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Best Breakfast Cereal

15 Sep 00 - 09:57 PM (#298394)
Subject: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: GUEST,Tony the Tiger

What do you think is the best breakfast cereal?

My vote is for Sugar Frosted Flakes. THEY'RE GREAT!!!!

15 Sep 00 - 10:00 PM (#298398)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: GUEST,Gizz

KaBOOM! or Fruit Loops! Hey, remember when a cereal was called Super Sugar Crisps? They changed the name to something else when sugar became villified. Gizz

15 Sep 00 - 10:08 PM (#298407)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Bill D

Kellog's Pep...(am I the only one who remembers it?)

15 Sep 00 - 10:11 PM (#298409)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Oversoul

Quaker Oats Old Fashioned Grits, add a quarter cup of sharp cheddar cheese and a tablespoon of butter per serving!

15 Sep 00 - 10:13 PM (#298410)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Uncle Jaque

AAACH Mon!! and Whats THIS got t' do wi' music, too???? "Snap, Crackle, Pop" a percussive ensemble? Oy! I don't know aboot ye milktoast sugarslurripin' city-slickin' landlubbin' dandies oot there, but the best breakfast of all, ye know, is good auld steel-cut Scottish OATS, mon! Boil 'em up for aboot 20 minutes like ye would brown rice, then slather 'em doon wi' REAL butter, REAL cream, and perhaps jest a touch of brown sugar, molasses, or (my favorite) maple syrup. Then go WORK IT OFF! Asides that, there's good auld Maine BEANS and bacon, wi' plenty of blackstrap molasses (or maple syrup, "blackstrap" syrup getting hard to come by these days) and biled onions, Irish soda biscuits on the side, and kick-arse coffee. Now THAT's what I call BREAKFAST lads!!!

15 Sep 00 - 10:21 PM (#298418)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: thosp

ummmm ummmmm good Shreaded Wheat

peace (Y) thosp

15 Sep 00 - 10:31 PM (#298426)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Bill D

Oh, weel Uncle Jaque...if you want to be SERIOUS...yes, you have it all right!

15 Sep 00 - 11:03 PM (#298440)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: hesperis

I was going to vote for good, old-fashioned Shredded Wheat, but it's actually not the BEST breakfast cereal I've ever had. It's just the best for chowing down in five minutes when you need to be somewhere in a hurry.

The BEST is Raisin-Spice Oatmeal, the way I make it. Use rolled oats, not quick oats. A tiny pinch of salt in the water. Add the oats, then add big, juicy black thompson raisins, then add a dash of cloves, a double dash of allspice, and a LOT of cinnamon. You can even add a hint of ginger for that extra zing! to the taste. Then add a handful of sesame seeds. Then turn the heat down and simmer until it's done. Mmmmmmmmmmm.
It is SO good, you don't even have to add a sweetener.
You can put molasses, brown sugar, or honey on it, and pour on the milk. (Soymilk for me.)
I've had people who HATE oatmeal totally fall in love with it, and beg for the recipe. I have recieved 2 offers of marriage from the taste of this oatmeal. It's that good.


15 Sep 00 - 11:07 PM (#298442)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal

Now for a simple good old fashioned breakfast, Just plain old Quaker Oats, with a bit of butter and a spoonful of brown sugar. Simple, neat and great.

15 Sep 00 - 11:18 PM (#298450)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: DougR

I think at this point I am more sympathetic with those who would like to restrict subject content to folk music than at any point I have been on the Mudcat.


15 Sep 00 - 11:21 PM (#298452)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: hesperis

Well, we could always make this into a Song Challenge...

Write a song about the best breakfast cereal, somebody, quick!!!

15 Sep 00 - 11:26 PM (#298453)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: MarkS

Lets make this thread take a swerve toward poor taste (groan). I figure we will get there eventually so why not now?
Try the new cereal, Prostituties. They do not go snap crackle and pop when you pour on the milk, they just lay in the bottom of the bowl and bang.

15 Sep 00 - 11:30 PM (#298454)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: rabbitrunning

Way heave ho and tug the thread back onto it's proper course!

Raisin Bran if there's milk in the house.

Frostie flakes if not.

Shredded Bagel Bits if I forgot to buy the cereal...

15 Sep 00 - 11:36 PM (#298457)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Metchosin

hesperis your oatmeal sounds yummy! Might try that on my husband tomorrow morning.

I spent a week with a group of people from Connecticut in the Canadian Rockies this summer. They just went nuts for our Canadian Sunny Boy Cereal and were stocking up on supplies to take back across the border. (In fact we wrote a song about Sunny Boy to the tune of Danny Boy about some of the cereal's side effects). I forced a few mouthfuls down for nostalic purposes, but still couldn't shake the memory of the accompanying Cod Liver Oil that was foisted on me, as a chaser, when I was small. That and the flax seeds you picked from your teeth til lunch, despite brushing.

