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BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp

16 Mar 00 - 05:28 PM (#196329)
Subject: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

Hi all,

My new lap harp (28 strings, made by a harpmaker, Bruce Lemin, in Canberra, Australia who I *met* (cyberly speaking) through the e-mail Harplist)has now been born. Cigars all round (but don't light them, they smell awful - *joke, joke*). Six months gestation period is now over.

I don't know when I will get down there to pick it up, but soon, very soon. It's a few hundred miles south so hubby & I are going to take a long weekend and make a holiday out of it as well.

So, the waiting is over but I haven't seen or heard the precious bundle yet. I'll keep you posted. I'll be posting baby photos on my homepage so you'll all get to see it.


16 Mar 00 - 05:31 PM (#196331)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

May it be completely toilet trained by the time it gets home.

And may you stop on the trip home often to play play play it!

16 Mar 00 - 05:47 PM (#196346)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen


The joy of a lap harp is that it should be small enough to play in the car, *on the way home*.

Toilet training for harps - it conjures lots of images. *grin*


16 Mar 00 - 05:56 PM (#196353)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

Well I travel with what I am now told is a psaltery, and sometimes they even let me play it in the car... unless I'm driving.

I guess toilet training might involve having new strings stay tuned and not emit unpleasant and messy things...

Why, what were YOU imagining???? *BSEG!!!*

Is yours like a psaltery or does it... stand... like a miniature big harp?

Is there an online pic we can see?

16 Mar 00 - 06:14 PM (#196358)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

I was imagining the big messy things being emitted.

It stands like a mini harp. It's about 3 feet high, I think. I don't have a picutre yet but, believe me, as soon as I do it will be up on my homepage for bragging purposes, and for boring the hell out of people, I suppose. Have you seen the latest baby pictures, isn't she just so cute, cootchy coo,etc etc ad nauseum

what is BSEG?


16 Mar 00 - 06:19 PM (#196361)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

Big S[messy things being emitted]-Eating Grin.

(Oversized Coprophagous Leer)

Sorry, I only know half of the webspeak acronyms yet myself, so my vocab is limited to those to which I have been exposed here. (Message my personal page if additional clarification is needed!)

I'm jealous about your harp, and I will NOT be upset over your crooning softly to it!!! But I wanna see it NOW!!!

16 Mar 00 - 06:29 PM (#196365)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

Yes, well - I wanna see it now too!!

I only just got the e-mail before I posted here to tell me it is ready at last. I've actually been waiting for a few years to be able to afford it, so the wait is longer than just 6 months.

It is made of three different red-coloured Australian woods, and one of those has creamy, marbled swirls on it, so it's going to be different from any harp I've ever seen before. It'll be nice if it has a good sound too. They all have their own sound, and you don't know until it is all finished whether it is really good, good, or just okay. The other harps this guy has made sounded good, but my ears were a bit out of order from the excitement of finally ordering it, too, so they could have sounded awful and I wouldn't have noticed.

I'm going off-line now, but I'll be back later today, maybe (it's 10.30am over here). So I'll talk to you later.


16 Mar 00 - 06:29 PM (#196366)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Jon Freeman

Well Helen, as I would wish any other person getting a new instrument, I hope it gives you years of pleasure.


16 Mar 00 - 06:37 PM (#196369)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

This is pretty close to what it will look like. Make sure you are looking at the Triplett brand of harps and click on the one called McCall in the frames at left, if you are using frames.

Sylvia Woods Harp Center - harps for sale


16 Mar 00 - 08:49 PM (#196442)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Art Thieme

Jeez, I came in here expecting to find out that Harpgirl was pregnant ! No such luck, huh, Abby ?


16 Mar 00 - 08:52 PM (#196444)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: alison

Congratulations Mom,.... I hope you'll be very happy together...



16 Mar 00 - 09:01 PM (#196453)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

It's a lusty enough lookin' wee babe!!!

16 Mar 00 - 09:14 PM (#196466)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: catspaw49

Are you going to breast feed? If so, will there be pictures?

Wonderful Helen...and very exciting!!!


