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Mudcat Dependency Syndrome

07 Jul 00 - 02:52 PM (#253581)
Subject: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Homeless

When I first got on the 'Cat (only 4 short months ago) I saw many warnings that it could be addictive. Now, as I'm sitting here at work and surreptitiously checking the threads, I realize that "addictive" might be an understatement. Having recently read a thread containing the reactions of people when the 'Cat was down for a weekend I think that I may not be the only person afflicted with this condition.

And so, I propose guidelines for diagnosis of...

(Spaw - you might want to get the bedpans ready - there may be a rush at the NYC this weekend.)

Mudcat Dependency Syndrome

Having an interest in folk and blues music may seem like a healthy and innocuous pastime at first glance, but continued exposure can lead to a dangerous dependency. The following symptoms are indications that you are becoming pathologically dependent on Mudcat:

  • Preoccupation with reading posts on Mudcat or with the next opportunity to post on Mudcat.
  • Increased tolerance for viewing computer monitors; development of the ability to compute much more than others and still function adequately.
  • Mudcatting with such intensity that the next morning brings amnesia about some of the events of the previous day or evening.
  • Having a laptop and cellular modem stashed somewhere, in case the "need to Mudcat" suddenly manifests itself.
  • Posting much more than planned, or posting much differently than planned.

If you suspect that you are suffering from Mudcat Dependency Syndrome, you can test yourself by answering the following questions:

  • Does the thought of Mudcatting sometimes enter your mind when you should be thinking of something else?
  • Do you sometimes feel the need to Mudcat at a particular time of day?
  • Do you often find that you can Mudcat much more than others and not show the effects?
  • Has anyone commented on your ability to Mudcat?
  • Have you ever gotten on the Mudcat in the morning?
  • Do you Mudcat while at work?
  • Have you ever gotten on the Mudcat when you should be working on other things?
  • Do you sometimes get on Mudcat even though you cannot afford the time to?
  • Do you have a very definite preference to associate with people who are on Mudcat, as opposed to those who are not?
  • Have you ever wondered about your increased capacity to post and that you may be somewhat proud of this ability?
  • Have you ever had difficulty recalling what you did after last night's Mudcat?
  • Do you ever Mudcat to calm your nerves or reduce tension?
  • Do you find it difficult to enjoy a party or social gathering if no one there knows what Mudcat is?
  • Do you Mudcat to relieve physical discomfort?
  • Do you ever get on Mudcat more than you think you should?
  • Is your Mudcatting sometimes different than you would like it to be?
  • Do the non-Mudcatting members of your family know the names and personalities of many of the Mudcatters?
  • Does your social life consist primarily of HearMe?
  • Is your house decorated by items on which there is a picture of a fish jumping out of a banjo?

07 Jul 00 - 03:04 PM (#253589)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: wysiwyg

Mudcat? What's that again?

Me and Hardi got to meet a REAL musician this week to PLAY MUSIC together and THANK GOD I bit my lip JUST BEFORE recommending he join this wonderful Mudcat thing..... BECAUSE I DO NOT WANT HIM TO BE TOO BUSY TO PLAY AGAIN!!!!

And I was almost late to MEET Dharmabum yesterday!!!!! For the first time! And WHY???? BECAUSE I WAS DOING ONE MORE PERSONAL MESSAGE AT MUDCAT!

Absolvo me. Thanks... I feel better!


07 Jul 00 - 03:14 PM (#253596)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: MMario

I've said it before and I'll say it again. I can stop anytime I want to stop. Sure, my hands begin to shake and my voice goes hoarse when it's been more then a couple of hours since I was "on the 'cat" but hey, y'know, that happens occasionally. It's not like I couldn't STOP if I wanted to stop. Why, just last week I went almost 56 hours without 'catting. that's 3,360 minutes, or 201,600 seconds. My god, I thought I'd never make it! I mean... I didn't think it was that difficult.

and Praise? REAL musicians can MudCat too! (Hmmph!)

07 Jul 00 - 03:18 PM (#253597)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome

I actually answered my phone at work today with "Good Afternoon, Mudcat". Needless to say, my caller was confused.

