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BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...

23 Jun 00 - 12:43 PM (#246581)
Subject: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Bill D

it says in the Washington Post this morning that Paul Allen, co-founder of Microsoft, has built a $240 million museum to rock music! Well, don't you know THAT got my old curmudgeonly brain cells stirring!...suppose I,...or even YOU,(IF you are a true folkie) had that kind of money and decided to build a museum? What goes in it?

My first nomination: Jeannie Robertson's housedress.

Oh..gee, I'm sorry, but Bob Dylan's Martin is not a choice, Paul Allen already has that in his Rock museum..*grin*..I TOLD you.....

23 Jun 00 - 12:48 PM (#246586)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: GUEST,Phil Cooper

On that tack, I's say something like Jean Richie's dulcimer. I would also say this folk museum should sponsor a "Slow Airs and Ballads" festival each year. The performers could play other stuff as well, but would at least have a nodding aquaintance with slow airs and ballads. While we're planning how to spend this bountiful amount of money.....

23 Jun 00 - 12:52 PM (#246588)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: GUEST,JulieF

What about reconstructions of folk events through the ages:-

The dingy folk club people with aran sweaters

The wild celis where you keep falling over the kids

Big charts to show how much more beer folkies drink than any other music followers

Reconstruction of festivals complete with weather simulators and the sight and smells of festival toilets ( yes I know they are a lot better now)

picked morris dancers ( that's their natural state I belive)

I could go on but the caretaker wants to chuck me out - off to Scarbourgh Irish Festival back Monday

Have a good weekend JulieF

23 Jun 00 - 01:01 PM (#246594)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: katlaughing

There would have to be a living village reenacting the early days of the Mudcat Cafe, including the Mudcat Adventure, with rides in the actual car used on the original trip, and interpretive guides along at eash stop. Guests could purchase Mudcat button replicas and minature possum ocarinas, after visiting the Shrine of the Big Mick's Fertility Rites.

BTW, BillD, I heard about this on NPR, this morning, too...Aaarrggghhh!!

23 Jun 00 - 01:09 PM (#246598)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: catspaw49

Well you have to give Bill Gates and Paul Allen a lot of credit. Very few men have the guts to name their company after the size and consistency of their genitals.

I'll think on the museum idea as I cut the grass, do the morning dishes, get supper ready, and throw in another load of wash.



23 Jun 00 - 01:10 PM (#246600)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Mooh

famous folkie undergarments...the "Crossroads Contract" (with the Devil)...Turlough O'Carolan's harp (or his seeing eye dog)...Dave MacIsaac's jeans, I mean genes, or at least some fingernail clippings...Bill Monroe's mandolin(s)...

23 Jun 00 - 01:14 PM (#246604)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Sorcha

Museum be damned! Take it and set up the House of the Setting Sun/Old Folkies Retreats! Then we get to keep all that good stuff, and play with it.

23 Jun 00 - 01:26 PM (#246614)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...

In the museum:Spaw

So it's the House of the Setting Sun? Great. We have a name. Now a location...

23 Jun 00 - 01:32 PM (#246617)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Mbo

Aw come on, now people can't build a museum to the kind of music they like if they got the dough? Leave 'em alone. I rather go see the Rock museum than the folk one. I don't know who half the people you're talking about even are! I wanna see Brian May's homeade guitar...


23 Jun 00 - 01:58 PM (#246628)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...

If a folkie had 30 - 40 billion dollars, he would probably piss it away trying to save the world. Read the threads.

Before you bite my head off - this is not a criticism.


23 Jun 00 - 02:13 PM (#246637)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: katlaughing

SS - LMAO!!! You are right and my Rog says we'd be the hippies that once were practising free love, only now all we'd be able to do is talk about it!**BG**

(Personally, if it comes to that, I am going to go find the elder Native American guy, must've been in his 80's, who tried to chat me up at a powwow one year...he definitely did more than talk about it!:-)


23 Jun 00 - 02:31 PM (#246646)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...

If he's the same one I met in Ketchican you'll have to wait in line. SS

23 Jun 00 - 02:33 PM (#246648)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Bill D

yep, I think we're on the right track...a combo museum/old folkies home..."House of the Setting Sun" seems ok, but suggestions are open...ya' know, though, we're gonna run through the money pretty fast, since so many agree with Mbo, we're gonna have hafta pay 'em to come...*grin*

Exhibits: we need a room of Victrolas with 78rpm records,...Gid Tanner & the like... ...also a front porch on the museum, so the banjo players could set 'n rock 'n pick.

