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Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip

06 Mar 00 - 03:40 PM (#190512)
Subject: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Yes, you read it right! Bill Sables, David C. and I will be together on this trip around North America to visit as many Mudcatters as is humanly possible! I will post more details as the schedule develops. Refer to D&A's Wonderful Mudcat Adventure for information we have so far.

I am so excited! If I had a tail, I'd wag it!

06 Mar 00 - 03:48 PM (#190518)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Sorcha

WOW!!!I CAN'T WAIT!!Bill in WYO!!

06 Mar 00 - 04:18 PM (#190531)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Vixen

I can't wait either!!! Bill knows how to find my house!!!

YAY!!! Hurry up and email me a date, Allan!!!


06 Mar 00 - 04:54 PM (#190551)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Wow...The Traveling Three in little ol' Greenville! C'mon boys, we'll bring our guitars over to ECU and TAKE IT TO THE STREETS! YEAH!


06 Mar 00 - 05:31 PM (#190588)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Sorcha

Mbo--Kate said last nite, why don't they bring Mbo? You come too!

06 Mar 00 - 05:34 PM (#190594)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Well that sounds like a good idea to me! Guys, next week I get off for Spring you think we can get out to Wyoming and back to Greenville in a week? YEEEEHAAA! I just had a hilarious vision of the 4 of us in a car banging out chords and howling folksongs (much like I was doing last night on Hearme) out the window while other drivers stare in disbelief! Ha ha!


06 Mar 00 - 05:35 PM (#190595)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: katlaughing

WOW, Allan, that is gonna be AWESOME!!!! Man, that Bill gets around, doesn't he???

Can't wait 'til June!!!


06 Mar 00 - 05:44 PM (#190603)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Is Bill going to bring his accordion? That would RULE!

--Mbo (accordion, it's in the blood)

06 Mar 00 - 05:58 PM (#190615)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: catspaw49

Allan, this is really FANTASTIC news!!! If the trip wasn't already an adventure, its certainly one now...for all of us!


06 Mar 00 - 05:59 PM (#190616)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Peter T.

Whew. Sort of like your classic -- Odysseus, Dorothy, Captain America, Huck Finn, Bing Bob & Dorothy -- Bill, David & Allan. Shaping up big, guys.
06 Mar 00 - 06:33 PM (#190630)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Homeless

If you come near Chicago on your way back thru, you could stop by me and take a (probably much needed) relax break from the Chicago traffic.

06 Mar 00 - 08:34 PM (#190719)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Excuse me for going stunod or you, but what was your estimated time for the Adventure to begin?


06 Mar 00 - 09:03 PM (#190739)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Susan A-R

Bill knows where I am too, and I can now come up with some Much better folk music than I did at our last meeting. Tuesday evenings are very nice, and the food's free and plentiful. If it's late june, I'll be at music camp (world music, singing) I'm the cook, and it's a wonderful place, so I can fill you in on that as well. And what about Lorna? Is this just a boy's junkett?


06 Mar 00 - 09:12 PM (#190750)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

That would be great, Susan. You know I can't survive too long without the ladies around!


06 Mar 00 - 09:19 PM (#190759)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Susan A-R

RATS! Just noticed that I am not too close to the route. Well, if it fits, great. If not, I'll just be a little envious, sad, disgruntled, and , oh well.


07 Mar 00 - 02:34 PM (#191293)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Sam Pirt

well sounds Excellent

Whens the Uk tour?


07 Mar 00 - 02:57 PM (#191306)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Hey, sure. We'd love to have a few others join us on our trek. 'Course, we'd have to tie you onto the fenders. Gotta leave room inside for the instruments, you know!

We are close to getting the itinerary worked out. I will post it in the next few days. But I can tell you that we will leave on May 26th and will arrive in Philadelphia on June 21st. Little else is certain at this point. There's talk of being at Old Songs...

07 Mar 00 - 03:07 PM (#191311)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

What!?? No stops in New England??? How can that be an authentic US tour????
Guess I'll have to see you at Old Songs...

07 Mar 00 - 03:40 PM (#191326)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Sandy Paton

BE AT OLD SONGS! Bill can show you the way.


07 Mar 00 - 04:12 PM (#191352)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: MMario

hmmmmmmm. old songs one stop mudcat shopping?

