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BS: Do you hate silence?

10 Jul 00 - 02:27 PM (#255195)
Subject: Do you hate silence?
From: Ed Pellow

Unless I'm trying to sleep (and sometimes even then), I really hate silence. It's especially true when I'm on my own, but even when I'm with someone; as soon as wake up, and until I leave for work, I'll play music or listen to the radio.

The first thing that I do when I come home is to put the radio on. That, or music (I don't have a TV) will be sounding until I go to bed.

I can occasionally enjoy silence but more often than not, it makes me feel quite uncomfortable.

Curious to know if other people feel this way. I've heard theories that it's due to my age (I'm early 30's) and that older people grew up with more silence. I've also been told that it's a 'male' thing.

Interested in any thoughts


10 Jul 00 - 02:31 PM (#255197)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: jayohjo

I'm just the same - I have to have music on, just in the background, all the time. And sorry to confuse your theories, but I'm 18 & female! *BG*
Interestingly though, my mum can't cope with it - she says she can't concentrate on anything else being said to her or anything else going on (she's early 50s).
Anyone else?
jayohjo XX

10 Jul 00 - 02:36 PM (#255200)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: JenEllen

I happen to live in a place where it's never silent, lucky for me I enjoy the noise. As for man-made noise, I don't have a tv either, but I listen to music fairly constantly. When the music gets turned off, then there are the birds and crickets that are heard, and that's great music as well..

Funny too, I was just talking about this to another 'Catter. I've come across a music hater. A seemingly nice and decent fellow, that turns music off like your mother following behind you turning off the lights. I'm ready to wring his neck. Car trips are horrible, I turn the radio on, a few miles later, 'snap' it's off. Regardless of the type of music, it has to go. He says it's because he can't sting, can't dance, and can't carry a tune in a bucket with both hands. Music holds no interest *gasp*

Hopefully there is a cure for this?


10 Jul 00 - 02:44 PM (#255205)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: dwditty

I listen to music all the time, too. I particularly like the silence between the notes. If you're not sure what I mean, listen to somebody like Joseph Spence.


10 Jul 00 - 02:48 PM (#255211)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: GUEST,Barfy

I love moments of silence.

Especially when it is generated by The Shambles and Praise

10 Jul 00 - 02:49 PM (#255213)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Morticia

There are silences I enjoy.....the comfortable silence between you and an old friend when talking is unnecessary, the deep peace when I have ( rarely) got the house to myself late at night, that hush at the end of a really well-received song, some silence is wonderful.

10 Jul 00 - 02:52 PM (#255218)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Ed Pellow

Moments of silence, sure - and the silence of nature in beatiful surroundings is wonderful. Sat alone in an urban home - silence is downright scary!

10 Jul 00 - 02:53 PM (#255220)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: The Shambles

What ever is on or not, there is always music in my head and there always has been.

Am I alone in this and do you think that is the same as hearing voices in your head? I hope not......

So do I.......

10 Jul 00 - 02:57 PM (#255221)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Willie-O

I wake up in the morning wandering around the house turning radios on. (To the same station) ...So the CBC can follow me on my chores. I like to catch breaking news, and feel like I'm in touch with the outside world.

My better half tolerates this, but she grew up in a Quaker household where silence was golden, as in their worship services--although this doesn't mean they were quiet that often. I guess we've compromised over the years. She doesn't like fiddle music--live or recorded--or rock first thing in the morning or when she gets home from work; guitars and banjos are OK.

Outside, though, I prefer the sounds of nature to a headset. The wind and the birds are never boring. Course that is not exactly silence.

My dad has early-mid Alzheimers and just hates having the radio on in his house, if its people talking. He can't follow the conversations and just finds the static deeply annoying. Classical music is OK with him though.


10 Jul 00 - 03:04 PM (#255223)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: McGrath of Harlow

Total silence doesn't exist on Earth, except in isolation chambers. Much of the time the noise we make is to drown out other noise that we don't like.

10 Jul 00 - 03:06 PM (#255225)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?

I love silence. Hate the sound of a radio in the morning or in a car. I prefer to sing myself. I go crazy on the job when the FAX machine beeps for five minutes at a time. But I seem to tune out random noise - car alarms, street noise, air planes. Whenever I am out of the city without this cacaphony, the silence actually hurts.

Music is something I actively listen to. I can't have it in the background when I am reading or even on the computer. It distracts me.
I may fall into the category "Don't make eye contact with her".

10 Jul 00 - 03:06 PM (#255226)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Ed, I'm not sure that hating silence is a guy-thing or a 21st-century technological age thing. There's so little silence that when it occurs it can be disturbing!
It has taken me years to learn to love silence. There are so many different kinds of silence; that quiet, just-before-sleep-silence with nothing but far-away cars and nearby crickets; the companionable silence between two close friends or loved ones on a walk, the relaxing silence after a busy day or hour when you just need to sit and breathe.
I'm now trying to learn to listen to the silence-beyond-the-music, both the music you play and the music of nature. I guess it's the same as the silence-between-the-notes you mentioned, dw.
Peace, Allison

PS, I wrote this up before the last 5 posts and then got disconnected. Most of you said what I wanted to say and you said it much better!

10 Jul 00 - 03:16 PM (#255229)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

Personally, I cant stand people who need their heads full of constant noise. As far as I'm concerned I would like to smash every radio in every store I visit. That incessant yammering, thumping and screeching is the bane of my life. I love silence. I cant tell you how many stores and restaurants I have walked out of because they have the gall to force their lousy taste in music on me. It's like smokers thinking they have a right to pollute the air I have to breathe with their god damn acrid stench. You wanna smell like a shit can? fine, get downwind!! You need to fill your empty head with noise? fine get the hell out of my earshot.!! I'm afraid I have some strong feelings about this.

10 Jul 00 - 03:26 PM (#255241)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

Jenellen, believe me, the only cure for your problem is another mate. Your obvious incompatability will only get worse. I'm with him. To play a radio in a car when you have a passenger is downright rude. It's like having someone constantly trying to butt in on a conversation. If there is something special you both agree on that you want to hear, fine, go for it. Otherwise, turn the damn thing off. Noise pollution is as bad as cigarette smoke to me. I guess the adjoining rocking chairs at the NYC is out eh?

