) For Aine's song challenges...helmet with face mask attached is on its way.

18 Feb 00 - 02:43 PM (#180836)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Áine

For Aine's song challenges...helmet with face mask attached is on its way

Ooooohhhh Amos! Cool! Can I plueez paint an eagle on it??

-- Áine (smole, when you're feeling lonely)

18 Feb 00 - 02:55 PM (#180838)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Ahem...I smole more when I áin't...

And you may paint my helmet any way ye please, Ms Machree...

18 Feb 00 - 03:11 PM (#180840)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: kendall

Dont let your deal go down..count me in.

18 Feb 00 - 05:38 PM (#180928)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Crowhugger


This is the CC page instruction I'm referring to:

If you did not enter the correct address and phone number in the membership form, please go back and do so now or include it in your letter, fax or phone call.

The CC page is secure, no problem, but the membership page isn't, which is when I get all squeamish about deliberately connecting my e-mail with my address and phone number for all of e-land to see.

But if the address & phone are not needed for CC donations, I'm not maxed out *groan* and next to child hunger, there's no cause more worthy.

I'll check back for info after I shovel. Today I remember why I like rain!

Hugs for 'Cat supporters, crows or otherwise!

18 Feb 00 - 10:37 PM (#181044)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Max --

Sending $50, wish it were more.


18 Feb 00 - 11:04 PM (#181059)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Art Thieme

I just used the donation site & got an error notice.

Max, Did you get it???


19 Feb 00 - 12:29 AM (#181092)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Night Owl

We have raised over two hundred dollars in this thread and the auction in less than two days...NOT including credit cards and donations sent directly to Max.....if my math is right, Max will have the $$$ for the new hardware for "Super Search" in less than ten days?????

19 Feb 00 - 02:01 AM (#181112)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: The Shambles

I would like to dedicate the song Going Up the 'Ace' to Amos (whether he wants it or not), for all his generous contributions.

Keep it up.

19 Feb 00 - 02:48 AM (#181128)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Shucks, Roger -- I am surprised and touched. Thank you kindly!


19 Feb 00 - 03:58 PM (#181292)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: DonMeixner

I replied to the other thread re: the auction. No one has yet picked up the bracelet I offered and I never recieved an address to send it to so its still here for the lucky winner> ( John of Brisbane, maybe????)


I will donate another bracelet, same style, same terms, Total proceeds go to the Mudcat.


19 Feb 00 - 08:08 PM (#181390)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: wysiwyg

I will write or (copy-edit) grants if someone finds the ones we should go after and arranges to send me the grant kit to go after them.

I would also suggest press coverage of this site if it has not already happened. If it has, pls point me to info about it. If not, pls indicate ideas/interest in working on this.

As a non-profit, is there a Mudcat board that has as one of its jobs the raising of funds or planning of resources? Does Max get any organized help like that? Our Red Cross chapter now has bylaws that allow for board participation via e-mail. I would attend an in-person annual Mudcat "business" meeting to back up e-meetings, with any of you, wouldn't many of us?

Here's a FR idea some of us might apply in our own backyards:

In our small community we help people via spaghetti suppers. There are several each week, in a county with only 14,000 households. It's where you go to see and be seen, catch the latest news, take the kids out cheap, get a bite... Normal activity. What if big name performers in some of the larger cities would help Mudcat by appearing at a benefit dinner the night of or after a local appearance? They would not play, they would just visit. The 'catters organizing this, and all their friends, would play at it, In our church, the town's Mens' Chorus raises thousands by hosting a Pizza Party. Pizza is free or cheap from all the local pizzerias, tickets are sold, and long tables are set up. The men of the Chorus serve and bus tables, and every half hour they suspend serving to sing a few numbers. It's so popular they turn people away. They also sell raffle tickets along the tables all evening for drawings on donated door prizes. If this were a town with a folk market big enough to support a couple of clubs, this would work easily. It would also work for a smaller market with a peformer who already has a large local following and a bunch of creative opportunities to organize. It would promote everyone's music. And if half the proceeds are to go to a local charity, that charity might take over the details of food, paper goods, and publicity.


The annual Mudcat Banquet, in whatever area has the most 'Catters, whenevr Max can be there to speak. Big-ticket fancy affair. Top local leaders invited (radicals under the gray suits, many of them).

20 Feb 00 - 12:43 AM (#181505)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Night Owl

Praise.....would Max have to wear a tie and tails for the banquet??

20 Feb 00 - 12:45 AM (#181506)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: wysiwyg

Well yes, but nothing else.

20 Feb 00 - 12:57 AM (#181512)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Sorcha

I understand about the tie, but HOW do you do the TAILS??