I thought Pepsi addiction was bad but this is horrible. Excuse me now. I have to add to the Men's Mudcat Thread.


07 Jul 00 - 03:32 PM (#253605)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: kendall

other symptoms..increased typing speed, improvement in spelling. fewer phone calls from people I dont like.(one line)

07 Jul 00 - 03:40 PM (#253612)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Giac

The doctor's receptionist calls:

-I've tried all afternoon to call, to remind you
of your appointment. I suppose you were on that Mudcat
thing again.-


You quickly hang up and go back on line, vowing to
consult a real doctor next time, one at, um, the NYC.

07 Jul 00 - 03:45 PM (#253615)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Morticia

My name is Terri and I suffer from Mudcat Dependency Syndrome..........there, I said it!
I'd suspected it for some time, of course, feverishly typing and cackling into the small hours even with work the following morning, forgetting the names of loved ones, snarling when they wondered too near to my computer and only answering to Morticia ( or the strange derivatives thereof, only used by 'Spaw and others), keeping a picture of Max in my wallet.........Dear Homeless, am I normal?

07 Jul 00 - 04:04 PM (#253622)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Homeless

Dear Morticia - that would depend on how you define normal. Based on the postings of other Mudcatters, I would say, "Yes, you are normal." A more fitting question, though, would be "Is this healthy?"

So far I have only worked on guidelines to diagnose this syndrome. Hopefully, by the end of the weekend, (two whole days of Mudcat, Hooray!) I will have some guidelines for balancing one's Mudlife with the life that exists outside of Mudcat. (That is, if my real life doesn't intrude on my Mudcat time this weekend.)

07 Jul 00 - 04:27 PM (#253624)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Amergin

There's a life outside of Mudcat?

07 Jul 00 - 04:28 PM (#253625)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Sorcha

Hi! my name is Sorcha, and I am a MudCatter. I even have a BillButton to prove it. I am suffering severe withdrawal pangs, near to DT's after having been camping at the lake since 31 July. Thank god I am home now, and can get to my support group! (What did I do first when I got home? Unload? no Shower? no---pop a brew and check the Cat!! Quick, get a bed ready at the Center!!)

07 Jul 00 - 04:35 PM (#253627)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: MMario

Sorcha, you aren't hopelessly into MDS - you DID pop a brew first...

07 Jul 00 - 04:38 PM (#253629)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: MMario

aaarrrrggggghhhh! I just realized that when i log off it will be SUNDAY NIGHT before I can check the 'cat again.

07 Jul 00 - 05:12 PM (#253643)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Homeless

Sorcha - I have a feeling you are in worse shape than either you or MMario realize. That is based on the fact that today is only 7 July and you believe that you have been camping since 31 July. Tho I don't know whether to recommend more camping or more Mudcat...

07 Jul 00 - 05:13 PM (#253644)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome

I would say it's good to have you back but if you've been away since the 31st of July I think you're still at the lake and don't know it. Have another piece of the mushroom Alice!
Must be Mudcat Withdrawal Syndrome.
SS, Rocking and sucking her thunb.

07 Jul 00 - 05:18 PM (#253646)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: GUEST,Barfy

'There's a man goin' round, takin' names'

Anybody want to hazard a guess at what his addiction is?

07 Jul 00 - 05:39 PM (#253663)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Sorcha

Please pass the mushrooms, Alice, and I'll take seconds on the brownies. This could be serious. Actually, I had to re boot the computer, and popped the top while waiting, waiting, waiting. Oh dear, back to the future, again. (shall we try 31 June?)

07 Jul 00 - 06:57 PM (#253720)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Liz the Squeak

You realise that it is a contagious disease - Morticia gave it to the LFU, who passed it on to the Squeak, who has mentioned it in passing to a couple of other likeminded loonies......

Morty baby, IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!!!

