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MEEBO Takes to the Road

24 Mar 00 - 10:18 PM (#201082)
Subject: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: catspaw49

After much bashing and a few harsh words sprinkled with the advice of a bunch of old farts, Mbo (Meebo) is going to go to the North Carolina Ren-Fair and hopefully meet up with Mario! I must say that I'm proud of the way he responded to the cajoling and I'm sure he'll have a great time. All the pushing and needling came from friends who want the best for him and are old enough to remember what we missed sometimes.........Good on yer Laddybuck!!!

Now let's be sure you have all the stuff you need. Have you checked the oil? Do so when you gas up. Got your map? Have you gotten a good look at Mario's picture or printed a copy? I sent you his real name so you have that.

OKAY GANG.....Anything else you think we need to tell the take a camera!!! We need pix for bbc's events page........What else????

Drive carefully and again, Ol Spaw wishes you the best and I am glad you're going out among 'em!!!


24 Mar 00 - 10:22 PM (#201085)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Helen


Don't forget your Mudcat T-shirt - invaluable for instant recognition in a crowd. Above all else, enjoy yourself, and then tell us all about it.


24 Mar 00 - 10:26 PM (#201086)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Right-o Spaw! Thanks for all the support, everyone! Like my Grandpa used to say "If all else fails, beat it to death with a hammer." I got the camera, with lots of film, gonna fill up tomorrow morning, got my maps--and as anal as you know I am...have a list of all the town I will be passing through, so I know I'm on the right track, what roads I intersect and overpass...the path to the fairgrounds highlighted in blue. I'm gonna get my ELO collection for the big drive, and I'll be on my way! Thanks for everything gang! I LOVE YOU ALL!


24 Mar 00 - 10:30 PM (#201090)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: McGrath of Harlow

Spare strings. And spare spare strings.

24 Mar 00 - 10:37 PM (#201095)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Pelrad

Mbo, this will sound kinda dumb, but check the batteries on your camera, and be sure to pack it where you cannot possibly leave it behind. It's amazing the tricks these little gadgets will play in important moments like meeting cyberpeople. :-)

Have a great time, relax and be yourself! No point in going all that way just to turn into someone else when you meet Mario...To make sure he's being himself, check the inside of his elbow surreptitiously. If he's a pod person, there will be a birthmark there.

24 Mar 00 - 10:56 PM (#201108)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: GUEST,JenEllen

Not all of us giving Meebs a hard time are old Spaw! Some of us were blessed early by knowing the value of a good adventure! 'Nuff Said. So....deep breath kiddo, have fun, and the mallett is at the ready should you need it..Elle

24 Mar 00 - 11:03 PM (#201114)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Aye, lad enjoy yourself...

24 Mar 00 - 11:14 PM (#201119)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Lonesome EJ

Condoms, Mbo, don't forget to buy lots before you leave. They are terrifically expensive if you buy them at the Fair. :) Have fun!!!


24 Mar 00 - 11:18 PM (#201121)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo



24 Mar 00 - 11:24 PM (#201123)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: The Beanster


My mother always packed some snacks for us on a long drive (e.g., any trip over 10 miles) so don't forget the apple slices in a zip-lock baggie, bottled water and Cheetos. Take your sunglasses and don't forget to go to the bathroom before you leave.

Love, The Beanster

And most importantly, HAVE FUN!!

24 Mar 00 - 11:33 PM (#201129)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Willie-O

Don't forget your car.

As for LEJ's advice, if you have to ask...


24 Mar 00 - 11:40 PM (#201130)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: katlaughing

Well, that is unless you HAVE to be authentic at the Faire about that, too! Then ya better bring along an animal bladder and some twine!

Have a good time!

24 Mar 00 - 11:41 PM (#201132)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Aye, Mbo. Condoms make great water carriers in an emergency, and you can blow them up and make an improvised lifejaket if you stuff them inside your shirt. Remember the boy scout motto "Be Prepared" you never know when you might get thrown into a deep jello pit..

24 Mar 00 - 11:45 PM (#201134)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Ahh..Dave..I KNEW those things were useful for something! As for the rest, well...I don't see no ring on this finger yet!


24 Mar 00 - 11:52 PM (#201135)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: wysiwyg


Don't forget when you check your car over that one last time---

Stash all of our love for you in all the leftover corners!!!

Can't wait to hear ALL about the trip!!!