16 Mar 00 - 09:37 PM (#196487)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

'Spaw, what are we going to do with you? I'm just trying to cope with the visual images of toilet-trained harps and giving birth to a lusty wee harp, and you bring this concept into the discussion.

No, and No.

Then Yes and Yes: wonderful and exciting.


17 Mar 00 - 01:30 AM (#196617)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

Ah Helen, he's just jealous. He can't get the same tones with Cleigh you can reach with the harp, blow though he may, an' the areshole emissions are not near as lovely as the harp's either. Lacking in additional body fluids readily coming to mind, he went for the easy line. Must be the St. Paddy's day effect.

17 Mar 00 - 01:50 AM (#196622)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Sorcha

Ah Helen, belssings on both of you! My Puck's birthday is March 31, 1996, but in Ostober l998 she self destructed. Pulled the neck and sound board right out of the back. I cried for days, because I had built her, and she was the only one I was ever likely to afford. I was really ready to Wake her in the fire place,'cause I really thought she was nothing more than high priced kindling, but I waited, and met a man a year and a half later who put her back together! Took a while to stay in tune, bet we are now OK! And I am so glad I didn't burn her! I very nearly did, because I thought she needed a decent burial! Glory to the both of you! Got sharping levers? I don't, would like to get them now. Have 29 strings starting at D, up and I am in love, even if I am not a good harper! (Puck, because she/he is a very rowdy little thing!)

17 Mar 00 - 02:01 AM (#196627)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

Sorcha. Use the spel cheker in your wrod porceser at liest ockasionail.

~Yer bes' bud Praise~

17 Mar 00 - 02:19 AM (#196631)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Sorcha

always prufreed, evenwhendrinkingeh? BG this is really like being PG, complete with all the Labor/Delivery Horror Stories, huuh? LOL! Harps are just so special!

17 Mar 00 - 02:43 AM (#196636)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: canoer

Helen, it's just magnificent! Congratulations!

Hope it sings as well as it looks!

17 Mar 00 - 07:55 AM (#196692)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: black walnut

congratulations on the new harp! i hope you'll post a picture....the woods sound beautiful.

my celtic harp is a toddler and a half years old. a pretty thing, with 36 strings, christened 'Angel Machine', made of black walnut....

~black walnut

17 Mar 00 - 09:20 AM (#196717)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: jeffp

Congratulations Helen!!!

I'll be adopting a harp myself this summer. I hope it brings you much joy.


17 Mar 00 - 09:28 AM (#196720)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: MMario

I can't resist....

If your harp dies, and goes to heaven? Does it sit around all day and play humans?

17 Mar 00 - 02:54 PM (#196848)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

Mmario winds up for the shot... he shoots-- and he scores!!! Goal!! Goal!! Goal!!!

17 Mar 00 - 02:55 PM (#196851)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

And the humans pray singses!

17 Mar 00 - 06:19 PM (#196942)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

Sorcha, sad & then happy story! I am getting sharping levers on the F & C strings to start with but it will be cheaper to buy the levers and put them on myself at a later date - it would have cost another $400 for the harpmaker to do it now and I can't afford that. The hard part about putting on the levers is working out the position, I think, so that the half tone is just right. I'm prepared to give it a go. The levers (full set) I have on the 36 string are adjustable slightly so as long as they are almost in the right place you can move the lever part up or down by loosening a little screw.

good one, MMario.

And, nice to see all the harpies ;-) showing up here for the birth celebration. Just wait for the christening/naming celebration - I'll actually have it with me then, so it will be an even happier day.


17 Mar 00 - 06:37 PM (#196948)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: catspaw49

Maybe it will Helen........But personally I'm still trying to deal with not having any breast feeding photos..........sigh................


17 Mar 00 - 06:43 PM (#196950)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen


You are incorrigible, ........or do I mean encouragable. Anyway, you are just too much. LOL


17 Mar 00 - 06:59 PM (#196955)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: catspaw49

Ah well......Maybe its just because you are one of my favorite people and its great to see you in better spirits. And there is nothing like a "birth" to add a little extra happiness that you deserve.


