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Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck

20 Feb 00 - 01:18 AM (#181523)

Does anyone know of lyrics or recording of a British song about a runaway liquid manure truck? I heard it by a member of a Morris dance group at the Fox Hollow Festival in the late 70's. Chorus was something like “There goes old John Baker, in his rattling old bone shaker, and he never realized the trail he left behind him.”

Message changed from all caps. --JoeClone, 8-Apr-02.

20 Feb 00 - 01:26 AM (#181526)
From: wysiwyg


I am sure Mudcat folks will help you look for this.

By the way, we try to reserve ALL CAPS for just song titles, as otherwise it looks like shouting. Most of us read so many messages in a day, we really need to save our eyes.

Below, you'll see I put your message in sentence case so it will be easier for people to read, and help search.


"Does anyone know of lyrics or recording of a british song about a runaway liquid manure truck? I heard it by a member of a Morris dance group at the Fox Hollow festival in the late 70's. Chorus was something like:

There goes old John Baker,

In his rattling old bone shaker,

And he never realized the trail he left behind him.

20 Feb 00 - 02:44 AM (#181548)

The Yetties did one called "Fling it 'ere, fling it there" about a guy driving a load of liquid manure through a village, when it gets set off by a bump in the road. It's to a version of a well-known tune: " singing too ra lie, too ra lie, too ra lie ay", I think. I don't for a moment think it's the one you're after, as the culprit in this one is Walter Hodgkiss! It begins:

Now young Walter Hodgkiss he brought back a load / of liquid manure from the farm up the road. / And he hummed to himself as he drove up the street, / while his load also hummed in the afternoon heat.

Chorus: Fling it here, fling it there, / if you're standing by then you'll all get your share.

I daresay someone will come up with the one you're after.


20 Feb 00 - 03:45 AM (#181556)
From: Crowhugger

Mouldy, any sh***y song is good enough for me. I can't wait for more posts.

20 Feb 00 - 08:48 AM (#181587)
From: TerriM

Is this it?


Way down on our farm we are quite up to date
For mechanisation's the byword of late
For every task we've a gadget to match
But our new muck spreader's the best of the batch


Fling it here
Fling it there
If you're standing by then you'll all get your share

Now young Walter Hodgkins, he brought back a load
Of liquid manure from the farm up the road
And he hummed to himself as he drove up the street
And his load also hummed in the afternoon heat

Now his muck spreader had a mechanical fault
and a bump in the road turned it on with a jolt
An odorous spray of manure it let fly
Without fear or favour on all it passed by.

The cats and the dogs stank to high kingdom come
And the kiddies, browned off, ran home screaming to mum
The trail of sheer havoc were terrible grim
One open car were filled up to the brim

The vicarage windows were all open wide
When a generous helping descended inside
The vicar, at table, intoned "Let us pray"
When this manure from heaven came flying his way

In her garden Miss Pringle was quite scandalised
"Good Gracious!" she cried, "I've been fertilised"
While the Methodist minister's tee-total wife
Were plastered for the very first time in her life

And all of this time Walter trundled along
He was quite unaware there was anything wrong
Till a vision of woe flagged him down, what a sight!
A policeman all covered in sh--You've got it right!

(line breaks inserted by a Joe clone) ^^

20 Feb 00 - 10:17 AM (#181621)
From: sophocleese


20 Feb 00 - 11:37 AM (#181652)
From: Ferrara

Thank you! Bob Hitchcock, of the New St. George, used to sing the "fling it here" song at our local open sings and I have missed it! - Rita F

20 Feb 00 - 04:29 PM (#181768)
From: GUEST,

Only other similar song I know of, is "THE CHAMPION DUNG SPREADER" by the Wurzels.

20 Feb 00 - 05:56 PM (#181804)
From: Liz the Squeak

See, I knew I wasn't the only Wurzel fan in the world, I was going to suggest the very same one.

There was a farmer who had an arguement with his bank manager over his account, so to get his own back the farmer took his liquefied manure or slurry truck to the village and turned the spreader on as he passed the bank. The building was completely covered in shite and the farmer had his account moved.....

True, honest....!

LTS, who has "fond" memories of slurry trucks, a country lane and a poseur in an open topped sports car, trying to impress his girlfriend.......

20 Feb 00 - 06:06 PM (#181810)
From: Stewie

The song you are looking for is probably John Kirkpatrick's 'Eddie Baker's Muckspreader'. I have the lyrics somewhere, but will need to find them.