24 Mar 00 - 11:53 PM (#201137)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Escamillo

Have fun, EL MEEBO, and play your brains out (that's how you say?). Make an Argentine-style drive : Don't forget the thermic bottle with hot water, your MATE, BOMBILLA, and two packs of YERBA MATE, your knife for the bar-b-que, radar detector, lots of steel wire for car repair, never carry maps (just ask people), don't look at signs, have fun !
Un abrazo - Andrés

24 Mar 00 - 11:57 PM (#201140)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Lin in Kansas

Mbo, congratulations...Don't forget:

1. Money, at least enough to pay your way in if there's a charge, eat, and fill your gas tank on the way back. (And if the crafts booths are good, you'll probably find something else to spend a bit on.)

2. A pen and notebook to write down stuff that strikes you along the way.

And if you possibly can, DO forget your "regular" life for one day, and have a great time!


25 Mar 00 - 12:19 AM (#201150)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: paddymac

Don't forget the mundane stuff like bug spray, sunblock, clothing for bad weather, maybe an extra pair of sneakers in case of rain, some kind of cap. And, by all means, stash a roll or two of TP somewhere in the car. It's a great comfort not to need it, but a greater comfort to have it if you do. Maybe some antacids, altoids, foofoo juice, etc. Wash cloth, towel, etc. If you'll have access to your car, no problem packing loose, with extra stuff. BUt if you're living out of a back pack, lighten up, literally. And the all purpose utility essentials for any outing: a good pocket knife; roll of duct tape; spool of nylon twine; sheet of visqueen; and matches. MIght want to take a friend along to help tote all the essentials. :>) And most important: bring a good attitude.

25 Mar 00 - 12:24 AM (#201153)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Good Heavens Paddymac, I'm going to a Renaissance Fair, not a camping trip! G'night all! It's already tomorrow!


25 Mar 00 - 12:59 AM (#201164)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: wysiwyg


Will you dance with me at the Prom?


25 Mar 00 - 01:17 AM (#201170)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Amos

Proud of you Meebo! Way to go -- breathe deep, smell the open road and celebrate freedom!

25 Mar 00 - 01:51 AM (#201179)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Big Mick

Good man, Meebo, by the time you read this you will have come back. My guess is you will be bubbling over with enthusiasm for having had the adventure. I say this because it was happened when I did the same. Except I had to drive for 12 and a half hours to get to Virginia for the FSGW Getaway weekend. Now that you have your feet wet, why don't you consider coming for that event in October (???Right, Charley??) In fact, why don't all youse layabouts that rode the wee lads arse so hard figure on coming to Virginia in October for the greatest Mudcat gathering ever. Come on, folks, you have 6 or 7 months to save for it. I will bring the first round of the vile black stuff, and maybe cook something special.

Big Mick

25 Mar 00 - 07:22 AM (#201216)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: bbc

MM's the one w/ the cup of coffee in his hand. Hope you both have a great time!


25 Mar 00 - 09:39 AM (#201234)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Áine

Have I missed him? Is he gone yet?


Dang it, I think I missed him.

-- Áine

25 Mar 00 - 09:49 AM (#201235)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha


25 Mar 00 - 10:06 AM (#201237)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Caitrin

Where in VA, Mick?

25 Mar 00 - 10:24 AM (#201243)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: catspaw49

Washington DC area Caitrin.....There are pictures from last year at bbc's and there are a number of threads including one about this year's event.....Put FSGW in the search box and refresh for 6 months or a year.


25 Mar 00 - 12:31 PM (#201274)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: BlueJay

MEEBO- a reminder about taking a camera, along with extra batteries, and all the film you'll need. I don't know if your a shutterbug, but film and batteries are very pricey at these events. And PLEASE, don't put off having the film DEVELOPED. I did that once when I was younger, and by the time I took the rolls in, they were undevelopable. I'd give my remaining eye teeth for those photos today! If you don't have a camera, the disposable ones are cheap and put out pretty good pix. Get one, (better two or three), with a FLASH. Take the Guitar, it can be used in lieu of clothing. Have a BLAST!!

25 Mar 00 - 03:15 PM (#201316)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Escamillo

I forgot one: A white towel ! (In Argentine style, a white towel raised up with your left hand, out of your window, signals that you are rushing someone to the hospital, this method is used when the cops are signaling you to stop, thus you don't)
Un abrazo-Andrés

25 Mar 00 - 03:40 PM (#201326)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Biskit

Meebs ol' buddy you've gotten some really great advice on what to bring fer when ya get there, however..wqatch out for the other people,please! expect them to do something really stupid in front of you always leave an escape route in traffic, like don't get surrounded if they've got ya pinned on both sides slow down leave room to escape, I know this doesn't sound like fun advice but it might get'cha there an back safley, and for that,..the rest can just think I'm an ol' poop Take'er easy buddy. -Biskit-

25 Mar 00 - 03:42 PM (#201328)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: ceitagh

He's gone guys...tho who knows, maybe he'll stop at some internet cafe to catch up on all the good advice. All we can do for meebs now is cross our fingers and pray he relaxes and enjoys himself. :-)


25 Mar 00 - 04:26 PM (#201348)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road

Did anybody tell him that a ring on the finger does far less to prevent babies than a condom properly applied to the appropriate appendage? Should we have linked this thread to the sex education one?