10 Jul 00 - 03:40 PM (#255252)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Whistle Stop

Well, I might not have expressed it quite as adamantly as kendall did, but I also feel like I'm surrounded by too much noise. When I'm engaged in a relatively brainless activity -- driving the car, washing the dishes, etc. -- I like to listen to music. But I don't like the fact that there always seems to be a radio or television playing wherever you go; I find it very distracting and productive of a lot of excess stress. Less noise would be fine as far as I'm concerned.

And no, Shambles, you're not the only one. I always have a song going around my brain, or a piece of a song. Sometimes it's just one musical phrase repeated over and over, while my fingers "play" the passage on whatever is close to hand -- the edge of my desk, the steering wheel, etc. I know this because my wife is always telling me to cut it out (especially when it's the middle of the night; I even do this in my sleep!).

10 Jul 00 - 03:57 PM (#255255)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Naemanson

I wish I could hear silence. I play radios and music all the time to distract me from the high pitched whistle in my ears. Sometimes it gets very loud, especially when there is no other noise to compete with it. I love to walk in the woods and listen to the sounds around me but that damned whistle gets in the way of small sounds.

You guys are lucky to hear silence, even those of you who don't like it.

Of course, if I could identify the note I'm hearing I could use it as a tuning fork! This just occurred to me. I'll have to experiment...

10 Jul 00 - 03:58 PM (#255256)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Bagpuss


I love the real silence that isn't really silence - when you can hear nature. On the top of a mountain with nobody around and you hear a bird singing, or the winds rushing past you.

The more there is silence, the more you can hear.

Having said that, when I need to concentrate on something, I much prefer to be listening to music.


10 Jul 00 - 04:04 PM (#255260)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: JenEllen

No, Kendall, it would be different if it were having the radio on for 'noise'. There are plenty of things around here worth hearing more so than music; the birds, the frogs, the wind in the sagebrush, the cat purring, hell even just sitting and listening to the grass grow is nice sometimes. Because I don't like the influence of television, and refuse to have one in my home, the only news I get is listening to NPR. I don't listen to most radio stations because I refuse to be spoon-fed the type of music I 'should' be listening to, and hate hearing the same crap every hour on the hour, but I'll take along a tape on long drives for farm calls, or play music that 'Catters have sent me in surgery, I know if I can't finish a spay in the time it takes me to hum "The Lady is a Tramp" then something is wrong. I also don't go around shutting off appliances in other people's homes, and I appreciate the hell out of it when they don't do it in mine. Silence is golden, especially when you need time to heal, don't tell me how to rock my chair and I won't tell you how to rock yours. Saving your spot, ~Elle

10 Jul 00 - 04:07 PM (#255261)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Sorcha

Having only about 1/2 the hearing capabilities of the rest of you, I probably hear more silence than most of you do, and I like my quiet world. Tried hearing aids once, and they drove me batty! Lots of things were actually painful.

If I am listening to music, I have to LISTEN to it; it can't be background noise or I just don't hear it. I hate piped in music music of other people's choice as much as kendall.

Most of my hearing problem is in discrimnation of sounds, i.e., seventy sounds just like seventeen. If there is more than one thing going on, like conversation and music, or several conversations, I am almost totally lost if I can't see the person talking.

10 Jul 00 - 04:22 PM (#255266)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Bert

I agree with kendal on this one although not so passionately. Tree, however, has to have music playing all the time. I'ts not really a problem.

The silence I really like, is that soft, heavy, almost warm silence of falling snow.

and those of you who listen to the car radio all the time; turn it off now and then and listen to your engine. There's many an engine seized up 'cos the driver was listening to the radio and didn't hear it pinking when it got hot.


10 Jul 00 - 04:30 PM (#255272)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Willie-O

Oh yeah. Seem to have hit some surprisingly adamant feelings here.

As I recall and have experienced, there's a technical description of the sound you hear in any house that's wired to the hydro grid. It's "60-cycle hum". I guess that's what I subconsciously don't like, so I look for for human sounds to drown it out.

The experience of being in a house or cabin that is off the grid is completely different. Very peaceful indeed.

Well, I gotta get off the puter and go sell power tools to people that probably don't need em.


Sorry Kendall....though I'm in some agreement about car radios--if you can get a conversation going the radio becomes annoying and superfluous.

But that's a differenct topic--the death of common courtesy!


10 Jul 00 - 04:33 PM (#255275)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: GUEST,Mrr

Having lived with someone who always had at least the TV going, I find that I now (living alone again) am much more amenable to silence than I was. I didn't think it bothered me to have the TV on, it would bother me to walk into an empty room and find the TV on but that was more a waste thing. Now I find that I don't turn the TV on unless there is something I actually want to watch - also I turn it off after, instead of just finding the least annoying thing on and leaving it there. But I still find that within human dwellings, silence tends to create a kind of abhorred vacuum still, and I will start singing if there is no other "noise" around. This is not the case outdoors, where the lack of human noise tends to be accompanied by quiet noises I don't usually get to hear, like crickets, birds et al....

10 Jul 00 - 04:35 PM (#255276)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

I like music everywhere. In stores, in cars, at home, anywhere! And if it's not playing, then I'm either singing or playing my guitar, or my fingers are tapping out rhythms of songs in my head. Yes, I do require silence, for studying or writing, but when it comes to mundane tasks like driving or throwing pots or cutting the grass...crank it up, I say! And I don't let no one touch my volume knob.

I love music all times of day to, when I get home from dropping my sis of at school, at 8am, I turn on the computer and pop in some Oasis or Dougie or ELO. I like when people have music on in their cars when I'm in's interesting to see what kinds of music others like. In my Ceramics class, everyday my fellow students would bring in CDs to play while we worked. It was amazing how many things you find that you like, from people you've never heard of. It's a rewarding and enriching experience.

But of course, most folkies hate anything that isn't 200 years old and played on an acoustic guitar...that doesn't make them music lovers in my book. Certainly Kendall's views are not consisitent with a music of those kinds of people like my sister who can take only 45 minutes at a time, then no more for a few days.