23 Jun 00 - 02:59 PM (#246662)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...

I have an original OLD wind up Victrola the size of a coffin. Appropriate, no? The kids overwound it but someone of our banjo builders should be able to get it to work.

Wicker furniture is a must. And rocking chairs. Better acquire a few spittoons too. That Southern crowd will need them.

23 Jun 00 - 03:12 PM (#246668)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Kelida

What about me 'n' Mbo and everyone else who has AT LEAST 45 or 50 years before we'll be able to go to an old folks home? What are we gonna do? I think that old folks homes are discriminating against young folks. . .

Anyway, for the museum there should be at least one of every woodwind instrument ever invented.


23 Jun 00 - 03:23 PM (#246670)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...

Kelida, Be careful what you wish for ... Mbo has been recruited for bed pan duty. We figure that middle aged artist/folk singers need a day job and this one was open.

If I were you I would volunteer for kitchen duty quick. The only other available position is "Keeper and Changer of the Depends" and Spaw's have to be administered in a Jello bath.


23 Jun 00 - 03:32 PM (#246671)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Max

If I had that kind of money, I would buy every music publishing company I could get my hands on. HFA would be first on my list.

23 Jun 00 - 03:59 PM (#246673)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: simon-pierre

I would buy the Bob Dylan's Martin to Paul Allen's museum...

23 Jun 00 - 04:21 PM (#246681)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Mbo

Kel, wanna trade? I'm MUCH better at cleaning kitchens than changing bedpans! Besides, when yer in the kitchen, you get to stay in one place a blast music! PUT YER MONEY IN YER MOUTH AND YER HAND RIGHT UPON THE WHEE-UUUL!!!!


23 Jun 00 - 04:26 PM (#246684)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Peter T.

Just to let you know that there is a proposed folk museum for New York, somewhere in Greenwich Village. Pete Seeger has suggested that folk musicians ought to be prepared to put in $10 apiece to buy Leadbelly's guitar (I guess one of them must be on sale somewhere).
yours, Peter T.

23 Jun 00 - 05:06 PM (#246706)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Clinton Hammond2

If a folkie ever had 30 or 40 billion, he'd likley just keep playing gigs until the money was gone...

If -I- had the money and had to build a museum, I'd just have one display.. Billy Connollys Hammer... ya know... the one he says that if he had, there'd be no more folk singers!! LOL!!! Talk about a guy who got jaded real fast... Ask him what he thinks of the arran sweater crowd and I'm sure his response will be rated 'R' or maybe even 'X'! LOL!!


23 Jun 00 - 09:16 PM (#246808)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Mooh

This reminded me...

What happened to the folkie who won the lottery? He kept gigging until the money ran out.

The kind of money proposed here might well set up a folk arts school/college.

Peace, Mooh.

26 Jun 00 - 11:39 AM (#247031)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: GUEST,Suetonius

well, I had to look. What a splendid gift to the future!! Rock music has been so tragically under-represented in our culture -- I weep, in gratitude, in joy, in prostrate awed humility, at this noble gesture, at this shining hour of triumph, triumph of all that is good, and just, at this apotheosis, at this selfless visionary, this man (dare we call him man?!) -- Paul Allen, I salute thee!

and hey, it's only 20 bucks to get in!!

too bad you couldn't write a fucking operating system, but hey, 40 billion is nothing to sneeze your nose at, eh?

26 Jun 00 - 11:56 AM (#247047)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Midchuck

How about buying up all the really great old acoustic guitars (okay, mandos too - but NO BANJOS) that are sitting in collections not getting played, and giving them out on long term loan to good players who can't afford a really good instrument?


26 Jun 00 - 01:15 PM (#247104)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Bill D

...ah, Suetonius..I couldn't have said it better myself!

26 Jun 00 - 02:28 PM (#247176)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: GUEST,Michael Scully

They probably don't have $30 billion (in fact, they don't even have a home yet) but some people are trying to create a "folk music museum," as mentioned in Peter T's earlier post. Check it out at

(I wanted to create a clickable link for you all, but couldn't follow what I'm sure are really simple instructions.)

26 Jun 00 - 02:35 PM (#247184)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: katlaughing

Here you go, Michael, thanks for the info: blue clickie

26 Jun 00 - 06:55 PM (#247351)
Subject: RE: BS: ...if a folkie had $30-40 Billion...
From: Bill D

...I see they are desperately trying to raise money...they need a East Coast backer...I wonder if Steve Case is a folkie?..naaawww....guess they better try bake sales..