20 Feb 00 - 07:36 PM (#181864)
From: Stewie

Here you go. It's something of an epic - I'll probably have RSI by the time I finish typing it.

(John Kirkpatrick)

Now in My-tholm-royd in Yorkhire, one Saturday in June
All the village was preparing for the fete that afternoon
There were sideshows, stalls and roundabouts and every kind of game
But the village fete will never now be quite the same
For this pleasant country scene was transformed by a machine
Which belonged to Eddie Baker from the farm just down the road
With his tractor and his trailer and his load both sweet and pure
Five hundred imperial gallons of best liquified manure

Down the road went Eddie Baker in his rattling old boneshaker
And he never knew the trail he left behind him

Now Eddie quickly picked up speed on the track from Lower Lumb Farm
Though his load careered madly he never thought 'twould come to harm
And so noisy was the clatter and the crashes and the booms
He had to turn his old transistor up so he could hear the tunes
As he zoomed across a bump it triggered off the trailer's pump
And its hose discovered freedom it had never known before
It waved wildly round and round, from side to side and up and down
As spreading dung and desperation, Eddie sailed into the town


Now Jemima Smith and Barney from down the old folks' home
Were on their way to a lunchtime tipple at the Peacock and Trombone
She was adjusting of her spectacles to a admire a garden rose
When a blast from Eddie's onslaught whipped 'em right from off her nose
'Oh, gawd', says old Jemima, 'I've just had a funny turn
Oo , I feel or cold and clammy and how my skin does burn'
'Oh, speak up, dear', says Barney, as together they did cling
'It's short-circuited me deaf-aid, I can't hear a bleeding thing


Now the Icecream Factory Silver Band were warming up to play
To commence the celebrations of that very special day
When there appeared on their music dots they couldn't play too well
As with the gentle tang of Brasso mingled a new exciting smell
And their tunes all went awry as they hung 'em out to dry
And the sousaphone player played his last 'cause he sucked when he should have blowed
There were different tunes in different times and all in different keys
And 'Nellie the Elephant' sounded more like 'The Flight of the Bumble Bee'


Now the greasy pole was greasier than ever known before
And the icecream had a chocolate sauce no palate could ignore
And into the coffee-coloured candy-floss Grannie Walker plunged her teeth
And for evermore the ones on top were stuck to the ones beneath
And in the tug-o-war there were broken bones galore
There was blood all round the bottle stall as both teams slithered through
There was chaos round the cake stall and the tea was more like glue
'Cause you didn't just get sugar when they asked, 'One lump or two?'


Now Geraldine the Carnival Queen was looking all forlorn
She got browner than she bargained for as she sunbathed on the lawn
And it gave a fatal heart attack to next-door's pekinese
Whilst upon its back a skating match took place among its fleas
And the force of the cascade swept through the goldfish of Miss Blade
Right up into the hanging basket down at number twenty-three
And it dumped the Johnson's tortoise in the bird bath at the Jones'
And wiped the smile right off the faces of their plastic garden gnomes


Now the Reverend Roderick Butterworth was sitting down to eat
When the perilous plague of pestilence came belting down the street
Some of it fell among the thorns, some fell on stony ground
And some fell on his car outside with all his windows down
'Oh, bugger!', said the vicar, as he swigged some demon liquor
'I suppose we should be thankful that it's not St Swithin's Day
But even my insurance doesn't cover act of God
And I know the scouts are going to say, "Stuff this for bob-a-job"'


So he trundled through the village, down the road and past the hall
And where he'd been for years after all the weeds grew ten feet tall
And he never knew the chaos that he'd caused along his way
And he never heard the crashes as he crossed the motorway
And in time he'll dwell on high in that great muckheap in the sky
Where St Peter'll dive for cover every time he passes by
It'll rust up all their haloes, it'll clog up all their wings
As, wiping shit from off their faces, all the angels they will sing


Published by Free Reed 1978.
Source: John Kirkpatrick 'Going Spare' Free Reed LP FRR 030.

Cheers, Stewie.

20 Feb 00 - 08:22 PM (#181896)


Sure would like to hear the details on that "slurry trucks, a country lane and a poseur in an open topped sports car, trying to impress his girlfriend..." Sound like a mudcat kinda story!!