25 Mar 00 - 04:38 PM (#201354)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Amos

I'm pretty sure ol' Meebs has neither ...

I mean of course, neither ring nor for appendages, I am sure he knows how to pee standing up.

A :>)

25 Mar 00 - 04:38 PM (#201355)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: ceitagh

Umm...GUEST, I think Mbo meant that the *lack* of a ring was the contraceptive. In other words, no sex is the safest sex. But you can ask him when he gets back.


25 Mar 00 - 05:08 PM (#201368)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Lonesome EJ

Why do I get this feeling that he's walking around the Ren Fair looking for a computer and a phone line?

25 Mar 00 - 05:13 PM (#201373)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

I don't care if he's looking for a computer and aphone line, HE JUST BETTER BE THERE!(and not in Winston-Salem, or some other damn place without a quarter to call home! :) Oh, shit--did we remember to tell him to take a quarter to call home???

25 Mar 00 - 05:13 PM (#201374)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: ceitagh

'cause you know meebs to well, LEJ......

25 Mar 00 - 05:20 PM (#201382)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: catspaw49

I'll tell you all the truth..........I've been thinking about the kid all day and I'm not gonna' be too relaxed til he gets back and checks in. I'm sure he's having a great time, but if something were to happen to him after all that damn pushing I did ................ Always after the fact, there are a lot of times I wish I'd kept my big mouth shut. Wonder what his parents thought of the whole thing?

Screw it, he'll be OK and is probably having a great time and an adventure............but I'll feel better when he's back.


25 Mar 00 - 05:24 PM (#201385)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: GUEST,me again

He's twenty-one not sixteen. He'll manage. I remember being terrified on a transatlantic flight when I was fifteen. The only thing that got me on the right train at the other end was seeing a poor lad of twenty-three who'd never been out of his hometown before in his life. In helping him I helped myself and got to where I needed to be.

25 Mar 00 - 05:48 PM (#201393)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Bill in Alabama


It's no help, I know, but I know the feeling. In this instance, I believe you did the right thing, and you certainly had a lot of folks agreeing with you. Sort of like what my grampaw used to call "peckin' the young'uns out of the nest."


25 Mar 00 - 05:58 PM (#201397)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Amos

Spaw -- from all the signs I can see you did him a fine, positive service and the pressure was only just enough to overcome inertia and habit. He is 21 and it's only 100 miles, isn't that right? Perfect practice run for something more adventurous like shipping out to Hong Kong on a tramp steamer or joining a camel expedition to Fez...

Naw, I believe in my heart you did a right and good thing, so no worrying -- if he breaks his ankle on a streetlamp we can do hail Mary's then. I appreciate the good you did for him, getting him out into a horizon more than 24' deep. It'll wake up his soul. If it scares him, he'll survive.

Don't beat yourself up before it's time! :>)


25 Mar 00 - 06:05 PM (#201399)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: katlaughing

He'll be okay, Spaw. He is not stupid, by any means, and needs to practise using his brains in the real world, too.

If you're really worried, dare I say it? Just visualise him surrounded by the Light and see him home, safe and sound, driving us nuts by posting a small book about what a grand time he had.

I DO know the feeling, though. My sister called me last night at 1030p from Colorado. My youngest daughter, at 22, was driving down to her place after work. A four hour drive. Had a friend with her and a cell phone she had turned off. We both got a little concerned, then I couldn't sleep, until finally about 11p I got her on her cell just as she was pulling into my sister's driveway. They got a late start but hadn't told anybody. The drive was mostly over lone prairie, two lane highways with nothing in between except one town of about 15,000 and a couple of bumps in the road, plus LOTs of deer in headlights! I still didn't get much sleep...too keyed up.

So, now, repeat after me, so ya don't suffer the way I did **BG** aaaaaahhhhh ooooooommmmmmm>/i>!


25 Mar 00 - 06:27 PM (#201412)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

aaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhoooooooooooooooooommmmmmmmmmmm>/i>! x5!

