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Glesca Bible

23 Aug 00 - 07:44 PM (#283568)
Subject: Glesca Bible
From: little john cameron

Here's a wee extract o the fursr chaipter o the Glasca Bible that micht or micht no interest ye.



The creation.

It wis a lang time ago, right enough—thoosans an thoosans o years since. There wis nuthin whaur the earth is noo—absolutely nuthin at aw.

"Weel noo" God says tae himsel wan day, "I'll fix a wee bit dod o land—doon there."

So, tae stert wi, God ordered up some light tae brek oot ower aw the darkness.

Then he made the skies an the dry land, an gaithered up the watters an the seas. He gied them aw names.

An wi nae mair ado, twa muckle orbs appeared—the sun an the moon—tae gie light tae the earth baith day an night.

An a wee while later God made thoosans o bright stars tae twinkle in the dark o the night.

The maker wis fair pleased wi it aw.

"Noo then" he says, "we'll hae oorsels some life aboot the place."

He gies oot mair orders for the earth tae burst forth wi trees an bright wee flooers.

He filled aw the watters wi fish.

He made the birds tae fly in the skies an sing sweetly amang the trees.

It wis a brilliant warld that God wis stertin aff—an he felt sure he wis makin a guid job o it.

However, no matter how guid it wis, the land still lay empty. So God made hunners o different beasts—lions an tigers, giraffes an gazelles, grinnin hyenas, dogs an frogs, big roarin bulls an huge hippopotami—an thoosans o wee creepin craturs.

God then made folk tae look like himsel—man an wumman thegither.

"They'll hae herts an minds tae love me" God says "Ah'm gonny pit them in charge o the HALE wurld—tae keep it in fine fettle."

The lord beamed wi gladness at his work. by this time it wis the seeventh day—an the almighty wis due for a wee rest.

This translation intae the Glesca everyday scots is bein read oot in mony churches back hame. ljc

23 Aug 00 - 08:33 PM (#283604)
Subject: RE: Glesca Bible
From: katlaughing

Guid job, ljc!

23 Aug 00 - 10:07 PM (#283684)
Subject: RE: Glesca Bible
From: GUEST,Allan S.

Is this the same as The Pitmans Bible????

John and Tony often made reference to "THe Pitmans Bible "

24 Aug 00 - 01:15 AM (#283806)
Subject: RE: Glesca Bible
From: Seamus Kennedy

LJC, when does the "Big Yin" make his appearance? A' the best. Hamish

24 Aug 00 - 01:21 AM (#283810)
Subject: RE: Glesca Bible
From: GUEST, Banjo Johnny

I believe Glesca means Glasgow? (The city from Another Planet) Yes, I am a Scotophile .. Johnny in OKC

24 Aug 00 - 01:46 AM (#283827)
Subject: RE: Glesca Bible
From: GUEST,Largo


Glesca is a name they give to the dialect o scots, they use to speak in Glasgow area...Or is it about Glesca Keenie...don't remember....

Aye, wee bara, scotophilia's fair common smit 'ere :-)

Cheers, Largo