08 Mar 00 - 11:53 AM (#191887)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: folk1234

There's always soft beds, great food, warm friends, and fine music in our abode in Ada, OK on your Oklahoma leg. As I mentioned in separate message, if you are here on Sat 6/3, you can make it to our monthly Oklahoma City Traditional Music Assn meeting, octma. There you can participate in our workshops, playaround, and jams. We'll give you 3 ramblers a mini-set in our playaround. What a great adventure!
Perhaps this can become somewhat of a Pied Piper event, picking up wandering minstrels along the way. A parade? A convoy? An event Musicale', Traditione', Internationale'. What a treat it would be to see not only you three, but also a contingent from TX, FL, NC, VA, and WV! I may be able to wander a bit too - Denver - and I've always wanted to travel the route of the "Wild Birds" through Wyoming.

08 Mar 00 - 12:21 PM (#191897)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Vixen

Well, if it looks definite that the "meandering mudcat music menage" will be making landfall at my place in CT near the end of the journey, I'll make it a daylong "thing" and email directions to those who want to come. Tents and sleeping bags will be necessary for those who want to sleep over at either end. Sleeping accommodations in the house are functional for one, passable for three, and "compulsorily intimate" for more. The backyard is about 30' by 70' so there's some room for tenting. And I'd LOVE to have a "gathering" happen at my house! I am literally 30 seconds from the interstate off-ramp, so it's EASY TO FIND!


08 Mar 00 - 06:03 PM (#192078)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Sorcha

Aiiieeee, is it time yet?

13 Mar 00 - 02:13 PM (#194319)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

A few days ago I was in the midst of putting this schedule together on my computer at home. The computer took this as an opportunity to crash so as to do the most damage. So, for anyone to whom I gave my "earthlink" email address, forget it. And anything you may have sent is at least temporarily lost to me. (No, I cannot access that account from my computer at work.)

Despite this setback, I was able to reconstruct the itinerary. So, here is the overall picture of our trip as I have it so far:
In reading it, there are two things to remember - first, that our arrival times are likely to be late evenings for the most part. And that, because of potential delays due to every kind of variable imaginable, no date is carved in stone.

Friday, May 26 Leave Charlottesville toward Raleigh, North Carolina
Arrive Raleigh, North Carolina

Saturday, May 27 Leave Raleigh toward Tallahassee, Florida
Arrive Tallahassee VERY late same day
or sometime Sunday morning

Tuesday, May 30 Leave Tallahassee toward Dallas, Texas
Thursday, June 1, Arrive Dallas

Sunday, June 4 Leave Dallas toward Oklahoma City, Oklahoma
Arrive Oklahoma City

Monday, June 5 Leave Oklahoma City toward Trinidad, Colorado
Tuesday, June 6 Arrive Trinidad, Colorado

Wednesday, June 7 Leave Trinidad toward Denver
Arrive Denver, Colorado

Thursday, June 8, Leave Denver toward Laramie, Wyoming
Arrive Laramie

Friday, June 9, Leave Laramie toward Casper, Wyoming
Arrive Casper

Sunday, June 11 Leave Casper toward Bozeman, Montana
Arrive Bozeman, Montana

Tuesday, June 14, Leave Bozeman toward Grand Rapids, Michigan
Friday, June 16, Arrive at Grand Rapids, Michigan

Sunday, June 18, Leave Grand Rapids toward Toronto, Ontario
Arrive Toronto

Monday, June 19, Leave Toronto toward Norwich, Connecticut
Arrive, Norwich, Connecticut

Wednesday, June 21, Leave Norwich toward Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Arrive at Philadelphia

Thursday, June 22, Leave Philadelphia toward Sea Bright, New Jersey
Arrive Sea Bright

Friday, June 23, Leave Sea Bright to Guilderland, New York (Old Songs)
Arrive Guilderland

Saturday the 24th, or possibly Sunday the 25th, we would leave Guilderland toward Baltimore.
Arrive Baltimore, Maryland
(I regret that we cannot be more certain about our stop in Baltimore. We would love to hook up with some of the many 'Catters there if at all possible. Could we give you a call when we get into the area?)

Monday, June 26, or Tuesday, June 27, we will arrive back in Charlottesville.

The schedule gets a little crowded and shaky in places as we attempt to hook up with all of those we hope to see - especially since so many are concentrated in the northeast. I am certain it will be extremely difficult to drag ourselves away from Old Songs to head homeward. This is unfortunate, but I will have to return to work before they discover how well they can do without me.

A gathering or two may be possible at some stops along the way. Annap and Vixen are fairly definite about theirs. But please wait until you hear more before you make your plans. I am sure details will be posted as they become available.

There are some kind folks who have mentioned the possibility of food or lodging for us and probably still others who were waiting to see what our travel schedule looked like before they said anything. Please know that we welcome any such offers. It would be helpful to us for the purposes of planning, if those who want to offer housing, etc. or who may have already said something to that effect, would send me a note confirming their desire to do so.

