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Colorado Forest Fire

13 Jun 00 - 01:01 AM (#241837)
Subject: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

Tonight, a fire is raging out of control 7 miles from my home. Scores of people have already lost their homes to the High Meadow Fire. It broke out about noon today, and the combination of high temperatures, dry conditions, and high wind have continued to increase the size and intensity of the blaze. Nearby areas, the homes of friends and customers of mine, have been engulfed in flame or evacuated. Many people who were at work in Denver when the fire broke out were barred from returning to their homes, their dogs, cats, horses and all the the things that are most important to them in the world. They sleep in Red Cross Relief Centers or in the homes of friends tonight. From the back porch of my house, where we had hosted Allan and Bill for a beautiful and peaceful night of music 5 days ago, I watched the charcoal and orange shaded smokeclouds billow from behind the ridge. I watched slurry-bombers churn into the smoke to drop their loads on the fire.

It's a time for praying and holding your breath tonight. I hope Rex and his family, who are on Conifer Mountain and several miles closer to the fire than my house, are safe. Send us your positive energy and prayers tonight.

13 Jun 00 - 01:06 AM (#241839)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: ddw

Been there, EJ. Pray for rain or a wind shift. Hope you and yours stay safe.


13 Jun 00 - 01:08 AM (#241841)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

Oh, LeeJ, that is heartbreaking to hear, esp. about the pets! Are you safe there? Will you have to evacuate? Please keep us posted and let us know if you hear anything from Rex.

Sending you everything I can muster at the moment, my dear friend...stay safe...luvyakat

13 Jun 00 - 01:26 AM (#241844)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Sorcha

With kat here, sending you all I have. I had not heard this, and am just terrified! Pray for RAIN!! Oh, LEJ! And not just you, but for all the people on the Front Range........

13 Jun 00 - 01:41 AM (#241848)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

Leej, in whatever way I can, I will be thinking of you, Rex, and your families. Be safe my fine friend......other words escape me...........


13 Jun 00 - 01:58 AM (#241855)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

Here is a little more information from one of the Denver tv stations, plus there is also another one in a rugged mountain area that they think was started by a careless camper. Most of Colorado is under a fire ban because of the windy & dry conditions. Growing up there and camping a lot, I can remember fire was always a scarey threat. It makes me so sad to hear of this.

High Meadow Wildfire
Hundreds of people have been evacuated, and a handful of homes have been destroyed, as a wildfire burns out of control in the mountains Southwest of Denver. The fire is burning South of the town of Pine in Jefferson County. Fire officials say the fire has scorched eighteen hundred acres and destroyed at least eight homes.

The Jefferson County Sheriff's office and Platte Canyon Fire department are evacuating all residents living around the town of Pine, just South of Highway 285. A shelter has been opened at Conifer High School for people living east of the Park County, Jefferson County line. A shelter has also been opened at the Deer Creek Elementary School for residents living in the communities of Burland Ranch, High Meadows, Low Meadows, Holmes Gulch and Impala Trail.

13 Jun 00 - 03:00 AM (#241872)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: BlueJay

Wow, LEJ, I didn't realize it was that close. The Mudcat gathering at your beautiful home was nothing short of a life-altering event for me. A Renaissance, maybe, when combined with some recent events here at home. It's hard for me to imagine you and your home being threatened. Take the cautious route: Get ready now to bug out, so you're not scrambling at the last minute looking for insurance policies, important photos and such. God willing it probably won't come to that. Ditto for you, Rex. If we can help any of you in any way, please let us know. Our prayers are with you. Jay and Tammy

13 Jun 00 - 10:20 AM (#241943)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Rex

My boys and I were watching it from a ridge a ways back from the house. Watching wave after wave of flames going over the hills above Shafer's Crossing. The view this morning shows nothing. I was planning to go to work and then my wife called at 6:30AM from Big Thicket near Houston to say that Richmond Hill is being evacuated and she's coming home. Don't know how she knew that. So I think I'll sit tight just in case I have to gather pets and kids and mandolins and flee. Fred, my banjo player tells me the Bucksnort Saloon has gone up. I hope not, I would hate to lose that place. Especially after we raised our glasses there to John Tinker, a friend lost in the flood following the last big fire. Fred says he's saving a day this week for the locusts. I say don't forget the frogs. The slurry bombers are busy. Yesterday while we were watching the disaster things of beauty showed up as well. The columns of smoke would rise so fast and then when they would get up around 15000 feet would explode into a cloud like a thunderhead and go up another ten thousand feet. It was shocking how fast this would happen. Swifts were jetting by oblivious to the fire. Or us. Then there were a pair of red tail hawks that were screeching and circling around us. I think we were too close to their nest for their comfort though I never saw it. At one point some ravens joined the hawks and there was quite a show. The ravens would dive after the hawks and then dive again and the hawks would chase them. It all seemed to be for fun with splendid aerobatics that lasted for a half hour. I've never seen ravens and hawks mix it up like that before. Anyway, I'll keep watching and pack up if I have to. I keep praying for the firefighters and the flyers. No deaths reported yet. And for those of you outside the viewing area, there is another fire of equal size burning to the west of Loveland.


13 Jun 00 - 10:30 AM (#241945)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: jeffp

All I can do for you is hope and pray, so I'm doing just that. Luck to all of you.


13 Jun 00 - 12:22 PM (#241977)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire


Keep you and yours safe.


