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Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning

24 Mar 00 - 05:28 PM (#200911)
Subject: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Peter T.

In the nearby glen the Morris Dancers are practicing, the redwing blackbirds are staking out new territory, and the sun is peeking out to see if all is ready. Perhaps it is time to clean out the Mudcat Tavern from the winter blahs, and prepare it for a frolicksome springtime. Well, let us get our little pail of water and our brushes, and quietly open the door to our friendly little home away from home.....

well, not too bad considering.... Anyone for a drink before we roll up the old sleevaroonies?
yours, Peter T.

24 Mar 00 - 05:31 PM (#200914)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

I think we better just get to work scrubbing, and save the hooch for later. I'm scrubbing the Jello Pit, as personal penance. Somebody find the rubber gloves?

24 Mar 00 - 05:37 PM (#200918)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg

Can't clean worth a damn, but cook for the crew? You bet!

24 Mar 00 - 05:39 PM (#200922)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Tune time! Tune time!

Kylebrack I come!


24 Mar 00 - 05:41 PM (#200925)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Homeless

I've got a shovel and broom in the back of my van... I'll bring them in and give a hand here for a few minutes. Say, is that nickelodeon still around and working? I think I'd like to hear a Wild Asparagus song to get my energy up.

24 Mar 00 - 05:42 PM (#200926)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

Mbo is not allowed in here! He has to go pack and get ready to go to Raliegh tomorrow, bright and early, with maps and compasses and directions and garb and money and MUSIC! All together now: OUT MBO!

24 Mar 00 - 05:43 PM (#200928)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: roopoo

I got a set of drain rods. Can I be of use?


24 Mar 00 - 05:45 PM (#200930)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

Drain rods, YES! Git on down here in the Pit, my man, and rod this thing out!Are you a creative rodder????And Mbo, I'll play all the waltzes you want, AFTER we get a report on the Faire!!!

24 Mar 00 - 05:48 PM (#200934)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Peter T.

Did I mention how much easier it is to clean when you get out of your wet clothes?
yours, Peter T.

24 Mar 00 - 05:52 PM (#200940)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg

OK, gang, hold the door for me.... here's tonight's feed... all you can eat, set to keep warm, help yourselves and last one wash the pot.

Black bean chili with smoked peppers and fresh 'maters (your choice, meatless or with ground venison)

Jalapeno corn bread with cheese sauce on the side

Spinach and mixed greens salad with honey-poppyseed dressing

And... all the fresh, cold Pennsyltucky spring water you care for.

Mbo, one serving for you and OUTTA here!! Take pictures PLEEEEZE!!!!

24 Mar 00 - 05:54 PM (#200943)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Barky

Tall, beautiful 34-but-looks-15 year old walks in with her case... "Any one want some trumpet music, or should I get to work cleaning?"


24 Mar 00 - 05:55 PM (#200945)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Kara

the grub sounds great but the spring water sounds a bit fresh.

24 Mar 00 - 05:57 PM (#200946)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Homeless

Fix me a double of the Pennsyltucky water, but I'll have to have it to go... Got some cleaning of my own to do tonight. I may stop back later to reclaim my broom.
Mbo - take care, have fun, learn things.

24 Mar 00 - 05:57 PM (#200947)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg


Yepp-er, just fetched it. Goes down tickling!!

24 Mar 00 - 05:58 PM (#200949)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Hey, it's still early! I wanna play MUSIC! Sorry, no garb...I ain't got any! And it's too late to worry about that now! I wonder if they'd accept a Highland pipe sounds medieval-y!


24 Mar 00 - 06:02 PM (#200951)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Kara

What do you clean with a highland pipe chanter

24 Mar 00 - 06:05 PM (#200956)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Oooh, hey Barky girl! Leave the scrubbing to us drudges! Talent shouldn't be wasted....can ye play "Rockin' In Rhythm"? (My favorite Duke Ellington tune!)


24 Mar 00 - 06:09 PM (#200959)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Barky

"No prob" *takes out old felt bowler hat that mysteriously appeared after last night's tavern run, and takes it with her to the stool like thing that was left there last night and sits*.


24 Mar 00 - 06:13 PM (#200964)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: catspaw49

hey...The joints lookin' better already!!!......Think I can get a Jack and ..THWAPP......geeziz Sorcha, I was just wantin' a little one an...FFWWUUUMMMMMP.........Damn Praise..........Now look here...Y'all are doin' a great job and Meebo's packin' and if I might have a taste of Jack I cou...KKAAAWWWWWHHHAAAMMMMMMMMMM...........peter?...can you get me up off the floor here so I can.......What's this?.....A scrubbrush? ......Peter I can't use a brush to stand up and these women keep knockin' the hell outta' me........Say what? ........I need to be helpin' huh??........What if I'm tired and I don't want to be cleanin' right now? a bucket?................


