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Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance

06 Mar 00 - 06:35 PM (#190634)
Subject: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Folkbloke

I am in desperate need of the music to this old music hall piece. I am putting a show together and have the volunteer dancers but no music. Has anyone here either got a cassette recording of it or the shheet music. Even just the melody line would be great. I don't even know the title. if also anyone knows the original choreography that would be fantastic. Please some-one help.

06 Mar 00 - 06:41 PM (#190642)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Micca

Hi Folkbloke, I suspect at least in part they used" The old bazaar in Cairo" I seem to remember it cropping up in a film with them doing it and in a repro of there act done on TV, if it wasn't I'm sure it would be "in keeping" with the original feel and spirit, if not the actuality, and therefore an acceptable alternative.

06 Mar 00 - 08:38 PM (#190721)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Liz the Squeak

It was indeed the 'Old Bazaar in Cairo', although 'The Sheik of Araby' is an acceptable alternative, but don't ask me for the music, I can't work the midi dodah thingy yet...


07 Mar 00 - 07:50 AM (#191035)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: alison

the MIDI is at Mudcat MIDIs

there was another snippet of tune that Morecambe and Wise always used when they did the sand dance.. I'll try to do a MIDI of what I remember of it... will let you know when it's posted.... meanwhile check out "Old bazarr in Cairo" at the link



07 Mar 00 - 08:08 AM (#191037)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: alison

OK I've done it.... check out sand dance at Mudcat MIDIs.

this is how I remember it from Morecambe and Wise..... not sure what the original was or what it is called....



07 Mar 00 - 11:55 AM (#191180)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Penny S.

I heard a snatch of this on the radio the other week, with references to the composer who wrote such things as "In a monastery garden" and whose name has gone away for the moment.


07 Mar 00 - 02:22 PM (#191286)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Penny, your mention of "In a Monastery Garden" stirred something at the back of this old brain. Wasn't it by the same composer but "In a Persian Market" that they used to dance to? Where's Steve Parkes and AndyG when we need them?[please note my restraint in not using my old WK&B joke last aired a couple of weeks ago!]

07 Mar 00 - 03:08 PM (#191313)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Folkbloke

Mudcat friends strike again. Absolutely brilliant. Thanks all. If you happen to know any publisher details it would be appreciated. In the meantime May blessings be upon your camels, their wives and all you little baby camels. Regards, Adrian, a.k.a. Sheik Mustapha Coffee Break.

07 Mar 00 - 07:18 PM (#191455)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: alison

I have the music for "In a Monastery Garden" somewhere... and they definately didn't use it.. it is a slow thing I used to play during the offering in church.



07 Mar 00 - 08:23 PM (#191499)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance

Katelbi ?

08 Mar 00 - 05:48 PM (#192067)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Penny S.

Alison, I know it wasn't the monastery, but he wrote a range of "exotic" pieces. And guest, Katelbi sounds right, but doesn't look right. But it's a long time since I saw those 78's of my Dad's.


08 Mar 00 - 06:14 PM (#192087)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: BanjoRay

Ketelby wrote "In a Persian Market". For some reason Acker Bilk used to call this "In a Persian Carpet" when he introduced it with his Paramount Jazz Band in the sixties.


08 Mar 00 - 07:14 PM (#192116)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: alison

did you listen to the sand dance I put on Mudcat MIDIs? did it sound anything like the one you're thinking of?



09 Mar 00 - 03:40 AM (#192356)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Steve Parkes

O ye of little faith, Roger! Some of us have to work, you know - we can't all spend every waking hour at the 'Cat!

I can confirm that it's not 'In a Prsian market' or 'Monastery garden'. I have actually performed W&K's sand dance, complete with short shift, tea-towel and army boots, along with a mere child of 16 years, who was pressed into service and didn't have a clue what it was all about. Ah, we made our own amusement when I was a lad ... There was a modest tv series on BBC a few years ago called 'Turns' ('Acts', perhaps in American?), comprising ancient film of music hall and variety turns who've long since gone to the great Palladium in the Sky. It was presented by Jimmy Croft, or Jimmy Perry (a tv comedy writing team of note - I can never remeber which is which). I videoed the second series. WK&B were on one night, and we copied the music (don't tell the Music Police!!). Anyway, it was a poor soundtrack, an indifferent video and an abyssmal tape, but the dancing was fun.