16 Sep 00 - 12:14 AM (#298476)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: John Hindsill

If it's songs you want about breakfast cereals, hesperis, heare are two from my childhood:

Cream of Wheat is so good to eat and we have it every day. It makes us strong, and we sig this song, and it makes us shout 'hooray'. It's good for growing children and grownups,too, to eat. For all your family's breakfast you can't bet Cream of Wheat".
My brother and I adapted this ditty for a competing cereal, Cream of Rice; I'll let you do the math.

Then, to the tune of "When it's Round-up Time in Texas", Shredded Ralston for your breakfast starts the day off shiney bright...and etc. [I disremember the words]

Cream of Wheat is still around; so is Shredded Ralston, but not under that it is Wheat Chex. By the bye, does anyone here remember Pep Cereal, Corn Soya, or Krumbles?

My favorite-that is the name of this thread, is Weetabix. You add milk to this dense bisquit and it grows three times it size like a sponge.----John

16 Sep 00 - 12:40 AM (#298488)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Mbo

As a rule, I don't eat cereal.

16 Sep 00 - 02:23 AM (#298535)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Jon Freeman

I rarely eat breakfast but porridge is one of my favourites are are the Weetabix type ones and muesli. I don't have any brand preferences although I think museli is probably best home made/ mixed.

Outside the cereal, I enjoy a breakfast of sausage, bacon, baked beans, tomatoes and fried bread once in a while.


16 Sep 00 - 02:35 AM (#298539)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: The Beanster

Captain Crunch, Sugar Pops, Raisin Bran and my sentimental favorite, Cheerios--especially with banana slices. I remember being 6, sitting on the floor in front of the TV still in my jammies, watching "Captain Kangaroo" and eating Cheerios. Ahhh, the simple pleasures...

16 Sep 00 - 02:53 AM (#298541)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: DougR

Kendall: If you take the baitand bite on this, as I did, I will sorely disappointed. It's been terribly hot out here and I plead heat stroke for my replying.


16 Sep 00 - 08:37 AM (#298598)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: gillymor

Frosted Mini Wheats(spoon size), got some soaking in milk right now.

16 Sep 00 - 11:00 AM (#298643)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: guinnesschik

Count Chocula Rules!

16 Sep 00 - 12:17 PM (#298675)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Jolly

Oatmeal in the winter, Life in the summer. If I eat.


16 Sep 00 - 12:23 PM (#298680)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal

Life! I like it. I like it.

16 Sep 00 - 12:49 PM (#298691)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: John Hindsill

Jon Freeman--Is fried bread what we might call French Toast here in the colonies, bread dipped in whipped egg and sauteed in lots of butter? It is then served and slathered with melted butter and (maple) syrup. Think I'll go get another breakfast!---John

16 Sep 00 - 01:03 PM (#298694)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Jon Freeman

Nothing so exotic, John, it is just a piece of bread fried instead of toasted. I guess it is often used with the type of cooked breakfast I mentioned as often fry the sausage and the bacon but I grill mine. I forgot something else I like with that type of breakfast - mushrooms.


16 Sep 00 - 01:56 PM (#298714)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal

COFFEE and lots of it.

16 Sep 00 - 02:04 PM (#298716)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Ely

Warm: grits with butter and maybe a bit of sharp cheddar, or oatmeal with fresh apples cut into it.

Cold: grape-nuts or Quaker Corn Bran. My mother considered Corn Bran to be a "sugary" breakfast cereal. She occasionally bought Honeycomb or Golden Grahams, but we were expected to eat them as after-school snacks or dessert, not breakfast (to this day, I can't eat sweet cereal for breakfast without getting queasy).

16 Sep 00 - 02:35 PM (#298742)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: GUEST,Giac, not at home

I'm with you, Ely, I can't eat sweeet stuff for breakfast. My choices of cereals are oatmeal and grits, cooked with a bit of salt and butter; nothing else. Extra grits can be stored in the refrigerator, then sliced and fried the next morning. Don't think I'd try the same thing with leftover oatmeal, however. ~:o)

16 Sep 00 - 02:36 PM (#298744)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: hesperis

Leftover pizza - cold! Mmmmm.
Leftover spaghetti 'hotted up' and made into sandwiches.

My oatmeal is still the best, though.

16 Sep 00 - 05:57 PM (#298846)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Linda Kelly

What is sharp cheddar ?

