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People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....

12 Sep 00 - 12:25 AM (#295453)
Subject: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: The Lighthouse

The following is a list of those who have not posted to a Dont post to this thread thread. Or its a list of those who post to all threads about posting and not posting to threads or whatever a thread might say in its thread when its thread. (OK even I'm lost now!)


Respectfully submitted,
-Joe Offer-

12 Sep 00 - 08:17 AM (#295574)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: kendall

left out again

12 Sep 00 - 09:50 AM (#295607)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Patrish(inactive)

I don't think I posted, but if you come up with a list I would appreciate not seeing my name there - at least I think I would

12 Sep 00 - 01:24 PM (#295757)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Ely

I didn't. I'm practicing following directions since my art teacher seems to think I'm having problems with that (I think he's just lousy at explaining to me what I'm supposed to do).

12 Sep 00 - 01:40 PM (#295771)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: mousethief

We will now need a list of those who didn't post to "Those who didn't post to DON'T POST." After that we'll need a list of those who....

This could get REALLY confusing.


12 Sep 00 - 01:53 PM (#295785)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

At first I thought I knew where I was going, until I realized that if I had known where I was going I would not necessarily have had to draw attention to the fact that, knowing where I was going...or where I was not going...would in essence be a moot point, in consideratin of the not too easily nailed down principle of keeping tabs on the directional status of one's horizontal movements along a fixed line, or a variable line, notwithstanding the possibility that the very nature of human observation and perception is subjective in nature, leading to a possible decline in the ability of the casual observer to draw any sort of reasonable conclusion which might not be challenged or even refuted by persons such as Wolfgang...or even Spaw...depending.

Do you follow me?

12 Sep 00 - 02:10 PM (#295801)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: catspaw49 a distance.


12 Sep 00 - 03:17 PM (#295860)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: dwditty

Never imagine yourself not to be otherwise than what you were or might have been would have appeared to be otherwise.

The Mock Turtle

12 Sep 00 - 04:36 PM (#295914)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: death by whisky

I am not a poster.

12 Sep 00 - 04:56 PM (#295929)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Morticia

well I didn' I get a lollipop?

12 Sep 00 - 05:06 PM (#295936)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Allan C.

Post? Hell, I didn't even bother to read it.

If it were, it would be; but if it isn't, it ain't.

12 Sep 00 - 05:56 PM (#295974)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: GUEST,Rich(Bodhránaí gan ciall)

I don't remember but I don't think I posted to Don't post because that would be wrong and if there was no reason to post other than to just plain be argumentitive, thenwhy on Earth would I want to do something so blatantly anti-social as to post and delay the timely final reward of a thread that only wants to be left alone and might , quite possibly, have been started just to see how quickly a thread would pass to the bottom of the list without being posted to or, for that matter, it may have been Shorty's (at the bottom of the screen) dinner and there he was starving away on the verge of famine, fire, pestilence and the other one just so that I can see my two cents worth of nonsense float into cyberspace with the the rest of the nonsense floating around in this ridiculous thread that shorty was starving for want of and, come to think of it, shorty could be a horse and eat everything that was posted on the Don't post thread that was only meant to be a light meal but was so full of posts that it blew his stomach apart and his blood is on your hands unless of course I did post to the Don't post thread and had conveniently forgotten in which case disregard everything I just said.

Slán agat,

12 Sep 00 - 07:08 PM (#296043)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC

Well, I posted to the "Don't Post to This Thread" thread, so don't put my name on any lists.

I just wanted to ask if anyone here has any good limericks. If you do, you can post them to the "Don't Post to This Thread, Either" thread. Thank you very much.


12 Sep 00 - 07:12 PM (#296047)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: catspaw49

Rich, the "King of the Classic Run-On" has once again surrounded himself in a cloak of glory!!! WELL DONE!!!


12 Sep 00 - 07:15 PM (#296051)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....

Didn't even read it!

12 Sep 00 - 07:16 PM (#296052)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: wysiwyg

Is this the one where the cool people are, or is it the other one, or the one before that?

Can you please put in a blue clicky to the thread where the cool people are all at?

I can't seem to find them.


13 Sep 00 - 12:01 AM (#296206)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Bill D

the real 'cool' people don't end sentences with a preposition, so I won't tell you...*grin*

13 Sep 00 - 12:04 AM (#296209)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Bill D

nawww...I was just kidding, Carol...there are some cool people here

your welcome...

13 Sep 00 - 12:57 AM (#296242)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Melani

Is this a test?