24 Mar 00 - 06:15 PM (#200967)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: skarpi

Hallo all who´s cleaning who? The man from the land of Ice and fire walks in to the Tavern. Komið þið sæl og blessuð, hvernig væri að fá einn Guinnes????.OH I forgot to speak English, how about one Guinnes is there a dust on it? Well folks the spring is coming here In Iceland and my band is on the track again and I am happy. Oh if you find Icelandic Brennivín bottle let know it should be from sometime in the winter, dusty. I am having some fun tonight at my home listing to folk music and some blues a good mix. All the best skarpi Iceland.

24 Mar 00 - 06:15 PM (#200968)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg

Hey Spaw, food first!!!!!

Gotta keep BODY and soul together now...

24 Mar 00 - 06:18 PM (#200969)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

And do you maybe possibly know "South Rampart Street Parade." I love Dixieland Jazz...


24 Mar 00 - 06:39 PM (#200976)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: katlaughing

Hey, Spaw! Come help me clean up all the litter we kicked up out back in the garden, willya? There, now, look at these gorgeous daffodils I found. Mmmmmm, they smell SO good and look so cheerful. Plenty of 'em...let's see, I'll put some in this old Guinness bottle over here on the bar, some back there behind it against the mirror, oh, yeah, and the ladies room, too. You gents want any posies in your water closet?

Keep the windows open and let's get some of that fresh air and sunshine in here. Nice breeze that...I can just smell the salt on the air. Anyone know if the Mudcat ship/sloop/barque(?) is coming in soon? Won't they be surprised!?

PeterT, don't you have a birthday sometime soon? I know Shambles does.

Oh this is looking lovely. Now, Spaw, don't forget..the Prom is tomorrow night and nobody is gonna notice that we're old enough to be chaperones! We are dancing, darlin' and we can start practising right here! C'mon everybody, dig into the eats, then work it off with a rollicking dance!

24 Mar 00 - 06:48 PM (#200982)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Bradypus

Chanter, nothing. for this job, you need a full set of pipes. Only difference is, instead of blowing, you suck. Three tubes all cleaning at once - or four, if you can keep your fingers on the chanter holes. Keep sucking, Mbo, and we'll soon have this place cleaned up. Who needs an electric vacuum cleaner ???


24 Mar 00 - 06:58 PM (#200989)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

OH nO! I've become Matt the Human Vacuum Cleaner! kat, there's gonna be a PROM here tomorrow night?! I'm gonna need to find a partner! HELP, I DON'T KNOW HOW TO DANCE!!


24 Mar 00 - 07:21 PM (#201001)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

LEJ pulls up with a load of lumber on the trailer behind his Four-Runner Alright then! I've been talking about adding this deck for outdoor dining pleasure, and by golly I am ready to start! I'll need some help on these post holes... and if any of you are handy with a hammer and a circular saw, sign up here. I got Cedar because I love the way it smells when you cut it, and when the sun warms it after a Spring rain. But before we start.. just one Monopolowa Vodka and Seven Up, please!

24 Mar 00 - 07:29 PM (#201002)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

You got it, EJ! I'm pretty handy with wood construction! Hmmm..I've ripped down a deck once, it'll be fun to put one up! Is there any possible use for a reciprocating saw (SAWZALL!!)? I'm addicted to Sawzalls! Hand me that framing hammer! Now who's gonna play us some DECK RAISIN' music?


24 Mar 00 - 07:45 PM (#201006)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

Yeah, Mbo, I've got a use for a Sawzall. See that piece of rusted sheet metal? That used to be the fender of the trailer...cut it off before somebody gashes a leg on it. Now, if you'll notice those six empty beer cans...NO DON'T PICK EM UP!...those are the spots for the postholes. We'll need them 24 inches deep, and about 10 inches in diameter. I'll let you start while I finish this... oh, it's gone. One more, bartender, if you please.

24 Mar 00 - 07:52 PM (#201010)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Can do EJ! Cutting metal RULES!


24 Mar 00 - 08:22 PM (#201022)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

Sweet Mother of all that is Holy, did I really give that boy a power tool?! Better make the next one a double, my good man. How are the post holes coming? You hit a rock at 17 inches? Well, why did you think I brought the C-4? Here, put on this helmet and stand back...

24 Mar 00 - 08:56 PM (#201034)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Barky

I'll tell ya what, Mbo. I'll be your prom partner... I mean, us bein' the youngn's and all... Or maybe Caitrin would be your date, she is older than me...


24 Mar 00 - 09:01 PM (#201036)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Oh dear...


24 Mar 00 - 09:28 PM (#201050)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Lonesome pass me a bloody hammer and I'll give you a hand there mate... Oh thanks for the rum too. Aye, this place will look like a royal palace when its finished... Hmm jello pit looks fresh and ready for filling too; but you'll never get me in there Girls, you would beat me in a flash with just one of yer smiles.(I just turn into jello when they smile at me mates)

24 Mar 00 - 09:31 PM (#201056)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg

Oh, Barky, Mbo will have ALL the girls on his arm... let's see, can't forget Ceit, Kate, Chocolate Pi, who am I leaving out? You can be the captain of the Mbo Team! A coterie is better than a girlfriend, Mbo! There's safety in numbers!!!