Charles Ives' father said "You have to stretch your ears." I've always followed that advice. Some people are just too prejudiced to care about anything that isn't contained in their tiny microcosmic musical reality. But you can't convert every one. That's why I like sitting in my room and playing music by myself best...there's no smart-mouths to complain or tell me to shut up.


10 Jul 00 - 04:39 PM (#255278)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Catrin

D'you know that there's a strong correlation between only listening to one particuylar kind of music and bigotry? I like what you say Mbo - we should be open to other kinds of music - I'm sure its healthy. I do love my folkie stuff though, most of all. I also need silence to study and concentrate and music, or stories for the mundane tasks. ocassionally, I just like silence

10 Jul 00 - 04:41 PM (#255280)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Davey

I had a memorable experience about 20 years ago. Staying at a rented cottage in Northern Ontario with family and friends, we were playing cards in the evening, and around midnight I decided to go outside. I strolled down to the dock where there was a muskoka chair, sat back, threw out a fishing line (only for something to do), then sat back and listened for the night sounds. All I could hear was my own breathing, so I held my breath. There was not a ripple of water, no breeze touched the leaves, no frogs peeping or croaking, no birds making any kind of noise, no traffic, no insects. It was eerie, but at the same time very calming, relaxing, soothing.. I sat there immobile for about a half hour. It's an experience that I have remembered clearly and fondly since then.

On the other hand, I like music playing softly in the background while I'm doing things around the house, or tapes playing a little more loudly if I'm driving alone.

I too, like others, don't like restaurants that are too noisy, or clubs where the music is so loud that you can't carry on a conversation with the person beside you without shouting.

Davey (:>)

10 Jul 00 - 05:04 PM (#255291)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

Let's face it folks. We all have our own needs and wants. To me, anyone who can listen to ANY kind of music is not a music lover. They are a noise lover. There is a song in my head all the time, and it is usually much more pleasant than any raucus & roll crap.I love Beethoven, I also love Rick Fielding, Gordon Bok and even some bluegrass. It's called being eclectic Mbo. I'm sorry, but when I hear some idiot trying to wring the neck off an electric guitar with the volume at 10, I want to hurt him...bad.

10 Jul 00 - 05:08 PM (#255294)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Allan C.

I want to think of silence as the white space as used by the Japanese in their art. It is considered as important as the space taken up by the painted areas. I think I value silence in much the same way. In this metaphor, desirable sound would be the painted part of the picture. Anything else would be like crayon scribblings of a madman over top of both the white space and the intentionally painted parts. It makes a rather ugly picture in my mind's eye and certainly makes for unpleasant listening in the real world of sound.

I am partially blessed with a reduced hearing capacity - at least in the upper range. Unless I have my aids screwed in, this helps to eliminate a few noises for me, but as McGrath points out, there is rarely ever true silence in the real world.

It is often considered to be part and parcel to the various permutations of the Attention Deficit Syndrome that some sort of sonic stimulation is everpresent. I have noticed this about myself. I have to actually FORCE myself to have quiet moments. I have never actually been diagnosed one way or the other, but I have one child who has been. Some experts point out that the syndrome often follows family lines. Who knows? Either way, some music in the background makes me happy. But I never, ever take a radio or whatever with me when I go into the woods. There is music enough out there.

Allan C.whohopesyou'llforgivehisramblings

10 Jul 00 - 05:13 PM (#255297)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: annamill

There was a book I read some time ago called 'The Art of Loving'. It is one of my favorites. The author (I've forgotton) mentions in one section, a section about loving yourself, how few people can stand to be just with themselves. They must have something to distract them from their thoughts. He suggested, to get to know yourself, to sit quietly, with no outside distractions, for about 1/2 hour per day to get to know yourself. He mentions, that even in a quiet place, your mind will take you away with outside thoughts and distract you from just being with you and you had to be careful of this happening.

I tried it for awhile, but I bored me ;-) I need some sort of sound going on too. Especially music!

Love, annap

10 Jul 00 - 05:13 PM (#255298)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

Truth is I'd rather listen to the guitar guy than anything you could ever offer musically, and I'm sure that most people would rather hear you than me. "Good one", "nice one" is getting really old in Mudcat. I know people hate the stuff I play. I know they'd love for me to sing Fields of Athenry and Lorena every single night and then leave. Good, you can all have it. I'm outta here.

10 Jul 00 - 05:15 PM (#255299)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Shambles, in our family we call songs that get into your head and won't leave: "ear worms!" Usually they are friendly little worms, especially when I'm learning a song, but sometimes the little devils cause a terrible racket with old commercial jingles, tv show theme songs from the early '70's, and pop songs ditto. That's another reason I'm teaching myself to listen consciously and thoughtfully to the silence.

10 Jul 00 - 05:21 PM (#255304)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Clinton Hammond2

Davey... Ya make me weep for missing my Northern Ontario Home!!!! I've been there, where yer talking about more than a few times... it's great eh!!

On the subject of silence... there's a wonderful time of silence I look forward to now... After a gig and a Night Drive home, to "Turn the headlights off, close my eyes and let go fo the wheel"... maybe one last smoke sitting in the car and let the "echoes of the amplifiers" die away...



10 Jul 00 - 05:23 PM (#255307)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Micca

In my Youth I took part in some sensory deprivation experiments,you know, eyes and ears covered float in a tank in the dark at blood temp. and the first thing that happens is you hear your body sounds,blood in your inner ear etc. then your brain starts supplying sound , or imagined sound, and your sense of time gores completely.I was in there for 6 hours and I thought it was days... so I have something to measure silence against... I can have music as background, but My SO finds it hard to study with music going, she says she keeps trying to listen..and it ruins her concentrattion..

10 Jul 00 - 05:23 PM (#255308)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: GUEST,Burke

I'm a bit in the middle on this.

I do wake to news radio, turn it on when I enter the house & have something on pretty much constantly. I listen to the radio or a tape when alone in the car. Tapes to sing with are a great way to stay awake. I can't handle television because I can't let it be background, it demands my attention even when I don't want to give it.

I do turn the music off when I have company unless there is something specific I want them to listen to. I turn the radio off in the car when we're talking. On long trips the conversation can run out so I'll put something on then.