13 Jun 00 - 01:47 PM (#241998)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: sophocleese

Thinking of you all there, stay safe.

13 Jun 00 - 04:50 PM (#242056)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

2:30 PM MST Tuesday, the fire is still out of control. I have heard that the Bucksnort is gone, Rex, along with the rest of Sphinx Park. Due to turbulence, the slurry planes were grounded all day, although I believe I just heard one go over. There are supposed to be over 150 firefighters in the area now, including California teams. Maybe they will be able to go on the offensive soon. The strategy so far seems to be to use Highway 285 as the line of defense. Unfortunately it has meant that over 5000 acres have been burned so far, and no one can approach closer to 150 yards due to temperatures at that range in excess of 175 degrees.

13 Jun 00 - 04:59 PM (#242059)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Noodles

Irish Prayers are on their way.

God Bless

13 Jun 00 - 05:32 PM (#242067)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

Just checking another update from one of the tv stations. LeeJ, last night you'd said you wished you could be there to help but figured they didn't need non-pros running around etc. Looks as though there is a way to help out regardless. For anyone interested, here is what I found:

"Fire fighters say staying out of the area if you don't need to be there is the best thing. They also need food and water for the firefighters. If you can help in that way - please drop your donations at the Coldwell Banker in Aspen Park it is at 26001 Main Street, Conifer.

"The Salvation Army is also helping making sure the firefighters and evacuees have hot meals and water. The Red Cross is helping care for the evacuees displaced by the fire. If you are interested in providing more help please contact either of those organizations."

Here is prayer/poem I wrote in the middle of the night a few years ago when our mountain was afire, just about 3 miles or so from our house:

Casper/Elk Mountain Burning

Fire on the mountain
Terror in my heart
For all the small ones
Caught up in the draught.

Fire on the mountain,br> Tears from my eyes
For all the four-leggeds,
Running, full of fright.

Fire on the mountain
Wind in my hair
Fanning and breathing
Rampant flames to life.

Fire on the mountain
Lightening all around
Struck at the forest heart
Hot, dry, and tinder light.

Fire on the mountain
Hanging clouds of promise
Gray with unfallen rain
Hope of tomorrow's quenching.

Fire on the mountain
Runway of death
Blackened skeletons
In the morning's light.

Fire on the mountain
Prayers on my lips
For men, trees, and creatures
Fighting, burning, running.

Fire on the mountain
No sleep this night
Great Spirit, hear the cries
Send a rain of sweet surcease.
July 5/6, 1994

It has rained throughout the night and day here, LeeJ, I am envisioning the clouds and moisture coming your way. All of you stay safe and know you are in our thoughts and prayers.


13 Jun 00 - 05:46 PM (#242069)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

Still here my friend...still thinking of all of you there. Again, be safe.


13 Jun 00 - 07:24 PM (#242106)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Clinton Hammond2

Maybe a good time to try a rain dance eh??


And people say urban sprawl is a bad thing... well if we didn't have all those damn trees out there, then there wouldn't be forest fires right?!?!?! So i say that to keep this from ever happening again, we knock it all down and pave it... Teach Mother nature a thing or 2 eh!

Stay cool and wet folks!
And should it come to it, don't be too brave or stupid to RUN eh!

Yer in our thoughs!

13 Jun 00 - 08:00 PM (#242127)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: keltcgrasshoppper

Thoughts of rain and calm winds go out to all of you..Prayers for the safety of all two leggers and four....KGH

13 Jun 00 - 08:46 PM (#242143)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Metchosin

LEJ and Rex, thinking of you, take care. Just wish there was some way to shift the jet stream and send our overabundance of rain this year, south.

Spent many a restless day and night in the past, sniffing the wind.

13 Jun 00 - 09:47 PM (#242153)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

Tuesday 7:45 The temperature has dropped 15 degrees in the last two hours, gray clouds have moved in. Rain has not been predicted, but it sure looks like it could fall. Thousands of prayers would be answered if it did...

13 Jun 00 - 10:03 PM (#242157)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: sophocleese

I'm thinking of one of them now. Hope the rain comes for you LEJ and Rex.

13 Jun 00 - 10:07 PM (#242161)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Mrrzy

We just had a MASSIVE thunderstorm, wish I could send it your way! Keep us posted, we're worrying about you, wish there were more I could do...

13 Jun 00 - 10:11 PM (#242164)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Jon Freeman

I certainly hope they are answered, LEJ


13 Jun 00 - 10:14 PM (#242165)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire

Rex and LEJ,

Just checking in to see how you are doing. It will be a long night.

From ghoulies and ghosties
And longleggedy beasties
And things that go bump in the night
Oh Lord, deliver us.

Stay safe. SS

13 Jun 00 - 10:22 PM (#242168)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

Somebody tell the rain gawds it's time to pull the plug and drain heaven's bathtub over guys are in my thoughts and heart....let those clouds burst.


13 Jun 00 - 10:35 PM (#242179)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: bflat

I've experienced two fires in my life and it ain't pretty. I pray you are safe. I love your beautiful state having camped there many times. Safety to you and your loved ones and the brave folks on the fireline.

13 Jun 00 - 10:39 PM (#242184)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: BlueJay

LEJ and Rex, Still with you. We have some dark clouds down my way, too. Maybe it will rain in response to all the prayers. All of our hopes and prayers are with you and yours. BlueJay

13 Jun 00 - 10:46 PM (#242186)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Sorcha

Rain, Rain, today is the Day!! Please water Colorado!

