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Don't you miss

09 Jun 00 - 03:29 PM (#240500)
Subject: Don't you miss
From: browny

Cream on top of your milk bottles?

Fresh warm bread being delivered ?

Driving the Baker's horse ?

09 Jun 00 - 03:46 PM (#240511)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss

More trivia.

09 Jun 00 - 04:21 PM (#240523)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Lonesome EJ

Shocking your parents, instead of embarrassing your kids

09 Jun 00 - 04:27 PM (#240526)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Bert

Cream that didn't have Carageen in it.

09 Jun 00 - 04:31 PM (#240528)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: bflat

Being a kid; having summers off and putting together those backyard amateur shows with my cousins and the rest of the neighborhood kids.

09 Jun 00 - 04:40 PM (#240531)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: The Shambles

Being a Miss.

09 Jun 00 - 04:55 PM (#240532)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Peg

when a single hour could seem like weeks, instead of every week passing like an hour...

09 Jun 00 - 05:02 PM (#240536)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Jed at Work

hot summer sun, and freedom, freedom, freedom - to catch frogs, climb trees, swim in the river and roam the woods for hours

09 Jun 00 - 05:15 PM (#240538)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: GUEST,Woody Guthrie's Ghost

I'll tell you what I (and many others here miss.)

We miss the integrity of what this forum was originally founded on, that being a forum dedicated to blues and folk music, which was the heart and soul of this place, and where the bullshit, and idle chit chat, compulsive thread posting.......were incidental.

Sadly, these days the converse is true, and this thread is yet but another log in the fire.

It is also most unfortunate but painfully obvious, that the proprietor of this forum has become so totally self absorbed by his own perceived (faux) "celebrity", that he has allowed his vision to deteriorate into the free fall it has now become, careening completely out of control, and with the continuing departure of so many solid members.

All this with nary a care, as long as he can occasionaly get laid at the odd house gathering, by those desperate and needy female Mudcatters who deceive themselves into thinking they are somehow in the presence of "royalty", when in actuality all he is, is a caretaker of a computer with a bunch of files on it, that gullible contributors have funded for recent upgrades.

I'm sure he laughs at all of you both on and off the air, and through all his orifices when time permits.

09 Jun 00 - 05:37 PM (#240546)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Wesley S

C'mon WG's Ghost - don't hold back. Tell us how you REALLY feel.

09 Jun 00 - 05:47 PM (#240548)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Kaleb

The important thing, WG, is that you're not bitter.

09 Jun 00 - 06:01 PM (#240553)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Mbo

"She's a miss, but she ain't a miss! Eh, Sir, Eh?" --Charles Dickens (The Pickwick Papers)

Actually I miss nothing. Everything for me is in the future, the past isn't something I harp on. "Don't look back in anger, I hear her say..."


09 Jun 00 - 06:09 PM (#240555)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: kendall

Dont sugar coat it man.

09 Jun 00 - 06:16 PM (#240558)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Clinton Hammond2

Hey WG Ghost!?!?!

Got a problem with the cat but you ain't got the stones to whine about it in yer own name?!?!


What do I miss?!?! Not aching all the time!!



09 Jun 00 - 06:35 PM (#240569)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Callie

nothing. glad it's all behind me. onward and upward!

09 Jun 00 - 06:45 PM (#240576)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: SeanM

Clinton, don't even bother.

I'm absolutely convinced at this point that our resident nasty troll is at least one, maybe two or three registered 'catters who are exercising their personal bitterness on the rest of the group, helping to destroy what they claim they are saving.

I just hope that their poison works its way out soon. Can't be healthy.

And sad though it is, it makes me miss ol' garg at times.


09 Jun 00 - 06:47 PM (#240579)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: The Shambles


09 Jun 00 - 07:17 PM (#240589)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: The Shambles

Or Brian Lara's middle stump.

09 Jun 00 - 08:03 PM (#240601)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss

toffos, cherryade, the horror double bill on BBC2 summer saturday nights, the Rockford Files, 99 ice creams from Tonibell, summer hols that lasted for ever, hide and seek and voyages to Rat´s Island.

Go suck an egg WG´s Ghost...the forum is for people with like minded tastes to get together and shoot the breeze, it just so happens that we like folk and blues too.

09 Jun 00 - 08:04 PM (#240602)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Helen

I miss jumping in puddles, and I miss Gargoyle too - at least he had the sincerity and honesty to use his own name. I'm sad that he got the blame for these no-names and their troublemaking.


09 Jun 00 - 09:26 PM (#240625)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: MK

Well I for one am speechless.