I think it is in large part a difference in ages, but the age break is somewhere around 45-50, maybe even a little older. Children of the 50's & 60's grew up with both television the transistor radios & just small radios that could be listened to in privacy that completely changed the home sound scene.

I think when you grow up with the sound of radio, recordings, or TV, constantly around you, you can treat it as background & feel uncomfortable if it's not there. If you grew up before that time, you are used to giving it fuller attention & therefore find it more disruptive if you're not interested. This is especially marked in studying situations where one needs the sound to concentrate & one needs the quiet.

I also don't find all sounds equal. I'd make a distinction between naturally occurring & manufactured sounds. Yes, we do tend to fill up the silence, but filling it with conversation or music making seem a better way of filling it. I also think it's a good thing to turn off the personal music device & listen to nature is also, but maybe that's just my age :-)

10 Jul 00 - 05:31 PM (#255316)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Joe Offer

I think it takes a lot of discipline to appreciate treasures like solitude and silence.

I wandered around south Florida for a couple of weeks last month, just me and the mosquitos and the alligators and the roadkill armadillos. I had taken a wallet full of CD's with me, but then my rental car broke down and the replacement car played only cassettes. I was stuck in silence when I was out of range of decent radio stations - but it was good for me. The trip was much better without the CD's.

I keep meaning to set aside a time for silence every day, but it's something I find easy to neglect. Solitude and silence can do a lot to make us much more thoughtful and crative than we usually are.

-Joe Offer-

10 Jul 00 - 05:53 PM (#255338)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Kim C

Depends on my mood. Usually I like to have music on, but not always. Sometimes I turn the car radio completely off when I'm alone. When I'm trying to sleep, though, I usually like the soft hum of a fan.

10 Jul 00 - 05:54 PM (#255339)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Allan C.

Mbo, since you have chosen this thread to announce your departure I will address it here.

I sincerely hope that you soon arrive at a calm place in your life where you can make a conscious decision to sing your own songs. I think many of the people who have gravitated to this place have made just that decision. In their case, at least one of the kinds of music they prefer to sing, play, or listen to falls under the umbrella named "Folk". I'll wager that quite a few of us have very strong interests in other sorts of umbrellas. For instance, my other predilection is for 1956-1969 Oldies. When left to my own devices, I play quite a few Oldies if I think anyone would like to hear them - ask Annap & Moonchild.

I don't pretend to like a lot of what is considered the music of today but I have found some of it which I think is really very good. You have been responsible for pointing out some of it, my friend.

Do what your heart tells you to do with regard to the Mudcat. But just know that there are those here at the Mudcat who are richer for having heard your music and for having read your words.


10 Jul 00 - 05:55 PM (#255340)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Jed at Work

I love silence, too. I enjoy the hours of quiet I get (minutes at a time usually) inthe car - or at home, working in the yard. I usually have some music running through my head, and when I'm hear music I have tolisten, even if it's bad! I am an active listener, at the sub-concious level. Maybe that's why I enjoy the moments of quiet - gives me a break!

10 Jul 00 - 05:57 PM (#255344)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Sourdough

After four hundred years or so, I think there is a general consensus forming among psychologists that we are returning to a view of essential personality that has much in common with the old ideas of The Four Humours. As MArk Twain is supposed to have said, "History does not repeat itself, it rhymes.)

There are studies that show that there are groupings of reactions to stimulations such as (and these are hypothetical, I don't want, unless absolutely necessary) to go back into my old scripts to locate specifics), people who prefer more or less constant audio stimulation are less sensitive to temperature change. Of course, life experiences can help to shape this but we all seem to have a hard-wired set of preferences that can be changed only with some effort.

Coming from a professional background of journalism, I've seen that there are clearly some people who are very unhappy in a "bull pen" situation while others, myself included, love that stimulation, the buzz of people on the phone, of conversations around. I once had a private office with a secretary outside. I felt lonely, cut off, perhaps even abandoned. To an extent that often surprises others, I remain able to pick up on more than one thing simultaneously, filtering to hear only what is of some value. Out of the buzz of several converstions, I will hear a noun or a verb that is of interest to me and will be able to tune in.

I worked with an executive producer of some of the most highly regarded television documentaries. He was a former Chicago Tribune reporter and always had the television set going in his office. It was playing game shows, childrens cartoons and situation comedy reruns. All this while he was grappling with some of the major issues of our times and how to communicate them. As near as I could tell, all he was interested in was having the noise and flickering movement for company. (He did have a private office with a secretary outside the door.)

At that time, I didn't know anything about temperment but now I am convinced of its important role. We are not born with blank slates for minds.


10 Jul 00 - 05:59 PM (#255349)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?

The best silence I ever "heard" was in a dry, dead cave many years ago. The person with me couldn't take it and went back out, but I sat there for maybe an hour, with the flashlight off and enjoyed seeing nothing, and hearing nothing but my own heartbeat.

Alas, when one lives with pets there is no such thing as silence.

10 Jul 00 - 06:15 PM (#255363)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Bill D

Good music deserves your attention, so I try to play it only when I can pay attention...bad music need not be played, so I have many periods of quiet......There IS a sort of music that is ONLY supposed to be background 'mood' music, but I can take that or leave it.

10 Jul 00 - 06:54 PM (#255382)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: catspaw49

jed said, I believe, "active listener" and that I can relate to. In the van alone, I play what I want and sing along/learn....whatever. But I can't take music just playing away as a background. Karen likes it....I hate it. So we swsap off as we travel together. As to what's on the radio, I can't take it and I never could. Just something in that "hey boys and girls" bullshit that kills me. Our teens have all been nuts for the radio and I have been known to "disable" their stuff when they aren't looking. I miraculously fix it later. On severasl occasions in the van I have lost it completely to the point of stopping, ripping the fuse out and throwing it into a field.

Oddly enough, I can't go to sleep to either music (actve listener) or silence (start thinking about things) and have gone to sleep to the TV for years.....when I sleep that is. I can go to sleep listening to Carlen, Pryor, Miller, etc., but I know the routines by heart.


10 Jul 00 - 07:32 PM (#255403)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

Well, I didnt mean to bring on another PMS attack for Mbo, but, I feel very strong about this and I will not apologize for stating how I feel. I say again IMHO, anyone who MUST have some kind of noise is an airhead!