I can't promise to get a midi of the tune - I'm only at home at weekends - but I'll see what I can do. Don't hold your breath, though.

09 Mar 00 - 04:12 AM (#192362)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: alison

if you can do the notes..... send it on over... or play it to me over hearme sometime and I'll do it from this end.



10 Mar 00 - 05:45 AM (#192963)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

My music librarian colleague confirms that what I hummed to him was Katelbi's "In a Persian Market". I have another friend looking for a book on UK Music Hall acts he owns to see if it mentioned whether this was what they danced to. Watch this space...

13 Mar 00 - 08:01 AM (#194146)
Subject: Tune Add: SAND DANCE (from Wilson & Keppel)
From: Steve Parkes

OK, try this for size ... I couldn't get find my video, but this is what I can remember - you can make up the left-hand part, decoration and such like, similar to "The old bazaar in Cairo" midi on the midis page, and expand the few bars I've got. It could go a long way (and the longer the better!)



Timebase: 192

Name: SAND DANCE, as danced by Wilson & Keppel
Text: By ?
TimeSig: 4/4 24 8
0000 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 70 110 0032 0 70 000 0064 1 76 110 0094 0 76 000 0002 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 67 110 0032 0 67 000 0064 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 69 110 0048 0 69 000 0144 1 70 110 0032 0 70 000 0064 1 76 110 0094 0 76 000 0002 1 69 110 0720 0 69 000 0048 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 65 110 0032 0 65 000 0064 1 71 110 0094 0 71 000 0002 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 62 110 0032 0 62 000 0064 1 59 110 0094 0 59 000 0002 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 64 110 0048 0 64 000 0144 1 65 110 0032 0 65 000 0064 1 71 110 0094 0 71 000 0002 1 64 110 0720 0 64 000 0048 1 72 110 0160 0 72 000 0032 1 72 110 0160 0 72 000 0032 1 72 110 0160 0 72 000 0032 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 62 110 0336 0 62 000 0048 1 72 110 0160 0 72 000 0032 1 72 110 0160 0 72 000 0032 1 72 110 0160 0 72 000 0032 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 69 110 0094 0 69 000 0002 1 67 110 0094 0 67 000 0002 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 64 110 0336 0 64 000 0048 1 62 110 0160 0 62 000 0032 1 69 110 0160 0 69 000 0032 1 64 110 0160 0 64 000 0032 1 62 110 0094 0 62 000 0002 1 64 110 0094 0 64 000 0002 1 60 110 0720 0 60 000

This program is worth the effort of learning it.

To download the March 10 MIDItext 98 software and get instructions on how to use it click here

ABC format:

T:Sand Dance, as danced by Wilson & Keppel

14 Mar 00 - 02:39 AM (#194612)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: alison

Hi Steve

I have added your one to Mudcat MIDIs.... the first half of your tune is the same as the one I posted the other day.

Mine is "sand dance", yours is "sand dance full version".

I don't know what instrument you intended it to play on... but it wouldn't play for me(just whooshing noises).. so I fixed it.....

to save converting MIDI to text.. you can email the MIDIs direct to alan or myself... addresses at the Mudcat MIDIs site... and we'll post them with a link.



14 Mar 00 - 07:07 PM (#194929)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Liz the Squeak

How do you do a midi of a bucket of sand then? That was the other important ingredient - nothing makes that sound better than an army boot and a bucket of sand...


15 Mar 00 - 03:14 AM (#195231)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Steve Parkes

That was the whosshing noise, Liz!