13 Jun 00 - 10:53 PM (#242189)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Mbo

"Stand back non-believers, or the rain will never fall..."


14 Jun 00 - 12:37 AM (#242211)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Mark Cohen

LEJ and Rex, thoughts and prayers from the Big Island. I'll try to send you some of our rain. Spent three wonderful days in Denver with my 5-year-old daughter this past weekend, and I'm sure hoping she and my soon-to-be-ex and stepson don't run into any fire on their way east. Naomi lived through the Painted Cave fire in Santa Barbara in 1990; that was enough for one lifetime.


14 Jun 00 - 01:18 AM (#242217)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Melani

Good luck. Here's one more prayer for rain.

14 Jun 00 - 02:03 AM (#242228)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Alice

Here is the national wildfire news page. It has updates and maps on wildfires, including this one in Colorado. Wildland Fire Update click here

June 13, 2000 - Two large fires in Colorado destroyed several homes and continue to threaten structures in nearby communities. The Bobcat fire is burning in grass, brush and timber 12 miles west of Loveland, Colorado. The High Meadow fire has burned about 1,800 so far near Bailey, which is 35 miles southwest of Denver.

14 Jun 00 - 02:08 AM (#242230)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Alice

More info from that government site:
Bobcat fire near Loveland, Five homes were destroyed and evacuations of 150 to 200 homes is underway. The fire is burning actively in grass, brush and timber.

High Meadow fire near Denver, Three homes and two outbuildings were destroyed yesterday, and 100 homes remain threatened. Evacuations south of Elk Creek are in progress.

14 Jun 00 - 04:37 AM (#242253)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

From this distance I can only send good wishes for safe deliverance. TV pictures are terrifying enough, I can't imagine what it's like to be there on the ground.
On a lighter note perhaps you should invite some cricket teams over to start playing, seems to work here.

14 Jun 00 - 06:51 AM (#242267)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire

Good morning guys. We're still keeping watch here. Be safe. SS

14 Jun 00 - 10:12 AM (#242308)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Áine

We're keeping all of you Colorado 'Catters in our prayers and thoughts down here in Texas. Haven't checked the news this morning, so I'm hoping there'll be some good news.

Stay safe, Áine

14 Jun 00 - 12:18 PM (#242335)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: GUEST,Willie-O

I've been reading this thread with interest, having recently read Fire On The Mountain by John MacLean (son of Norman), a devastating account of the 1994 South Mountain Fire, also in Colorado, when over a dozen young firefighters died in a blowout. Sure hope the authorities learned some lessons from that massively mismanaged tragedy. It seems the reports that there will be more really big fires (due largely to huge fuel loads caused by logging practices) are coming true; here's hoping for safety and comfort for all that are affected. Let us know.

A wet day in Ontario though.

14 Jun 00 - 12:39 PM (#242339)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Rex

Hey Alice, thanks for the web site. Some useful things in there. Thanks to everyone for the kind thoughts. Last evening was exciting with WWII vintage bombers roaring over our house. I felt like I was in Europe and the Allies were coming to save us. Yesterday I was watching from the roof and some rock ledges and keeping track of the fire. Those guys in the planes are true heros. Seeing what they were flying through just makes me shake. The wind has stopped for the moment. That's good news. I couldn't get on the roof this morning as it was covered in frost. More good news. I did climb up a little bit ago but you can't see anything for all the smoke. Our harp player is out of town and was calling about her place. The first day I had good news. Yesterday I wasn't so sure. I hope she calls today as the paper lists places burned. While hers is on a street with many burned, her address isn't at least. Not so with some other friends further down toward Pine, their place is gone. EJ, it seems the old Bucksnort still stands. So far. I have to check on a rancher friend this morning as I learned they have evacuated his horses. Not much more to say. At least the wind has let up. We are spending the morning moving firewood and other burnables away from the house. Things are OK so far, we're just being careful.


14 Jun 00 - 12:52 PM (#242346)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

Thanks for taking the time to let us know how it goes, Rex.

14 Jun 00 - 01:14 PM (#242360)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

Leej and Rex.........We all appreciate the time you spend to update us here. You're both on my mind all the time and I realize there is nothing I can do but send you the best thoughts I have. I can't even think of a good joke right now. We took the kids to get their hair cut and I found myself staring at a TV in an adjoining store, trying to catch the news. First thing I did this morning too. Be safe.


14 Jun 00 - 01:45 PM (#242373)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: BlueJay

The High Meadows blaze has been named the #1 fire priority in the nation, due to the proximity of so many homes, including our mudcat brothers. Governor Owens has declared Park and Jefferson counties disaster areas, along with the Bobcat fire near Loveland. This is supposed to free up Federal funds or something. Seems to me like this is taking much too long. The Guv even announced that we are at the limit of our fire-fighting resources, and if we have another fire in Colorado, we're basically screwed. I don't understand why they don't call out the National Guard.
You gotta admire how well Rex and LEJ are holding up through all of this.