24 Mar 00 - 09:39 PM (#201060)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Don't ferget Kelida and Youngest Bob Fan. Maybe the collective Mbo Team can get an ounce of dancing knowledge in this big galoot! But Barky's first chair, all the way!


24 Mar 00 - 09:57 PM (#201068)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: catspaw49

Thank gawd you showed up Leej....I been cleaning for hours and those women are on my ass and beating the hell out of me.......How about a drink?.......Hammer? What kind of a drink is that?.......OKOKOK...I'll work on the deck....just gimmee a beer huh?..thanks........(glug..glug..glug) .....uh, what the hell is this stuff........Wiedemann's?.....They still make this shit? Tastes like Ohio River water with a splash of sewage........uh,hey man, the fockin' cans rusty too..........How the hell long have you had this stuff???...............TWENTY THREE YEARS???? TWENTY THREE GAWDDAMN YEARS??????YOU GIVE ME 23 YEAR OLD FOCKIN' BEER???..........(chugaluggaglugga) ta hell with it, gimmee another one and that box of nails over there................Hey Leej, you goin' to the prom? Got myself all lined up with kat ........I'm going to polish the car tomorrow, oughta' be a top down kinda' nite.......She made me clean up litter for the date, but it'll be worth it.......I figure that's a good time for alison and Mick to get back together too....Cut about 3 inches off the end of this one wouldja'?...........Hey man this has been a great year, captain of the football team and a date with the Prom Queen........couldn't be better, 'cept for these fockin' beers you brought.....Gimmee another one huh..........Thanks.........................


24 Mar 00 - 10:00 PM (#201069)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg

Mbo darlin',

My step-daughter had a whole HS basketball team devoted to her one year. (No leering please, it was just sweet.) Wherever she went, they went. It was so cute. None of them would let any of the others hit on her. She felt totally loved and never pressured-- she just was the sweetheart of the team. That's what I wish for you, Mbo-- a whole gaggle of gal pals. With Ms. Barky the captain.


24 Mar 00 - 10:09 PM (#201074)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Man, I'm gonna have to bring the Wizzard records for the Prom! Barky, if you thought "Are You Ready To Rock?" was cool, wait till you hear Roy Wood's (former leader of Wizzard) Big Band '93! Yes! Rockin' '50's-esque numbers with a whole marching brass band on backup! Like...


Dance practice starts NOW! Oops..let me unplug my Sawzall...


24 Mar 00 - 10:39 PM (#201098)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Willie-O

I don't actually think that's what Meebo has in mind...what the hell do I know.

Cedar is clearly the best choice for any deck and I've built lots of them. I'm burning cedar slab under a panful of sap right now. Gotta go fire it again. This syruping business is getting pretty old, week 4 or thereabouts--this weekend'll be it fer me.

But for cutting metal (other than nails) I much prefer a metal-cutting wheel in an old skilsaw to shaking my brains out with a sawzall. Might as well use a chainsaw...

Ssprig cleaning, sorry but all I know is how to stay out of the way of it and take stuff to the dump...

Willie-O Still Chained To Boiler...

24 Mar 00 - 10:54 PM (#201107)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Ah, but nothing equals the raw power of a Sawzall--ease has not much to do with it, it's all the bone-rattling hacking that makes it fun! Especially on nasty little shrubs!


24 Mar 00 - 11:01 PM (#201113)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

Spew, I mean Spaw, you're not drinking that stuff are you? No, man, that's what we use to seal the deck! Here, have one of these Falls Citys.

Well, Mbo, you are quite the lad. Look at those fine postholes! All uniform (well, except the hole I used the C-4 on...I'll need a much longer post for that that oil down in there?) Now, Davey Lad, you man the saw and cut me two 4x4x36" for the joist centers, and four 4x4x68' for the corner posts and rail supports. And wear a mask...that stuff's treated with Wiedemann's Beer for weather resistance, and is highly toxic to most humans except Catspaw.

Now, one more small Vodka Seven and...WOOOPS. Hey Willie-o gimme a hand up outta this posthole...

24 Mar 00 - 11:06 PM (#201116)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Aye Aye Sir, sawing away like mad....Dont worry me lungs are shagged anyway.. asbestos damaged so at least they wont burn LOL....

25 Mar 00 - 12:02 AM (#201141)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Willie-O

Upsy daisy Leej. Considered putting on some weight?

Ever tried one of those two-person posthole digging augers? They're fun as long as you're the one with the throttle control--when your partner goes spinning off into the distance, you've hit a rock and its time to ease off on the throttle.

Now what's this about Weedman's Beer?

Maybe I just don't think big enough, but sixty-eight feet seems a tad excessive for corner posts...forty feet would be plenty. You from Texas er sumthin?

Time to check the neverending boil...


25 Mar 00 - 12:02 AM (#201142)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: catspaw49

Aw geeziz I'm gonna hurl.......and with the prom coming up, I guess I'll be in practice huh?.........Glad you found a good use for the Wiedemann' give me one of those others ove...uh........FALLS CITY???? Fer chrissakes are you trying to kill me? Damn Leej, that stuff is MADE from creosote!!!...........ah, who cares......I drank a lot of Carlings too.......Are we ready to start with the flooring yet?....Lookin' good so far..............Geeeziz this is BAD beer................