07 Jul 00 - 07:34 PM (#253746)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Morticia

Liz, my angel, you know perfectly well that I only introduced the 'cat to you and Micca in order to stop you from indulging in the less wholesome habits which were famed for terrorising the innocent of East London for many a long dark year.
It all starts with just the one innocent posting.." oh yes, I know that song" or " I can't possibly let that statement go by" and before you know it.......I'd suggest a self help group but I can't spare the time from mudcatting :)

07 Jul 00 - 07:36 PM (#253751)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Liz the Squeak

And what unwholesome habits were those then dear - the ones I also picked up from you??


07 Jul 00 - 07:40 PM (#253761)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: katlaughing

One more you find your bladder capacity has improved, as you cannot tear away from the Mudcat to pee? Or, have you install a loo into your computer room or, moved your computer into the loo?**BG**


07 Jul 00 - 07:43 PM (#253766)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Liz the Squeak

I know it is time to get up and go when I ..............

07 Jul 00 - 07:49 PM (#253770)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: rangeroger

One of the other major symptoms that Morticia alludes to, is the need to addict family, friends, and even total strangers to the Mudcat.It begins by rambling on coherently about the joys of the Mudcat, and suggesting to them that they cannot live cohesively without the Mudcat in their life.
This is done so that the others will be one with us and we will enjoy cognitive resonance in our lives.
How CAN I keep from singing?

07 Jul 00 - 07:56 PM (#253773)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: catspaw49

Dating back to December of '98 I've only made about 6000 posts so I figure that ain't too bad is it? Is that really addiction? Besides there are side benefits to the place.......

Like Liz had a lot of unsightly chest hair when she first arrived and now its pretty well gone. You know, stuff like that........


07 Jul 00 - 08:00 PM (#253776)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: SDShad

Well, I don't know about the rest of y'all, but I got it from Agnes.

Channeling Tom Lehrer,


07 Jul 00 - 08:19 PM (#253785)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Morticia

Oh no it isn't, Uncle Pat,you could knit sweaters with what's culled from that womans chest :)

07 Jul 00 - 08:31 PM (#253790)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Amergin

I must have gotten gotten it from a dirty one would get hepatitus from a dirty needle....

07 Jul 00 - 09:06 PM (#253827)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Homeless

How ironic Amergin - Mudcat keeps me from going to the dirty websites

07 Jul 00 - 09:47 PM (#253838)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Mary in Kentucky

...uh Sorcha...there are only 30 days in June. This is getting curiouser and curiouser.

07 Jul 00 - 09:50 PM (#253841)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: catspaw49

No big deal Mary........Sorcha's just fucked up......nothing new.


07 Jul 00 - 11:13 PM (#253875)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Little Neophyte

Kat, I don't bother with expanding my bladder capacity and anal retention is nothing I would like to develop so I just wear Depends incontinent pads. It takes care of the problem.


07 Jul 00 - 11:41 PM (#253889)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Naemanson

I haven't been 'catting very long so I can't be addicted yet can I? The test would be to keep from posting to this thread wouldn't it? So I just have to avoid hitting that little submit button.


07 Jul 00 - 11:55 PM (#253895)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Roger in Baltimore


Mudcat Dependency Syndrome, better known as Mudcat Addiction, has been seriously studied over the years. Please refer to the following citations for more informaiton, including some recovery suggestions.

Help I tink I'm an addict July 1997

Mudcat Addiction August 1999

Mudcat Addiction December 1998

Includes a 12 step program of recovery

Mudcat DT's December 1999

'cat addiction - BS June 1999

How many hours do you Mudcat? January 1999

Musicolism - take the test! February 2000 (includes the MDT = Music Dependency Self Test Test)

Justifying Multiple Guitars (a related topic about GAS, Guitar Acquisition Syndrome, an understudied precursor to much Mudcat Addiction) March 2000

How hooked are you? (a related topic about playing an instrument) January 2000

Test Your Mudcat IQ (a self-test. In the second version, Catspaw mistakenly thinks I married Marge, as if that could ever happen)

You Know You've Been Mcattin' Too Long When ... March 1999 (includes another self-test) Apparently you know you're addicted when you find yourself taking bunches of self-tests