14 Jun 00 - 01:46 PM (#242376)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: keltcgrasshoppper

The news coverage here in the East is pretty good..It lookes so scarey..Having never seen anything like it in my lifetime..I can't imagine what the fear must be like..Take care of each other you are in our thoughts and prayers...KGH

14 Jun 00 - 01:46 PM (#242377)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Metchosin

The scene you describe Rex sure brings back memories for me. A dear friend's father payed the ultimate price when the Spotter Plane he was piloting, slamed into a mountain a few miles from here, as he was guiding a vintage Mars Water Bomber in, to dump its load


Here's hoping again, there is no loss of life on this one. Taking on Mother Nature is a f**king dangerous business, glad to hear the humidity is up and the wind's died down.

14 Jun 00 - 01:57 PM (#242382)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: GUEST,George Stephens

Curious when your work life and your real life converge unexpectedly in a little herniated loop of the space-time continuum. One of the things the government pays me to do is monitor fire activity using our environmental ("weather") satellites, which my agency is responsible for operating. You can see how the fire looks from 900 miles up at -> Fires (on the right) -> United States(Southwest) (near bottom) -> FHSusCO165_N5.jpg.

Good luck to everyone out there,

George Stephens (aka LaMarca's husband)

14 Jun 00 - 02:00 PM (#242383)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

Hey Mets..... I saw a "Planes of Fame" thing on the remaining Mars' being used as tankers a few years ago...and it was a few years old then. Do you know if they are still in use?

In another thread, we've been discussing accuracy in movies, but all that aside........I enjoyed the movie "Blaze" for a lot of reasons, not the least of which were the scenes with the A-26 tankers.


14 Jun 00 - 02:18 PM (#242391)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Metchosin

Don't know Spaw, Andy's dad was killed in the late 60's shortly after they had just set up the Flying Fireman here in B.C. I got to go into the belly of one that was being restored years ago, when I worked on the airport grounds. It was awesome. I'll see if I can dig up some subsequent history.

Not to make light of the situation and I don't know if it was an urban legend or for real, but I was told that when they were cleaning up after one of the California fires a couple of years ago, they found the body of a diver on a hillside, complete with fins and tanks, that on of the bombers had inadvertantly scooped up and dumped.

14 Jun 00 - 02:31 PM (#242399)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

I don't know if its true either Mets, but I've heard the same story.


14 Jun 00 - 02:32 PM (#242401)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Metchosin

I think they are still flying Spaw, check this link

14 Jun 00 - 02:57 PM (#242407)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Sorcha

There is now a 3rd fire, still small, in ElDorado Canyon State Park, VERY near Boulder, Co. Both the Loveland/Bobcat fire and the HiMeadow/Baily fires are still out of control, with each having burned about 7,000 acres. Rain maybe on Friday...........til then, high temps and wind to 20 mph.

14 Jun 00 - 05:07 PM (#242494)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire

I refreshed PeterT's thought for the Day June 9. It will probably mean more to you today than it would have a week ago, Rex and Lonesome. Keep saafe. SS

14 Jun 00 - 05:13 PM (#242495)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Mbo

Keep safe guys! Ever since I heard about this fire I've been worried sick. I could barely sleep last night thinking about you all. Praying for rain!!!!


14 Jun 00 - 05:39 PM (#242510)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Hollowfox

Rex & LEJ, my prayers are with you. Now keep the car packed, just in case. Mary

14 Jun 00 - 05:55 PM (#242516)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Hollowfox

Rex & LEJ, my prayers are with you. Now keep the car packed, just in case. Mary

14 Jun 00 - 06:36 PM (#242529)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

4:30 PM MST.Scanners. Every other person who walks in the door of my Radioshack store is either looking for a scanner, or wants the latest BLM frequencies. I went too see my friend Don at the Idaho Springs store yesterday afternoon to scrounge another load. People are starved for info: Which way will the fire go next? Has my home been burned? Are the firefighters making any progress? Last night the local news channel carried a report that Conifer was being evacuated, so I drove the three miles to my store to discover every thing peaceful and normal, another false alarm. Disinformation is rampant. If you ever want to know just how much guess-work goes into your 10 o'clock news, try living in a disaster area.

A guy came into the store yesterday morning, saying that he had seen the beginning of the fire. He was draining his hot tub at his High Meadow home when he noticed a thin plume of smoke rising in the valley below him. At 9:05 AM he called Elk Creek Fire Dept, who replied that they "were on it." For three hours he watched the fire grow in size, until finally at about 12:15PM he saw trucks arriving at the scene. He is now living at the shelter, not sure whether his house was still standing. A second guy said he had lied to the police roadblock in order to get to his house south of the town of Pine. He said he had driven in along the edge of the blaze, with a wall of flames just 30 feet away, just to rescue his Golden Retriever.

I drove to the top of Conifer Mtn, around the corner from Rex, and got a view up the valley toward Bailey. The fire lay like an elongated crescent stretching 3 or 4 miles from near Bailey to Shaffer's Crossing. A spotter plane wheeled high above the smoke, giving instructions to a lead plane who guided the slurry bomber to the flames. I had the image of several mosquitoes attacking an elephant, such is the enormity of the blaze. What courage it takes to fly into that dense plume of smoke. Several waterbucket choppers are now in the area, including a huge one the Canadians have sent. The winds are down, and today would seem to be the pivotal day. Road crews are dropping trees and clearing brush along Highway 285, in order to widen the fire line and keep the High Meadow Fire from crossing the Highway and taking Conifer Mountain.