I suggest we all order and wear the following t-shirts.*BG*

09 Jun 00 - 09:41 PM (#240629)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Amos

I miss slaughtering Saracens, ripping the masts out of a French ship of the line with a well-placed cannon shot, fleet raids on Spanish fat galleons, digging for gold in the hills north of Placerville in the springtime, courting pretty women in the morning so early, and marching forever across foreign hills with my fellow centurions; dancing under the tall firs when two horses, a sword and a cow were real wealth; stalking redcoats in the autumn twilight; long nights in rustic taverns drinking brown ale; fighting for freedom in the moonlight. I miss the spinny magic of physical love made real for the 'first' time, and the triumph of surviving gales and mountains of dark water and wind-spume, making a headland and finding a sudden respite of shelter to drop the hook behind. I miss roasting my own fresh-shot buck over a campfire in the Rockies, and being struck dumb by the safe arrival of a new child, moist and loud by candlelight, and being swept away by the incredible power of the life-river inside us. I miss the ability to eat icecream for hours without side effects. I miss being able to sing falsetto and cruising for burgers at midnight.

However, I really have as much of all these things as I would ever need, and I am pretty happy to generate new and wonderful moments in the future.

09 Jun 00 - 09:49 PM (#240631)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Jon Freeman

Helen, I'm not quite sure that his own name was gargoyle!


09 Jun 00 - 10:02 PM (#240633)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: keltcgrasshoppper

I miss having little children around to roll down hills with, and catch tadploes and fireflies...I miss sticky ice cream kisses from 5 year old boys.. I miss walks before dawn to the hill where we watched the sun come up..I think I'll get up early tomorrow and do just that..Have a great weekend all...KGH

09 Jun 00 - 10:04 PM (#240636)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: bflat

While I know we have the latitude to express ourselves widely here, I thought this was a nostalgia thread for things. Is it possible to return to an old tenent as: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you." I miss good the laughter and wit of a good freind.

10 Jun 00 - 01:44 AM (#240695)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Helen

What I meant, Jon, was that I think gg stuck with his chosen name for all of his postings rather than changing his name constantly - he usually signed "gargoyle" to everything. I believe that postings which are not signed by him do not originate from him. I am swimming against the stream here, I think.


10 Jun 00 - 01:52 AM (#240696)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Jon Freeman

Sorry Helen, I had understood you but I should have put a ;-) at the end of my poor attempt at a joke. I am inclined to agree with your thoughts re gg and I also feel that others used his name - anyway, past history now - shame in some way's - I do believe that gg has a genuine love of music and has a fair amount of knowledge.


10 Jun 00 - 02:12 AM (#240703)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: GUEST,Banjo Johnny

I don't see anything wrong with this. In fact, lots of good SONG IDEAS here. Johnny in Oklahoma City

10 Jun 00 - 07:55 AM (#240747)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: black walnut

Quote from AliUK: "the forum is for people with like minded tastes to get together and shoot the breeze, it just so happens that we like folk and blues too".

Don't you see, friends, that this is where the struggle lies? There is a very big difference between "...dedicated to folk and blues" and "just so happens that we like folk and blues too".

B.S. threads can be fun, and can be a way of getting to know each other as whole people.

But, just THINK about it. If "shooting the breeze" is your PRIMARY goal here, then you might be hurting the forum as much as a flamer. If you're bored, try reading and posting to a non-B.S. threads. There's a whole lot of worthwhile stuff going on in there.

~black walnut (ducking right now for cover)

10 Jun 00 - 08:15 AM (#240752)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: Jeri

Gargoyle did switch names occasionally, and I'm quite sure he's still around, probably switching names quite frequently these days. The above comment wasn't nasty, IMO. "More trivia" - yep.

Browny - I miss the smell of baking bread. My mom used to make it to sell, and everyone who came to the house thought it was wonderful. I just took it for granted.

I miss being young PERIOD! I miss the way everything was fresh and exciting, and how I never wondered what so-and-so really meant by what they said. I miss being able to stay up all night talking or playing music without feeling like a sack of doorknobs in the morning. I miss the way night felt like a secret. I miss rolling down hills and climbing trees.

10 Jun 00 - 09:42 AM (#240766)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: bbelle


black walnut ... please don't duck ... stand up and be counted ... it will count for something!

Jeri ... glad to see you emerge on this one ... your calm voice of reason is appreciated by me (and I can only speak for me).

moonchild (who doesn't shrink from taking "shots" but grows to new heights ... and will probably reach the 5'2" mark by the end of 2000)

10 Jun 00 - 10:11 AM (#240771)
Subject: RE: Don't you miss
From: JedMarum

wonderful, joyous composition, Amos - you are a gifted imaginitve man, and we appreciate your vision!