25 Mar 00 - 12:09 AM (#201145)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Spaw, I think I have a can of SKUNKY BEER that some person gave me...


25 Mar 00 - 01:16 AM (#201169)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: WyoWoman

I missed the prom announcement. When is it, where is it, and do I have to have a date or can I come trolling for likely suspects? I'm thinking of resurrecting the bubblewrap gown ... which, of course, could pose problems if, say, Catspaw were to try to pin a corsage on it. Someone might start writing dispatches from the front...

"We're here in the war-torn Mudcat Tavern, recently wracked by a series of small explosions ...."

WW Pansy Rue Twidgett

25 Mar 00 - 01:18 AM (#201172)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: GUEST,JenEllen

Skunky beer? Have to be the case of "Lucky Lager" we found when remodeling the barn. "Grampa's Stash of Nasty" we called it, and damn fine carpenter lubricant too!

I'll back the truck 'round with the quick-dry. Try filling those post-holes with jello and we'll ALL learn a new dance step come party time.

Allright....level and chalk-line ready to go. Promise not to bend any nails and I'll owe ya a dance.

25 Mar 00 - 02:02 AM (#201184)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

Ok,pieces of flagstone in the bottom of the postholes, posts plumb, pour in the cement. Cut those beam timbers to 14 feet, block em and nail em,praise the Lord and pass the Falls City Beer. SHHEEEE-ooooWWW that stuff bites back! Davey, sixteen 14 ft 2x8's for the joists (yeah you can drink and saw when you're doing virtual carpentry), nail em up and we're ready to screw down the planks! Damn! We'll be using this for the Prom Dance floor in no time!

25 Mar 00 - 07:52 AM (#201219)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Skipper Lonesome, I'll be done shortly. Spaw old mate lets try a glass of that stuff, it looks like Guiness but the aroma is somewhat akin to a midden with preservative added. Maybe we should get Elle to check it under her microscope.... on second thought maybe you and I dont want to know.. might put us off drinking it....Aye

25 Mar 00 - 10:18 AM (#201241)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Caitrin

Prom? Neat! Now I just need a dress and a date. (Actually, I'm going prom dress shopping in the physical world today.)
Any of you guys know how to swing? I can teach, if not. If we're going to try any aerials, though, I need someone pretty tall and strong. (I'm not overweight, but I'm 5'10"...not exactly a lightweight.) I can also teach waltz, samba, cha-cha, and a bit of salsa and mambo. I love dancing!
The Mudcat Prom should definitely have better music than the one I went to last year...way to much hip-hop. (Hmmm...Mudcat Prom...sounds like the name of the next thread, once this one gets filled up.)

25 Mar 00 - 10:52 AM (#201250)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: katlaughing

Swing would be great, Caits, along with some good 60's stuff. Some of younger-uns don't want a lot of that sock hop stuff from the 50's!**BG**

25 Mar 00 - 11:51 AM (#201264)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: GUEST,JenEllen

That cedar smells great fellas. And trust me Dave, you don't want to know what you've been drinking......

Oooh Caitrin! Swing out sister. Have to teach me some of those steps darlin'.

And let's have a two-step? Fiddle warmed and ready.

May the wind take your troubles away
May the wind take your troubles away
Both feet on the floor
Two hands on the wheel
May the wind take your troubles away

25 Mar 00 - 11:53 AM (#201266)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: BlueJay

I agree kat. Also don't want their remakes from the nineties. And no "dead girl" songs. LEJ, did the postholes ever get dug with that sawzall? If not, I've got a helluva weedeater.

25 Mar 00 - 11:58 AM (#201268)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Amos

Well you can swinng it you can move it
you can really start to groove,
at the Hop, bop bop,
Hop bop bop shebop!...dumdedum..

hey, what's wrong with 50's hop songs?

Poodle skirts RULE!!!! (Sorry -- I'm trying to cover for Mbo while he's on the road).....


25 Mar 00 - 03:40 PM (#201327)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: ceitagh

A prom? you mean I get a chance to do that all over again? I dunno....on the other hand, you guys are a heck of a lot more fun than my graduating class...When do we do this? (and whatever shall I wear???!!!)....


25 Mar 00 - 04:44 PM (#201357)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

I'll be wearing a white sports coat, and a pink crustacean.

We sure finished this deck in record time...and it's a real beauty. This corner's a little low, but we'll set the Weber Kettle there. Let's have a bonfire with these waste pieces of cedar. hmmmm....cedar-smoked bratwurst anybody?

25 Mar 00 - 04:52 PM (#201362)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: ceitagh

I'm clearing a bonfire pit over here...if you've got an axe i'll split some kindling to get it started....or we could just douse it with gasoline. Fun!

So is this pink crustacean alive? Or cooked? Yum....lobster....


25 Mar 00 - 05:03 PM (#201365)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

Oh he's quite alive. He's merely sleeping very soundly. Try dipping him in some drawn butter if you have any doubts. Won't stand for it. I also have to remember never to wear him in the kitchen because he has a panic reaction to large pots of boiling water. You'll notice he only has one claw.. that's because a lobster like this is way too good to eat all at once.

