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BS: Kendall has a problem II

12 Jul 00 - 04:38 PM (#256630)
Subject: Kendall has a problem II
From: Allan C.

The other thread was getting a bit long but with good reason. Best wishes to you, Kendall!

12 Jul 00 - 04:45 PM (#256636)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: JenEllen

Wednesday....and my fingers have cramped fom the there any news?

12 Jul 00 - 04:49 PM (#256639)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II

I thought Kendall had another problem - don't do that to us! Kendall will be fine. Nothing else is acceptable. So there!

12 Jul 00 - 06:07 PM (#256711)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

Praise be to the great spirit!! the operation went well, and the doctor called to tell me it was a small cyst, plus some plaque from smoking and singing. My voice is totally gone at the moment, and he says it could get worse from swelling, but, it will actually improve my voice in time. I thank all of you from the depths of my soul. Now for some rest. I havn't slept well for some time..

12 Jul 00 - 06:10 PM (#256714)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Bill D

*huge sigh of relief as 247 Mudcatters collectively let out their breath*.....

get a GOOD nap, Kendall....we'll be here when you feel like chatting

12 Jul 00 - 06:13 PM (#256718)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: sophocleese

Great news kendall! Be sure not to force the healing though in eagerness to sing.

12 Jul 00 - 06:22 PM (#256726)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Ebbie


12 Jul 00 - 06:28 PM (#256730)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Bert

Great News. Get back singing real soon.

12 Jul 00 - 06:34 PM (#256734)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: katlaughing

Wonderful!!! And pay attention to what Sophocleese says! Thanks great spirit, big time!!

12 Jul 00 - 06:35 PM (#256735)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: catspaw49

Well any improvement to your voice would be welcome. Was he able to do anything about the funny accent you have? And what about "Edgar Cayce?" Of course I suppose raising the dead is out of the question........

Well this is great news anyway......Now you can work on learning some of the songs Meebo sent you like "Blot your Crotch with Cowpattie Paste" by Toothless Doofus and the Dung Beetle Chewers. It ain't "Phoebe Snow" but with your new voice and all.............


12 Jul 00 - 06:42 PM (#256747)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Jim the Bart

I only have four words
Praise Be!
ice cream
OK, here are a couple more - feel better soon

12 Jul 00 - 06:43 PM (#256749)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Áine

Wunnerful, wunnerful news, Kendall!! Now, just keep that crotchety ole Yankee mouth shut for a while and you'll be singing sweeter than ever in a few weeks. ;-) Who loves ya, baby? WE DO!!

Take good care of yourself, darlin' -- Áine

12 Jul 00 - 06:47 PM (#256753)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Hollowfox

Grand news! Thanks for letting us know so soon. Enjoy the nap. (You know you're not a kid anymore when you look forward to resting your eyes a bit.)

12 Jul 00 - 06:48 PM (#256756)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Morticia

Thank God you can still type :)I'm so pleased for you, really, it' great news :)

12 Jul 00 - 06:48 PM (#256757)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: McGrath of Harlow

"It will actually improve my voice in time" - so it turns out to have been cosmetic surgery for the voice after all!

Here's a story. There's this fella wakes after having had an operation to his hands. "Tell me doctor - will I be able to play the piano?"

"Don't worry, you'll be playing marvellously in another three weeks or so!"

"That's fantastic - you know, I'd never even thought of playing the piano till just now!"

12 Jul 00 - 06:55 PM (#256765)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Sorcha

YeeeeHaaaa! Good on ya, kendall!! Just be a wee quiet mousie like the good Dr. says.

12 Jul 00 - 06:59 PM (#256769)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: JedMarum

Great news Kendall! I am happy for you.

12 Jul 00 - 07:02 PM (#256774)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II

Great news, Kendall. I just got home from work and played your tape. Several teary moments both laughing and crying. Be well! And be quiet for a while.

12 Jul 00 - 07:26 PM (#256790)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Alice

wow, what a relief. Great, Kendall. Now, don't do what bert says yet, let your throat heal before you start singing again.... remember those health tips for singers?