17 Mar 00 - 10:22 PM (#197014)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

Well I think she oughtta introduce the little darlin' on HearMe!!

18 Mar 00 - 05:22 PM (#197368)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

You might be waiting a while for that introduction, Praise, The best tune name (although I can't actually play it) to describe what you would hear is the Halting March. It'd be pretty slow and very halting.

Hmm, just wait a bit while I get my fingers on the strings for the next phrase, oh, there we go, here's the next bit, now wait a bit ....etc, etc.

The only time I played solo in public there happened to be another harp player in the audience. I didn't know him, he introduced himself to me later. During my playing he was singing the tune very loudly and it really showed up the fact that I didn't have the timing right. I had not agreed to play solo in the first place, I had thought that one of my friends would be playing as well, but she chickened out and left me all alone being "shown up" by an ignorant fellow harper - well, I thought he was pretty ignorant at the time.

Actually I am getting better at playing solo, but I haven't done it in public again, yet.

'Spaw, thanks. I am feeling a lot better in the last couple of weeks. Next week I will start on a different project at work, in a new location where I have a lot of friendly co-workers rather than the veiled animosity I have had to put up with in my current office. Things are definitely looking up.


18 Mar 00 - 09:40 PM (#197456)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg

Hey, I'm having a Duh! moment, was that you who had lost her sense of humor???

The heart of a harpist, in the setting you described??? And outnumbered?

That wasn't a loss of humor, that was abuse of something rare and sweet. Amazing, you are, to keep that heart open at all. Madam, I salute.

And on HearMe-- just let us hear her lovely tone. Babies don't have to recite long poems ya know. Baby talk, first.

18 Mar 00 - 11:25 PM (#197501)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

Heartfelt thanks, Praise.


28 Apr 00 - 08:16 PM (#219805)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

Well, I just came back from a 2 day trip to Canberra to pick up the new harpbaby. I don't have a photo yet to show you but as soon as I do I'll let you know where on the 'net to look.

She is a miniature version of the other one - I thought she would be a completely different shape but she is the same shape but smaller. The nylon strings have to be tuned up regularly until they get into the habit of being stretched to the right length so it will take a week or so before it stays in tune reasonably long, and at least a month before it stabilises.

It takes a while for a harp to get a good tone, too. We had a thread on this a year or more ago, discussing the whys and wherefores of what makes an instrument sound better over time - is it because the vibrations of playing it does something to the wood's structure, etc etc but they definitely do improve in tone after a while, so at this stage it is hard to hear how she sounds yet. I'll keep you posted on that, too. Sounds good, so far, though.

Anyway, cigars all round, let's celebrate.


28 Apr 00 - 08:25 PM (#219808)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: MMario

do we get to hear "baby talk" on HearMe so we can all learn a little about the progression as she learns to sing?

28 Apr 00 - 08:33 PM (#219812)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Helen

Well, I have to figure out how to set up a microphone first. I just have a headset with earphones and mic which came with a voice-type program. Is there anywhere I can look to work out how to do it?


29 Apr 00 - 01:39 AM (#219941)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: wysiwyg


congrats to H via PM


30 Apr 00 - 01:44 AM (#220285)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: Crowhugger

Good on you, Helen.


30 Apr 00 - 01:55 AM (#220287)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: alison

congratulations Helen, will the little bubba be at St Albans?

I reckon we should all arrange a place to meet and get an Aussie 'catters photo for the resources page.



30 Apr 00 - 02:06 AM (#220289)
Subject: RE: BS: Harp stork announcement: new Celtic harp
From: catspaw49

Well, its two in the morning and I just wrote a treatise to Jon about wood, but there are some reasons associated with the wood itself and its moisture content and the lack of "settling" that tends to make new instruments sound worse than they do as they age. The one sure thing about any stringed wooden instrument......If it sounds pretty good new, it will sound better down the road. If its a dog...well, you can't make a silk purse out of a cow's ear.

I'm very happy for the new Mommy and I'm glad the baby is doing well. You deserve the best Lady Helen!