25 Mar 00 - 06:54 PM (#201424)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Dave Swan

'spaw's worry over Meebo makes me think of my favorite H.L. Mencken quote:

Sin is a dangerous toy in the hands of the virtuous. It should be left to the congenitally sinful, who know when to play with it, and when to let it alone. Run a boy through Presbyterian Sunday school and you must police him carefully the all rest of his life, for once he slips, he is ready for anything.

25 Mar 00 - 06:59 PM (#201425)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: catspaw49

LMAO!!!!! Well thanks to all, I know you're all a bit worried too, and I would expect that from all of you. Bill, Sorcha, Amos, kat, and Dave.......El Swanno, I believe I'll throw that one into my favorites stack too!!!


25 Mar 00 - 07:02 PM (#201426)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

GREAT quote......but ya'll KNOW he is gonna read this when he gets back..........he reads EVERYTHING!!!

25 Mar 00 - 07:17 PM (#201438)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: paddymac

Maybe there's an "alter Meebo" yearning to break free of conventionality. I've never done the ren thing myself, but from younger friends who do, I get the impression that there's a healty amount of licentiousness about the grounds, and many's the adventuresome wench to help a dacent lad through some of life's great transitions. I'm sure he'll have as much fun as he wants.

Meebo - all your surrogate parental types are waiting for a report. (Just remember, you don't really have to tell all. Half the fun for vicarious olde farts is the filling in the racey parts for our selves. Sorry, I meant "themselves")(tee hee).

25 Mar 00 - 07:21 PM (#201442)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

Several of us hope so!!!!

25 Mar 00 - 07:28 PM (#201447)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: katlaughing


25 Mar 00 - 07:31 PM (#201448)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

KOOOOLLL!!! Will go there!

25 Mar 00 - 07:32 PM (#201449)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

I'M BACK!!!!!!


25 Mar 00 - 07:36 PM (#201451)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: catspaw49 we all breathe easier..........


25 Mar 00 - 07:40 PM (#201453)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Ok, wait a bit--million line post coming up!


25 Mar 00 - 07:41 PM (#201454)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

Do it, boy, we're all waiting!!!

25 Mar 00 - 07:52 PM (#201458)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Áine

Well, I must admit to a little bit of worrying there too -- But, I'm glad that all is well and Mbo -- You'd better tell us EVERYTHING!!!

-- Áine

25 Mar 00 - 08:06 PM (#201463)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Well, how to to start...


I took off at 8:30am, with my Godpell in the tape player and on my way. I made a straight perfect shot from Kinston to the outskirts of Ragleigh--ELO pounding from the speakers--UH HUH! But then I took a wrong turn! Instead of following 70 into Raleigh, my going-stunod mind saw a sign that said Raleigh, this way! So, I ended up on Interstate 40, the one thing I DIDN'T want to do!

But all turned out well in the end, and I reached the faire at 11:30am.

Well...I could go on forever about all the neat stuff I saw, irish & scottish dancing, pipers, kilts, quarterstaff, magic.....and then...

MARIO! I spied him, with a mug in his hand, just as you said! He was great, but he roped me into being Wench Walked, and I of course had NO idea what that meant! Well, me and Mario went to do our own things...I bought a set of small pipes...

Later I got together with Mario...and I was subjected to the wench-walk! 25 ladies! And 25 sets of lipstick marks! So THERE Amos & Spaw! And not only do I have Mario to confirm it, I have HARD PHOTOHRAPHIC PROOF! Afterwards, we got some pics of me and Mario. Mario didn't get Wench-walked, but I suggested that he might enjoy being Possum walked!

Well we wrapped up the day together, trading tips on good insults to use, he sang me Don Meixner's song...The Mother's Kiss...beautiful!

I did SORT of put on a persona, as Mbo Ruadh. I talked to some portrayers in my Scottish brogue! Mario made me bow as Queen Elizabeth passed. Needless to say, I didn't do one very graciously. Afterwards I said "Mario, did I just do a half bow to the Queen of England?" He said Yes, and I said 'Well good 'cause that's ALL she deserves!" Needless to say, Mbo Ruadh is loyal to Queen Mary!

Oh man, then I made MORE wrong turns on the way back, but the Horslips and Elle's folk primer kept me company! So here I am! Ask questions if ye want--there's probably a million things I've forgotten already!

And as for GUEST, ain't none of that happening till I get the ring, period.


25 Mar 00 - 08:10 PM (#201465)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

WOW WOW WOW and SUPER!!!Good for you, kiddo! See the real world isn't nearly as scary as you thought, and lots of fun besides, HUH?!

25 Mar 00 - 08:21 PM (#201470)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Sho 'nuff!


25 Mar 00 - 08:55 PM (#201477)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: catspaw49

So was Mario surprised? Sounds like a good time!!!!