As mentioned, my home computer email account is not currently available but I can be reached at work at:

Note: As for lodging, (and this is mentioned elsewhere I am sure) David travels with an Inflate-O-Bed, and I will have my tent and bedroll so you can put us nearly anywhere. Bill is also quite flexible in this regard. (Anything would be a welcome change from the motels where we will be lodging the rest of the time!) The three of us are rather omnivorous and so are easy to please with regard to food. As to liquids, David is addicted to Mountain Dew. Bill is happy as long as he can make some tea from time to time. (He usually brings his own.) Neither of them drinks alcoholic beverages. I drink nearly anything brown (cola, coffee, etc.) and some things that aren't. I have been known to down amazing quantities of alcoholic beverages at times; but, so that I won't have to try to drive with a hangover, I generally won't be indulging in such on this trip.

Here is a partial list of Mudcatters we expect to see along the way:
Chuck Hemrick, Dani, BarbaraLynn, Mbo, Caitrin, Moonchild, Harpgirl, Jed (aka Liam Devlin), Aine, Folk1234, BlueJay, Lonesome EJ, Sorcha, katlaughing, WyoWoman, Alice, Art Thieme, Big Mick, Rick Fielding, Peter T., Crowhugger, Vixen, Max, Burt, MaryMac, Annap, Annamaterra, Sandy & Caroline Paton. There are countless others with whom we hope to connect and if I have failed to mention someone, please, just attribute it to faulty memory.

14 Mar 00 - 07:18 AM (#194641)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

I found bbc's Mudcat Locator extremely helpful in organizing this trip. (If you haven't done so already, please send her your location info. - check the Quick Links.) If you don't let us know where you are, we won't be able to find you. I am certain there are as many as a dozen Mudcatters who are not far off our path with whom we would love to just have a cup of coffee or something. We truly don't expect to be able to have an evening of picking and singing with every Mudcatter along the way. But simply meeting some of you would be WONDERFUL!

14 Mar 00 - 07:50 AM (#194647)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Jeri

You're gonna see me and probably a load of other Mudcatters at Old Songs. (Prediction: you're not going to want to leave until Sunday.)

14 Mar 00 - 08:46 AM (#194660)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: MMario

I was thinking that those within reach might want to do Old Songs. That would probably make it easiest for everyone AND make for the most MudCatting....

14 Mar 00 - 11:04 AM (#194714)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: folk1234

Dear Meandering mudcat music menage:

What a great itinerary you've made up. Give me a call when you get to Dallas and we'll work your OK plan. Ada (comfortable beds, home cooking, and a hand-full of folkies from OKC) is only 175 miles (3 1/2 hrs) from Dallas. We may have a small house-hoot, cookout, and friendly gathering. Perhaps a (relatively) early evening. A respite twix the BIG D and your long trek to Trinidad.

14 Mar 00 - 07:03 PM (#194927)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: bill\sables

Hey, What's this Trinidad? I thought we would be in the USA not the West Indies. Cheers Bill

14 Mar 00 - 09:17 PM (#195018)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Sorcha

Any particular reason you are going from Denver to Laramie? and seemingly staying overnite? Denver to Casper is only 5 hrs. max, and,Cheyenne is on I-25, not Laramie.............??MYOB, Sorcha? Just to see the Snowy Range?

14 Mar 00 - 09:53 PM (#195054)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Dang, I still wish I could go with you guys...


15 Mar 00 - 02:14 PM (#195546)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: katlaughing

My sister, Betty, is planning on making it up from western Colorado, barring any interference from work/family. She'd love to meet you guys and will bring her baritone uke, fiddle, and guitar.

We have room, if your other accomodations don't work out here, in Casper, and we have an queen sized airbed, along with cats, a dog, birds, and a hostess that doesn't cook much, BUT I'll point you in the direction of the kitchen and help ya find the pots and pans!**BG** I might even have a proper tea kettle for Bill to have a nice warm cuppa. Oh, and we do have a teeny, tiny, old caravan with a bed and electricity, parked out front.

This is so exciting. I am really looking forward to meeting you guys!


26 Apr 00 - 02:04 PM (#218374)
Subject: 30 Days! But who's counting?
From: Allan C.

Yep, only one month from now our adventure will begin. We have heard from 'Catters all over the country with whom we hope to spend some time and exchange some tunes. We are so-o-o-o excited!!!

01 May 00 - 02:15 PM (#220902)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

Just found out about this, thought it ought to be refreshed, it's coming up right quick! Anything new from the sponsors? I'll be traveling down to NC in August, would love to meet any 'catters who like the beach, which is where I'll be...

