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Song Challenge Threads

06 Apr 00 - 08:12 AM (#207588)
Subject: Song Challenge Threads
From: Hyperabid

Being pretty much a newbie to this particular forum, (how does one get rid of that soubriquet...?), I wander from thread to thread trying to work out how the whole thing works.

I understand the lyric requests and the lyric submissions and constatntly fail to put BS in front of threads that arn't about music even though I know I should. (Sorry - people).

The one place where I have really found fun is the Song Challenege Threads. They are both intellectually stimualting and a place to find a supportive, rewarding and constructive environment where you can pretty much say what you like because you're doing it in the form that brings us all here.... music. No need for vows - no flamers - no trolls.

I'd like to take the time to thank Aine for setting this all up... the dedication required to maintain the Song Challenge website and keep order amongst we honery and diverse catters must be enormous and as such so is her contribution to the Mudcat.

Also the people that keep on coming back time and time again to pry some lyrics from the most obscure stimuli - Come on! you know who you are - it's their effort that makes these threads come back and back.

Anyway enough of this backslapping - my virtual hands are getting sore.

So please come and join in if you don't already do so... I am consistently impressed by the quality of work people submit and am 100% sure there is stuff of even better quality out there.

Anyway - I'll put my soap-box away in the corner before I leave and hope to see you on the song challenge threads.


06 Apr 00 - 10:16 AM (#207659)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Áine

Dear Hyp,

Thanks for the plug for the SONG CHALLENGE! -- You're right, we've got some great songwriters here at the Mudcat, even if they don't know it yet!

For the 'newbies' around here -- I started the CHALLENGE!s to help motivate all you 'Catters to start writing songs -- whether you'd stopped writing OR never had written a song in your life. The ideas and/or subjects are usually funny, but we do have our thoughtful side from time to time. It's a fun way to rev up that brain engine and see what you can come up with -- Everyone's a winner on the Challenge! threads.

If you'd like to check out what other folks have come up with, please take a look at the SONG CHALLENGE! WINNERS PAGE. And if you haven't seen it already, please check out the rest of the Mudcat Songbook.

It's an open invitation to all Mudcatters to put some more music out there in the world and have a good time doing it. Come on and jump in the pond with the rest of us -- the water's fine!

-- Áine

06 Apr 00 - 10:52 AM (#207674)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Amos

Just watch out for Áine when she feels like dunking ya! Mbo still has her best knickers tacked to his dorm wall from the last bout!

Seriously, the Song Challenges have been one of the most invigorating and interesting corners of the Cat for me, and for that Áine deserves frequent applause. It's an inspired game she has crafted. I recommend highly even if you're one of those who constantly 'disses' their own abilities -- you'll find your better than you knew!


06 Apr 00 - 10:54 AM (#207675)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Amos

Just watch out for Áine when she feels like dunking ya! Mbo still has her best knickers tacked to his dorm wall from the last bout!

Seriously, the Song Challenges have been one of the most invigorating and interesting corners of the Cat for me, and for that Áine deserves frequent applause. It's an inspired game she has crafted. I highly recommend jumping in even if you're one of those who constantly 'disses' their own abilities -- you'll find you are better than you knew, and that's worth the trouble any day!


06 Apr 00 - 11:05 AM (#207685)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Amos

Sorry for the double post, folks. Use the second one.

06 Apr 00 - 11:07 AM (#207686)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: MMario

second try. I think Amos' (who should be off writing) double post knocked mine out.

what I TRIED to say, was, if the challenges inspire you, and you'd like to post a song, but it isn't related to the challenges, there is always the "Additions to the MudCat songbook" thread.

06 Apr 00 - 11:13 AM (#207694)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Áine

I'm so glad you brought up the 'normal' songs in the Mudcat Songbook, MMario!

If any of you 'Catters have a song you've written that you'd like to share with the rest of us, please email it to me at OR post it on the latest 'Additions' thread, which (currently) is here.

-- Áine

06 Apr 00 - 11:43 AM (#207716)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Hyperabid

The more music the merrier. Please submit what you can to this dynamic part of the mudcat.


(Once again putting away soapbox).

06 Apr 00 - 11:59 AM (#207724)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: The Shambles


What did you want to go and tell them all for? They will all go there now?

That was a joke, honest. I couldn't agree more. Tis a great example of how positive things can be done here. There never seems to be any losers either, everyone seems to get an award.

I have yet to see anyone complain about it either.

Thanks to the keeper of the book.

06 Apr 00 - 05:48 PM (#207897)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Mbo

Knickers? Last bout? I'm lost...sorry, must be plaster dust/saw dust on the brain today...


06 Apr 00 - 07:45 PM (#207973)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Amos

Right, Mbo, you were so soused it's become a total "lost weekend" for you. So you'll have to find some other explanation for that mauve silken trophy on your wall. Do let me know what you come up with!

06 Apr 00 - 08:46 PM (#208008)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Willie-O

Yeah, and this time, make it rhyme and scan, eh.