When is this dang Prom deal anyway?

25 Mar 00 - 05:11 PM (#201369)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: ceitagh

I'm waiting for someone to tell does your lobster know he's the side dish at the prom dinner? And why is he he half-cooked?

25 Mar 00 - 05:52 PM (#201394)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: katlaughing

Hey, you'll have to ask Spaw when to get here for the Prom..he's the Prom King. He promised he'd pick me up in a slicked up, shiny convertible. I hope he brings the 1963 Ford Galaxie with the 390, 4 speed, baby moon wheel covers and a 4 barrel, with a new, white tonneau cover!

'Course, this being the 60's and all, ya can wear whatever you want to. I'll probably wear a mini dress with my long hippie bead necklace and some flowers in my hair. Mmmm, maybe we'll drive down the coast to San Fransisco afterwards?!

Oh, nice deck! Perfect for dancing. Has anyone set up the sound system, yet? And, lighting? Moonlight'll be great, but a little soft bit would be nice, though not TOO bright!

Now, I know I said boo on 50's, but right now, I can help it, I've Bobby V on my mind,

She wore bluuuuuueeeeee veeelllllveeettt

Oh, slow dancing in the moonlight, gonna be fun!

25 Mar 00 - 06:03 PM (#201398)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Amos

Test one--two--three--test---TEST!!!-- dang--- WHEEEEEEEEEAPPPPP ---Down, down, OK, ok... Let's see if we got it....
Yoooahhhhuuuure miiiiiiine
An' we beloooooong togetheerrrrrrrr!
Yes we beloooong togetherrrrrrrrrr,
FOAH eternnnniiiiiiiteeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

Sound system good, lady kAT. Up an' attem!

25 Mar 00 - 06:05 PM (#201400)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

kat, out here where we're from, that's Buckle Polishin'! I don't have a date, so LEJ, whatcha doin tonite, honey? I been so busy cleanin' up the herb garden today, I ain't had time to round up a fella. Gotta get a bath and some parfum on first, tho. I wanna hear some CHUCK BERRY!! WE GONNA ROCK!!

25 Mar 00 - 06:08 PM (#201402)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: katlaughing

One for the money, two for the show, three to get ready and go cats go! Sounds good, Amos!

Sorcha, now, don't take a bath in parfum, only, darlin! Just a dab'll do ya!**BG**

25 Mar 00 - 06:09 PM (#201403)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Amos

Hey, Jack -- hand me up them Stratocasters and that that's a good sax, that Mark VI..,wails like nobody's business. OK...drums set up, who's doing the drums??? This is my favorite--a '59 Fender... sounds like Johnny Be Goode his OWN self...tape those wires down there -- who's got the duct tape? Whaddya MEAN it won't stick to fresh cedar??? Where's my staple gun? Jeeez....

25 Mar 00 - 06:25 PM (#201409)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: katlaughing

Ya gonna do an original tonight, too, arencha, Infamous Amos!??!!

25 Mar 00 - 06:37 PM (#201417)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Bradypus

A prom ? A prom ?? Land of Hope and Glory, Rule Brittania, more Britten than I can normally stand, led by a screeching soprano ? Let me know when the last night is - I'll be somewhere else ...

25 Mar 00 - 07:53 PM (#201459)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Did someone mention Chuck Berry? You know what THAT means, don't you? ROLL OVER BEETHOVEN!! We'll do ELO's version, which I was listening to on the road, we'll put our Mudcat fiddlers and honky-tonk ivory ticklers to work! YES! I want ALL 50's music!!! I wanna do "Young Boy Blues"! 5'10" Caitrin...good heavens, I'm a shrimp next to you! We got anyone more my size? Man, at the RenFaire today I got WENCH-WALKED!! Hoohoo, does the Mbo Club wanna try it, perhaps?


25 Mar 00 - 08:02 PM (#201461)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: catspaw49

We'll kick off in a few hours but Meebo....this is a late 60's kinda prom.......So we can do a few other things besides 50's.....Maybe a little Association, some Beatles.........I'll be by to pick you up in coupla' hours kat....Definitely a top down nite.


25 Mar 00 - 08:09 PM (#201464)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

I'll do all the Peter&Gordon and Chad&Jeremy tunes!


25 Mar 00 - 08:14 PM (#201467)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

OK, got bath, got par-fum, got corsage, got beer, got cigs, (not neccesarily in that order) but no go date? Am I gonna be the leader of the Mbo Wench Walk? What time does this shin dig start, anyway?

25 Mar 00 - 08:20 PM (#201469)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Dunno...I don't have a date, so...and I'm much too, well...LARGE to be very graceful when dancing. I can do the Freddie, that's about it!


25 Mar 00 - 08:26 PM (#201472)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

Sure, Sorch. But if we slow-dance watch out for my lobster. Guess I'll have to rubber-band his claw.

Oh, yeah, Ceit. The lobster is pink because he was using the tanning booth this afternoon and nodded off. Not the first time, by the way.