Rex, I'll buy you a beer at the Bucksnort when this is over, as long as you, me, and the Bucksnort are all still standing...

14 Jun 00 - 07:16 PM (#242551)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire

Thanks for the update LEJ. Worried about you and your family all day. Please be careful wandering around out there. Winds shift and somebody always gets caught off guard.


14 Jun 00 - 08:41 PM (#242598)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: BlueJay

LEJ- The fire is approaching Shaffer's Crossing now? I sure hope the Hwy 285 fire- line works. That's a bit too close for comfort. SINSULL brought up the 6/09/00 "Thought for the Day", discussing how suddenly things change. It was just a few days ago that we were talking about playing music. Now it's this. DAMN. Everyone I've talked to in Trinidad knows of your predicament, and their prayers are with you as well. BTW LEJ, I've been wondering: Is WyoWoman safe? I've seen no mention of her, so I'm assuming she must live a good deal further from the fire. Thanks for the update. Our hearts and spirits are with you. BlueJay

14 Jun 00 - 08:55 PM (#242602)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Dave Swan

Best wishes to everyone who's waiting this thing out. I know some of the folks who've gone to CO to fight that fire, and you couldn't ask for a better crew.

Be safe, Dave

14 Jun 00 - 09:30 PM (#242609)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

WyoWoman is not in that area, at least she wasn't last email I got from her...she's going further south to settle.

El Swanno...good to know your mates are there to help.

Damn, LeeJ, Rex et al...keep your cars packed and your houses hosed down...still keeping you close in our hearts and thoughts


14 Jun 00 - 09:35 PM (#242612)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Sorcha

Have sent at least 6 fighters from this county, don't know about trucks, etc.

14 Jun 00 - 09:56 PM (#242621)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Little Neophyte

LEJ & Rex, I am not sure if a candle is the most appropriate thing for me to light, but I will say some prayers for you guys.
My thoughts are with you.


14 Jun 00 - 11:30 PM (#242666)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Willie-O

Keep talkin to us fellas!

Leej owns a Radio Shack? Geez the guy's not only talented, he's got gadgets galore!

Was "Blaze" a movie about forest fire fighting? I haven't seen it, but "Always" is a pretty decent flick for the aerial scenes. And Richard Dreyfuss and Holly Hunter have good chemistry. Possibly they set the woods on fire themselves come to think of it....

Anyway, be ready for anything out there, and we'll all hope for the best.


14 Jun 00 - 11:38 PM (#242668)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

Geeziz, I'm sorry Willie....It was "Always." Holly Hunter, Richard Dreyfuss, John Goodman. I think the fire idea made me think "Blaze" which I also like. Not completely historically accurate either, but a good and funny, well acted movie about Louisiana governor and pol, Earl Long (Huey's brother) and Blaze Starr, a stripper and his mistress of sorts. Paul Newman and Lolita Davidovich. I found out later that the book about Blaze Starr was written by a guy I was in college with.


15 Jun 00 - 09:28 AM (#242783)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Willie-O

That's kind of what I thought...Goodman is hilarious as "Always", but he's a bit big to be a fire pilot. See him more as a ground man.

But enough chit chat. What's the situation this morning? The The Wildland Fire update--which Alice posted earlier in this thread --isn't updated today yet (9:25 a.m. EST).


15 Jun 00 - 10:03 AM (#242797)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

The latest on the National coverage isn't too good and the Weather Channel tends to back this up. Hot, dry, and windy conditions are giving the fires the upper hand. There's no predicted relief until Saturday and that still appears "iffy" at best. Hopefully we hear from our guys soon.


15 Jun 00 - 10:05 AM (#242798)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: GUEST,Mrr

I finally decided that the scuba diver in the forest fire had to be an urban legend because too many people were reporting it as having been in too many newspapers.

Keep us posted on real life, otherwise, we are all worrying! Wetness to you,

15 Jun 00 - 10:22 AM (#242802)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Rex

Hey LEJ, I'll take you up on that. The 'snort is still standing and so am I. But I'm a bit sore from hauling firewood and brush and such away from the house. Um, by the way, what _are_ those BLM frequencies? Huh? Pretty please? I found a web site that had them for the front range but there isn't much happening on them. A lot of griping elsewhere from the amateur radio guys about how BLM took over and shooed them away. "We don't need you now." You speak of aircraft, I was seeing some that were a dead ringer for the old Dakota or DC3 but they had four engines. Now I know they are DC4's. Well that makes sense then. I saw one that I am sure was a B18. That's an old bird. Ah, the fire report for ye all: Going up on a rocky dome behind the house instead of seeing solid smoke with flames peeking through, it is smoke here and there. The fire bombers and crew (I hear there are over a thousand of them now) made good headway yesterday. The report is 25% contained.The lack of wind sure helped. Oh, and last word was that the Eldorado fire near Boulder is completely contained. All the crews are bracing for high winds predicted today. That's going to make things hard for the crews. Thank the good Lord that no one has been seriously hurt or killed. There was a firetruck that was damaged when the fire "passed over" it. What an understatement. The crew fled to a house and escaped the blaze. They were airlifted out and treated for smoke inhallation. We have some friends coming in from Ohio today. I know 'Spaw, they will straighten this thing out. They called from West Kansas last night after seeing the news. We assured them that we are still here and they have a place to stay. Don't know how this will all turn out but our friends will have something to talk about when they return home. I was also on the phone with Steve, our guitar player. Some of you met him at EJ's. He has the cars all packed and ready to pull out if need be. I'll let you know what happens today.