10 Jul 00 - 07:36 PM (#255407)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

Then I with honor accept the title of "Mbo the Airhead."

10 Jul 00 - 07:37 PM (#255411)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Peter Kasin

As I get older, I get a little less tolerant of constant music. Enjoying the silent moments makes getting back to the music that much better. When I was in college, a typical dorm room party was music blasting from a tape player at full throttle, with everyone standing around yelling at each other at the top of their lungs - which was the party conversaton. I see a correlation between getting older and wanting less music coming out of machines.

10 Jul 00 - 07:58 PM (#255425)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

age has nothing to do with it in my case. I've always hated anything that made no sense. Mbo, why are you taking all this so personally? I dont remember singling anyone out?

I'm having a real rough time right now, and, my tolerence level is dropping more each day. Wednesday I find out if I will ever sing again. A wise man once said "Never ruin an apology with an excuse." OK I've got a hair across and I make no opology!!

10 Jul 00 - 08:57 PM (#255458)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Ebbie

As some have suggested, maybe being an older person has something to do with it but I cannot concentrate when there's too much noise- and that includes tv's, radios and canned music. I'm very tolerant of music that's being made in my presence, but I suspect that if I needed to think something out I would have to get away from that too.

There are people in my family who automatically switch on the radio when they wake up and then don't even listen to it! Even talk shows! Why bother?? And people who jog along with the 'phones plugging their ears... I understand that in the 'old days'when sewage ran in the streets people would hold posies to their noses. In my opinion, that's what people are doing today, but against noise rather than smell. And we don't even realize it.


10 Jul 00 - 10:07 PM (#255483)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

I guess I pissed Mbo off without meaning to. So, have I offended anyone else with my rantings?

10 Jul 00 - 10:10 PM (#255484)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?


10 Jul 00 - 10:29 PM (#255489)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: IvanB

kendall, I tend to agree with you on pretty much all your points. I think music sounds all the sweeter when it ends a healthy helping of silence (relative, of course). Even as a boy, I can remember going fishing with my cousin. He had to have some sort of sound blaring at him all the time, while I could be content to sit in the boat for hours, never moving, never having a nibble, just listening to nature's quiet. Needless to say, about two fishing trips together was enough for both of us to forswear ever trying it again. I DO like just about any type of music, tho'. I just have some strict definitions of what is music and what is noise - and my noise definition would probably include many things composed as 'serious' music.

10 Jul 00 - 11:33 PM (#255513)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: PoohBear

I find that total silence is unnerving. However, the silence that surrounds a lightening strike is more wonderful than a piece by Motzart or Eric Bogle. I find myself cringing away from places that force music on me - altho in my car I almost always have something on the CD player to sing with.

To each his own - just like most things in life. PB

10 Jul 00 - 11:50 PM (#255520)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: bbelle

"Comfortable" is being able to sit with someone in silence and still communicate.


11 Jul 00 - 12:08 AM (#255526)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

It's amazing how you can speak right to my heart
Without saying a word, you can light up the
Try as I may I could never explain
What I hear when you don't say a thing

The smile on your face let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at

All day long I can hear people talking out loud
But when you hold me near, you drown out the crowd
Old Mr. Webster could never define
What's being said between your heart and mine

The smile on your face let's me know that you need me
There's a truth in your eyes saying you'll never leave me
The touch of your hand says you'll catch me if ever I fall
You say it best when you say nothing at all

--Keith Whitley

11 Jul 00 - 12:22 AM (#255533)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: catspaw49

Lorrie would have been better off saying more and Keith should have listened a lot better.


11 Jul 00 - 12:25 AM (#255535)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: PoohBear


11 Jul 00 - 12:26 AM (#255536)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Peter Kasin

Nothing you said sounded offensive to me, Kendall. Strong opinions, yes. But that's part of what we're here for. I'm with you on the car radio/company thing. I wish you all he best on your health trials. I had a cancerous kidney removed last September. I know all about frustration and impatience. You have my empathy.


11 Jul 00 - 01:05 AM (#255553)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Melani

I haven't heard silence in so long I forgot what it's like. I live in a house where four different radios are tuned to four different stations at all times, and my husband and son are into full volume. Fortunately, I have great capacity to tune things out, to the point where noise that drives other people crazy is unnoticed by me. Dogs barking, kids yelling... unless there's a loud crash and a scream, it's just part of the atmosphere.But rather than compete with the other three for use of the sound system, I keep most of my tapes in my car, and most of my CD's in my workshop, where I can have total control without interference or arguement. Fortunately, my son and daughter and I do have similar taste in music. The downside is that they're always swiping my tapes.

11 Jul 00 - 01:12 AM (#255556)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Peter Kasin

Melani, to keep your kids from swiping your tapes, take the original covers off of them, and write on the labels - "The Best of Barry Manilow, Vol I; The Best of Barry Manilow, Vol II...."

11 Jul 00 - 06:09 AM (#255607)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

My wife accuses me of not being able to tolerate silence indoors. The first thing I do when I enter is turn on the radio( tuned to the talk/news channel)and we have a radio in each room. Otherwise I'm listening to music or, less frequently, watching tv. She claims I am often to be found reading a book, watching tv with the sound off and listening to music all at the same time: a gross slander - I'm usually playing with a komboloi as well!
In the car it's usuall talk radio or Greek language tapes. However, outdoors I hate to hear radios, preferring birdsong (outdoors is rarely silent, here with planes, cars and trains in the distance)and other "natural" sounds, never use my discman outdoors and enjoy my holidays without radio, tv or newspapers, as long as there is some (preferably live) music around.
...and as an old fart stuck in the '50s, early rock 'n' roll as well as my beloved jazz, blues & skiffle, does feature in my listening.

11 Jul 00 - 09:29 AM (#255651)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: A Wandering Minstrel

Having been bought up in the Quaker tradition I got used to silence early in life and when I was a little older I got into stillness as well (That's a Zen thing).

Stillness is what you need when those tunes that hook directly into your brain start keeping you awake at night.