15 Mar 00 - 07:11 AM (#195274)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Micca at work

I am fairly sure the version of the dance I saw had the tune given in the midi section as the A tune, the old bazaar in cairo as the B tune and was done A1 A2 B A B A, it seems about right, the sand scattering was done to the A tune 1then the dance started with A 2 et seq.

28 Mar 00 - 11:19 AM (#202634)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Penny S.

I have now been able to consult my Dad's collection of 78's, and listen to "In a persian market" by Ketelbey. This has several passages of varying mood, but the opening section is the passage to be found at those links above. The more legato development is not used.


29 Mar 00 - 02:49 AM (#203100)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

You mean I was actually right??!!!

30 Mar 00 - 04:55 PM (#204138)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Penny S.



14 Jun 00 - 11:11 AM (#242328)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

More information on this famour trio can be found here:
Click Here

14 Jun 00 - 12:12 PM (#242333)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: AndyG

You're a saaaad man!

Thanks for the link :)


15 Jun 00 - 05:44 AM (#242743)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

I plead guilty as charged, Andy, & ask for scores of similar offences to be taken into consideration and apply for the application of the sanity clause [insert Groucho joke #2 here!]. I came across the link while looking for something else (honest!).

15 Jun 00 - 05:55 AM (#242746)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: AndyG

I do believe it's actually Chico's line.

Sadder than Sad eh?


01 May 04 - 07:28 PM (#1176155)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Frank Jones

Apparently none of those; try:

'Egyptian Ballet' by Luigini

02 May 04 - 01:20 PM (#1176381)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: John MacKenzie

Kettelby the composer was nowhere as exotic as his name as usually pronounced would suggest. Apparently he was called Kettleby, a good northern name, but he thought it common, so changed the spelling slightly, and therefore the pronounciation. So Hyacinth Bucket wasn't the first. Who was it used to say Mr and Mrs Siddibotoom, when he meant Sidebottom?

02 May 04 - 04:37 PM (#1176491)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,chris nixon

re Sand Dance...

1. Not the Old Bazaar in Cairo - that was written by Clinton Ford and others which was probably too late for WK&B
2. Persian Market Place is one I remember from variety shows, but try also The Snake Charmer of Old Baghdad (I kid you not...) We used it in similar circumstances many years ago.

Hope this helps


03 May 04 - 05:06 AM (#1176756)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Compton

The music to "In a Persion Market" is on a wonderful recording by "The Palm Court Theatre Orchestra"!!

03 May 04 - 06:04 AM (#1176772)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Roger the Skiffler

• From Grandpappy , Hazel Slade on 02/11/03 15:26
If it's any help, the music they used was a piece entitled 'In a Persian Market' by Edward Ketèlby. I have a piano duet version by Rawicz & Landauer which I bought fairly recently, so it is probably still obtainable.

Cut and pasted froma reply to a request elsewher on the web.

(still a saddo!)

10 May 04 - 11:16 AM (#1182249)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Esther A

I love reading thru this dialogue from folk as fanatical as me !!!   Does anyone know if there is a video available featuring Wilson Keppel and Betty's performance ??

10 May 04 - 12:05 PM (#1182309)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: BanjoRay

There was a superb little clip of WK & B on the last edition of Have I Got News For You. There's obviously film of them in the BBC archives.

10 May 04 - 01:26 PM (#1182400)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: TheBigPinkLad

Rice pud! Very good!
What's it all about?
Made it in the kettle
And we couldn't get it out.
Everybody took a turn
To suck it through the spout
In the Old Bazaar in Cairo!

10 May 04 - 04:01 PM (#1182519)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Kenny B (inactive)

Continuation of the thread creep?
Having seen Clinton "performing" "The Old Bazaar...." on the City of Varieties Stage, the written word does not always convey the underlying humour and the poking fun at ladies in the audience by Clinton that went on during the song.
Keny B

12 May 04 - 04:35 PM (#1184143)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,

Does anyone know where I can get a video of Wilson Kepple and Betty doing the sand dance???