15 Jun 00 - 11:01 AM (#242825)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire

Again. Be safe. Take care of you and yours. SS

15 Jun 00 - 12:06 PM (#242878)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Willie-O

Thanks for the update Rex. Regarding vintage aircraft: are there any Canso PBY-5 water bombers in use like the one Goodman flew in "Always"? I have a sentimental affection for these cause I had a plastic model of one hanging from my ceiling when I was a kid--I think that whatever their virtues as an aircraft may or may not be, they're (weird-looking) art in flight. Since the Canso is a flying boat, it was a natural to convert to water bomber use.

The Urban Legends Page definitely states that the scuba diver in a tree is a hoax. They have this and more to say about it:

Origins: The tragic tale of the unfortunately scooped diver has been with us at least since 1987. Told at various times as having happened in California or France, to date there's not been so much as one charred scuba diver recovered from the aftermath of a forest fire in either location. (You'll also sometimes hear of a fisherman found in a tree, still determinedly clutching his fishing pole even in his extra-crispy state of final repose. None of them has been found, either.)

It's been suggested the legend's origin lies in a collection of "how did this person die?" puzzles, this particular one presented as "The charred body of a scuba diver was found high in a tree after a forest fire -- how did he get there?" Hypothetical stories have a way of being later remembered as real occurrences, and that likely could have happened here. (Visit the Ronald Opus page for an example of this sort of transmutation.


15 Jun 00 - 12:43 PM (#242895)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Lej, I trust your wife is still safely catching blues bands in the south of England while this drama unfolds around you.

15 Jun 00 - 01:42 PM (#242919)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

Thank you for the research Willie. Its always nice to put those babies to bed! But I heard it was a Briarhopper with his still in a mysterious, river water, ice block at the rear of a Radio Shack store in Colorado. Any info on that?

We're all thinking of you.......just passing the time as we wait and hope for the best.


15 Jun 00 - 01:57 PM (#242924)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: sophocleese

Still checking in on you guys and glad to hear you're still safe. Hope it stays that way and that things improve.

15 Jun 00 - 02:00 PM (#242927)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Metchosin

Willie-O, for sure, they don't have the big Martin Mars beomoths covering the fires down there, too bad, they make the others look like dinky toys. It could be that there isn't large enough water surfaces to scoop from in the area, to make them logistically useful.

15 Jun 00 - 03:26 PM (#242975)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

It is cold and rainy here in Wyoming and supposed to be south in Cheyenne and what happens there usually either comes up from Colorado or goes down, so here's hoping the Cloud Powers do their thing.

15 Jun 00 - 10:19 PM (#243188)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

I don't like what I just heard on NPR; said they'd had to evacuate a bunch more people this a.m. due to shifting winds.

Did get an email from WyoWoman and she is here, in Casper, packing up to really move south, but some of her hardware is in Colorado already...anyone know how it is in Evergreen?

And, how 'bout it, LeeJ, Rex, anyone else? Ya still with us?


16 Jun 00 - 12:30 AM (#243223)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

I'm pretty tired tonight, but wanted to post an update. Today was panicky from the start. Gusting wind and heat. I arrived at my store to see the entire area smoked in, and then the rumors started: the fire had broken through the 285 fire line, it was burning toward Conifer mountain, we would be evacuated by 2 PM. A man yelled at me from across the parking lot "Please help me! I've got three horses aand dogs and cats at my house, and I can't get this scanner programmed! I can't seem to concentrate on anything!" so I programmed his scanner and sent him on his way. People were running through the parking lot. It was like the Titanic after the flares went up. Then the winds reversed and we gained a respite.

Trucks are parked all over town with California, Oregon, Wyoming plates. The Wyoming fire brigade has cool little enclosed, metal-tracked vehicles with large tanks , and they can shoot intense streams of water in 180 degrees. Fire Assault Vehicles. And I never thought I'd be so happy to see so many California plates on vehicles in Colorado. Bless 'em all.

Tonight clouds have come in, and temps are in the 40's, so we may have a better day tomorrow. They are estimating two weeks until the thing is totally under control though. Rex R is fine...he called me this evening for more scanner frequencies.

Praise the Lord and pass the slurry......


16 Jun 00 - 12:38 AM (#243227)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

Oh, LeeJ, thanks for taking the time to let us know how you, dear one, if you can, and bless your heart...we are sending all we can in thoughts and prayers and love...

16 Jun 00 - 12:58 AM (#243235)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: catspaw49

I leave for Atlanta for a weekend drop-off of the kids with their aunt tomorrow morning and I'm glad to see things are still holding. You will be in our thoughts.

Leej, as I pass through the Bluegrass state, I'm picking up me a case of Ale8One......wanna' bottle or two bro?

Be safe.


16 Jun 00 - 02:08 AM (#243243)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

Spaw...A Late One,indeed,make 'er a six. Say Howdy to Winchester and the ole RR Gorge. I spent many a lost weekend thereabouts ramblin' amongst the arches and domes. Ever been to Nada? Used to be a hand-painted sign put up by some local there, said Drive slow- You Might Meet a Fool, engendering many campside stories concerning "the Fool".