13 Sep 00 - 09:51 AM (#296381)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CamiSu

Yes, and you got an A+

13 Sep 00 - 11:33 AM (#296429)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....

I'm not here, I've gone out to look for myself. If I come back before I return, please tell me to wait -- Andrea Pusillo

As I was going up the stair,
I met a man who wasn't there.
He wasn't there again today.
I wish, I wish he'd stay away.
-- Hughes Mearns, The Psychoed

13 Sep 00 - 12:50 PM (#296486)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Bill D

arrrghhh!!...I just read back and saw that *I* had spelled you're as 'your'!!!!'s off to the self-flagellation shed (wearing hair shirts) for me....*sigh*

13 Sep 00 - 04:45 PM (#296631)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

Aw, shucks! I was just about to point out that very error to you, Bill, and now it's too late. Darn!

The fact is, people who did not post to the DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD thread are either...

1. Totally uncool. OR

2. Way too serious. OR

3. Self-absorbed to the point of gross solipsism. OR

4. Well-schooled in the elements of good taste, decency and restraint. OR

5. Bucolicly licentious Birkenstock wearers who never shave their legs (or anything else) and are still upset about Dylan going "electric". OR

6. Members of the George Bush Jr. fan club. OR

7. Members of the Al Gore fan club. OR

8. Ronald Reagan OR

9. Jesse Helms (the "turd that walks like a man") OR

10. My Uncle Throckmorton.

One or two of the above may or may not be relevant to the subject at hand, in which case they were thrown in merely to confuse and muddy the waters, so to speak...

You figure it out.

14 Sep 00 - 10:26 AM (#297141)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Crazy Eddie

Little Hawk, Did you just say that Muddy Waters posted to the "don't post to this thread" thread?
Or was I just looking for an excuse to make up for the fact that I didn't post to the "don't post to this thread" thread, by posting to the "don't post to this thread either" thread?

If a poster could posts, how many posts would a poster post, if a poster could post posts??

The people hava a right to know! :o)

14 Sep 00 - 12:09 PM (#297189)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Bill D

The people have a right to know, but 87.419% of them won't pay attention....

14 Sep 00 - 12:15 PM (#297197)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Mrrzy

Didn't read it... did I miss anything?

14 Sep 00 - 12:39 PM (#297213)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

Mrrzy - Yes! You missed a whole lot of hilarious limericks and some complaint letters that beggar description. Take a look.

Crazy Eddie - the answer to your question is: 16

Now here's one for you...How much earth would an earthworm worm, if an earthworm could worm earth?

14 Sep 00 - 08:39 PM (#297600)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: jets

I did not post

15 Sep 00 - 07:32 PM (#298312)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: The Lighthouse

No!!!!!!!!! Am I posting a post to my own post on which I posted about not posting as I post this post???? I am the most!

16 Sep 00 - 06:41 PM (#298872)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: The Lighthouse

oops!!!!!!! Saved again!

16 Sep 00 - 08:02 PM (#298922)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Dulci46

You all are losing it. I didn't post to the Don't Post thread and the Don't post to this thread either or something like that.

More limericks please.

16 Sep 00 - 08:12 PM (#298929)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC


I would like to point you in the direction of the thread called DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD, as well as the thread called DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD, EITHER for some very good limericks. There are also some puns as well as assorted other kinds of poetry and mayhem.

We would be honored if you would post some of your own limericks on the DON'T POST EITHER thread.


16 Sep 00 - 11:01 PM (#299027)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: The Lighthouse

CarolC what is your fascination with limericks?? I've seen you posting this on a few threads. What gives?

17 Sep 00 - 01:09 AM (#299100)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

It's an in joke...sort of. Check out the DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD and the DON'T POST TO THIS THREAD, EITHER and you'll see.

17 Sep 00 - 03:07 AM (#299113)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC

Limericks are good.

17 Sep 00 - 04:58 AM (#299123)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC

And, it's the nicest way I can think of to say that the DON'T POST thread is not a "fluff" thread. There's a lot of very good stuff in there.


17 Sep 00 - 07:30 AM (#299151)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

To post or not to post that is the "?" wether tis nobler in the mind to suffer the flames or be ignored by outrageous posters. Or to stop thinking and keep drinking instead. Pass the bloody bottle someone quick!!!

17 Sep 00 - 07:32 AM (#299153)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: P05139

I definately DIDN'T post! I wouldn't even dream of it :-)) !

17 Sep 00 - 05:21 PM (#299428)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Morticia

Please define posting........I definetely DID NOT post to this thread...... B.Clinton

17 Sep 00 - 09:38 PM (#299558)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

posting - the erection of a thick, vertical length of wood in any suitable piece of ground, for the purpose of providing a post or pole on which may be mounted signs, fencing, a mailbox, a building structure, a birdhouse, or numerous other handy structures.

The North Pole is rumoured to be a post of some sort. So too, the South Pole. Winnie the Pooh and Piglet and assorted friends went looking for the North Pole one time, and Pooh found it. He's that kind of bear.