16 Sep 00 - 06:11 PM (#298854)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: catspaw49

The kids are into the vitamin fortified, heavily sweetened, styrofoam plastic bits. They come under a lot of names, but you know the ones. They've also reached the age where the toy or the saving of boxtops is as important as whatever the cereal is. Apple Jacks just scored since there are Pokemon figures inside.

I can't really blame them. When I was that age I thought Battle Creek, Michigan was the epicenter of all things wonderful. At school however, the cereal type breakfasts, no matter what cereal, didn't rank as high on the "Bluebird Breakfast Chart" as did the "healthy" combos of eggs, bacon, sausage, buttered toast.........I'm surprised now that they didn't give extra health points for a cup of coffee and a smoke on the side.


16 Sep 00 - 06:34 PM (#298866)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: The Lighthouse

Anyone remember Quisp? King Vitamin was another good 'un. Boo Berry was good if you liked blue milk but dont deny me my sugar Pops. And whats the story with Kelloggs Sugar Smacks. No wait - it's Honey Smacks - no wait - it's Smacks. What? a boxful of drugs for breakfast? Yikes!

16 Sep 00 - 06:36 PM (#298867)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: The Beanster

LOLOL spaw--funny post!

16 Sep 00 - 06:53 PM (#298878)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: McGrath of Harlow

I suppose whoever kills this thread off will be a cereal killer.

17 Sep 00 - 02:24 PM (#299342)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Mrs.Duck

I like Ricicles They're twiciles as nicicles I like Ricicles They're twicicles as nice Oh boy am I ever the advertisers dream!!

17 Sep 00 - 04:59 PM (#299410)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: keltcgrasshoppper

I didn't know this thread was here.. Just posted to the Canadian thread.. Added "Shreddies" as a Favorite... Not They are the best and only available n Canada to my knowledge... KGH

17 Sep 00 - 05:14 PM (#299422)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: sophocleese

Occasional practical joke (as practiced mostly by my brothers) in my house when I was growing up: when someone was having a pleasant relaxing hot bath suddenly slam the bathroom door open and dump a bucket of cold water on the bather. Results? A frustrated and furious victim unwilling to chase perpetrator through cold house wearing nothing but water therefore perpetrator gets away with it until he wants a bath, and one decent book is usually ruined by the bucket of cold water. Mom put her foot down, "No more cold water in other people's baths!" It was discovered that Shreddies, Shredded Wheat and/or dry dog food will also destroy a pleasant bathing experience but doesn't have the same damaging effect on a book. So for revenge purposes I'll go for Shreddies and Shredded Wheat, but for eating I mostly have crispy bacon and toast, sometimes fried bread.

19 Sep 00 - 06:22 AM (#300520)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Penny S.

I particularly like fried bread cooked last of all, so it soaks up the juices of the tomatoes and the mushrooms and any other tasty stuff in the pan. The problem then is getting it under the egg which has already been cooked.

And my current favourite is Grapenuts, with sliced banana warmed milk and a dollop of clotted cream.

19 Sep 00 - 06:31 AM (#300522)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Patrish(inactive)

I love Sugar Puffs, but do not buy them cos I cant control my cravings for them. I like Shredded wheat, Weetabix, Rice Crispies, Corn Flakes, Honey Nut Corn Flakes, Bran Flakes, and Porridge made with water with salt added and eaten with single cream. I also like boiled eggs and soldiers

19 Sep 00 - 06:39 AM (#300524)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Jon Freeman

Yes Penny, I'm with you on taking advantage of those juices. I don't have the problem with the egg though. Unfortunately, for reasons I don't understand I can not eat eggs that aren't used as part of a mixture e.g. cakes, pancakes, etc. without being sick. I've always thought this a shame because for most of my life, I had free free range eggs available as my mother kept hens, ducks and geese.


19 Sep 00 - 07:45 AM (#300538)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Penny S.

I know what you mean, Jon - they can be on the edge of that for me, and I wish you hadn't said that!


19 Sep 00 - 06:19 PM (#300998)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: hesperis

If egg whites are even slightly undercooked, I sometimes throw up. I found out last year that I'm allergic to egg white. You folks might want to get tested.

Another favorite cereal: Gingersnaps dunked in soymilk.
It's totally decadent, better than chocolate, worse than most packaged cereals. (Sometimes I am truly awful!)

19 Sep 00 - 06:30 PM (#301008)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Burke

Grape Nuts & Cheerios.

When I was young I hated milk & ate these dry. Still do, not for breakfast but as a snack instead of nuts or chips. I do put milk on them now if I have them for breakfast.

19 Sep 00 - 06:42 PM (#301020)
Subject: RE: Best Breakfast Cereal
From: Jon Freeman

John, I had been wondering for some time what pure maple syrup tasted like. I received some today from a friend in the US and am finding it quite hard to resist the temptation of having another spoonfull!
