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BS: Dav Swarbrick

27 Feb 00 - 07:58 AM (#185704)
Subject: Dave Swarbrick
From: Micca

I heard through the grapevine that Dave Swarbrick, (fiddler extraordinaire,ex Fairport etc) is ill again and quite poorly from emphysema and its associated effects. Any of the Healing Circle folks (or anyone else) interested in working together for this deserving cause contact me privately through the personal messages. and I will co-ordinate.

27 Feb 00 - 08:00 AM (#185706)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Micca

Forgive the mis-spelling that should read Dave Swarbrick.

27 Feb 00 - 10:02 PM (#185959)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Oversoul

This guy is and will always be an idol of mine. I am deeply saddened to hear of this terrible news. His beautiful contributions with Martyn Carthy are the mainstays of my aspirations to create "that sound" which Dave so eloquently introduced during his hey-day as a popular performer, and long afterward as a soloist. The cat had the knack and uncanny talent, let us pray he has a chance to dazzle us more in the future. If anyone would want to hear him at his finest, just listen to his joyful and exurbant fiddling on "LIFE AND LIMB", a recording he did with Martyn Carthy in the very early '90's. Astounding to say the very least, and I am so sorry to hear of his bad health.

28 Feb 00 - 02:21 AM (#186045)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: JenEllen

Thanks Micca...add my thoughts to the pile....Elle

28 Feb 00 - 04:47 AM (#186065)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: GUEST,micca at work

The latest bulletin from his daughter is that his condition has stabilised and the pain control is working so the immediate danger has receded. i second the thoughts of Davecoje above, if youv'e never heard him or his recordings, especially with Martin Carthy go and do so without waiting. Daves appearences with Martin in Folk clubs of the 60s are some of my most enduring memories before anyone had heard much of Shetland fiddlers or of Cape Breton.

28 Feb 00 - 08:11 AM (#186090)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: katlaughing

Thanks, Micca, you know where I stand, darlin'.


28 Feb 00 - 02:20 PM (#186299)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: zander (inactive)

You should also listen to the album ' Live at the White Bear in Masham ' withe Simon Nicol, Swarb at his best. Get well soon Dave, a lot of folk out here are with you.

29 Feb 00 - 11:49 AM (#186759)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: GeorgeH

The LP - now also on CD - of Carthy/Swarbrick, "Byker Hill", should be an essential in anyone's collection. Indeed, any from the US side of the pond who want a single starting point for UK non-Celtic folk music might start there. And although they are not too common, Carthy's gigs with Swarb are still the best of his live performances (IMO).

But - is my memory playing tricks or was Swarb one of the presenters at the recent Radio 2 Folk Awards?

And, as some are well aware, rumours of his death were greatly exagerated.


29 Feb 00 - 01:34 PM (#186846)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Eric the Viking

Yes he was and he sounded pretty bad then- I'm sure many people around the world send him "get well soon" thoughts.

01 Mar 00 - 12:22 PM (#187548)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Micca

Hot off the press, this from Daves daughter
"I spoke to one of the nurses at the hospital and he said that they are slowly withdrawing the support which basically means less tubes!!" so thats a bit of good news for once.

01 Mar 00 - 01:42 PM (#187593)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Jeri

I didn't think it was that serious, but when you start talking about tubes...

When I think about fiddle players I wish I could play like, Dave Swarbrick springs to my mind before anyone else. The man can play any tune or song suberbly. The way he accompanies singers is unbelievable, weaving in and out of the songs, doing complicated things (listen to a href=>The Bonnie Black Hare - just shoot me now) and never distracting from the song.

I wrote a tune - The Obituary (MIDI) - after the premature report of his death. I've never met the man, and probably never will, but he's had a great effect on my musical life. Get well, Swarb.

Dave Swarbrick Page

01 Mar 00 - 01:44 PM (#187595)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Jeri

The clicky above should have been The Bonnie Black Hare

01 Mar 00 - 10:40 PM (#187899)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Micca

The latest from his daughter is
hi Micca, well he is still doing really well. He even laughed at one of the jokes I had emailed him today I phoned the hospital. Apparently he is sitting up in bed reading the paper!! Very good news indeed!! Will keep you posted, it looks like he is over the worst!! Thank god he doesn't smoke anymore I think I would kill him if he did.

If and when there is news I will post

02 Mar 00 - 04:08 AM (#188001)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Thanks for the good news. Oldies like me fondly remember him and Dave Pegg as members of the Ian Campbell group before they left to go "electric".
I'm not a great fan of the violin but Grappelli and Swarb are exceptions.

02 Mar 00 - 07:38 AM (#188038)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: dick greenhaus

If you don't know of Dave's Music, the following CDs are in print:

Carthy*Martin / Swarbrick*Dave Byker Hill · Prince Heathen · But Two Came By

Dave Swarbrick Smiddyburn/Flittin' · Live At Jacksons Lane · Folk On 2 . Rags Reels & Airs

Contact CAMSCO

02 Mar 00 - 10:52 AM (#188119)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Jeri

Carthy/Swarbrick - Skin and Bone? I have that one.

I couldn't find a link to The Two Magicians. I've know that song since I've been involved in folk music. His playing on that makes the song fresh and new. Don't get me wrong - I think his solo playing is brilliant. But to me anyway, the more rules the music has, the more creative a person has to be to find places where he can do something unique and appropriate. Song accompaniment is very hard, IMO, to do well, and he's a master of it.

02 Mar 00 - 03:14 PM (#188250)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: lamarca

My favorite example of his Fairport years will always be "Liege and Lief" - his fiddling on "Matty Groves" and the "Toss the Feathers" set is some of the finest around.

For a newer recording, check out his recent CD with Alistair Hewlett from Australia...

02 Mar 00 - 05:13 PM (#188341)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: dick greenhaus


What label is that recording on?

03 Mar 00 - 05:31 AM (#188645)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Garry Gillard

That would perhaps be

The Cold Grey Light of Dawn, Alistair Hulett & Dave Swarbrick, Musikfolk.


03 Mar 00 - 08:05 AM (#188679)
Subject: RE: BS: Dav Swarbrick
From: Stewie

There was also an earlier Hulett and Swarbrick album (1996), 'Saturday Johnny and Jimmy the Rat' Red Rattler RATCD 003, recorded in Australia.