20 Feb 00 - 01:02 AM (#181515)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: wysiwyg


This is no problem, he will simnply have to have whatever tails are available tacked on directly. It goes with the territory he has staked out as our fearless leader-- you know every non-profit has to have an executive branch to manage the rest (us). There is a price to be paid for glory such as this.

I would only hope that no one will bring possum tails but this will depend on who wins him as their date, I believe.

20 Feb 00 - 01:04 AM (#181519)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Sorcha

RIGHT ON!!! I'll supply the thumbtacks--Pin the Tail on Max! ROFLMAO! What a vision!

20 Feb 00 - 01:13 AM (#181522)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: wysiwyg

Yes, well, you see we newbies have not yet developed the appropriate reverence and thus can take pot shots the rest of you are far too wise and kind to consider.

BTW, Sorcha, I love your construction of what I usually see as LMAOWROTF. Yours appeals not only as an image of a new friend, but as a spread for the cold Haggis sandwich.

20 Feb 00 - 01:26 AM (#181527)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Sorcha

Looks more like some kind of Chi-Com (Chinese Communist) appetizer to me; what are you doing still up? It's 1:30 in PA. (I gotta night shift hubby too)

20 Feb 00 - 01:35 AM (#181533)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: wysiwyg

My hubby not night shift, pastor, long day tomorrow.

I'm up because if I go to bed before I'm alseep I stay awake. I'm asleep now, so...

Take 2 haggis and call me in the morning.

20 Feb 00 - 03:18 AM (#181551)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Crowhugger

(deserving of a return to the top of the list!)

20 Feb 00 - 09:17 AM (#181603)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Crowhugger. Once, again, refresh.

21 Feb 00 - 01:56 AM (#182017)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

I suspect we could use native material, possibly applying a little Trobriand Island Braid technique, to get Max' tails to stay on without pins. That blonde hairdo doesn't fool me -- he's probably hirsute enough to swing a couple of Munchkins...

21 Feb 00 - 01:57 AM (#182019)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

I suspect we could use native material, possibly applying a little Trobriand Island Braid technique, to get Max' tails to stay on without pins. That blonde hairdo doesn't fool me -- he's probably hirsute enough to swing a couple of Munchkins...

21 Feb 00 - 03:06 AM (#182033)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Cara

Stop trying to compete against me for the date. I'm going to win. But, I wholeheartedly support the donation effort and therefdoreI've got o support this thread returning to the top of the list.

I've just been o my favorite Irish pub and seen my favorite perfomer. Conor Malone, remember the name. See him if you can. I'm drunk and I have to work At 8a.m. EST.

I love you all.

21 Feb 00 - 08:55 AM (#182078)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: katlaughing

Just ten dollars a month, folks.....

21 Feb 00 - 09:54 AM (#182087)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: GUEST,Patrish

Ten dollars (what ever that is in pounds?) seems very reasonable to me. Would it be possoble to set up some kind of direct that would make it easier for my brain cell to cope with. I have that forgetful thingie mentioned in another thread which I have of course totally forgotten about
kindest regards

21 Feb 00 - 11:23 AM (#182138)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos


Hope you are all right this morning, not too hung over and not in trouble at work. Thanks for the reference to Conor Malone. I just want you to know I'm not competing with you for the date with Max,


21 Feb 00 - 03:40 PM (#182304)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Molly Malone

Is it just the super search that is trouble? I mean, long term...what kind of memory will this site take up?

I know it sounds like a stupid question, but I've had a lot of people ask, "So what?" So we can't super search. All I want is to get lyrics.

Now, I don't agree with the dmn philosophy, but I'd think that if people are going to link to this site they should dmn well support it!

21 Feb 00 - 09:29 PM (#182492)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Max

OK guys, you're doing great. We are at about $1055 (including a previous $500 contribution from a very generous mudcatter) so far, half way there, and I am sure I haven't even received everything (snail mail) yet. I can't thank you all enough, I will make sure to earn your kindness and generousity in the months to come. I am inspired...

21 Feb 00 - 09:46 PM (#182501)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: katlaughing

WOW, that's great, Max. And, Max? You have already earned our kindness and generosity many times over!

Way to go, Mudders!

21 Feb 00 - 09:47 PM (#182502)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Night Owl

Gee, Max....I'm disappointed...... I thought WE were going to make sure you "earned our kindnesses".....

22 Feb 00 - 12:23 AM (#182588)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Y'know Max, this just shows to go you that good software design both comes from the heart and speaks to the heart when it is used -- or lets hearts and minds communbicate without getting in the damn way.

I can think of hundreds of ways you could have screwed this site up, but instead you designed it so that people could use it wuickly and so that it paralleld exactly what their needs would be.