01 May 00 - 02:25 PM (#220908)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip

Anyone coming to NYC, let me know. There's always clean towels and sheets, food and drink for the price of a song.

01 May 00 - 02:59 PM (#220926)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: katlaughing

Allen, do you have *for sure* dates for Wyoming, yet? Our Culture Fest is set for Saturday, June 10th from 10a-6p and the line up is looking great. If you are here then, you can sample free Jewish potato latkes; spicy-hot Mexican corn on the cob; Greek food and other ethnic foods; hear a bagpiper, a cowboy poet and singing; watch Greek, Mexican AND Basque folk dancing. I am esp. excited about the Basque community's participation; this will be the first time they've performed publicly in several years; and a bunch of other fun things.

Still having a hard time *waiting* to meet you'se guys! Hey, just had a thought! While you are here, maybe we will do a group sing over HearMe for everyone - have a special session and I'll ask Rog to bring home a good mic which could pick us all up! How's that sound!?

YeeHaw!!! Trails West here they come!!


01 May 00 - 03:06 PM (#220935)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Sorcha

Head 'em up and move 'em out, boys, we're goin' up the Ol Oregon Trail to see the elephant on Saturday!!

01 May 00 - 03:54 PM (#220968)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Mrrz--where in NC will ye be? Atlantic Beach by any chance?


01 May 00 - 05:27 PM (#221045)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

I will post the entire revised revision of the new changes to the corrected and updated draft of the final itinerary. This is as close to being our actual schedule as we are likely to get:

May 26 The Adventure begins with leaving Charlottesville, Virginia. Later that day we will meeting Dani in Hillsboro, North Carolina and BarbaraLynn in Raleigh, North Carolina.
May 27 Meet with Mbo and Caitrin in Greenville, North Carolina. Leave for Florida by way of an overnight in Savannah, Georgia
May 28 Arrive Tallahassee, Florida where we will stay at Moonchild's place.
May 29 Possible meetings with Paddymac and Harpgirl. (We will likely miss the Florida Folk Festival and regret not seeing some of the 'Catters who might be there.)
May 30 Arrive New Orleans, Louisiana
May 31 Arrive Shreveport, Louisiana
June 1 Arrive Dallas, Texas in time to play a few songs at a nursing home along with my aunt and uncle. (My aunt and uncle are well into their eighties and this is a regular weekly gig for them!) Hope to connect with Jed before he heads to where we came from (Virginia) for a gig. Arrange to meet with Aine in Ft. Worth that same day or the following day.
June 3 Arrive Ada, Oklahoma to stay at Folk 1234's place. He has arranged for us to attend a gathering of the Oklahoma City Traditional Music Association in Oklahoma City where there will be much to do and music to hear and play.
June 4 Arrive Amarillo, Texas
June 5 Arrive Trinidad, Colorado where we will stay with BlueJay.
June 6 Arrive Evergreen, Colorado where we will meet with Lonesome EJ, Rex Rideout and WyoWoman
June 8 Arrive Torrington, Wyoming to visit Sorcha
June 9 Arrive Casper, Wyoming to visit katlaughing.
June 10 Attend the Wyoming Culture Festival
June ll Head toward Bozeman, Montana by way of the small town of Gardiner, Montana where we plan to play in a small bar there. Alice may come down to meet with us there. We currently plan to spend the night in Gardiner.
June 12 Arrive Bozeman, Montana where we will stay at Alice's place. While there we hope to travel around in the area and meet with a few non-'Catters who play music. One, Alice tells me, is John "The Yank" Harrington who has been playing the accordion for about 90 years. (Do a thread search on [Yank] to Sept. 1999.) There is also a Mudcatter named Les Benedict not very far away with whom we would like to meet.
June 13 Arrive Rapid City, South Dakota
June 14 Arrive Sioux Falls, South Dakota where we hope to meet with SD Shad.
June 15 Arrive at either Davenport, Iowa or at Madison, Wisconsin depending upon which route we decide to take.
June 16 Arrive at Kalamazoo, Michigan which is a stone's throw from Big Mick's with whom we hope to spend some time with while there. We will have traveled by way of the land of Art Thieme and will try to hook up with him. Also, Homeless lives along the route. We hope to meet him as well.
June 17 Arrive Toronto, Ontario where we hope to hook up with Tony Burns, Little Neophyte, Crowhugger, Rick Fielding, Peter T. and probably a few others with whom I have not corresponded directly. (Toronto is a treasure trove of Mudcatters!)
June 19 Arrive Albany, New York with a stop along the way to visit Don Meixner
June 20 Arrive Norwich, Connecticut where we will stay with Vixen and Tim. Vixen assures me that there are lots of 'Catters in the area to hook up with. The only one I am sure of at this moment is mjm.
June 21 Arrive Mudcatville (aka West Chester, Pennsylvania) where we hope to meet Max, Bert, MaryMac, Susan of DT, and countless others. (The Philadelphia area is another treasure trove of 'Catters.) With any luck, Max will let us play a little music on the radio show that evening.
June 21 Arrive Sea Bright, New Jersey where we will stay with Annap and Glenn
June 22 Arrive in Albany or, more accurately, at Old Songs where we hope to meet a whole lot of Mudcatters. So far I have heard that Susan A-R, Sandy and Caroline Paton, Charlie Baum and Jeri are planning to be there. I am sure there will be more of us. Can't wait!!
June 26 We head toward home with a stop at wherever we run out of energy.
June 27 We arrive back at our starting point, Charlottesville, Virginia