21 Feb 00 - 02:40 AM (#182029)
From: GUEST,Chris/Darwin (at work)


I have a vague recollection of hearing this somewhere. Is there anywhere I can get the tune?


21 Feb 00 - 06:25 AM (#182056)
From: Curlie Cornflake

New Page 1

Oh Yes! This is what we want!

21 Feb 00 - 10:52 PM (#182531)
From: GUEST,Arthur

A friend works for Knight Manufacturing in Brodhead, Wisconsin, which makes agricultural machinery. Their flagship line is a manure spreader - hence the company motto - "We don't stand behind our product!"

26 Feb 00 - 07:11 PM (#185442)
From: Curlie Cornflake

Any more news of the tune . . . ?

26 Feb 00 - 09:34 PM (#185513)
From: Stewie

I am sorry, but I have it only on the old LP and have no idea about posting tunes. Perhaps if I send a cassette of it to Alan of Australia, he might be able to do something - I'll send him a personal message.


27 Feb 00 - 11:54 AM (#185752)
From: Liz the Squeak

Was cycling to work one day, down a fairly typical English B road (only just avoided having grass down the middle of it) when I was forced into the ditch by a red (aren't they always?) open topped sports car, which held a screaming blonde tart and a poseur with jet black hair, orange skin and bleach white teeth. He was tearing around the countryside on a road like a sidewinder trail, at about 90mph. Had he slowed down a bit, he would have been able to read the notice that warned of mud on road. He didn't see it. He tore round a particularly hairy S bend that goes down a short but steep hill that is tree lined, but opens up at the bottom. He literally flew over the top of the hill, and round the bend. There was a screeching of brakes, a rending sound of metal on metal, and a piercing scream cut suddenly short.

I carefully steered down the hill, knowing, as I travelled this road every day, that the farmer was moving slurry from the farm at the top of the hill, to the field at the bottom of the hill. The car driver did not know this, and had been travelling at such a speed that he had been unable to stop in the "mud" on the road, and had ploughted neatly into the side of the slurry wagon, which, in the manner of these machines, had jetisoned its cargo into the lap of the screaming blonde and her erstwhile suitor.

I was very late for work, because I had to go and lie down in the field for half an hour before I could even stand, let alone ride my bicycle any further.....


27 Feb 00 - 08:30 PM (#185921)


That's a classic!!! I read it 15 minutes ago, and have been laughing so hard I couldn't even type!

Thanks a bunch.


27 Feb 00 - 08:31 PM (#185924)
From: McGrath of Harlow

Me mate Jerry sang Eddie Baker tonight in the Half Moon, Bishop's Stortford. Someone called out to Jerry "let's have an English song" - and this was what he obliged with.

Epic. One of the few songs that is longer than American Pie (before Madonna got hold of it - I can't see her trying to cover Edddie Baker though).

05 Mar 00 - 07:19 AM (#189769)
From: Alan of Australia

Sorry about the delay but it's Sunday night & I'm just back from a folk festival. Stewie sent me the sheet music for 'Eddie Baker's Muckspreader' & I've just played it into my sequencer. The MIDI file can be found here at the Mudcat MIDI site.

Funny, I've heard the song many times over the years at folk clubs etc. without knowing it was written by John Kirkpatrick.

And thanks Stewie for the words & music.


03 Aug 03 - 02:46 PM (#996007)
From: Jim Dixon

I recall an episode of the Prairie Home Companion radio show in which Garrison Keillor told a similar story in his News from Lake Wobegon segment. A farmer had loaded a tank of manure--or maybe he had pumped out his over-full septic tank--onto a flatbed wagon, and proceeded to drive through town on his way to wherever he was going to dispose of it. It happened to be a holiday and a parade was in progress on Main Street, so the farmer just fell in line at the end of the parade, and the crowd mistook him for one of the floats. The farmer was having a good time waving at everyone and seeing them wave back at him, so that he nearly missed the place where the parade turned a corner. He turned a little too suddenly and the tank rolled off the flatbed... That's about all I remember.

Do you suppose Garrison adapted his story on this song? Or is this theme a common one in folklore?

03 Aug 03 - 03:02 PM (#996015)
From: Nigel Parsons

I've quoted it before in another thread, but it also fits in here so well....

The corporation muck cart was full up to the brim.
The driver fell in backwards, too bad he could not swim.
He sank right to the bottom, just like a little stone.
And as he sank he gurgled "There's no place like home!"