Got a request for the prom, and dedicate it to my date at the Pleasure Ridge Park Senior Prom in 1967, Sharon Schuh :

The Love of my Life
Has left me today
I cried when she said
"I don't feel the same way"
But I'll have the Warmth of the Sun
With me Tonight...

25 Mar 00 - 08:31 PM (#201474)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Ah yes, EJ...I understand completely..


25 Mar 00 - 08:48 PM (#201476)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

Yo, LEJ, I never met a lobster I couldn't eat. I ate "Dancing Shrimp" once, does your lobster dance? Onliest other prom I ever went to was my Jr., in 1968, cause a Bolivian forgien student asked me (no proms in Bolivia) and my parents made me! Would NOT go to the prom my Sr. yr...........boooooring! This Mama don't dance, but I can waltz and two step just a little, is it a go?

25 Mar 00 - 09:43 PM (#201490)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: ceitagh

hey Meebs...don't worry about the dancing...i faked it through my prom last year and i don't think anybody noticed. The main thing is to get the clinch right. Sweaty palms are a definite turn off, so don't forget to chalk up first, and you're leading, so whatever you do is right. Save a spot on the dance card for me, eh?

LEJ, can i have the other claw? then your lobster can't pinch anyone.

25 Mar 00 - 09:43 PM (#201491)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: JenEllen

Just back in from stringing the chinese lanterns around the floor. That monster maple tree didn't know what hit it.

And that corner is NOT low! Too much beer with animals on the can....

Anybody know "Stardust"?????

25 Mar 00 - 09:45 PM (#201494)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: catspaw49

Well kat...we've arrived...........the car looks sharp, even your Dad commented on it....Say, why the hell did he want to inspect it when we get home anyway? And what's with the concrete blocks? I mean he filled the whole backseat and half the front with them....geeziz, I can barely see you...I told him I'd take them to his buddy on Monday, but NO, HE had to load the damn things tonite!!!........I'll come around and open the door...uh, are you still over there?.....Damn concrete I figure this prom wil go awhile, some folks have watches that work different than mine for some reason...................Let's see, hey, look , there's Leej......What the hell is that on your coat man? Looks like a one clawed lobster......It is? Its alive?...Oh well that explains the reason its moving around like that, like now...its got its tail pointing in your face, must be related to Cleigh........Well, its a fine evening anyway isn't it Leej....kat looks great and the air is like warm butter and th.......WHOA!!!!!....GEEZIZ, that lobster went right for your whang man...looks painful............Damn thing must have panicked of something.....yeah, I bet it does hurt to pull it off like that, looks like its loosening the claw...yeah, maybe a bit of warm butter would help th.....GEEZIZ that thing is NUTS and if it keeps this up, you ain't gonna' have any!!!.........saywhat?....Sure, I'll leave....MY FAULT???...What the hell do you mean my fault?.......Sure, I'll catch you later Leej..............................Ya' know kat, I can't figure what his problem is, but I do know you wouldn't catch me wearin' one of those lobsters!!!...........Looks like the music is about to start..............


25 Mar 00 - 09:48 PM (#201497)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

I know lots of old standards...AND I DID bring the Roy Wood's Big Band '93 album...heh heh heh! Ceit, you can have to top stop! --Mbo

25 Mar 00 - 10:11 PM (#201514)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Kelida

Prom? And I just now found out. : (

I'm not even going to my real life prom this year--I can't afford the floor length red-metallic-vynyl(sp?) dress that I want to wear. Oh well. . .I do have a request though--at least one good slip jig. . .

Oh no, I don't even have a date--I'm so embarrassed!!!

25 Mar 00 - 10:19 PM (#201518)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Kelida, I'm taking metal design in the summer, perhaps I can forge you one? :{>


25 Mar 00 - 10:27 PM (#201521)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Kelida

A date? LOL. . . Or a dress? Cool. Size 9.

25 Mar 00 - 10:31 PM (#201524)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

Ah hell, this is a great time to find out my date ain't got no b****! Well, I guess I can always EAT lobster, anyway! (yuck yuck :) ) Let's do one for Meebo and His Great Adventure! Play it again, Sam! And let's get this show on the road, now! pink crusteaceans and all! Got to find me a pick up truck!

25 Mar 00 - 10:49 PM (#201529)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: WyoWoman

Frankly, the lobster worries me, what with the bubblewrap gown and all. I don't have a date either, but I've volunteered to be Catspaw and Kat's chaperone. Of course, Spaw's going to try to turn our evening into a menage a bubble, but he doesn't know that Kat's dad has hired me to protect her honor tonight and I shall do my utmost to see that she returns home, um, intact. Even if it means throwing my body on top of 'Spaw's to protect her -- I mean, between them...

Do I hear "You've Lost that Lovin' Feelin'" in the distance? Such great makeout music and what do I have? Kat and her 'Spaw spawing each other, in direct defiance of her daddy's wishes. I'm so frustrated. I think I'll just go have a nice cup of punch and a double shot of Mr. Jameson's finest, neat. Oh, my ... doesn't the bandstand look nice? All that colored Kleenex stuffed into the chicken wire across the front of the stage...