25 Mar 00 - 08:59 PM (#201478)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road

I'll believe when I see it Mbo lad. Tee hee hee.

25 Mar 00 - 09:00 PM (#201479)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

No, actually he seemed as if he KNEW I would be there! ESP?


25 Mar 00 - 09:17 PM (#201481)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Too bad ye can't see GUEST, I haven't washed my face yet...


25 Mar 00 - 09:27 PM (#201482)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: ceitagh

Hey Meebs! I see you had a great time! But I warn you...its addictive. You'll wanna do it again, and again, and other words, you're going to haveta get out more! (and visit all the rest of us sometime!)


25 Mar 00 - 09:31 PM (#201483)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Oh how my shins hurt! Too much walking and sitting! 3 1/3 hrs both ways! OOH! But it was worth it! Ceit, how far to Canada?


25 Mar 00 - 09:32 PM (#201484)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Pelrad

Good for you, Mbo! Now that you know the way off campus, I foresee many more adventures for you. Glad you had fun today. :-)

Mario, thanks for not turning out to be an axe-murderer. Spaw would have had severe penance to do if a hair had been harmed on Mbo's head. Or anywhere else for that matter. ;-)

25 Mar 00 - 09:40 PM (#201487)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

3 1/2 hrs for 90 miles??? Boyo, you need to learn to drive the speed limit, 65mph at least! 90 miles should only take you an hour and a half, max! But, do it again! and FLY to Wyo., we'll pick you up in Denver !!!

25 Mar 00 - 09:40 PM (#201488)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Hagbardr

And if you meet a beautiful redhead named Brooke, send her my love. (Her birthday is Dec 23)

Hagbard, mka Eric Hafner

25 Mar 00 - 09:44 PM (#201493)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: JenEllen

So glad to have you back.....and molested *BSEG* Looks good on ya kid! Honored all to heck you took the tape with'll be a folkie in no time!!

25 Mar 00 - 09:47 PM (#201495)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Hagbardr

Hrmmm.... way late. Serves me right for posting before reading the entire thread. I apologise for this.... I mean, I'm really really sorry........ *sob* *sob*

Ok.... maybe I'm getting carried away. I apologise for that......


25 Mar 00 - 09:47 PM (#201496)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: ceitagh

Meebs, if you think 31/2 hrs in the car is bad, you'd better not try driving to Canada. From where you are to where I am is at least 10 hrs. Speeding. Take a plane...the local living museum has a folk festival in July. :-)


25 Mar 00 - 09:55 PM (#201499)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Ooh ooh!


25 Mar 00 - 09:58 PM (#201502)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: wysiwyg

Oh how wonderful!!!!!

Can Max show the pix on the video feed???????

25 Mar 00 - 10:02 PM (#201503)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: ceitagh

Hee hee...we could have a lot of fun guessing what that last post of yours was responding to. ;-D
I'm choosing to believe tho that it's a show of enthusiasm at the thot of coming to the Upper Canada Village Folk Festival, in which case, I'm pleased.


25 Mar 00 - 10:02 PM (#201504)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Big Mick

The old Mick told ye, lad. Now save your jingle and come to the FSGW getaway weekend and spend time in the presence of some of the finest singers and players around. And bring some of the rest of these layabouts.

Big Mick

25 Mar 00 - 10:04 PM (#201506)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Um..well, you see, the pictures have to be DEVELOPED first...and it was the beginning of the roll, so it might be a few months for all I know!


25 Mar 00 - 10:05 PM (#201507)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: wysiwyg

Well ceit, I don't know what Mbo's post meant but I meant the pix of the Ren Faire!!!! What did YOU mean?


25 Mar 00 - 10:25 PM (#201519)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Kelida

RenFests are always fun. We have a nice one very close to where I live in Cincinnati. Feel free to attend it. Especially if my band works out and we're performing there. . .(That's actually really exciting to think about.) If nothing else, I'll be in costume buying as many instruments as I can afford and still have gas money for the drive home.

Peace- Keli

25 Mar 00 - 10:40 PM (#201525)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Man, how I want to be Mbo Ruadh! All I need is a kilt and a claymore...(NO TATTOOS!)


25 Mar 00 - 10:51 PM (#201530)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

I keep telling you, you are the Ruadh, all you have to to do is Believe It, and go there! (Mbo ain't gonna work for a first name, tho, you got any other ideas, that start with M?

25 Mar 00 - 10:54 PM (#201534)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Well, if SOMEONE could translate Matthew for me!


25 Mar 00 - 10:55 PM (#201535)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Kelida


25 Mar 00 - 11:02 PM (#201541)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

No, that's Michael. Muireadeach is kinda cool...