03 Aug 03 - 06:29 PM (#996089)
From: Gareth

Liz - I can confirm your story on the Bank and Nat West - It was in the days of the Great Closures and elimination of "surplus staff"

We had a Memo round as a caution, those of us at Nat West Insurance Services who had just been dealt the "black spot", most of thier proffesionally qualified staff, p*****ed ourselves laughing as we waited to be excorted off the premises.


05 Jul 06 - 09:16 PM (#1777231)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Eddie Baker's Muckspreader (J Kirkpatrick
From: GUEST,dexy

Hi all
   New Zealand is not immune to the phenomenon either! It seems the Allens Septic Tank Services truck had just cleaned out the public toilets' tank in Murchison (inland from Westport, upper South Island), just before Christmas. A bump in the road jarred something loose to turn on the drain tap, and a "running spread" was laid right down the main street...

07 Mar 07 - 04:54 AM (#1989198)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Haruo

I think the fourth line of the first verse has to end in "same again" rather than just "same".

striving for perfection ;-)

07 Mar 07 - 05:00 AM (#1989201)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Folkiedave

Similar red sports car to LTS's carves up a car coming towards it.

Genteel lady driver shouts "Pig".

Sports car driver shouts abuse and puts his foot down.

Round the next bend he smacks straight into a pig.

(Courtesy Frank Muir)

07 Mar 07 - 04:30 PM (#1989876)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Nigel Parsons

Memories of Biff Tannen, Griff Tannen & Buford (Mad Dog) Tannen all getting the contents of 'fertiliser' trucks dumped on them in three different eras of "Back to the Future"


07 Mar 07 - 04:32 PM (#1989881)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Peace

To quote Gump, . . .

07 Mar 07 - 04:47 PM (#1989898)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Liz the Squeak

Chuck and Dick and Pete better hurry,
when I take you out in my slurry,
when I take you out in my slurry
with the fridge on top...


07 Mar 07 - 06:07 PM (#1989987)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Greg B

Tom Lewis does a mighty good version of 'Eddie Baker.'

07 Mar 07 - 09:12 PM (#1990129)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Joe_F

Surely the vicar must have said "Let us *spray*"?

07 Mar 07 - 11:33 PM (#1990181)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Rowan

Jim Killen, one of our retired politicians who represented a very rural area in north Queensland used to tell this story against himself for many years. Roads in his electorate were mostly unsealed (and thus dusty in the Dry) and had a formed surface that was only 10 feet or so wide. So you waited until the last moment before taking to the shoulder when you saw a vehicle approaching you. As Jim told the story, he could see a dust cloud raised by an approaching vehicle on a road that had quite a few minor crests and dips but waited until the last moment before pulling to the side.

As the car went past, a woman leaned out of the driver's side and yelled out "PIG!" Thinking she was commenting on his lack of road manners he yelled out "BITCH" as she disappeared. In the dust in the next dip he took out the front end of his vehicle when he slammed into a very large feral boar.

Liz (LTS),
Years ago I used to run school camps near Steiglitz, an old goldmining town 60 miles west of Melbourne; I welcomed all sorts of groups but I was a staff member of one particular High School in Melbourne. When this school came down for a week I'd often take some of the students back in the camp's Land Rover ute; this was before seat belts became mandatory.

On one occasion I was returning through Bacchus Marsh and we stopped at the service station for one of the lads to get some lollies for himself and the others in the back; we waited out on the apron. A very flash sports car pulled up for petrol (and, yes; it was red!) driven by a bloke with hair greying at the temples and his shirt open to the waist. I know you'll find this hard to nelieve but he also had a very chunky gold thing on a chain around his neck. And, in the passenger seat, was a very glossy blonde in her 20s, taking in the sun.

The lads in the back of the ute started discussing very animatedly (I couldn't quite catch their drift) and then one called out to the bloke in the sports car.
"What sort of car is it mate?"
"It's a Ferrari!" he proudly declaimed in his best basso profundo.
The lad who'd asked turned to his mate and said,
"See. I told you it wasn't a Datsun!"

Probably my favourite story.

Cheers, Rowan

07 Mar 07 - 11:37 PM (#1990182)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: The Fooles Troupe

"a very chunky gold thing on a chain around his neck."

My mum wanted at one stage to buy me one of those.... I refused...