14 May 04 - 05:05 PM (#1185785)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Kenny B (inactive)

Video - as requested :<)

15 May 04 - 08:03 PM (#1186507)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Noel

15 May 04 - 08:13 PM (#1186512)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: The Walrus

I vaguely recall seeing a parody of WK&B's 'Sand Dance' done at a 'Sod's Opera', done by two bods in naval uniform and one 'dragged up' as a wren - they performed as "Nelson, Keppel & Beaty" (The act was pretty dire and best forgotten).


15 May 04 - 08:23 PM (#1186518)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Noel

For Pete's sake why is everyone so lacking in musical knowledge
nowadays - NO! it b****y-well ISN'T Ketelby's Putrid Persian Market, nor even his Morbid Monastery Garden. The W.K. & B. sand-dance music is the first movement of a four-movement concert piece by a little-known nineteenth-century French composer called Alexandre Clement
Leon Joseph Luigini, born in Lyons in March 1850, died in Paris, July
1906. The piece is called "Ballet Egyptien" and was very popular with concert audiences right up to the late 1940s. I have three recordings of it, two them on 78s (four 12" sides) and one on a 45rpm EP dating from the early 1960s. You could have a look on eBay, where a recording of it is bound to come up for auction eventually. Any further help, e-mail me:

17 May 04 - 03:20 PM (#1187384)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,haha


30 Jun 04 - 03:25 PM (#1217223)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,

Re Wilson Keppel & Betty, Having seen this act at least three or four times in the 1940s at the Empire Theatre Leeds. I can confirm that the music used was part of Albert Ketelby's "In a Persian Market". By all accounts there were numerous "Betty's" used during the time the Sand Dance was performed over the years.               Oh happy days, Ed.

01 Jul 04 - 12:13 PM (#1217683)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Billy Weeks

But I'm sure Guest Noel, despite his bad tempered intro, is right. Maybe you could do a bit of this hilarious dance to the soppy 'Persian Market' but you need a more lively number to sustain all that continuous crazy shuffling. When I last saw them (1950s) it was certainly 'Ballet Egyptien'. And yes, there were several Bettys. I think she was there mainly to contrast with the knobbly-kneed, cadaverous W & K.

02 Jul 04 - 08:23 AM (#1218261)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,DaverB

If anyone wants the dots to Ballet Egyptien, In A Persian Market or even In A Monastry Garden, try asking your local brass band. These pieces were staple diet for concerts and fetes, and I would expect most bands of reasonable age to have these tucked away in their library. We certainly seemed to play them ad nauseam in the '60s, but great fun

02 Jul 04 - 08:48 AM (#1218277)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance

Old Bazaar in Cairo opens:

When the moon shines bright take the first on the right
Give the sing-sing sign as you go
There'll be silk and lace in the market place
In the Old Bazaar in Cairo.

Harum Scarum what d'you think of that
Dirty strip-tease dancing on the mat
Oompah oompah that's enough of that
In the Old Bazaar in Cairo.

06 Jul 04 - 08:07 PM (#1220269)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance

I need a cd of wison, kepple and betty music and hopefully a video or dvd of them in action as we are doing their routine for our local am dram show in september
can anyone help
neil spruce-phone 07736258696

07 Jul 04 - 07:49 PM (#1221004)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Compton

Guest...get the video!! see into this thread

12 Oct 04 - 05:33 PM (#1295542)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,

There is a video entitled "Jokes That Won The War" that contains two acts by W K&B available from, NOSTALGIA DIRECT PO BOX 1XX, NEWCASTLE UPON TYNE, NE99 1XX Priced at £14-99 + P&P.
Hope this is of some help.

13 Oct 04 - 04:31 AM (#1295947)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: s&r

Here is a site where I found a comprehesive Midi of the Ballet Egyptien, which plays in Finale very well and I would think many other programs.

You need to log in as a free member, which takes a few seconds.


16 Oct 04 - 06:01 PM (#1298661)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,

Could we replicate the sand dance from images in the Newcastle video.