We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of 'Catters who have offered their homes, food, or even a good ol' cup of coffee. All of these things will help so much to make this a wonderful adventure! We thank you all!! We can hardly wait to see and hear each of you in person!

01 May 00 - 06:27 PM (#221067)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Vixen


I have extended a personal invite to those 'cats I know are in my area. I've also invited some non-cat musicians of a copacetic mindset. In general, Tim and I are planning an evening's jam at my house on the evening of 20 June. It's a bit difficult to arrange a gathering on a weeknight, but if you're interested, send me a personal message for directions...


02 May 00 - 12:14 PM (#221501)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

Mbo - down near Kure beach (same island) the week before the week before Labor Day, usually. I think this year my vacation will be August 11 through 21 (I spend the weekends on either side visiting - I have friends in Durham and area- and the week in the middle at the beach. I'm already planning a day trip to Jacksonville to see that monument...).
Also, AllanC, don't neglect those of us already here in Cville!

02 May 00 - 12:18 PM (#221503)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Peter T.

yours, Peter T.

02 May 00 - 12:48 PM (#221514)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: annamill

I cannot wait to see you all (or should that be ya'll) again. Your cutting it close I guess. You might have time for coffee in the morning before you leave for Albany. Will you want to have a gathering or just a visit? You won't be back from Max's until about 11 or 12 at night and you're going to have to leave early next morning.

You all know you're more than welcome to stop by again on the way back if you like. My home is always open to you guys. or any Mudcatter for that matter. June 21. First day of summer, isn't it?

Have fun! Be careful!

Love, annap

02 May 00 - 01:01 PM (#221527)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: SDShad

Hey! You'll be spending my 37th birthday with Mbo! Raise a pint, lads and lassies!


02 May 00 - 03:15 PM (#221599)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Alice

It's going to be a whirlwind tour by the looks of it. Are you going to stop for sleep? These western states are big, and drive is loooong in between towns.

The mountains are calling to you.


02 May 00 - 03:44 PM (#221611)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Alice, and others who have expressed concern: Yes, it is a huge trip with a lot of miles to be traveled and only a month in which to do it all. But we have allotted only about 300 miles for each travel day and a bit of a breather here and there.

Anna, I am so glad you commented! I posted incorrectly. We will remain in Mudcatville on the night of Wednesday, June 21st. Then we will head for Sea Bright the next morning. We plan to spend Thursday night in Sea Bright and leave for Old Songs Friday morning. We are at your disposal, Anna. If you want to try a gathering, we would be all for it. If you just want some quiet time with us, that is fine too. We are quite aware, as Vixen pointed out, that having a gathering in mid week is a little difficult.

And Mrr, how was I to know you were even in the state?!! This is great! I will be in touch by personal message. We will see what we can do about playing some music together on one end or the other of the trip.

This thing gets bigger and better with every passing day!

02 May 00 - 06:50 PM (#221731)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: annamill

Oh, that's better Big Boy! I'll see what I can do about getting some people on a Thursday. It will be tough, but we may be able to have a few over. Like Max, Bert, Dick and Susan, etc. Maybe Rib can join us. We'll see. I'll post toward the end of May for a June 22 gathering.

Love, annap

03 May 00 - 08:39 AM (#222117)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I'll catch you all at Old Songs!

03 May 00 - 10:05 AM (#222167)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mrrzy

Allan, where you write:
And Mrr, how was I to know you were even in the state?!!
I would have thought you'd have recognized my nickname, I believe we are members of the same (very extended) Brown family... I'll look for the PM, though!