25 Mar 00 - 11:04 PM (#201544)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Kelida

Long though, and many people would have no idea how to pronounce that. So how about that Ohio RenFest?

25 Mar 00 - 11:19 PM (#201554)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

I don't know, Ohio's a long way! Raleigh's one thing, but I think I'd have to work up to Ohio!


25 Mar 00 - 11:30 PM (#201557)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Kelida

Ohio is a nice place and Cincinnati is a nice (if a bit conservative) city. Besides, travel is great--people should experience everything they can while they have the chance.

25 Mar 00 - 11:40 PM (#201562)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: JenEllen

Kelida's right Mbo...Have to get you one of those Airstream can go traveling in the official "Mudcat Suppository of Musical Knowledge" all the festivals and shows, roving reporter all of it back to us? Sounds like a damn fine plan.....

25 Mar 00 - 11:46 PM (#201565)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Lin in Kansas

Way to go, Mbo!! Sounds like a great time, and a great adventure for you too.

If there's bits of the day you can't remember, then you've done it right!

You said we could ask questions--I've got a couple for you--

You bought a set of pipes. Made by a Craft Guilder? Are they Panpipes?

Did they have craft demos? Since you're a craftsman/artist yourself, did you see anything you thought would be fun to do? In the SCA, at least, learning the guilds and crafts, as well as the protocol (YES, you bow to Queen Elizabeth, even if you ARE Mary's man--you could be tried for treason, you know) is half the fun of a persona.

Let's see--what kind of food did you have to eat? Anything strange to you? It's been a long time since I've participated in a Faire, but we always used to try to have at least one "authentic" dish for sale at the Inn.

Do you or your sister or your mom sew? If you really want to dress like the Ruadh, check out the Folkwear patterns at your local fabric store. Even Simplicity has great Celtic costumes in the Costume section, kilt and all.

And did you get any mundane names/phone numbers from the 25 assorted wenches?????


26 Mar 00 - 12:43 AM (#201584)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: alison

Matthew = Maitiu/... according to my book you can shorten it to Mait, Matin or Matha.

There you go.. take your pick

now admit it.. you're glad we pushed you into going aren't you????



26 Mar 00 - 12:53 AM (#201586)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: jeffp

Congratulations on your first Ren Faire, Mbo! Go for a great kilt. The hassle of pleating it will teach you patience. You haven't lived until you've tried to pleat a kilt on the floor with two cats attacking the cloth every chance they get. Glad you're home safe and sound.


26 Mar 00 - 03:25 AM (#201602)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Charlie Baum

Mbo--glad you had a great time. (I've been lurking, but decided not to share any advice, except now I'll say to Sorcha that a call home nowadays'll cost you a quarter AND a dime!).

The FSGW Getaway of which Big Mick speaks is going to be October 20-22, 2000, a little later this year than last. It's migrating Northward to Maryland, to a more comfortable venue, which means an extra couple of hours for Mbo, but a shorter ride for Big Mick, especially if he doesn't allow AAA to route him over the only hairpin turns in Ohio that I know of. (True story--and you all only assumed there were no mountain roads in Ohio!) The person with the shortest commute will actually be Max, in all probability!

But Mbo, there are others coming up from North Carolina and Florida and points South, and I'm sure they'll be happy to give you a ride. (We'll arrrange carpooling in the Fall.)

So put it on your calendar, and remember not to let your schooling get in the way of your education!

--Charlie Baum

26 Mar 00 - 05:09 AM (#201611)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Micca

hey, Meebs, My SO belongs to a UK org. called the Institute for Draped Clothin that is into Ren faire and re-enactment costume stuff, they are on the Internet, if you need an addy. But more significantly for you she aked me to find something showing how to wear and put on the Breacan Feile (that is the big kilt as worn in Braveheart)Made by wrapping a large piece of tartan cloth about your person. I can dig out the URL of it if you want. or anyone else for that matter. Contact through the personals or e-mail.

26 Mar 00 - 06:19 AM (#201618)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Kara

Hey Meebo so glad you went . I was begining to think that you may be on of those people who only exist in CS.I ead this dreadfull storyin a teenage magazine about this girl who got cyber wed to a man she had never metin real life , then spent the next month 17hrs a day emailing him and having cybersex and everything and when she met him finally he turned out to be a computer nerd, but the wierd thing was that the girl was suprised.

26 Mar 00 - 06:24 AM (#201619)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Callie

I'm surprised SHE wasn't a computer nerd.

Gee - I haven't logged on all weekend and I've missed all this excitement! Good on you Meebo, and thanks for one of the best Cat threads ever!!