Beautiful place. Spiders big as your fist. If you ever get to Rockcastle County say hello to my family. Everybody there is related, and I'm related to all of 'em.

Lonesome Ex-Briarhopper EJ

16 Jun 00 - 08:24 AM (#243310)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: jeffp

EJ and Rex - glad to hear you guys are still hanging in there. Hope the weather allows the firefighters to get a handle on things. Still praying for you all here in Maryland.


16 Jun 00 - 08:43 AM (#243315)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire

This morning's news looks promising. Stay safe. SS

16 Jun 00 - 10:55 AM (#243387)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Rex

This morning it is cold. In the thirties. And still, the wind is gone for now. Maybe we will get some rain, or snow. Yesterday was a bit hairy. A plan was put together to evacuate the mountain but it didn't happen. Then the clouds and cool air came in from the north like the cavalry and saved us. There was little slurry traffic yesterday. I haven't seen any of the flying boats but sure would love to. I've been grateful that no one was hurt in the fire but found out yesterday that a firefighter rolled firetruck on Tuesday. Last I heard he was in the hospital in critical condition. These guys put it all on the line. I was listening on the radio to a crew that was hunkering down in a meadow after being entirely surrounded by burning trees. They just had to wait it out until the trees burned out. Our friends got in late yesteday. At one point I thought they might not be able to get up here. Or my wife, she was in town when things got worse. It's good to have everyone here. Now we have more hands on deck for hauling things out of here. No, I don't think it will come to that now. Many thanks for the radio frequencies EJ.


16 Jun 00 - 01:02 PM (#243441)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: GUEST,Mrr

What's a briarhopper? A bootlegger?

16 Jun 00 - 01:34 PM (#243452)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Alice

It has been cool and rainy here for at least a week, and I thought for sure some of this wetness would go south to you. Here's hoping. The rain coming through my roof would do better down on your mountain.

16 Jun 00 - 01:53 PM (#243453)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

"Briar-hopper" or "Briar" are terms of admiration used by Ohioans, Indianans, and other similarly deprived neighbors of Kentucky, to describe Kentuckians, a race of humans who can easily leap over thorny problems, due to our high degree of intellectual agility.

16 Jun 00 - 01:57 PM (#243458)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Alice

good answer, LEJ. The smoke has not slowed you down a bit.

16 Jun 00 - 02:05 PM (#243461)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: BlueJay

I really hope I'm right on this. Todays Denver Post stated that a fortuitious wind shift has sent the main brunt of the fire to the South, away from the more populated areas. Our Mudcat brothers live a few mile North of U.S. Highway 285, and the fire is burning to the south of the highway. The strategy seems to be making 285 a fire line, which Rex indicates has already been breeched. From what I've heard, they are making the 285 fire line a top priority. Maybe the change in direction will allow the firefighters more time to reenforce the 285 line. I hope so. In places, the corridor is quite wide, but in other spots it is just 20 or 30 feet of road carved through the pines. Of course, this was from this mornings newspaper and TV accounts. Things can change quickly. Plus I'm not sure how well the media even knows what's going on. Evacuees seem to be unable to find out if their homes are safe or lost. For what it's worth, you can check the many human interest stories at I'll try the little blue monster: click here

16 Jun 00 - 02:08 PM (#243462)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

LeeJ, I have just emailed your answer to my son, Colin, in *Luhlvllh*; he'll enjoy that one!

Just got off the phone with WyoWoman..she says to say hi and stay safe. She is all packed & leaving Casper tomorrow. Appreciates people's concern and will be back amongst us as soon as she gets her gear set up in her new house.

We've had more cold and rain, too. Alice, if we both start huffin' and puffin' maybe we can prime those clouds to move on south.:-)


16 Jun 00 - 08:19 PM (#243589)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

5:55 PM. Thanks to all those whose prayers and good energy sent us a cloudy, cold and misty day. Everyone here has a smile on their face due to the gray, drizzly, miserable weather that has come to our rescue. Things here, at least for today, are looking a whole lot better. A lot of folks are being allowed back into their homes, or at least to the sites where their houses used to be.

16 Jun 00 - 10:00 PM (#243619)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Little Neophyte

Very happy to hear the weather changes LEJ & Rex
Thanks for keeping us posted
You guys must be exhausted
Maybe I'll do another rain dance tonight

17 Jun 00 - 09:28 AM (#243755)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Rex

This morning it's 33 degrees outside and snowing like crazy. The good Lord has sent us snow and saved us like Dorothy and her friends in Oz. It probably froze my potatoes once again this year but hey, it saved all our houses. Elaine and I ventured out yesterday. There was a forest ranger at the Safeway store with a large map of the fire. It got closer than I thought. We stopped to visit EJ and he gave me a copy of the music we played at his place. Many thanks again! We went over the the high school and the red cross is still set up and folks were bringing in food and clothes. We tried to find out the condition of our harp players cabin but didn't get much info there. We met Steve's wife. Steve came to EJ's place during Bill and Allen's visit. They are still at their house but are the only ones still in the area. People are being allowed back to their homes again. The firefighters are still going to have to mop this up for a week or more but it looks like its over. Thank you all for your prayers and good wishes. We're going to enjoy visiting with our friends and this local reporter on the scene is going to sign off and go fishing. I'll log on in a few days but I think my daily reports are no longer needed. Hurrah for that!