What's the theme? Evening in Paris? Even in Juarez? Evening up the Forest? WHAT? I CAN'T HEAR YOU OVER THE BAND!!!

25 Mar 00 - 10:51 PM (#201531)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Both, Kelida if you want!

Sorcha--exactly WHO would that date be?

HEY FOLKS! Let's have a big round of applause for tonight's Mudcat Prom house band, Midnight Blue! YAY! We got a Move song for all you crazy guys and girls!

Goin' to a party,
meet me out after school.
Well we go to a place
where the jive is really cool.
And if the band stops a playin'
There's a jukebox in the hall.

Well put your blue dress on,
And your folks all gone.
You'll sure give the guys a ball.

Get that real guitar boy shakin',
I'm a California man,
Dance right on till the floors are breakin'
I'm a California man.

Well I cross my mamma so bad
And this a woman's just a making me mad.
So I don't care if your legs start aching,
I'm a California man.
Oh my, I'm a California man.

Oh my legs start to shiver
When I hear you call my name.
Well, my knees keep a knocking,
And I'm feeling tired bugs me down.

An' when we take off fine,
An' my jeans are way down low.
When I waggle my hips
it's making me feel like a king of rock n' roll


25 Mar 00 - 10:52 PM (#201532)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: ceitagh

Who needs a date anyway? Go with everyone else's dates. . Hey meebs...what's top stop?


25 Mar 00 - 10:53 PM (#201533)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Kelida

Evening in Timbuktu? Or maybe Kalamazoo? I don't care as long as there's no lousy pop music--ugh!

25 Mar 00 - 10:58 PM (#201539)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

It's SUPPOSED to be top spot! Kel...I hope you don't think that late 60's British Invasion music is lousy pop!


25 Mar 00 - 11:01 PM (#201540)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Kelida

No, that's good pop. But if I here any boy bands or other kinds of sellouts it makes me go a little (more) nuts. But someone should play "People Are Strange" by the Doors.

25 Mar 00 - 11:05 PM (#201547)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: WyoWoman

I think that's the Mudcat Theme Song, Kelida.

25 Mar 00 - 11:06 PM (#201548)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Kelida

But that's MY theme song!! ; )

25 Mar 00 - 11:16 PM (#201552)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: WyoWoman

Well, there you go. Mine, too. Has been since I was in college and heard it for the first time while lying on the floor of my dorm room, listening to the Doors through a hair-dryer hose. (don't ask) I knew instantly that Jim Morrison had seen right into my soul. Or, like, whatever.

Then I soon decided that he just made very good use of a rhyming dictionary and I wasn't sure it was actually ART. But, oooh, baby, did I like the way he moved.


25 Mar 00 - 11:17 PM (#201553)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

I concur! Oh no! Yet ANOTHER Mudcat Doors fan! It's spooky!

People are strange
When your a Stranger
Faces look ugly when your alone
Women Seem Wicked
When your unwanted
Streets are uneven when you are down

When Your strange
Faces come out in the rain
When Your strange

Nobody remembers your name
When your strange
When your strange
When your strange........


25 Mar 00 - 11:29 PM (#201556)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: katlaughing

Yeah, I love Jim, too, but man, we have GOT to have some Wipe Out! C'mon, Spaw, darlin, get that bubble wrap chaperone over here and let DO IT! She's no chaperone if we burst all those bubbles!

Ooooo, the car looked SO nice, and I don't know what my daddy was thinking, but ya know we could just dump those blocks out by the river, drive up to the bluff point, with the top down, Uhoh, no WW, I didn't mean alone, I mean you can come, too, uh, oh well, how's about a dance ya'll??!!

Hahahahahahahahahah.....wipe out! da-da-da-dadada-da-da-da-da-da-da-dadadada Yeah!!!

25 Mar 00 - 11:36 PM (#201560)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: WyoWoman

At last, that menage a trio I've always imagined. Shall I sing low or high? Catspaw IS both low and high, so he don't make no nevermind. C'mon, Kat, let's hear "Angel of the Morning..." -- that always worked for ME in the '60s as a pre-treatment for post-coital guilt.


25 Mar 00 - 11:38 PM (#201561)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

I think it's about time to open this Prom proper, so Let's go to the sock hop!

25 Mar 00 - 11:42 PM (#201563)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

Well,dammit,I tried twice, somebody else do it! Start the Sock Hop Prom!

25 Mar 00 - 11:52 PM (#201566)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: MK

I'll just be sitting in a dark corner, incognito, a pint of Sleeman Honey Lager in hand, taking it all in.........if anyone needs me.   8-)

26 Mar 00 - 12:01 AM (#201570)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: WyoWoman

I'm afraid to actually start the Sock Hop Proper. The last time I actually went to a prom, my boyfriend broke up with me the week before the prom, started going steady with a girl I loathed, forcing me to accept my brother-in-law's little brother as my date. He started drinking by the time we pulled out of my parents' driveway, threw up on my dyed-to-match shoes after the second song and I actually was home before midnight the night of my senior prom. Ugh.