04 May 00 - 06:04 AM (#222804)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: bill\sables

I Booked my flight yesterday and should arrive in the US on May 23rd. Only thing left to do now is pack a banjo and melodeon and look forward to meeting you all. Cheers Bill

04 May 00 - 07:58 AM (#222818)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Dani

I'm trying to (pun alert) drum up music for my section of the street for our "Last Friday" celebration the evening of the 26th. Have invited some old-time musicians, and would love it if you all could join in! It's sort of a low-key street fair, wonderful fun. (It is the first of the season, though - we may play and sing to each other!)

Let us know what you'll be needing, if heading for Raleigh or not. We'll roll out the welcome mat any way we can to kick off the adventure!


04 May 00 - 08:10 AM (#222820)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Well, folks, the joke is on me. I never dreamed that Mrrzy was indeed the Mrrzy I have known all this time! I have known Mrrzy for nearly seven years and, though our paths don't cross very often, I have always been aware that she has an abiding interest in folk music. She discovered this place without my knowing and has been posting as a member for nearly three months! Anyway, although a bit tardy in doing so, I want to welcome her and hope she will find this to be the same fantastic community that I have come to know and love. Mrrzy, it is these 'Catters who are responsible for creating our desire to venture out into the unknown!

Dani, thanks! Look for a personal message later today.

04 May 00 - 09:12 AM (#222837)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

Aw, shucks, Allan! I've felt plenty welcome! But thanks!

04 May 00 - 11:25 AM (#222906)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Art Thieme

Bill, you can pick my banjo. No need to bring one.

I'm lookin' forward to meeting you all !!!

Art Thieme

04 May 00 - 04:44 PM (#223110)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: BlueJay

Allan C-It gets more exciting as the time draws near, doesn't it? This really has to be a first, of some sort. I'm sure I'm not the first to express a certain amount of envy for your trip. Sounds like the vacation of a lifetime! Let me know if I can help in any way, along your way through Mudcat-land.

04 May 00 - 06:58 PM (#223196)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Mrrzy, all this time I thought you were a guy! Well! Nice to meet you all over again!


04 May 00 - 09:57 PM (#223288)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mrrzy

You mean I'm not? Rats! Busted again (pun intended!)!

04 May 00 - 10:09 PM (#223297)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mbo

Trek girl!


04 May 00 - 10:56 PM (#223317)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Susan A-R

RATS!! I CAN''T go to Old Songs (She whined) I'll be cooking at camp in Sharon VT. Oh well Next time, when you do the New England thing.

Have a blast!! Susan A-R

11 May 00 - 08:11 AM (#226332)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Charlottesville Gig
From: Allan C.

The three of us will be playing at Espresso Corner in Charlottesville, VA on the evening of May 25th. The E-Corner, located within a short walk of the University of Virginia, is a very pleasant, relaxed venue. It is one of the only places in town which serves my favorite, Dark Sumatra coffee. This gig, we hope, will give us an opportunity to meet some local 'Catters on the evening before we begin our adventure. Please, if you come, bring your voices and instruments and join us in our rather loosely organized performance. I say this because at this point, the three of us have only played together for perhaps a total of two hours! I expect it to be an interesting and entertaining evening. Come join us if you can.

11 May 00 - 11:43 AM (#226445)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

Hope to be there!
Who else is local?

11 May 00 - 12:37 PM (#226482)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Peter T.

Just a reminder that when you get launched you should start a new thread so we can track your whereabouts, arrests, bail needs, and so on. Some of us don't watch CNN, so an ongoing travel journal is essential.
yours, Peter T.

11 May 00 - 01:10 PM (#226503)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Once we get launched, it is up to you people to post stuff about our whereabouts, etc.. We will be too busy with simply getting there and meeting with folks. Oh, and you'll be comforted to know that the warden has decided that the entire trip qualifies as a work/release project.

11 May 00 - 02:20 PM (#226544)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

How about, whenever you LEAVE somewhere, we all promise/have good intentions to send an update about what it was like? I'll volunteer to start it after (if!) I make it to your gig the 25th...and that way, you don't have to be at a computer while traveling, but the members you visit can let us all know where to send the bail money...

12 May 00 - 11:01 AM (#227079)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

I posted a story about how all this whole idea got started in another thread. If you are curious about that, take a look here.

13 May 00 - 01:06 AM (#227411)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: wysiwyg



13 May 00 - 07:56 AM (#227476)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

At this point, all we have is a couple of 35mm cameras to record the visuals. I hope those who have video cameras will be willing to share some clips with the Mudcat world.

I have just purchased a mini-disk recorder for the sound portions. I have just started playing with it to see how it works and all. I am loving it!

19 May 00 - 03:11 PM (#230676)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

Just thinking how REFRESHing the rain finally is... and that led me to refresh this thread. Saddle up!