Silence is what you need when you are trying to transcribe lyrics from a scratchy old LP and your teenager switches on MTV!

for those who have to have other peoples noise all around... "Alas for those that never sing and die with all their music still within them"

11 Jul 00 - 09:54 AM (#255665)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Davey

Clinton, the feeling described is wonderful. You said you miss your Northern Ontario home.. Where is that, and where are you now?

I haven't seen anything offensive in this thread, but some strong opinions are being expressed.

Kendall, I can appreciate the doubt and uncertainty you are feeling right now, and perhaps that has influenced the intensity of your statements. It appears you are "writing off" those whose needs for silence, or lack of it, are different from yours, and ignoring the many other facets of those people that together make up the whole person.

Just my $ .02

Davey... (:>)

11 Jul 00 - 10:07 AM (#255671)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Bagpuss

I think a liking of background noise may also have something to do with coming from a big family - there was never a quiet moment in my house growing up and I liked it that way. I always shared a room with my sisters, and then at university for 3 years with friends. Only in my final year did I have a room of my own, and for a while I found it difficult to get to sleep without the sound of someone else breathing in the room.

Some people may think that those who need noise all the time are airheads, but they can only look at it from their own perspective - nobody knows what it is like in another persons head and how things affect them.

For the record I love lots of types of music (but not all). Traditional folk, jazz singers like Billie Holliday, Sarah Vaughan etc, lots of indie/pop bands too. They all have a different effect on me, but they can all touch me.


11 Jul 00 - 10:09 AM (#255672)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Kim C

Hey hey now, nobody here is an airhead. Ya'll be sweet. Yes, I like Lorena and Fields of Athenry but I also dig the Beatles and Tom Petty and Great Big Sea and the Georgia Satellites and Liszt and Chopin and the Derailers, among others. And sometimes, I like it quiet. And sometimes, I just want noise.

11 Jul 00 - 10:14 AM (#255675)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Callie

A car is nought but a moving stereo. I look forward to long car trips as opportunities to listen to music for long stretches and learn songs.

Kendall: your posting "To me, anyone who can listen to ANY kind of music is not a music lover. They are a noise lover." isn't very tolerant of people who have eclectic tastes. I know this is a folk site, but I would have thought that a diverse musical taste would signify a broad-minded person, not the opposite. Listening to and appreciating different kinds of music can take one on unexpected and exciting paths in life and learning. I love the fact that I can still get a little rush whenever I hear something new that is totally exciting. I've got to hear it again, and fins out about it, and immerse myself in that topic.

Anyway - what was the topic? Oh yes, silence. I like to hear music as often as I can. My workmates play stuff at work that I wouldn't choose (some techno, country music) but I can listen to even that because I wouldn't otherwise get to hear it. Mind you, I can take some kinds of music in only small doses if I'm working on something intricate.

When I go home and don't feel like listening to any music or playing guitar, I know I am spiralling downwards emotionally and it's time become a hermit for a while. It's usually the first indicator that something's not right in my head!

Mbo: I'm glad you didn't disappear forever. Who else could I play "Ferry Cross the Mersey" for?!


11 Jul 00 - 11:49 AM (#255726)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: JulieF

I used to find that I always had to have music on to study. There is a bit at the back of my mind that seems to wander if it's not occupied in that way. I quite often do the samething with the television - listening while I'm reading a book or the teletext. This drives Tim round the bend , in the same way that it drives me round the bend when he constantly channel hops ( and we've only got 4). Is this a gender thing ?

The car always has music in it and major negotations are undertaken among family members when a long trip is coming up. We tend to make strange complilation tapes and these combinations of music stay with you long after the tape has been consigned to under the passenger seat. We pride ourselves that our daughter's wide musical knowledge is due to these tapes. How many 15 year olds know two Versions of Delila ( that isn't how that is spelt is it): The Tom Jones version and The Sensational Alex Harvey Band Version.


11 Jul 00 - 12:04 PM (#255739)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

I am notorious for my odd mixes, e.g.
Electric Light Orchestra/Kate Rusby
Gandhi Soundtrack (Ravi Shankar)/Blood Sweat & Tears
Clint Black/Weird Al Yankovic
Riverdance/Renaissance Lute Music
Boston/Radiohead/U2/The Yardbirds
Baroque Classical Guitar music/Gorecki's No.3/Clancy Brothers
Swing Classics/The Chieftains


11 Jul 00 - 12:07 PM (#255743)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Patrish(inactive)

I am the first to get up in the morning - a good 2 hours before anyone else. The house and its contents are silent. I am silent. The thoughts in my head become so loud and plentiful that I suppose that its not real silence. But I like it anyway.

11 Jul 00 - 12:12 PM (#255749)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Jigger

The composer John Cage wrote a brilliant piece called "Four Minutes and Thirty-Three Seconds" which addresses the value of silence in music (your comments about white space in Japanese art reminded me, Allan C). In the piece, a pianist comes out on stage, spends some time opening up his piano, sits at his bench, and proceeds to stay still for what seems to be an unending period. Then, without playing a note, he gets back up, closes up the piano and walks off. All this in the span of 4 minutes, 33 seconds. Sure, it pushes the definition of "music," but it's an interesting exercise.

It's amazing to watch and hear what happens when this piece is performed for an unsuspecting audience. At first, everyone is silent, eagerly anticipating the playing. When the performer sits still for a while longer, you start to hear small rustling and coughing. As people get more and more impatient, you begin to hear all of the ambient noise that you normally tune out in the course of a day: clothing rustling, breathing, sniffling, programs crackling, the noise of the air system.

Some people come away feeling cheated that they have not heard "real" music. Other people come to more of a realization that music is what you make of it, and that silence can never truly exist. 4 minutes and 33 seconds is probably about as long as most people will sit there without stalking off and demanding their money back. Who knows, perhaps Cage was having a laugh at all of our expenses. Either way, it forces you to listen in a whole new way, both for those people who enjoy silence, and those who don't.


11 Jul 00 - 12:35 PM (#255758)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: annamill

Jigger, did he get paid for that? I wonder if I could?