BS: You Love Your Computer More Than Me! March 2000 (describing an obvious symptom of addiction)

BS: Do any of you sleep? March 2000 (yet another symptom)

The Nature of the Mudcat Beastie... March 2000 (More symptoms, March 2000 seems like a defining month)

BS: Neil Young Center February 2000 (more on treatment)

BS: Addiction December 1999 (exploring the concept of "cross addiction")

BS: And Another Thing I Wish They Told Me December 1999 (blaming others, another symptom)

There may be other related threads, but this should serve as a starting point for you. The first step in treating addiction is for the addict to "self-diagnose". The purpose of some of these threads is to define this process in words and music.

Roger in Baltimore

07 Jul 00 - 11:59 PM (#253898)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: catspaw49

At least you finally got around to marrying the girl RiB. You're kinda' slow, but its OK when the outcome is as good as that.


08 Jul 00 - 12:10 AM (#253904)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Homeless

Roger - you just get married and yet you spend enough time on the Mudcat to get all these threads? Have you taken the tests in any of them? Or is it that you refer back to them so frequently that you keep the list handy?

I guess I should have done a bit more research before I started this thread (tho I did say that I'd read quite a few warnings when I first found the 'Cat. Most of those warnings were in some of the threads listed above.)

Well, I won't be making a list of recovery steps since that work has been done already. Good. Now I'll have more time to read the threads. Thanx for the URLs.

08 Jul 00 - 12:13 AM (#253910)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Night Owl

Thanks for that list RiB....frightening...I remember the threads....should your list be included in the FAQ think???

08 Jul 00 - 12:21 AM (#253913)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Little Neophyte

Night Owl, maybe there should just be a big warning sign at the top of the FAQ permathread like they have on packages of cigarettes.


08 Jul 00 - 12:25 AM (#253916)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: catspaw49

Like what BonnAmi?

"Usage of the Mudcat Cafe can lead to problems in pregnancy."

How exactly would that help?


08 Jul 00 - 12:48 AM (#253925)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Sorcha

Worser and worser; I don't think there is any excuse this time, except "I have been on vacation......and I think it was last Friday that I left. I left my brain at this place called Mudcat for thorough deep cleaning,and they lost it." 30 days hath Sept, April, June and November............."'s a B****e* day, friends.

08 Jul 00 - 01:07 AM (#253937)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: GUEST,Marymac


Specifically, night-time usage of the mudcat, as well as usage in all of one's spare time, can definitely lead to difficulties in BECOMING pregnant, and other marital and family difficulties.

It can also lead to difficulties in forming relationships that might potentially LEAD to marriage or other long-term relationships. (Such as, person stays on Mudcat, instead of researching singles' sites; or, person ties up their phone line on Mudcat, and can't receive any calls from friends or would-be suitors.)



08 Jul 00 - 02:15 AM (#253960)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: BlueJay

I just discovered there is actually an internet outside of the Mudcat Cafe. Stumbled upon it. At first glance, it appears there are several news sites, and various arts and entertainment sites. Several of these seem to be devoted to teens. I think it's good to provide wholesome diversions for the youth of the world. Though I'm not sure how they're supposed to get a credit card. Maybe I'll check it out if I ever get done checking these threads.
I'm not addicted to the Mudcat. I recently went camping, as Sorcha did. I only thought of the Mudcat occasionally, such as walking by the river, (mud), scanning the hills for mountain lions, (cat), and looking at the tent, (threads). And the dog chain, (links).
Also, I have never actually hidden The Mudcat! Only the shortcut. Better go now, my wife'll be home any time. Oops, here she is. Hi honey, how'd the girls do at gymnastics? How do you like that. She didn't even read it. Just glanced at the computer and went to bed.
Now, what were we talking about? BlueJay

08 Jul 00 - 02:32 AM (#253962)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Liz the Squeak

Less than 8 hours ago, I was sitting here, posting. I had to stop due to bladder incapacity (must stop this naughty drinking foreign alcohol stuff with the office gang) I doze off for a few hours (very uncomfortable on the loo - don't do it.... you wake up with two dead legs and a big ring round your tushe) and this thread has expanded to here!