17 Sep 00 - 11:50 PM (#299624)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: GUEST,Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Well, Mick Moloney is from Limerick and he's good and Tommy O'Sullivan (From Sliabh Notes, great trio!) is from Limerick and he's good.

And Spaw, it just occurred to me that my handle takes one line in the post column no matter how many words are in it. You tricked me! ;-) It was probably for my own good any way.
Slán agat,

18 Sep 00 - 02:24 AM (#299719)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: hesperis

- and we need more limericks.

18 Sep 00 - 03:01 AM (#299726)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC

don't click here

18 Sep 00 - 12:00 PM (#299986)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

Why not? A tale from the old days in Spain...

A gorilla from El Ferrol, Spain Tried taking a ride on the train But soon he was found To be monkeying around And behaving, quite simply, insane

He had purloined a bucket of figs And released a contingent of pigs From the rear baggage car As they ran through the bar He danced a maniacal jig

He devoured the figs with a grin And gave an old matron a spin With a shreik and a curse She surrendered her purse Oh my! What a hideous din!

As the train thundered into Santander He was heard to yell "What? NO BANANERS??? I'll purloin the lot, You bilious sots! Go fetch me the produce commander!"

But the produce commander was ill Having swallowed a horse-breeding pill Instead came a brace Of Spanish police In a mood fit to plunder and kill

They quickly made ready their guns Set to "massacre", not just to "stun" But before the command With a wave of his hand The gorilla arrested their fun

He said "Do you not notice this brow? And this noble visage? Don't you now?" Said the chief of police "It's the General! All cease!" It was Franco. They all scraped and bowed.

(Hey, Woody...this poem kills fascists...)

18 Sep 00 - 11:20 PM (#300397)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: GUEST,Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

I tried but I just couldn't help but click onto CarolC's blue clicky thing entitled "Don't click here" (having expended all my restraint in not posting to the original "Don't post" thread)and what did I see but a pile of left socks (only two of which were argyle) and in each was a pick and a kazoo of many colors that played in the key of Q and there were some angry-looking people fighting over something or other and I almost snuck away but I've never even heard of anything that played in the key of Q and in a frenzy of unbridled greed mixed with the sweet euphoria of giving in and not restraining my self I said to my self "Self, you oughta steal one of those low-octave Q kazoos" and so I tried but one of them caught me and they were gonna roast me and they were gonna sit on me and squash me and they were gonna bake me in a pie but just when all seemed lost, this little opossum came and led the kazoos in a rowsing rendition of Day Tripper and confused the angry-looking people long enough for me to escape and I crawled back out of the blue clcky thing and was going to pretend like nothing happened because I was so judgemental earlier and I turned out to be just as guilty as everyone else in my blatant disregard for suggestions put there by wiser people than me for my own good but the blue clicky thing (having been clicked) was now purple and there was no way I could get away with it and so I admit openly that I can't resist sometimes and I feel so much better and see so much clearer with that off my chest that now I realize that conjunctions are every bit as dangerous as angry-looking people in that the surgeon generahas determined conjuntions to be the leading cause of run-on sentences.


19 Sep 00 - 04:27 PM (#300904)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: guinnesschik

I really, really tried to stay away. I did not post to the original, but I could no longer control myself. Here, I'm posting.....Durn, wish it could be better.

19 Sep 00 - 04:39 PM (#300912)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

Well, y' know, it just takes practice...

19 Sep 00 - 11:50 PM (#301170)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

OK, I'm gonna post one more time but just because I just realized that I'm gonna have access to the same borrowed computer long enough to be able to set up a cookie and join and not be a pariah-dog-unlovable-Guest for just a little while and I want to see my name in the posting column without that prefix and so I'm gonna post now and .....oh my God, I wasn't even trying to run-on and it just happened!

Slán agat,

19 Sep 00 - 11:59 PM (#301179)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC


You know we love you.


20 Sep 00 - 07:46 AM (#301263)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....

Rich's "pariah-dog-unlovable-Guest" description is apt in summing up some members' prejudice toward anonymous posters, irrespective of the message.

20 Sep 00 - 08:33 AM (#301279)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC


I think that some of the people who post anonymously have good things to say. I hope you can understand, however, that when there are a number of posts by unidentified guests that are toxic or emotionally violent in nature, people's nerves get pretty rough around the edges. That's when all anonymous guests are viewed with the same suspicion.

It's hard to know for sure where people are coming from when we don't know anything about them. Those who identify themselves in some way establish relationships and patterns of behavior that we can identify as being from them.

When you post anonymously, even if you say something worthwhile, you put yourself into the same category as the destructive ones by simple name recognition, and the lack of any other identifying characteristics.