12 Jul 00 - 07:41 PM (#256807)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Mary in Kentucky

Kendall, that's wonderful news. I'm so happy for you as I know you must be. Rejoice and celebrate each moment!


12 Jul 00 - 07:55 PM (#256815)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: jeffp


Grand and glorious news! Take care of yourself and I'll say a prayer of thanksgiving.


12 Jul 00 - 08:02 PM (#256818)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: DougR

Great, Kendall, I'm overjoyed for you! Glad it wasn't more serious.


12 Jul 00 - 08:47 PM (#256840)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: MMario

okay - can start breathing again now....been waiting all day for the good news, glad to have it finally arrive.

12 Jul 00 - 10:18 PM (#256880)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: TheMuse

Kendall, so glad to hear the great news. The power of Mudcat prayers is amazing!


12 Jul 00 - 10:23 PM (#256883)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: bflat

How happy you must be to share this extraordinary news. Well clearly there are a lot of folks here who are celebrating with you. Speedy recovery!!


12 Jul 00 - 10:29 PM (#256885)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Escamillo

Great news, Kendall. We´re looking forward to hear you again.
Un abrazo - Andrés

12 Jul 00 - 10:32 PM (#256887)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Susan A-R

YES!! So glad to hear all went well. And so glad you went in to find out about it in the first place. Damned stoic!! almost as bad as a Vermonter you are.

Say, are you coming over for the Champlain Festival?

12 Jul 00 - 10:47 PM (#256892)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: alison

Great news Kendall,

enjoy your rest



12 Jul 00 - 10:54 PM (#256893)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Sandy Paton

Thanks, Kendall, for the quick note and the great news. We rejoice, along with all of the Mudcat mob. Caroline sends her love, as I do mine.


12 Jul 00 - 11:01 PM (#256896)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Big Mick

It is about time, you old coot. I kept waiting to hear, and the old prayer list was getting a bit long. At Mass, I had to ask the lector to wait a minute while I finished my list....................LOL. To say that I am elated, is to put it mildly. Now get better so we can sing together when I finally get to meet you.

All the best,

Big Mick

12 Jul 00 - 11:24 PM (#256904)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Jeri

He didn't say the docs told him he had to be quiet, and those one-liners don't take much effort. Beware!

Kendall, I'm glad this turned out to be relatively un-scarey. Now, how do you get plaque off vocal cords? Inhale dental floss?

12 Jul 00 - 11:37 PM (#256908)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: bbc

Good news, Kendall! Thanks for letting us know. We'll hope to see you soon.


bbc & Duane D.

13 Jul 00 - 12:01 AM (#256913)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: catspaw49

Additonally to what all these fine folks have said, I missed you in Radiochat tonite. I tried to hold up your end but everybody talked real nasty about your ass. Meebo says he's sending you more tapes as soon as he finishes diddling about with annabelle the sheep. I tried to start a pool on when you'd be able to sing, but no one would join since they all said you never could sing to begin with. Max played Woody's "Hard Travellin'" and when he kept forgetting the words, he said he was having a "kendall moment." Then Jeri really got mad when I suggested we have a party when you returned since she said we are BOTH suits of armor filled with green shit and didn't deserve a party. Several people said they WERE glad you are OK, but I gather you owe them money and they were worried about collecting.

I DID try to nominate Meebo as "Rat Bastard of the Week" on your behalf, but he lost out in the voting by a narrow margin. Please come back soon......I had no help at all.


13 Jul 00 - 06:36 AM (#256980)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

I would dearly love to meet all of you. Spaw, your gift of laughter has been priceless.

13 Jul 00 - 07:24 AM (#256992)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Little Neophyte

Kendallot, I am so thrilled to hear this news.
Guess you could use an attractive nurse to spoon feed you some ice cream and jello.
If I had to have surgery I would want Catspaw at my bedside splitting my stitches open with laughter.

I am so happy for you Kendall!


13 Jul 00 - 07:35 AM (#256997)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II

At this point, she wouldn't have to be REAL attractive..