16 Jan 05 - 12:17 AM (#1379788)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,DavidW

THe music originally used in the 1930's was "Ballet Egyptien" by Luigini.

04 Feb 05 - 11:30 AM (#1398978)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,nathan

i and friend called warren have performed the sand dance several times for many vaudeville shows at our theatre company 'Total Theatre'in western australia. we emulated it as perfectly as we could from an australian video called 'Vaudeville' - ABC publishing i think.
the music is called Luigini's ballet. or so i have heard. i wouldn't suggest using the sheik of araby, lovely as it is, but it is far too 'Hollywood' and not quircky enough.

04 May 05 - 03:07 PM (#1478082)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Maurice Hubert

It certainly wasn't In a monastry Garden and I can tell you that was written Albert Kettelby who also wrote Bells across the meadow. These and some others were issued on anvynil album by Decca back when pontious was a pilot. I think it was the ace of clubs label. I heeard it being used in a hi fi demo and just had to buy it because it was almost funny.

04 May 05 - 08:13 PM (#1478340)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Compton

Just a thought about "Old Bazaar in Cairo"...written a long time before Clinton Ford....Certainly performed by George ("Turned out nice again") Formby!!

05 May 05 - 06:20 AM (#1478627)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Torctgyd

Morcambe and Wise definitely used the first part of In A Persian Market in their skit on WK&B. The first time I knowingly heard IAPM I immediately pictured the WK&B sand dance. Perhaps they used both tunes stated here during their sand dancing career?

31 Jul 05 - 04:33 PM (#1532207)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,n.taylor

does anyone have the sheet music? need to perform it at a party with an arabian night theme..

31 Jul 05 - 04:38 PM (#1532211)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: ard mhacha

I have a very funny video of the pair doing their sand dance to a dubbed on Irish Reel, and almost perfect timing, a rare treat.

01 Aug 05 - 02:57 PM (#1532796)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Kenny B (inactive)

N Taylor
How long can you wait.
I am in Boston athe moment but will be in a position to send it on Sunday when I return to the UK
Kenny B

09 Oct 05 - 07:10 PM (#1579728)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: Long Firm Freddie

Here's a link to
British Pathe, where by searching their news archive you can find a clip of Wilson Keppel & Betty (search on Wilson Keppel). Beware the rather ghastly minstrel troupe that appears at the end of the clip, though!

It's free to register, and you can download low quality preview clips with no charge.

There's loads of other music hall stars as well.


10 Dec 05 - 12:04 AM (#1624164)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,

Hello. The Baim Collection has a film entitled STARLIGHT SERENADE (circa 1946) made by Federated Film Corporation which contains two dance sequences. Contact via the web site

30 Dec 05 - 06:27 PM (#1637703)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Vern Diesel

The dance is on The Best of british Comedy Films. I bought the video just for that dance. They are dressed as arabs and one snake charms the other. It is hilarious. But they made it a montage. it might be complete or at least 90 %. I am trying to find some of the number in its entirety. They say its Wilson and Keppel in the credits. Good day.

10 Apr 06 - 03:01 PM (#1714695)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Wilson Keppel & Betty Sand dance
From: GUEST,Burek, Henry

"In a Persian Market" and "Old Bazaar in Cairo" are certainly plausable contenders for the WKB sand dance tune. But I can confirm, having now seen the Pathe clip, that the tune is from Luingini's "Ballet Egyptien". It's a piece I'm familiar with having recently played it as an instrumentalist in a military band concert.

16 Jul 06 - 07:06 AM (#1784752)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: GUEST,Henry Burek

Further confirmation of "Ballet Egyptien" as WK&B's sand dance tune can be can be found in 'Roy Hudd's Cavalcade of Variety Acts' (Robson Books, 1997) which also relates the interesting facts that Wilson and Keppel first met up in the USA and that the band parts for the sand dance (in use for three decades!) were arranged by Hoagy Carmichael.