My honey, whom I love and adore, and who has the most gentlest heart and soul, is one who must be listening to music all the time, or talking all the time. Sometimes it drives me crazy. Especially in the morning. When I wake up and have no place to be, or nothing to do, I love to sit quietly and listen to my river, or the birds, or watch the sky, or feel the warmth of the sun...

then along comes Glenn with Zep, or 'She's got the moon in her hands" or even Elvis (thats the worst). And he doesn't play it for the sound, he just loves music in a vast variety of moods and styles. Mostly I appreciate his beauty, but sometimes... sometimes..

I will have to have a talk with him about quiet time.

Love, annap

11 Jul 00 - 12:40 PM (#255760)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Whistle Stop

Cage's intentions may have been honorable, but I would have demanded my money back. Then again, you probably wouldn't find me at a performance of the works of John Cage anyway.

11 Jul 00 - 12:44 PM (#255761)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Kim C

Annap, you know, I love my husband but sometimes I wish he would Just - Shut - Up! I'm sure he could say the same about me now and again. :)

11 Jul 00 - 12:58 PM (#255764)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: bbelle

Oh, anna ... all the things you say about moondoggy are true!!! And I understand the other part of it, too.

I am a road warrior and famous for driving long distances by myself. I listen to a little bit of radio (if I can find a station that speaks of the regional music culture, usually late into the night); my tapes & cd's (this is usually when I memorize lyrics); audiobooks (at Cracker Barrel's you can rent from one and return to another); and for hundreds of miles I will listen to nothing but my own mind (I solve all the world's problems).

But I must confess that I cannot sleep in abject quiet, therefore, for years I've slept with a fan going (summer, fall, winter, and spring). I find that if I sleep with the TV on, I will wake up if I hear something, subconsciously, that bothers me. In addition, music does not lull me to sleep, because I either want to sing along or keep time with my foot. (Now doesn't that sound like a great bed "partner?" )


11 Jul 00 - 01:06 PM (#255768)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Roger in Sheffield

Naemanson one of my ears is likewise afflicted
Have you also lost the top end of your hearing?

It is true that you don't know what you've got till its gone
Would love to have some silence back
Presently enduring latest Robbie Williams single on the radio at work and would really like silence instead!

Mbo your music list looks OK though some ELO makes me cringe
Was there something called Horace Wimp?


11 Jul 00 - 01:09 PM (#255772)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

C'mon ladies...if we're making too much noise, let us know! You know we love you so much we'll do it for you...just don't be mean, ok?

Cause I'm for love, and I'm for happiness
And I for: If you don't like it, can't you just let it pass?
And I'm for turning off the tube and turning down the lights
And I'm for nothing else but you and me tonight.


11 Jul 00 - 01:21 PM (#255782)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

Roger, everything that ELO ever did is better than anything else ever done. Yes, "The Diary of Horace Wimp" is a superb song, and one of my personal theme songs. And Robbie Williams is pretty cool. Another problem is that old folks don't like us young people's music. It will always be like that. They think if we're not playing THEIR kind of music, we'd be better off in a pine box on a slow train back to Georgia. Well I got news for you oldsters...



11 Jul 00 - 01:41 PM (#255802)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Bill D

.....wondering if Mbo intends to GET old.....sort of bemused at the thought....

11 Jul 00 - 01:43 PM (#255803)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Bill D

I am also curious about the phrasing " is better than" rather than "I like"

11 Jul 00 - 02:13 PM (#255831)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Roger in Sheffield

Have you heard Robbies latest?
Stealing Ian Durys clothes ain't evolution
..and Ian had style

ELO is slightly before my time anyhow oldtimer


11 Jul 00 - 02:46 PM (#255861)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

I didnt mean to "write off" people who dont share my taste in music. By the way, eclectic means picking and choosing..not accepting everything. Listen to whatever you like..just dont try to force it on me. Thats all. I just dont understand people who cant stand being inside their own heads. I would never force my music on others, so, when I'm at a stop light and some cretin next to me has his radio at full volume with that hideous din that passes for music these days, I consider that downright rude.

11 Jul 00 - 02:51 PM (#255868)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Jigger

*Warning: Long-winded Thread Creep*

Can you imagine how dull this place would be if we were all the same? Threads wouldn't last long, because everyone would have the same answer. "Do you hate silence?" "Yeah." "Oh, me too." "Cool."


I am glad that each of us has his or her own opinion! Every one of us brings a different perspective and experience to this forum, and we're all the better for it. None of us can or should be faulted for taste. Taste is a matter of personal opinion, and that's as it should be. I start to bristle when people imply (or say outright) that there is only one right or wrong answer. Most things in life aren't that black and white.

Nor can people be summed up so neatly. So let's argue, let's defend our choices passionately, but let's not make it personal. We're not here to attack each other's tastes. The problem with this particular mode of communication is that we can't necessarily read into the tone of messages. Sometimes we get upset at comments which were meant jokingly, or at least not cruelly. So let's give each other the benefit of the doubt. We're all friends here. We all came here out of a mutual love of music, that's all.

As I near my quarter century, I realize that I know so much less now than I knew five or ten years ago. I'll defend John Cage and the benefits of silence some other time. It's only my opinion.

-Jigger (Boy, I may lurk much of the time, but when I start to speak, I won't shut up...)

11 Jul 00 - 02:54 PM (#255872)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: JenEllen

Yep. And not offended at all (takes a bit to get my panties in a knot). But it has strayed a bit from Ed's original idea, and how silence fits in your life. It is rude to force your noise on to other people, it comes down to basic common courtesy. If you know the people in your life would like a little "shhhhh" - give it to them. Life's too short.

11 Jul 00 - 03:07 PM (#255883)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Melani

Chanteyranger-thanks for the advice. But then my mom would be after them.

11 Jul 00 - 03:12 PM (#255886)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Kim C

Kendall, I will confess to probably spending too much time in my own head! After all, that's how I write songs. Sometimes I want to be in my head and nobody will just Leave Me Alone. I used to have quiet time driving to and from work but since Mister's truck died and we've been driving each other around, I don't even really have that and have to finagle some quiet here and there. I'm hoping to sneak off to the riverside this weekend for a few minutes - ALONE!

Sometimes I feel like Danny Glover in one of those Lethal Weapon movies ---- whichever one it was where they put the bomb in the toilet. And he's sitting there, saying, the one time I -finally- get the bathroom to myself..... Now, I've never had my toilet bombed, but I think y'all know what I mean. And I don't even have any kids!