13 Jul 00 - 10:19 AM (#257055)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Sean Belt

Great joy for your good news and best wishes for a speedy recovery!

- Sean

13 Jul 00 - 10:27 AM (#257059)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: SDShad

Hallelujah! That's great news, Kendall!

Of course, if you end up singing sweeter than ever as Aine suggests, will you still sound like a crotchety ole Yankee? :-)

And say, before I send off a sawbuck, was that your last tape you sent to Sinsull?


13 Jul 00 - 10:28 AM (#257060)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Willie-O

Great stuff Kendall. Take all the unsolicited advice you've been given, especially the contradictory bits. (Ends up, you can pretty much do what you want.)

If I was recovering from surgery I wouldn't want Spaw within three states and a couple of provinces from me...


13 Jul 00 - 11:01 AM (#257084)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Allan C.

Kendall, maybe this'll help: I believe it was Mel Torme who once talked about a throat surgery he had. His doctor advised him to not sing for a YEAR! He said it was the hardest year he had ever endured; but he somehow managed to keep his mouth shut for the entire time. I guess you might say that it was worth it - things turned out fairly well for him and his "silver throat".

I hope your speaking voice and your singing return much quicker than that.


13 Jul 00 - 11:07 AM (#257086)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

No problem Shad, I still have about a dozen left if you want one.

13 Jul 00 - 11:51 AM (#257112)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Kim C

Go Kendall! Go Kendall! Go Kendall!

13 Jul 00 - 02:59 PM (#257203)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: GUEST,winterbright

blessed be! So what if you sound exactly like Stanley Kowalski for a fortnight... Did I ever do my Dietrich channeling for you? What a duet THAT would make!!! :-) how do I send an attachment with more hugs than you know what to do with? (with which you know what to do???...damn, where's that grammer when you need it?!))

13 Jul 00 - 03:49 PM (#257230)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: wysiwyg

Dear God,


Dear Kendall, } : ~ *) > !!!!!!!!!!!


13 Jul 00 - 05:04 PM (#257264)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: KathWestra

Hey Cap'n, That's wonderful news indeed! Follow the doctor's orders, rest and make up the sleep you've lost, and "talk" only on the Mudcat for awhile (we love hearing from you!). Whew! Kathy

13 Jul 00 - 05:15 PM (#257272)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II

I'm totally without a voice right now, but the doctor says it will take a couple of weeks to return.

13 Jul 00 - 05:28 PM (#257279)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

Winston Churchill said, There is no thrill like being shot at and missed. I'm sitting here drinking up the perfect weather and thanking the great spirit, and all the Mudcatters who wished me well. It really is great to be alive. And to those who didnt wish me well, we all have a cross to bear, maybe I'm yours!!

13 Jul 00 - 05:51 PM (#257293)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: DougR

Shucks, Kendall, there you go again jumpin' at conclusions. The folks that didn't wish you well probably just can't read.


14 Jul 00 - 12:23 AM (#257458)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Good news, Kendall--and give the yodelling a rest, huh, boy?


14 Jul 00 - 01:09 AM (#257470)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: GUEST,Seamus Kennedy on the road

Attaboy, Kendall. Makes you want to shout the news from the rooftops, doesn't it? Well, maybe not. So what are you now, boy-soprano, contralto, castrato, countertenor, what? Get well soon, Seamus

14 Jul 00 - 07:28 AM (#257516)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

At present, I'm more of a giraffe

14 Jul 00 - 08:57 AM (#257538)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: MMario

there you go, Kendall, an idea for a new tape. "Kendall sings the folk songs of the giraffe". Slap a label on a blank tape and you're done. Great money maker while you recuperate...

14 Jul 00 - 11:20 AM (#257622)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

I played a blank tape at full volume and a mime next door jumped out the window

14 Jul 00 - 11:24 AM (#257630)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Áine

Suggested first lines/titles for Kendall's new CD:

I'm Blowing Bubbles For You Baby, 'Cuz I'm Boiling Over You

Cross Your Eyes And Tell Me That You Love Me

Don't Step On My Blue Suede Notebook!