26 Mar 00 - 07:54 AM (#201629)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Banjer

Way to go, Meebo...Glad to see you took 'Spaws and others advice and went. I've not done any Ren Faire, but have had similar experiences in CW reenacting, such as dreading going to an event and then not wanting to come home because I found it to be so 'kewl'

26 Mar 00 - 09:34 AM (#201639)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Caitrin

Yay! Glad to hear it was fun!
(Though I don't approve of anyone being in allegiance to that insufferable twit Mary...Despite my half-Scottish status, I can't bring myself to like Mary at all. Elizabeth should've had her executed the FIRST time she made a bid at the English throne.)
See...Interstate isn't so scary, after all. (I do wonder how you managed to make that trip last 3 1/2 hours : ), but maybe you stopped for a big lunch.) Anyway, I'm glad you went and had a good time...I'm just sorry I couldn't join you guys. (My parents for some reason think scholarship applications are more important)
I should actually be able to go to the FSGW thingy! My aunt and uncle live in N. VA, so I could stay with them. I'll start planning now!

26 Mar 00 - 12:02 PM (#201673)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Banjer

Poor Caitrin, here's hoping you parents will come to realize that there are things to be learned outside of school as well....While I'll not knock the importance of a good education, many things can be learned at Ren Faires, CW reenactments and much can even be learned by just going somewhere (like a mall, for instance) and just observing the people!

26 Mar 00 - 01:05 PM (#201701)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Áine

Welcome home, Mbo! I'm glad that you went and even more glad that you returned to us safe and sound. Now I don't have to feel guilty about being one of the 'pushy' people. Whew, what a load off -- When Spaw started worrying about you, well, I started regretting what I'd said. But not now. You can still be a 'whiny titty baby'; but, only on alternate Tuesdays, in months with no 'R' in them.

-- Áine

(And don't anybody jump on me about the 'whiny titty baby' thing -- it's a long standing 'Catter joke and I only the best 'Catters are allowed in the club! *BG*)

26 Mar 00 - 01:28 PM (#201709)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Banjer, I was HUGELY into The Civil War back when I was 12 years old, my parents said if we weren't going to be moving to Japan in a few months, they would have got me into a Civil War reenactment group. I had this denim jacket that was my Dad's...jeans...a construction paper kepi, a canteen made from 2 pieplates, and a cartridge box and a rifle made from cardboard, I made all of it, and used to march around the yard feeling quite proud of I was weird!

Ugh, I would support Mary and her dim-bulb son even though they WERE weird, much more than I'd support that demon-seed Elizabeth and her pig scum old man. Actually, I'm kind of perplexed--since when does Renaissance mean England? I'd much rather be Italy, you know, the birthplace of the Renaissance...or France or Ireland. Much more fun.

As for the time of the trip, since it WAS my first time there, and I WAS going 65, for most of the trip anyway...there are places you have to drive down the center of the town, stopping at every traffic light. When leaving Raleigh, I sat at one intersection for 15 minutes waiting for a hole to get in. And for the last time, it was 130 miles! Not to mention all the wrong turns I made, and sometimes it's pretty hard to go 65 with a map curled over the front of the steering wheel.

As for wench phone numbers and names, no. None of them were my age.

And yes, driving on the interstate WAS scary! Give me my little highway 258 anyday! But then again, I wasn't on the interstate that long, kept trying to look for exits...I would guess that a longer trip would be easier....even without cruise control like I got.



26 Mar 00 - 02:48 PM (#201745)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: DonMeixner


I'm glad to hear that MMario is doing my song out and about. I am also pleased that you liked it.

The first Renn Faire I attended may be now, one of the best in the country. The Faire at Sterling New York, about 20 years ago. I try to go a couple times each year as I have friends who are either actors or crafters there. Try to hit more of them as you can.

After the fact advice is always easy but here is mine. Never take underware on a long trip. When you get there, stop at Wally World ( Thats Wal-Mart, Spaw.) and buy new and throw it away when you are done with it. Its only wasteful until you figure the space can be saved for fireworks, local whiskey, and odd bits of contraband. Also if you are in an accident, the nurses will be amazed, (amused?) at how clean your shorts are.


26 Mar 00 - 02:55 PM (#201750)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: JenEllen

Agreed Don....My grandma does the same thing traveling home to England. Buys new shorts and leaves them at home, takes the old ones with her, and chucks them out post-wear to make room for bringing home contraband for the kids! Wise woman, but she also puts the Preparation H into YOUR suitcase incase she gets stopped in I don't exactly advocate travelling WITH her.....