08 Mar 07 - 03:58 AM (#1990254)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Haruo

What's that grey poupon ... your shirt?


08 Mar 07 - 07:16 AM (#1990336)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: The Fooles Troupe

I'm sorry, I recently cashed in all my poupons, and got shit all in return....

08 Mar 07 - 11:54 AM (#1990574)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Charley Noble

Put it on the ground,
Spread it all around;
Dig it with a hoe,
It'll make your flowers grow!

Charley Noble

08 Mar 07 - 01:04 PM (#1990641)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Cool Beans

    My friend Bob, down the road from you in Newcastle, Maine, sings that same song!! I'd never heard it before or since. What a very small world.

08 Mar 07 - 01:18 PM (#1990653)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Old Grizzly

To Liz the Squeek,

Thank you so much for your tale - you have changed my life !

I am now convinced...... there is a God !



08 Mar 07 - 02:53 PM (#1990727)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Liz the Squeak

Thanks Old Grizzly... that's real life for you. If you wrote that into a sitcom, they'd say it was too far-fetched to happen!

I can still see the look on the face of the blonde... Ah, happy days!


09 Mar 07 - 10:16 AM (#1991503)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: EBarnacle

Pete Seeger occasionally sings the pig story as part of his presentation of "Seek and Ye shall find."

31 Jul 07 - 03:16 AM (#2115297)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,Ralphie

Last post was interesting, I'm sue it won't stay for long!
As a PS, the John Kirkpatrick Eddie Baker has either already been re released, or is about to, by the Original Label Free Reed here in the UK. It's title is "Going Spare".
In fact they are gradualling putting out most of their back catalogue in the coming months, and there are some real gems to found.
Give 'em a google and prepare to get very poor, very quickly!

31 Jul 07 - 06:56 PM (#2116009)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Surreysinger

"Going Spare" is up for re-release in September according to the Free Reed flyer I have in front of me !

31 Jul 07 - 07:06 PM (#2116012)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,TJ in San Diego

Two quickies:

When I worked on forest fire crews as a young lad, we would often commandeer available tank trucks for emergency water supplies. One of them belonged to a septic tank pumping company. The slogan on the side of the bright yellow truck said, "Don't laugh! ---- is our bread and butter." On the rear, it said, "Hit me easy; I'm loaded!"

A winery owner in Santa Barbara area once converted a John Deere manure spreader into a large, portable barbecue wagon. He used to say that he could BBQ a shitload of beef - literally true.

The lyrics were off-the-charts funny, by the way. I plan to steal them immediately.

01 Aug 07 - 08:47 PM (#2116979)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Girl Friday

A Kent singer'songwriter Martin Young sings this one. Similar idea to the Yetties but a different song. Perhaps he has a contactr point on his website.
martin young

03 Apr 08 - 08:46 AM (#2305392)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,Wildcat

There's a Youtube video based on Fling it here, Fling it there

02 Jul 08 - 02:33 PM (#2379347)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Herga Kitty

And reported today by the BBC, a true story


04 Mar 09 - 10:03 PM (#2581516)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,JohnO

I know the subject is a bit old but this may help.
The corporation night cart was filled right to the brim.SLOP.
The corporation night man he slipped and fell right in SPLOSH.
He sank down to the bottom as though he were a stone.PLOP.
And through the rising bubbles you could hear His mournful groan.

04 Mar 09 - 11:02 PM (#2581534)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Barbara

And "Fling it Here, Fling it There" is yet another song set to "Sweet Betsy From Pike" or whatever the meta tune for that batch is called -- is that one of the Villikins?
   who lives on a farm in proximity to manure spreaders -- "the dumbest machine, because it constantly kicks the s**t out of itself."

05 Mar 09 - 04:31 PM (#2582074)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Herga Kitty

Barbara - yes, Fling it here's to the tune of Villikins / Thrashing Machine / Dorset is Beautiful.


04 Aug 09 - 08:14 PM (#2693901)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Art Thieme

In the mid 1960s the Old Town School Of Folk Music in Chicago had an insignia on it's stationary that looked like a very nice stylized depiction of what most thought was the sun with light rays coming off from the disk. One day I mentioned to Win Stracke something about "the sun on the school's logo." I was instantly informed that it wasn't the sun. It was the pick wheel from a manure spreader!

Folks, what better icon than that is there for a school pushing folklore and songs??