19 May 00 - 04:50 PM (#230709)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Skipjack K8

Just a bon voyage to Bill from his reserve box player. Good to catch up with you and Lorna t'other night, apart from all those amplified melodeons that seem to breed in the Jug. Eric the Viking, apologies for my scant attendance of late. The memsahib was asleep when I crept back in at twenty past midnight! She's got a nasty right hook, old buddy

Look after my new box for me, Bill and see you in early July, mate.

Take care on the wrong side of the road!

All the very best for the Excellent Adventure

Best regards

Skipjack K8

19 May 00 - 05:08 PM (#230724)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Peter T.

Allan -- why not keep a verbal journal as you go with a cassette recorder?

I am sure you have thought of this, I am just seething in continuing envy.

yours, Peter T.

19 May 00 - 06:49 PM (#230785)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: harpgirl seems we may meet up at Jenny's dad's house on Memorial Day. Don't be afraid. I am extraordinarily mild mannered and sweet. I've just been trying on a new personality. The devil made me do it!!! hope to meet you all after the Florida Folk Festival...harpy

19 May 00 - 07:16 PM (#230793)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: katlaughing

Allan, Bill, and Dave: Rog wanted me to tell you we've booked a gig for you for Saturady night here in Casper! It will be at Fifi's "Cat" House down in the old Sandbar area of town.....a notorious area for blue lights, shoot 'em up toney's and lively saloons, and the really good news is....they are fresh out piano players so we were able to get them to go for filling yer gas tank up AND paying a little cash, PLUS ya git yer pick o'favours from the ladies!! Whoo-Hoo!!! Can't wait ta' see ya'll!!**BG**


20 May 00 - 03:17 AM (#230932)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: roopoo

Bill - don't forget the Buckhorn! It's the only bar I have ever been to in Laramie and I want to know about the bullet holes in the mirror: are they still there? (Now you'll tell me you're not going to Laramie!)

Have a wonderful trip. Tell you what, I'll come and inflict meself on you one morning and you can tell me all about it!


20 May 00 - 09:06 AM (#230978)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Please see this thread for a sad new development.

But we are still packing and still getting ready for a great adventure.

Skipjack, I am amazed that the memsahib could do that even in her sleep!
Peter, yes, there will be a journal. Thank the gods for recording devices because if I had to write it all by hand, it would never happen!
I have chatted with you at length and corresponded with you a bit, Harpgirl and found you to be charming! I can't wait to meet you in person.
kat, the gig sounds fine. Thank you. Bill and I will split the set.
Mouldy, I made an error in my very first itinerary in which I indicated a stop in Laramie. I had it stuck in my brain that this is where Sorcha lived. Wrong. She is in Torrington. So I guess we won't get to see the bullet holes in the mirror. But Sorcha promises that we will get to see the actual wheel ruts of the Oregon Trail. That may not sound very exciting to some of you. But it means a lot to me. I will explain at a later date(after I have seen them).

22 May 00 - 10:20 AM (#231764)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

There is a marvelous man named Roscoe who works part time here at the college. We have discovered that we have much in common even though he is thirty years my senior. We have become good friends. Roscoe was talking with me this past Thursday about the trip and asked if I was going to be taking any pictures. I said what I have told a few others who have asked: I had wanted to video the whole thing but I blew what little spare cash I had on a mini disk recorder. So I am limited to a point-and-shoot 35mm camera.

The next day Roscoe walked into my office and plopped two boxes onto my desk. The boxes contained a video camera and all manner of battery packs and attachments. Then he said, "There you are. It is all yours!" And that is exactly what he meant. He GAVE it to me!

There are so very many things about this trip already which border upon the miraculous!

22 May 00 - 10:34 AM (#231771)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip

Gee, Allan. That is such a neat story. Someone will have to write a song about or dedicate one to Roscoe. Tell him if he ever wants to visit NYC, he has a room and three meals a day waiting for him.

Enjoy every minute of the trip. SS.

22 May 00 - 10:43 AM (#231775)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: katlaughing

Wow, Allan, that is wonderful! What an incredible person Roscoe must be, but of course he obviously recognises the same spirit within you!

Ah, I relaise you ahev a lot on your mind, so, just checking, you know the Fifi thing is a joke, right?**BG** I am excited and have told a few folks if they want to come over that Saturday night, and Friday of you like, that we will have some great music and fun going on, but it is entirely up to you and Bill and what you feel liek doing. There are some pretty close by and interesting historical sites over here, too, including more Oregon Trail ruts, (we used to live on the Oregon Trail outside of town), and old Fort Casper is a small but amazingly enduring replica of the old West, with most of the building still standing and open as well as a nice little museum with great books etc. on teh old West. We also have a geological museum with dinosaurs etc. just down fro my house.

