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New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding

09 Apr 00 - 06:59 PM (#209337)
Subject: New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding
From: bbc

I couldn't resist putting up a picture on the photo pages at bbc's Mudcat Resources. For me, it truly was an event to meet Rick, after knowing him online all this time. He is a super person & a super musician. I hope I will have the opportunity to see him again many times in the future! Just a reminder--Rick has 2 cd's available--from Folk Legacy (Sandy & Caroline Paton) at least & perhaps also from Camsco (dick greenhaus) or directly from Mudcat (Max!).


09 Apr 00 - 07:57 PM (#209369)
Subject: RE: New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding
From: Little Neophyte

Excellent photo bbc! really good picture of you guys.
I am so happy you finally got to meet Rick. Isn't he a doll?
How come Duckboots wasn't in the picture? I guess she was the one holding the camera, right?
For anyone who is interested in Ricks CD's, he has.....
Lifelines and his latest one This One's The Dreamer.
Both are a 'Must Buy' offering quality Folk at it's best.

No bias here, none-what-so-ever

Little Neo

09 Apr 00 - 08:38 PM (#209386)
Subject: RE: New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding
From: bbc


Heather was, indeed, there & we had a good time getting to know each other. There was no particular intent to leave her out of the photo; we were just snapping pictures quickly. I may be adding some photos to the pages of people I saw this weekend. Stay tuned!


09 Apr 00 - 08:40 PM (#209387)
Subject: RE: New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding
From: MMario

Rick looks a bit tired

09 Apr 00 - 09:15 PM (#209393)
Subject: RE: New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding
From: bbc

That's very likely.

09 Apr 00 - 09:15 PM (#209394)
Subject: RE: New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding
From: Sandy Paton

I'm afraid I kept him up past his bedtime the night before the gig. I was playing some of those great Yazoo CDs on my computer CD player and he got trapped into listening. The man simply can't resist a good traditional musician's recording, and the Yazoo series is loaded with 'em! We listened to "Times Ain't Like They Used to Be" volumes 1 and 2 before poor Rick dragged himself away and up to bed. So he had a right to look tired!

Those CDs, by the way, are available from Camsco via the Mudcat Shop. Dick will also have them at NEFFA.


10 Apr 00 - 12:16 AM (#209449)
Subject: RE: New event page--bbc meets Rick Fielding
From: katlaughing

Thanks, bbc, those of us in the wilds can only dream, perchance to meet, ah, me, prince will, oops!**BG** Looking good, both a'youse!