11 Jul 00 - 03:17 PM (#255888)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Hollowfox

I find myself pretty much agreeing with everybody here, although at different times. Mbo, I like your musical combinations. I'll try out all manner of musical styles (as well as foods, books, movies, non-musical live entertainment) just to see if I like it. How else can you find new things to enjoy? That being said, there are things I've tried, considered, and decided that I don't care for them, or that I like them only once in a while (in all these categories, and more). I don't think that you intended this , but it kind of gets to me when there seems to be an onus to like one kind of music or another. There's nothing to keep someone from enjoying one (or several) types of music, but there have been times when it seemed that some people felt that everyone who liked folk music had an obligation to like all varieties equally: ballads, blues, Eastern European choral music, sitar music, English country dance, Bob Dylanesque long monologue songs, ..well, you get the idea. I like being able to try what I want, to decide what I do or don't like (and how much), and to change my mind. "Once, Tamurlane the Conquorer had a delicious meal containing aubergines (eggplant), and declaired it to be the best, most noble food in the world. Nasreddin (his councillor) agreed. The cook heard this, and for the next six weeks Tamurlane had nothing but aubergines persented him at mealtimes. At last he declaired that he never wanted to see another aubergine again, that it was the most miserable food on earth. Nasreddin agreed wholeheartedly. A courtier asked Nasreddin how he could publicly state that the aubergine was both the most noble and the most miserable of foods. Nasreddin said that his fealty was to the monarch, not the vegetable." (Thus endeth the rant of the day.)

11 Jul 00 - 03:18 PM (#255891)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Ebbie

"Another problem is that old folks don't like us young people's music. It will always be like that. They think if we're not playing THEIR kind of music, we'd be better off in a pine box on a slow train back to Georgia."
To expand a bit on Bill D's comment: Mbo,seriously, what do you expect "us young folks" to be playing and singing when you become "us old folks"? Part of thinking as you are thinking is a result of being young; as you get older, you will suddenly realize that the people you're talking to remember very well indeed what it was like to be young, and it will suddenly occur to you that in actual years you're not that far away from being their age. As I read somewhere, no matter how long you may live, the longest half of your life will always be the first 20 years. My message, probably, is that it may behoove you to become just a tad less sure of yourself when it comes to your opinions.
And truly, no offense meant...Ebbie

11 Jul 00 - 04:12 PM (#255922)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mooh

Kendall. I rather enjoy alot of music which you find unpleasant, but I can't be offended by your opinion, after all you share it with (among others) my Dad, who is chiefly responsible for my love of music in the first place. I play electric guitar loud and fast sometimes for a fix, and I listen to the same. I also have wide tastes in music. I bet former neighbours wouldn't have understood my love of pipe organ music, had I been insensitive enough to play it loud enough for them to hear. Anyway, I'm not offended, and I can still share in your tastes. My guess is I fall about halfway between your and Mbo's respective ages, I hope I'm not some sort of missing link...Peace Brother. Mooh.

11 Jul 00 - 06:18 PM (#255986)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Callie

Kendall: I agree with you about loud music in cars. A young dude parked outside my apartment with some electronic stuff on full volume. He kept the car door open so the sound escaped EVERYWHERE, including into my room where I was Mudcatting. He unloaded about 20 pieces of computer equipment, leaving the sound up. When he'd finished unloading, he turned the radio off and locked the car. I cheered! He looked up in surprise.

But when someone in my block (who must have gone through a relationship break up) played Cher's "Do You Believe In Life After Love" over and over for 2 weeks straight, I just thought it was funny.


11 Jul 00 - 06:22 PM (#255993)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

That's a good song, Callie. Did you know it contains sampling from "Prologue" (with Fred the Robot's Voice) from the album Time by ELO?

Just on the border of your waking mind
There lies a place where darkness and light are one
And as you tread the halls of sanity
You feel so glad you cannot go beyond
I have a message from another time....


11 Jul 00 - 08:23 PM (#256047)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

I can just see the young folks of today 30 years from now, all standing around the old upright synthesizer, trying to remember two words from "Twisted Sister." "Nostalgia aint what it used to be", (Yogi Berra)

11 Jul 00 - 08:42 PM (#256055)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Mbo

We're not gonna take it
No, we ain't gonna take it
We're not gonna take it

--Mbo (btw Twister Sister was a band)

11 Jul 00 - 10:36 PM (#256125)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: kendall

so? that was not the point

11 Jul 00 - 10:46 PM (#256130)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: catspaw49

Now, now, now Meebo.......Give ol' Kendall a break. He just ordered 2 copies of "Regurgitate" the latest from Harvey Smegma and the Electric Limp Whankers" so he IS trying to "get with it." The situation is just that when Kendall arrives at "IT" he finds there is very little of "IT" that's worth the drive. But at least he did order TWO to crap on and one to cover it up with.


11 Jul 00 - 11:00 PM (#256142)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: Callie

Ah c'mon you guys. Get over it!! Twisted Sister Kendall? I'd forgotten that one!!! Sapw, I'm glad you intervened when you did, with your daily dose of 'crap' talk. Just as many Monty Python sketches end with the giant foot coming down, many a Mudcat squabble ends with Spaw tipping a ten-ton poo on top of everyone!

Mbo: no - I didn't know that about Cher's song. You're an almanac!

12 Jul 00 - 12:00 AM (#256179)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: JedMarum

Spaw - sound like you and I feel about th same way, 'cept my wife is Ok with the music off, in the car, until we are both actively listening. The kids never had a say. They could listen tp what they wanted; as long as I didn;t have to listen to anything I didn't want to listen to!! So generally speaking, we observed radio silence in the car! It worked out pretty well.

They're grown now, and on their own ... we actually got along pretty well, and music was never much of an issue. They respected our views.

12 Jul 00 - 12:10 AM (#256185)
Subject: RE: BS: Do you hate silence?
From: bbelle

At home, in my bedroom, I could listen to whatever I wanted. In the car, my father called the shots. His favorite station, which must have had the most far-reaching signal in the whole, entire world ... was WCKY in Cincinnati, Ohio. It was pure hillbilly music! But ... Daddy made the car payment and picked the car music.