I have never had a hairy chest, that is a cat sitting on me. My friend - let's call her Aunty Wainwright - she'll know who she is - has a book about knitting things from dog hair. She has never had cause to use it in conjunction with me....

And I had trouble living cohesively beforehand - it is even worse now!!


(but I do get to say things about my other 'friends' without them being in range - by the time we get together she's forgotten them because she hasn't twigged on to taking a print out yet, hee heee heeeee!)

08 Jul 00 - 02:35 AM (#253963)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh bugger.

Might have to log on from hospital next time.....

Err..... gulp..... sorry?


08 Jul 00 - 02:55 AM (#253974)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Thomas the Rhymer





'CAUSE HE WORSHIPS ONLINE KARAOKE __________________________________________________________






08 Jul 00 - 08:05 AM (#254019)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Roger in Baltimore

I realized as I spent 45 minutes searching all those threads that I was succumbing to my addiction again. Hey, I could have read all of them all of the way through and taken longer. I also pride myself on logging off after posting instead of waiting for Catspaw and Homeless to post. They certainly were prompt.

In Marge's defense, I am spending a week at Commonground on the Hill, a week long submersion in folk music and art. Some may wonder why I got married and then took a week's vacation without Marge. It is to her everlasting credit that Marge is not one of the wonderers.

Roger in Baltimore

08 Jul 00 - 04:46 PM (#254182)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Uncle_DaveO

When my little girl sings:

"Father, dear father, come home with me now!
The clock in the steeple strikes two!

I know I'm in trouble

Dave Oesterreich

08 Jul 00 - 04:51 PM (#254184)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: McGrath of Harlow

My God, that's Mudcat telepathy for you. I just turned to the DT to get a link to Father dear father, and I came back, and there was Dave's post.

But you don't need to change a word - except maybe make it come "home from the Cat" . It's frightening...

09 Jul 00 - 12:06 AM (#254357)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Psaltry Psue

When reading the postings at work don't giggle. People give you weird looks.

09 Jul 00 - 05:08 AM (#254443)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Liz the Squeak

People always give we funny looks when I giggle, how do you think I got the handle.....?


09 Jul 00 - 01:26 PM (#254580)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: catspaw49

I thought it was the sound you make every week when they wax off your chest hair..........


09 Jul 00 - 03:22 PM (#254642)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Gervase

Believe me, Liz saying she giggles is a bit like Tarzan saying he, well, does whatever Tarzan does to make that extraordinary noise like a chap probably would if ever he had to go through childbirth.
I've seen a whole marquee disintegrate under the influence of Liz's laugh. Bottle it and there'd be no need for Prozac. Earplug sales would soar, though! But yes, this place is addditive. Why the hell am I sitting here alone in an office in the middle of London at dusk when I'm supposed to be working on a presentation? Because I keep darting the mouse up to that bloody bookmark, that's why. I swear it's got a mind of its own.
Get thee behind me Santa...
(Sodding dyslexia - always made for awkward moments in Selfridge's Christmas Grotto)

09 Jul 00 - 08:18 PM (#254772)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: bflat

This place is additive because for me it is so alive with humor, artistic representation, compassion, pure fun and friendship.

I used to play my guitar now I read threads. I'm a sick puppy.


10 Jul 00 - 04:22 AM (#254956)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Peter Kasin

Just because the Mudcat Cafe is my home page doesn't mean I'm addicted to it. Today I went three hours straight without even thinking about the Mudcat. That proves I'm not addicted to it. If you're still not convinced, I plan to actually go to sleep tonight before 2:00 a.m. and get four hours of sleep before I check my personal messages.

10 Jul 00 - 07:56 PM (#255423)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Dependency Syndrome
From: Liz the Squeak

Oh, Gervase, you say the nicest things!! And they are all TRUE!! I've brought theatres to a standstill just by enjoying myself..... (hoot hoot, there goes my trumpet...)

It's probably just as well you can't hear me now..... and it isn't the chest hair. I shave.