Well, we all know about the young lad's hopeless infatuation with the booze and the babes, don't we Amos.

No wonder he don't remember...

heh heh


p.s. we love you Aine!

06 Apr 00 - 09:22 PM (#208039)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Áine

Geez looeez, y'all! Here I am trying to encourage folks to respond to the Song Challenge! and y'all are talking 'bout missing knickers! I swear! Can't take y'all anywhere, can I?

If anyone wants to know what these silly fellas are talking about, take a look at the Song Challenge! Part 11 (all will be explained).

Amos -- The only missing knickers around here are the pair I got in the mail from someone in San Diego -- all twisted up in a bunch they were, too . . .

Mbo -- Those maroon cuties aren't mine, dear heart. What did you get up to at that festival?

Willie-O -- I loves ya too, ya buggah!

-- Áine (whose Dear Hubby is counting her drawers as you read this . . .)

06 Apr 00 - 09:54 PM (#208054)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Mbo

Not yours!? Then who's ARE they?!


06 Apr 00 - 10:04 PM (#208062)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Eluned

Hear, hear!! The song challenges are GREAT!!
So, mbo ......what did you get up to? If you feel like answering, start a thread. Otherwise, ignore the noisy..... I mean nosy broad. And I warn you, both words apply!

06 Apr 00 - 10:17 PM (#208069)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Mbo

Um...festival meaning the NC RenFaire? Ask Mario...he was there!


06 Apr 00 - 10:20 PM (#208071)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: MMario

And I thought that was a bagpipe you had....someone's knickers, were they? explains why you couldn't get any sound out of them.....

*hint...Mbo - think back a couple of taverns...flagpole...*

06 Apr 00 - 11:01 PM (#208097)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Áine

Dear Eluned,

ignore the noisy..... I mean nosy broad, huh?

I'll remember that . . .

-- She Who Giveth The Awards And Can Taketh Them Away . . . (Ith thse can thtop thalking likth thith . . .)

06 Apr 00 - 11:40 PM (#208113)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Kelida

I think the Song Challenge!s are my favorite thing about the Mudcat so far--right after all the wonderful people. Ever since I got hooked on "Weird Al" Yankovic about ten years ago, I've loved writing parodies. Of course, The Nightingale is sort of a departure from my usual humor. . .

In any case, I do enjoy the Challenge!s a lot, and I'm looking forward to many more!


07 Apr 00 - 12:30 AM (#208134)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: GUEST, Threadie

Yes Meebs, start a thread and tell us what you were up to why doncha?

07 Apr 00 - 12:31 AM (#208135)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Amos

You guys are barking up the wrong tree -- it was on a thread the last time Áine invited someone to "jump right in, the water's fine", and made remarks about someone dunking someone, and that's when Mbo stole TGG's knickers -- which I am sure would not be fitting material for a bagpipe. If you see what I mean.

07 Apr 00 - 12:35 AM (#208138)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Mbo

NOTHING happened, OK? Gee Whiz! **BG**


07 Apr 00 - 01:57 AM (#208194)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Amos

Well, I was there, and I saw it...except I can't find the thread so maybe this is a confession of perfervid figments, so to speak.

07 Apr 00 - 10:08 PM (#208653)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Eluned

_DEAR_ Aine; The "nosy broad" is me; how would I know if you were "broad", as I've not met you? (he-he)
OK, so I don't know if you're noisy, either....
Nosy? I refuse to comment ! Besides, pots calling kettles black, and all that.
Amos...."fitting material"??? owch! good pun, friend.
so, Mbo... you were at the renn faire, but not really all there, eh? Sounds like you had some fun....!

07 Apr 00 - 10:39 PM (#208670)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Áine

Dear Eluned,

'My bad' -- Anth I'mth thill thalking liketh thisth -- Helpth meth!

-- Áine

07 Apr 00 - 10:46 PM (#208671)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Mbo

Um, Eluned, I pretty much described everything that happened at the RenFaire back on the "Meebo Takes To The Road" thread. Though, I didn't mention that I sat on a haybale and sang "Whisky Johnny" with a Celtic band...I was the only one in the audience who was participating...


07 Apr 00 - 10:49 PM (#208672)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: MMario

Ditto at a later show....

10 Apr 00 - 04:12 AM (#209493)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Hyperabid

Mmmm... How about starting something off with...

To the tune of The Devil went down to Georgia

The devil he said to Meebo I bin lookin for some pants to steel If you're up for it, we'll nick Aine's kit Now boy let's strike a deal...

(Pants of coursse being undies here in the ole US of K...)

Hyp :-P

19 Apr 00 - 05:38 AM (#214202)
Subject: RE: Song Challenge Threads
From: Hyperabid

Don't forget as Aine is always reminding us that you can revive any song challenge that you like if the muse suddenly strikes you.

I've quite enjoyed adding to one or two of the older threads.