24 Jul 06 - 07:31 PM (#1792100)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)

where can i download the wilson, kepple and betty sand dance music please

28 Jul 06 - 12:38 PM (#1795518)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: GUEST,Nell at The Paul O'Grady Show

Hellllllp! I am hoping someone has the answer to this endless thread. We are taking some twins to America on Wednesday where they will be performing The Sand Dance for a Talent Show. I have choreographed the dance but fo the life of me cant find a lively version of The Egyptian Ballet for them to perforn to. I need a copy fast.... Help.

03 Aug 06 - 03:19 PM (#1800758)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)

I am also desperate to find the music to the WKB Sand Dance, I work with a Drama Group (Learning Disablities), they are performing Music around the World this year and this music would be great and fun for them to do, Please Please can you help. Ann

04 Aug 06 - 09:25 AM (#1801375)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: s&r

Ballet Egyptien here


15 Aug 06 - 03:24 AM (#1810117)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: GUEST,Bryan in Australia

The tune is from "In a Persian Market" and the description on the music is "The beggars in the Marketplace". The piece was written in 1920 by Albert Keteleby who was a writer of music to accompany silent films. There is a CD out called "The golden age of Albert Keteleby" (or something like that) and the "Persian Market" is included.

I recently played this piece with my local orchestra and it is still very popular with audiences.



15 Aug 06 - 04:05 AM (#1810128)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: s&r

Here is a link to a midi of in a Persian Market. This sounds like my memory of the Leicester Square sand dance


15 Aug 06 - 04:20 AM (#1810135)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: GUEST,guest

It's also very popular with me, Bryan in Australia - nothing wrong with a good old dollop of whimsy now & then, to lift the spirits; Ketelbey's 'Mystic Land Of Egypt' & 'In A Chinese Temple Garden' are also pretty damn good - just avoid the dirgy 'Bells Across The Meadow'-type glop, & set your cynicism aside..

15 Aug 06 - 02:19 PM (#1810461)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: Compton

This dear old thread had been dancing around since the millenium!..Can it noy be knocked on the head?

15 Aug 06 - 03:29 PM (#1810507)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: s&r

Don't read it


15 Aug 06 - 06:22 PM (#1810639)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: GUEST,Annie

Yorkshire Ann (& other prospective sand dancers) I have been known to do a version of this to 'In the Old Bazaar in Cairo' (both A & B pieces ) Basically you can do it one behind the other in a long line one way then a quick turn and back the other at appropriate times in music and according to size of room/space available. If appropriate this can turn into a Congo type line through the pub or wherever. Do you know what a 'step ball change' is (ask a tap dancer to demonstrate) then do it with a bit of a hop and with the same foot lead all the time. Use same arm as leg. To break it down -eg
step onto right foot then ball of left foot keeping it behind right leg. Keep repeating while moving forward. Turn as required by quick 180 degree jump then use other leg to give the right one a rest. Arms - bend front arm to look like swans neck (good visual image for special needs teaching ) with its head about level with your nose. Back arm straight and slightly behind back with hand turned palm up at right angles.
Variation - stand side by side in line bend knees and open and close them (charleston/black bottom style) whilst holding onto knees with hands. This works equally well with arms crossed or uncrossed.
Add a few changes of direction to this a few solo/duet bits and hey you have the makings of a sand dance. Hope this helps!

22 Aug 06 - 07:32 AM (#1815940)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)

If your in the UK you will be pleased to know that the sand dance is still performed by the fabulos fezheads a kent based morris dance side

check out there link

if you email them they might be able to get you a recording of there performance

regards singe

30 Aug 06 - 01:58 PM (#1822843)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: wigan

been looking for the dots for this piece for ages! s&r, persian market sounds like the tune i remember, thanks. if anyone has the dots, i would love a copy, please please etc

30 Aug 06 - 02:23 PM (#1822863)
Subject: RE: Tune Req: Sand Dance (Wilson, Keppel & Betty)
From: s&r

You can download a copy from for about £2.25.