Sing 'em loud, and spread 'em around!!


01 Jun 11 - 10:21 AM (#3163725)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,Elaine

My father in law was alway singing/telling stories as well as limericks. This one was passed down by his father and grandfather who both immigrated to Canada from England in 1908.

The corporation mud cart was full up to the brim.
The corportation navvy fell in and couldn't swim.

They put him on a stretcher. They put him on a bed.
They rubbed his belly with a half brick and this is what he said.

High ho, high ho my Father got a job. Working in a shell shop for 4 and 20 bob.

Last Saturday night, he bought himself a pair of clogs. Killed a rat, squashed a cat and paralyzed two dogs.

01 Jun 11 - 10:24 AM (#3163726)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,Elaine

Sorry that should have been....

The corporation navvy fell in and couldn't swim.

01 Jun 11 - 05:47 PM (#3163922)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Leadfingers

I feel constrained to point out that 'Fling It Here' is one of Adge Cutler's offerings .

03 Nov 11 - 09:04 PM (#3250057)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,Bluegrassman

Here is a great version of this song done by Nev Henderson at The Station at Loftus, North Yorks.

I tried to make it a blue clicky but it failed, you will have to cut and paste it somewhere.

03 Nov 11 - 09:22 PM (#3250066)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: open mike

Do any of you know any songs giving praise to the Classic god of manure Sterquilinus ("Manure"), god of fertilizer. Also known as Stercutus, Sterculius, Straculius, Struculius?

04 Nov 11 - 06:32 AM (#3250145)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,999

30 Jan 12 - 01:51 PM (#3299183)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,cartimandua

Very pleased to find this! As a child in the early sixties I went to a show at Colne Municipal Hall where this song was sung. Just a few tantalising snatches stayed with me:

"The corporation muck cart was full up to the brim
The driver he fell backwards and he found he couldn't swim
(De dee de dee de dee de dee de dee de dee)
So they rubbed his back with half a brick and this is what he said...."

Good to be able to flesh it out a bit!

22 Nov 14 - 08:36 PM (#3679289)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck

the corporation muck cart, was full up to the brim.
the corporation driver, fell in and could'nt swim.
they took him home in a wheelbarrow,
and laid him on his bed, and rubbed his belly with a big flat brick,
and this is what he said "oh bring me back my muck cart
                         oh bring me back my light.
                         oh bring me back my shovel,
                         to shovel up the s..t

30 Nov 15 - 05:23 PM (#3754739)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,Beertruk

I remember years ago my Old Man singing this version of the Corporation Muck Cart to the tune of Ghost Riders :

The Municipal Dunny Cart was filled up to the brim,
The council man he tripped and then he fell in,
His head went down and his feet went up,
And he sank like a stone,
And the maggots were singing,
'Ther's no place like home',
Yippee yi yaaaay,
Yippee yi ohhhhh,
And the maggots were singing,
'Ther's no place like home'.

01 Jun 18 - 03:31 PM (#3928533)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck

The municipal dunny cart was filled up to the brim.
The municipal dunny man fell in but couldn't swim.
He drifted on a lump of shit and there he cried in vain:
'Oh,someone get me out of here, or I'll go down the drain!'
Albany, WA, early 1960's.

14 Apr 21 - 09:41 PM (#4102239)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck

The municipal dunny cart was full up to the brim.
The municipal dunny man fell in, he could not swim.
His head went down, his feet went up,
And he sank down like a stone,
He heard the maggots singing
There is no place like home.
Shittee yi yaaaay,
Shittee yi ohhhhh,
There is no place like home.

They pulled him out, but all too late,
The maggots had done their work.
The stink from that shit drenched corpse
made all the people perk.
They laid him on the roadside
for everyone to see
And on him the hung a sign,
Don't die a death like me.
Shittee yi yaaaay,
Shittee yi ohhhhh,
Don't die a death like me.

14 Apr 21 - 09:52 PM (#4102240)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: GUEST,Max Vale

I should have mentioned that the last above dates from the early 1950s
Shepparton, Victoria, Australia

15 Apr 21 - 09:49 AM (#4102278)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Liquefied Manure Truck
From: Bill D

"A man fell into a septic tank.
Man, that tank it really stank.
He really couldn't swim inside that tank...
But he went through the movements before he sank."

From Art Thieme a number of years ago. To "Turkey in the Straw"