If I Had A Pen, I'd Sing Sweet Songs To You

Just Stick Out Your Tongue If You're Leaving

I'd Send You A Smoke Signal, But My Matches Are Wet

I'd Send Up A Love Flag, But My Line Is Limp

Anyone else have some good suggestions??

-- Áine ;-)

14 Jul 00 - 11:28 AM (#257633)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: catspaw49

Kendall, that was the worst gawddamn joke you ever told...........I mean like I love it and all, but its really the worst.


14 Jul 00 - 11:54 AM (#257649)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: Áine

Found some more songs for you, Kendall --

Is That The Look Of Love, Or Do You Just Have Gas?

Does That Two Finger Salute Mean You Love Me Twice As Much?

Don't Roll Your Eyes In That Tone Of Voice, It Was You Or Her And I Made My Choice

Blink Twice If You Want Me To Go

-- Áine

14 Jul 00 - 12:16 PM (#257660)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

Very clever Aine, I'll get mine! Spaw, surely you understand the concept of yin and yang. Without dark ther is no light etc. without bad there is no good..

14 Jul 00 - 05:43 PM (#257810)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: GUEST,winterbright

Here's a title for the tape: "The (Not) Yodel-yin Yang-kee" Say it out loud... Yodel-YIN YANG-kee... get it?! Get it?? Nudge, nudge! Wink, wink! Hmmm? Wha'd'ya think? Kinda grows on ya, doesn't it? First cut: "The Sounds of Silence", what else?! :-)

14 Jul 00 - 07:29 PM (#257859)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

someone left the door open again..

14 Jul 00 - 08:29 PM (#257886)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II

It made me laugh, Spaw. But it's Friday night and I've had a few. So good to hear Kendall himself. No more gloom and doom.

14 Jul 00 - 08:56 PM (#257898)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: GUEST,Barry Finn

Aw Kendall, this is great news even for a mainyact. I'm very happy for ya. Barry in Cow-hampshire

14 Jul 00 - 09:32 PM (#257918)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: GUEST,A Boy Named Sue

I'm glad to hear you're okay. I hope that you'll take this as a warning about smoking and quit. I've lost several relatives to cancer caused by smoking and wish everyone would do themselves a favor and quit.

15 Jul 00 - 08:24 AM (#258058)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

I quit smoking almost 4 years ago.

15 Jul 00 - 09:04 AM (#258071)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: sledge

Good news, but do try and give up the weed.

15 Jul 00 - 09:11 AM (#258073)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Kendall, how wonderful to get the good news so soon! I'll join the chorus of those urging you to follow doc's orders and rest that voice for as long as necessary- good thing you have us to talk to, innit?

15 Jul 00 - 10:50 AM (#258114)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

didn't affect my fingers

15 Jul 00 - 11:45 AM (#258142)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: dick greenhaus

Kendall- Any chance you'll be a listener at the Champkain Festival? Maybe we could break beer together (I still have some of that dark stuff left).

15 Jul 00 - 02:28 PM (#258223)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

I'm not venturing out without a voice. It's too har to cuss in a whisper

15 Jul 00 - 02:37 PM (#258229)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: catspaw49

Hell Kendall, you can still give folks the finger. Besides, Dick's offering up some free beer.


15 Jul 00 - 02:38 PM (#258231)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: JenEllen

Great News! You behave yerself and keep yer trap shut, y'hear?

15 Jul 00 - 02:43 PM (#258233)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: catspaw49

Hey!!! There's the solution!!! Take Jen Ellen with you!!! She has a completely racked up hand and your voice is crapped out......But between the two of you, you can raise some hell.......JE has a wonderful "vocabulary" and she can rip 'em up while you flip 'em off.

Ahhhhhh...........What a team!


15 Jul 00 - 04:14 PM (#258265)
Subject: RE: BS: Kendall has a problem II
From: kendall

why di I suddenly think of making lemonade?