So, forget Fifi's darlin', we're gonna raise my roof!


22 May 00 - 10:46 AM (#231776)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: katlaughing

Oops, I made a mistake. Old Fort Casper, is NOT a replica, it is the real deal and what is really amazing is it is SO small, esp. when you view in the context of the what it must've been like in the "old days" of early expansion.

(Arghhhhh! stupid dyslexic finger typos! Sorry!)

22 May 00 - 12:08 PM (#231820)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Nathan in Texas

If you're leaving Ft. Worth for Ada on June 3, stop by the Courthouse square in Denton, Texas, on your way. We have a jam session there on Saturday morning from 10:00 to noon or so. If you're coming through earlier, let me know and I can put you up and/or feed you Friday, June 2.

22 May 00 - 12:22 PM (#231830)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

Re: Espresso Corner, Thursday, May 25th - what time? And will you have the video camera, I can try to film y'all if nobody else has more talent/experience...? Heaps of blessings upon the head of Roscoe!

22 May 00 - 12:29 PM (#231833)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Thanks, kat. You are very perceptive. In my fogged brain I had registered Fifi's as a real place and overlooked the sandbar/sandbox allusion entirely. Glad you set me straight. Either way, Bill and I are all fired up to make/hear some good music while we are there.

P.S. I am somewhat relieved at not having to tell anyone that I ever played in a place called "Fifi's"! I could just picture it: It is a neat and clean place with a surprisingly large interior belied by the rather diminutive but gleaming white clapboard exterior. It is trimmed with pink shutters, and has lavender wrought-iron all over the place. The inside is furnished with cutsie little soda-shop tables (each painted a soft yellow or powder blue) - every one appointed with tatted doilies, cloying scented candles and African violets. There would be dainty bric-a-brac hanging here and there to tease the eye. The apron of the stage would be lined with white chiffon flounces and Real Filet lace curtains would be hanging at the rear. Just to one side of the stage would be a most wonderful scratching post, covered with softened crinoline and trimmed with Picot lace. This would be used from time to time by the establishment's namesake (often during performances by traveling folk artists who would, of course, be upstaged by Fifi's offstage antics).

Oh, yeah! Just the kind of place I would want to be seen in. Not!!

M-m-m-m. And yet why do I get the feeling that a new tavern thread is about to be born?

22 May 00 - 12:40 PM (#231842)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Allan C.

Espresso Corner, 8 pm, Mrrzy. I am fairly sure we will have a good crowd. There are fliers all over Charlottesville!

22 May 00 - 12:48 PM (#231853)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: catspaw49

Yeah.....this'll be great.......Allan and Bill get pulled over in Mississippi and they arrest Allan for having a "HOT" camera and Bill simply because he's a furriner.


22 May 00 - 02:12 PM (#231967)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: wysiwyg

23 May 00 - 02:35 PM (#232581)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: GUEST,Mrr

This trip is starting the DAY AFTER TOMORROW so what's it doing falling off the bottom of the list? (That's Mrrese for "refresh" - FYI.)

GO, travelers!

23 May 00 - 02:58 PM (#232596)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Vixen

Just a reminder to Connecti-Cats, (and others in the vicinity!) I'm hosting a Mudcat Jam (no room or time for a full "gathering"!) on the evening of Tuesday, 20 June, when the travelers are at my house.

PM or Email me for directions and particulars!


23 May 00 - 07:04 PM (#232750)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: katlaughing

Well, Allan, there really was a "Fifi's", BUT, I don't think the *ladies* went in for quite as much frou-frou as you've envisioned, and it really WAS in the Sandbar area of town, down by the river, ya know? **BG**

This is gonna be so much fun!

24 May 00 - 01:14 PM (#233183)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mrs.Duck

We're going to miss Bill down at the Jug so keep us up to date with his antics

24 May 00 - 08:38 PM (#233430)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Dani

Uh oh.... we can expect antics? Anything we should know about on this side of the pool?

25 May 00 - 07:17 PM (#233944)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mrs.Duck

Oh the temptation to tell tales!!

27 May 00 - 11:49 PM (#234980)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: wysiwyg

Hey, if there is a more recently-updated itinerary, please refresh it!


28 May 00 - 11:58 AM (#235085)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: Mrrzy

Praise, check the other thread - Bill & Allan's excellent adventure. It has updates and the current state of affairs... if that's what we want to call them...

28 May 00 - 12:44 PM (#235103)
Subject: RE: Bill, David & Allan's Great Mudcat Trip
From: wysiwyg

I know, I read it, but the BASIC plan hasn't changed, has it?