27 Mar 00 - 02:49 PM (#202105)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: InOBU

Well, I found out all about this trip or yours to late to give you advice, and as you are waiting until you get a proposal and more, she has to give ya a ring... there is little this Pavee piper can avise you to take or leave behind, ol Shem. However, I do think if you find a sweetie to buy YOU a ring, you found the ol beor for a shem worth all the gelt her da askes for her. Good luck raising the bride price, and glad your back safe,

27 Mar 00 - 04:37 PM (#202189)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: GUEST,Katy

So what is this Ren Faire thingummy? Is it a one period historical re-enactment thing (sounds like Tudor with all the Marys and Elizabeths -- a pox on the pair of them because their Grandpa killed King Richard...)? A multi-period event, like Kirby Hall over here where you get to see Ancient Britons drinking with Romans, and Civil War (English Civil War that is) sharing a beer with the WWII crowd. Or is it more a music thing with a lot of re-enactors about and plenty of stalls where you can top up on your next season's kit and clothing? Divulge more....

27 Mar 00 - 04:43 PM (#202192)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Caitrin

They're generally multi-period, to an extent. They're Renaissance, but that tends to cover a fairly wide range of dates, and a lot of people dip into the medieval period as well. There's usually music, and crafts, and all kinds of other stuff. Very cool.

27 Mar 00 - 09:54 PM (#202393)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Hagbardr

If anyone's interested in going to a renn faire, my Markland group, House von Draken, is hosting one at the North Wales Day celebration in North Wales, PA on May 20.

Leave me a personal message use this [Blue Clicky Thing] In the meantime, I'll flog the webmaster until he puts up directions.

27 Mar 00 - 11:49 PM (#202448)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: MMario

Mbo - finish off that roll and give them the photographic proof. And BTW, a couple of those wenches WERE your age....

NCRF is set in a semi-fictional 1567, a border meeting between Queen Elizabeth I and Mary (Stuart), Queen of Scots.

27 Mar 00 - 11:56 PM (#202452)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Mbo

Are you SURE, Mario? Didn't look like it to me! But then again I couldn't see their faces very well just their...well, you know.

See, I didn't know each RenFaire had it's own theme! Stunod boy in action once again!


28 Mar 00 - 12:08 AM (#202458)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

Their WHAT?? You are not talkin buzzms here are you boyo?Hey, we use duct tape so they won't make an escape!

28 Mar 00 - 12:11 AM (#202460)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: MMario

Well, what do you expect him to see when he is "in the position" and they are bent over kissing him?

I have GOT to get some sleep....

28 Mar 00 - 12:17 AM (#202461)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Sorcha

Nite Mario, get some sleep and do see the Duct Tape Manual for SCA Wenches!

28 Mar 00 - 03:21 AM (#202512)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Well, I wasn't around at the weekend to give the boy any advice (just as well!) but he seems to have survived! I'm sure the fresh air and human contact has done you good, lad, you're spending too many hours at your 'pewter! Plenty of time for that when you're a sad old fart like, well, me, really!

28 Mar 00 - 06:22 AM (#202527)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: wysiwyg

Where are you headed next, Mbo????? Can you get away to join the Great Mudcat Adventure??


28 Mar 00 - 01:38 PM (#202700)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: MMario

check out


28 Mar 00 - 01:56 PM (#202716)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: jeffp

Well done, MMario! Way to show a lad a good time! I'm sure Mbo is a better person for it. If you should happen to come to the Maryland RenFest, let me know in advance and I'll try to link up with you. Better skip the wench walk though, my wife will be there. *BSEG*


28 Mar 00 - 01:57 PM (#202718)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Wish you guys would have taken me with you, I would like to try that sometime. On second thoughts maybe not; I would probably kick the bucket from the sheer ecstasy of it.. But what a way to go boys!! Aye. Dave

28 Mar 00 - 02:25 PM (#202737)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: MMario

jeff - normally last weekend in september....

28 Mar 00 - 02:56 PM (#202763)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: jeffp

MMario - there's a very good chance the wife and i will be going that weekend. We're planning to get season tickets this year. If we don't find you out and about, you can probably find us (and many others) at the White Hart Tavern.

28 Mar 00 - 03:02 PM (#202768)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: MMario

I'm usually sitting on the wall for pyrates....

28 Mar 00 - 03:20 PM (#202775)
Subject: RE: MEEBO Takes to the Road
From: jeffp

Just looked at your picture. I think I've seen you there. We usually try to catch the Pyrates and the Pub Sing. BTW, glad you were able to catch White's Ferry. It's been a favorite of mine since I was a little kid.