So if there's some joy coming back to you, slap yourself on the back for earning every microsecond.

22 Feb 00 - 12:50 AM (#182598)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Lonesome EJ

Just mailed my check to

Mudcat Cafe
5 W.Gay St
Suite A
West Chester, PA 19380

Alright Max! More than halfway there!

23 Feb 00 - 10:29 AM (#183338)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: GUEST,Wolfgang

There'll be plastic money coming from Susanne and me too.


23 Feb 00 - 10:32 AM (#183340)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: MMario

The check is in the mail. Honest!
(Now if I could get that tape done....stubbid cold!)

23 Feb 00 - 11:18 AM (#183381)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Art Thieme

Max just let me know he got my donation even though I got an error notice.

Thanks for doin' this stuff Mr. Max


23 Feb 00 - 11:57 AM (#183420)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Max

Yes, Art I got it, thank you. Some of you may be getting errors, that is my fault, I will try to fix it all up tonight. The orders are going through, a simple personal message to me and I will confirm. Don't worry, I process the orders manually so no doubles or errors are possible (because I am perfect of course). Thanks everyone, we are doing really well. We're at $1275.00 (that I have recieved) so far. Thank you everyone. Looks like the uprgrade isn't gonna be a problem.

23 Feb 00 - 12:02 PM (#183428)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Yeehass -- The 'cat came through, the very next week,
Thought it was a goner tho' it was a close squeak
Poor old Max didn't know what to do
But he didn't need to worry 'cuz the 'Cat came through!

It's only beginning, Maxwell...your site will become famous. For starters, it (I have been told) is being favorably mentioned in next week's San Diego Union, our local jaundice sheet, including El Radio...more to follow. Keep yer bandwidth up!


23 Feb 00 - 12:21 PM (#183444)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Dani

...did my piece, at long last. Error didn't happen until after transaction was confirmed.

Liam's Brother, if the offer still stands (and I'll understand if it doesn't) I'd be honored to have that premium ;)


23 Feb 00 - 12:24 PM (#183449)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Bert

will you send us a copy of that issue?
And anyone else who sees any mention of Mudcat in print - Send us a copy and well keep a scrapbook.


23 Feb 00 - 12:26 PM (#183452)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

If...when...Bert, absolutely. Next day's mail.


23 Feb 00 - 12:30 PM (#183456)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Molly Malone

This was posted to the AIMS Newsletter just yesterday.

News and Notes 2-22-2000 Arizona Irish Music Society George L. O'Brien

I've noticed that many of the AZ Irish band sites list The Mudcat Cafe ( as a link. It is a wonderful resource for getting lyrics and songs...but they are in trouble of running out of resources. This is a quote from "Max", the man who started the 'Cat' and maintains it: "...the Mudcat is getting more popular. The SuperSearch was merely the first thing to go. As we continue to get new users, memebers and general traffic, the demand on our hardware increases, and the two ways to compensate are to upgrade or reduce complex functionality. Before the supersearch, the digitrad search was the bear, and I have been worried for over a year about it. It is one thing to be able to JUST SURVIVE, which we do, but I am interested in a lot more than just survival. Currently we can't keep up with SURVIVAL let alone grow and enhance."

They are looking for people to be able to donate either items that can be auctioned, or just plain send in whatever they can. Would you let people know please? This is a wonderful resource that a lot of us use to find would be a shame to lose it.

23 Feb 00 - 12:40 PM (#183466)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: catspaw49

I'll on-line a few more bucks next week after I get a new debit card (stolen).....

But in the meantime, I'm supporting the auction by bidding on the date with Max! Cleigh is very excited. Cletus wants to come along and said he'd pay his own way.


23 Feb 00 - 12:40 PM (#183467)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Max

That's great Molly, but we're at Folks might get confused about what dredging equipment has to do with folk music, and why they need money. *BG*

Oh, and Spaw, check again my friend.

23 Feb 00 - 12:46 PM (#183477)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Amos

Max, you shouldn't have opened that can of Worm.

23 Feb 00 - 12:47 PM (#183478)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Molly Malone

Crap! That's right. That's what I get for working with "dot com" real estate.;)

People who use the site have it bookmarked, but I'll submit a correction. Thanks..and sorry.:(

23 Feb 00 - 12:50 PM (#183479)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: catspaw49

Sorry Max...we cross posted there. Maybe we can both check again........hehehehehehehe


23 Feb 00 - 12:50 PM (#183480)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: MMario

Is there anyone here connected with the newsletter, or who at least recieves it that might drop a polite note with the corrections?

23 Feb 00 - 12:58 PM (#183485)
Subject: RE: FUNDING CHALLENGE-Help the Mudcat!
From: Molly Malone

Already done.