The only triumph in all this is that, when I went back for my high school reunion summer before last, I looked MUCH better than she does.

I think I'll join Michael K. in the corner and cleverly disguise myself behind a pair of dark glasses, looking urbane and sophisticated, pretending I'm really above all this nonsense. Maybe we'll wait 'til the band takes a break, stage a bloodless coup and take over the bandstand. Want to play me some Ella standards, Michael?

26 Mar 00 - 12:20 AM (#201576)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Guess since I never graduated from high school and I dont have a date tonight..I'll just sit around near this highly decorated maple tree and watch the fun. I always wondered what happens at these prom nights. Hope they will play Good Vibrations by the Beach Boys? Ahh change up and lets have a glass of that beer. Hope nobody lights a match near it....Wow look at the dancers, man this is a fun place tonight...

26 Mar 00 - 12:24 AM (#201577)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg

Dave, I'll keep you company. Hardiman's gone to bed early to be rested for church early tomorrow, and anyway the only dance I really know is the Schmielzo Polka.

Look at Mbo dancing with all the young ladies... that trip changed his life, didn't it?


26 Mar 00 - 12:29 AM (#201579)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: catspaw49

T hell if you're sittin' around a tree Dave....there's dogs around here mistake you for the tree itself...and I think Cleigh is asleep over there anyway......So let's dance........kat seems to be off unloading block...that was a good idea but why she is so anxious to clear that stuff out........Hey Pansy, you and me......Sorch, I think Leej can stand up now at least...Dave we need a few others here, like Kelida....and be your kind self to her mate, she's still a wee lass.........Ceits, take the Meebo boy in hand and get him going so he doesn't step on kelida's toes when he gets to her, help him out..................Now WW, bring yourself over here and shed the glasses.....Got this corsage to pin on you too.....well there went a bubble or two,,,maybe I should move it......Hmmmm, got a couple more......maybe over here........Hey Michael, think you could give mr a hand here?...............


26 Mar 00 - 12:39 AM (#201581)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: ceitagh

Sure, I'll dance a few steps with Meebs...soons I can find him....Mbo? Matt? Where'd that boy go? Ah, well...I guess I can hold the wall up a little longer...


26 Mar 00 - 12:53 AM (#201585)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Sorcha

I hope to all heavens he went to bed. And I can't stay at the Prom any longer, just found out another friend has taken the railway home.........and her name is that of her sister in law who is one of our best friends......always happens on Prom nite, no? Nite all, I'm gonna go to sleep now, and pray for all those still out, or who may be out on Prom Nite in a few weeks. Sorry to put a dampper on the festivities, but at least Mbo made it There and Back Again! Love, Sorcha

26 Mar 00 - 12:59 AM (#201588)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Lonesome EJ

LEJ taps microphone, clears throat Uhhh..Welcome everybody to Mudcat's Prom. If you didn't know, the theme this year is " A Magic Night in Old Venice", and I'd like all of us to give a big hand to the prom committee who spent all afternoon digging these elaborate canals you see all around the dance floor. Applause Oh, somebody throw Catspaw a rope, he fell out of his gondola...In just a minute our band, The Skip Biederbeck Quintet, will play Smokey and the Miracle's You Can Depend on Me and we'll have the spotlight dance and voting for the Prom King and Queen! In the meantime, check out the punch...I think Wyo hit it with a fifth of Everclear!

Oh...and if anyone has seen my lobster, please report to the bandstand. He's got, er, something that belongs to me.

26 Mar 00 - 02:03 AM (#201594)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: wysiwyg

I guess if you're going to name the K&Q of the prom anytime soon you'll have slim pickings there, LEJ-- seems like attendance is a bit low just now... but if you'll wait til later Hardiman and I might be back to show you all the Schmielzo Polka.... I'm off to the car for a geezer nap, cuz when Hardiman and me dance, we dance hard-- gotta rest up!

This isn't one a them early-endin' Proms now is it? We can go to those in the 3D world!

26 Mar 00 - 08:43 AM (#201633)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: PA Dan

Just got here. The place is mess. Looks like it could use a good Spring Cleaning. No signs of life except for a lobster running around the parking lot with a leftover hors d'oeuvre. And what's with all the concrete blocks?

26 Mar 00 - 01:28 PM (#201710)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: WyoWoman

And why does Catspaw keep pinning and pinning and pinning my corsage on me? He's so fastidious. Wants that flower to be in just the right place, I suppose.

And anyway, I think it was Kat who fell off 'Spaw's, um, gondola....

Someone who has better Blues Cliquey Thing skills than I do should start a fresh thread for the Prom. People see "Spring Cleaning" and it doesn't precisely sound like much of a party...

But, the sun just came out and I'm going to go ride my bike for a while. Here. I'll just stash this bubblewrap over here in the corner and ... What? HEY, YOU try cycling nekkid. It's much harder than it looks...


26 Mar 00 - 01:40 PM (#201718)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern - Spring Cleaning
From: Mbo

Right, Wyo! Here it is, The Mudcat Prom!