17 Jun 00 - 10:14 AM (#243770)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: alison

Glad to hear you're all OK



17 Jun 00 - 10:16 AM (#243774)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Ive been following this with bated breath and I'm so grateful you both/all are well and that it's over for you. I lived in Colo as a child and have visited about once every 10 years- it's an amazingly beautiful place. May the healing of the land begin.

17 Jun 00 - 10:34 AM (#243778)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Crowhugger

Thanks goodness, and thank all the prayers and visualizations.


17 Jun 00 - 11:09 AM (#243784)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Alice

Rex and LEJ, this is a relief for us to read. The snow has been on all our mountain peaks here for a few days. I'm glad it made its way down to you. Yesterday I went to a homeschool book sale exchange. I found two really good old school songbooks. One is songs from "many lands", lots of German, Polish, Russian, and more. The other is a book from the 60's for junior high. It has a section called the "singing voice" with advice for teens on how to sing through their voice changing. Here's a song from that book.

(canon) James Niblock
From this is music grade 8

Evening red and morning grey,
(Evening red and morning grey)
Is the sign of sunny day,
(Is the sign of sunny day)
Evening grey and morning red,
(Evening grey and morning red)
Bring down rains upon our head.
(Bring down rains upon our head)

Evening red and morning grey,
(Evening red and morning grey)
Send the sailor on his way
(Send the sailor on his way)
Evening grey and morning red,
(Evening grey and morning red)
Bring down rains upon his head
(Bring down rains upon his head)

Thankful it snowed.


17 Jun 00 - 11:25 AM (#243789)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Alice

From the elementary school book, 1936, Songs of Many Lands
A haunting melody in Eflat.

Frances Ford and Newton Swift

1. Winding over the hill,
Drumming down the plain,
They march with silvery banners,
The armies of the rain.

Each with flickering lance,
Each with shining spear,
Across the field or in the wood,
They travel far and near.

2. All the fluttering trees,
Tremble at their tread,
In fear the shivering willow,
Bends her weeping head.

Under watery boughs,
Press the armies bold,
They never loose their flashing spears,
Till woods are wet and cold.

17 Jun 00 - 12:21 PM (#243798)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Metchosin

Beautiful songs Alice, a good find.
So glad to hear things are better, I was hoping something would come out of Canada for you, besides water bombers! Maybe it was the snow, because instead of the cold rain we have been having here in the Pacific Northwest, about the time you got the Cold Low, we finally got warmth and sunshine.

17 Jun 00 - 01:19 PM (#243814)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: BlueJay

Rex and LEJ, thanks for your updates through all of this. I'm so happy, it looks like you can concentrate on music again. Probably the rest of us, too. Nice songs, Alice. BlueJay

17 Jun 00 - 01:48 PM (#243821)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Escamillo

Very glad to see that it's over. My best wishes for the fast recovery of the region and that never a disaster like this happens again. It makes me think how weak and vulnerable we are with all our science and technology, when the disaster strikes.
Un abrazo - Andrés

17 Jun 00 - 02:43 PM (#243836)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire

Amazing what a few well meaning people can accomplish just by wanting it to be. I am only half joking. Eat Instant Potatoes this year LEJ and love them. Much better than baked.

Time to turn the energy back to Big Mick, Darla and Jim.

Happy Saturday! Rex.

18 Jun 00 - 01:06 AM (#243954)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Big Mick

Thanks be for the gift of the snow for our friends. I have been reading this one and worrying for our friends. Glad the snow came.

Big Mick

30 Mar 12 - 01:26 PM (#3331200)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Rex

I was thinking this might already be posted but here you go. The Lower North Fork Fire is 45% contained. It shows you what 500 fire-fighters on the ground, tens of slurry bombers and tens more of helecopters can do with 4500 burning acres. The helecopters stationed on Norm Meyer's ranch are gone now. The losses are hard, two are confirmed dead. I had seen Sam and Linda Lucas around town. I know a woman still has not been found. About twenty-five houses are burned or destroyed. But I am grateful no fire-fighters have been killed or injured. 2002 was bad year for fires. Aside from the Hayman fire, WWII slurry bombers were circling over us in the Black Mountain fire. I was jumping up and down in my driveway and waving my hat cheering them on. One them went down in a fire later that Summer killing all on board. I put the tune "Fire on the Mountain" on my latest CD in remembrance of those lost and appreciation for all fire-fighters. Where would we be without you?


30 Mar 12 - 01:27 PM (#3331203)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Rex

Forgot to say, for those of you that were unaware of this thread. Lonesome EJ and Kat sure know it. Thanks guys.


30 Mar 12 - 01:37 PM (#3331209)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: Lonesome EJ

Stay safe, Rex. I no longer live in the Conifer area, but am very concerned about friends there. Hooray for the firefighters indeed!!

30 Mar 12 - 04:23 PM (#3331292)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: katlaughing

Thanks for posting Rex, and LeeJ. I've been wondering about you both. It is so darn dry, way too early, and too warm, too early. You are right about praising the firefighters. Openmic lost her home in CA whilst fighting a forest fire a few years ago.

May you all continue to be safe and Rex I hope to hear that song. Going to go look for it, now!


31 Mar 12 - 12:37 PM (#3331624)
Subject: RE: Colorado Forest Fire
From: open mike

stay safe,all. this year does not bode well for has been too hot and too dry too early...I fear the later times...summer and beyond may hold some more tragic tales....