Best wishes,


20 Sep 00 - 11:56 AM (#301411)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....


Thank you for your comments. I have no problem with all anonymous guests being viewed with suspicion. And I see the rationale behind a person's reluctance to respond to a guest because another guest can step in and post a nasty message subsequent to a neutral one, causing confusion.

The sweeping generalization is hard to understand, however, especially in light of the fact that the only thing to be dealt with is the message. One message from an anonymous poster is inflammatory; therefore, regardless of the tone of the message, all messages from anonymous posters must be inflammatory and undeserving of a response. One guest behaves badly, therefore all guests are condemnable. This "you're either on the bus or off the bus" attitude must evidently be readily observable by others, as evidenced by Rich's post above, and is just as insubstantial as the lobby against the 'BS' threads.

If all anonymous posts must be so unfairly judged, then so be it. This guest will oppose the herd mentality and take its chances with those like yourself who're capable of separating the wheat from the chaff. And those who were seen dancing were thought to be insane by those who could not hear the music. -- Friedrich Nietzsche.

Best wishes to you also, CarolC.

20 Sep 00 - 12:44 PM (#301442)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Bill D

anonymous is one thing, undifferentiated is quite another...if you have some reason to not be identifed as 'you' least choose a handle to differentiate you from other 'guests'....I'm sorry, but saying " the only thing to be dealt with is the message" just doesn't cut is sort of true that a message should stand on it's own, but being criticized, hassled, teased...or even agreed with, by nameless, faceless wraiths is NOT something that most people care to deal with...
....and I strongly suspect that BEING anonymous colors what a person says and ultimately affects their own attitude and personality. (we have already had one 'confession' to that effect...)

In this forum, as things now are set up, no one can demand you have an identity, but you may get more satisfaction if you DO have one...even if it is spurious.

To those who DO often resort to being 'guest' you ever wonder at all how some of us can LIVE with people knowing what we think? ...(visualize little face with raised eyebrows and quizzical expression here)

(somehow, I doubt I 'changed any minds'....but, I said my piece)

20 Sep 00 - 01:20 PM (#301462)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Jim Krause

I didn't post either, 'cause I always do what I'm told to, like beware of dog, keep off the grass, fresh wax, fresh paint. don't feed the ducks/geese/pigeons/monkeys, etc etc.

20 Sep 00 - 01:47 PM (#301481)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: BDtheQB

I have been stealth reading this thread for some time and have wondered by no one has said.. posts.. (or) I am not a poster but a Billbored with it all (or) I am a bored poster posting posthaste with hastypudding poster boy for not posting posthumourously. (or) Posting on the posterior of the don't post here post pones the posting of the post like structure on top of which is a mailbox and the mailbox is where you will find post cards and cards will again be posted from parts unknown as the vacationers send post cards to the mailbox on the post ..etc...

20 Sep 00 - 03:05 PM (#301543)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Jim Krause

Poast Toasties here where you can toast toadies with beer. And toads are just another frog, except when it involves the ffrog of the bow. But I bow to superior intellects than mine, and this is where I make my bows.

20 Sep 00 - 04:00 PM (#301587)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Little Hawk

Posting posthumously? Hmmm...there's an interesting notion. I wonder if we could get H.P. Lovecraft to log on?

20 Sep 00 - 06:34 PM (#301751)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC

One more for Guest,

Guest, have you ever considered the possibility that you are denying the rest of us something that could be very precious to us? That would be the opportunity to get to know you as a human being rather that just words on a screen.

I now recognise you as a Guest that I have encountered before, and as someone who's posts I usually quite enjoy. I think I would like to have an oportunity to get to know you as a person, but it's hard to do that when you are hiding.


21 Sep 00 - 12:23 AM (#301985)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Alright Guest. I wanna be very careful not to seem to lash out because 24 hours ago my handle said that too, albeit with a handle attached. I've gotten a lot of good feedback even without "being on the bus". Only once or twice have I really been made to feel like my 2 cents was worth less than somebody else's because of that prefix. The bulk of people here treated me like I was "on the bus" regardless. I've had running jokes with people. I've gotten to know people here and I have friends here whose input has been invaluble to me. My post was a joke, and especially with all the genuine prejudice floating around some of these threads as of late, I really don't want to add to it with an imagined slight.

And by the way, thanks Carol.

Slán agat,

21 Sep 00 - 10:38 AM (#302224)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....

that was posting POSTHUMOUROUSLY.. and done with great thought since Mr. Lovecraft was unable to post because he is. dead as a post..

21 Sep 00 - 08:51 PM (#302706)
Subject: RE: People who Didn't post to DON'T POST....
From: CarolC

See? That's good stuff!