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Lyr Req: Them N*****s Stole My Watermelons

16 Sep 00 - 02:16 PM (#298724)
Subject: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: GUEST,Curious Georgette

I was reading another thread and came across reference to a song called "Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons" by the Aryan Brothers.

This song sounds like it might offend my egalitarian sensibilities. However, I cannot know for sure unless I actually read the lyrics.

So, someone, please post the lyrics so that I may make up my mind. I wouldn't want to make a judgement just based on the title.

May I add, that if anyone objects to my requesting the lyrics, there is a policy in effect at Mudcat. I quote JOE OFFER:

"The Mudcat Cafe is a music discussion forum. Other activities are permitted and encouraged, but the primary focus of the Forum is music. The discussion of music is to be given special protection. Harassment which discourages or attempts to prevent the requesting, posting, or discussion of a song will not be tolerated, no matter how controversial the song may be."

16 Sep 00 - 02:30 PM (#298736)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: GUEST,Aunt Bea

"Them Flamers stole mah Favorite Website".

Can't you just picture the bored anti-social shit disturber who actually gets a KICK out of this? You silly person, you. Hope you ain't someone I know!

Aunt Bea

16 Sep 00 - 02:53 PM (#298755)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: GUEST,Floyd the Barber

Dear Auny Bea,

You have to read today's posts in the Blarney Brothers thread to understand why Curious Georgette started this thread.

BTW, when you see Andy, tell him his due for a little trim.


16 Sep 00 - 02:58 PM (#298757)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: McGrath of Harlow

So is this a Catter who is running scared and posting anomymously, or a shitstirrer? Probably the latter. In fact probably both the GUEST posters are the just stirring, and very likely they are one and the same person, playing with us, and p[laying with themself.

Which is a pity, because made in a different context and a courteous manner, there would be a valid point here.

16 Sep 00 - 06:27 PM (#298863)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: GUEST,Jim Dixon

I just did a supersearch and could find no such reference. Sounds like "Curious Georgette" made it up. This thread sounds like candidate for deletion.

16 Sep 00 - 06:36 PM (#298868)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: catspaw49

No Jim....This one is my fault completely. I used that as a disgusting, ludicrous, example elsewhere and of course I should have known I'd catch a troller on it. I'd be all for killing this. Its much like what happened when Rick used a couple of examples of stupid threads awhile back and of course THEY turned into real threads by the same type of maggot that stared this one.

My apologies......I should have figured.


16 Sep 00 - 08:23 PM (#298937)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: paddymac

This sounds suspiciously like the sort of muck dear ol conrad seems to enjoy so much.

16 Sep 00 - 08:33 PM (#298943)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: Lucius

On the one hand, there seems to be enough muck out there without raking anymore. However, I must confess that I have an interest in "offensive" songs, as they do reflect changing socitial views.

Consider a song like "Take me back to Tulsa" : Small bee gets the nectar, big bee gets the honey, darkie picks the cotton, boss he gets the money. --I'm not ready to sing this to my third grade class, but I believe that there should be some way of remembering what we were as a society, without reveling in it.

Soooo..... I'm no judge as to whether this is a troll or a legit inquiry, but I'd rather give the benefit of a doubt, unless someone can further enlighten me.


16 Sep 00 - 08:40 PM (#298946)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: Little Hawk

My God, the "N" word! Never thought I'd see that on Mudcat...

Them rednecks stole mah sekshall nayeeveetay!

Them Reepublicans stole mah battlecry!

Them Deemocrats stole mah daughter!

Them injuns stole mah scalp!

That there Jesse Helms stole mah welfare-mother-bashin' agenda!

It jest ain't safe anymore fer God-feerin' people in this here country, 'cept in Texas, that is. Hang 'em all high, ah say! An' nuke the ones that git away.

16 Sep 00 - 08:42 PM (#298947)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: catspaw49

HEY GUYS!!!! Listen up!!! I AM THE JUDGE!!! ITS A TROLL!!!

Pleas read my above post. I pulled this completely vile and bigoted title out of my hat to make a point on another thread. I should have figured on this as this type of crap has happened before.

Again, my apologies. Don't play with this insanity. Its bad enough that we debate the real thing and sometimes get into unfortunate arguments. This is a troll. Complete trash.


16 Sep 00 - 08:46 PM (#298949)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: Lucius

Thanks catspaw49. I had no idea what I was wading into by posting here until I went and read the other thread. Whew.....!


16 Sep 00 - 11:12 PM (#299035)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: GUEST,Jim Dixon

Just curious: if the song title mentioned above does exist in another thread, why can't I find it with a supersearch?

16 Sep 00 - 11:23 PM (#299044)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: Jon Freeman

Jim, this thread is best left to die but seeing as you have refreshed it, as far as I understand it, Max has to create an index for the supersearch so I guess it is a few days behind. The thread you want is


17 Sep 00 - 12:32 PM (#299283)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: GUEST,marty D

I think I've just identified another curiosity about being new at Mudcat. The 'song' in the first post could not possibly be real. Then I got to thinking 'maybe it is'! Then 'No it couldn't be', and finally I just don't know, so I have to keep checking back to see.

What I do know is that Aunt Bea and Floyd the Barber go WAY back. Anybody remember that not one black person ever ventured into Mayberry.


17 Sep 00 - 01:09 PM (#299298)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: Midchuck

The song may not be real, but there are a vast number of old songs along the same line, using the same terminology, that were very popular at one time in our history. There's no need to sing them publicly when it will give offense - and it almost always will - but it's dumb to try to pretend they never existed.


17 Sep 00 - 01:12 PM (#299300)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: Lepus Rex

Aaaagh, it's NOT real. Read the whole thread, and then the one Jon linked, and then. like Jon said, let this one die, already. :)

---Lepus Rex

18 Sep 00 - 07:24 AM (#299790)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: McGrath of Harlow

If this song did exist, I don't think it'd be any more or less offensive than the one about gypsies that caused the dissension on the other threads. Only difference is that there are good people who'd see the harm in a song like this, while seeing the "Don't rent to Gypsies" song as just good clean fun.

18 Sep 00 - 07:33 AM (#299797)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: catspaw49

Geeziz, talk about full circle...............Thanks Mac, that was EXACTLY the point I was making when I invented this little title!!! Most everyone would realize the prejudice and bigotry apparent within the title but we are not as "tuned in" to other situations. If we were, then the same would have been seen in "Mrs. Stein Doesn't Rent To Gypsies Anymore."


18 Sep 00 - 09:49 AM (#299879)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: Them Niggers Stole My Watermelons
From: Wolfgang

Conrad? No. I hope I'm wrong, but my guess is that 'Curious Georgette' is a well known mudcatter who has contributed many posts to the Blarney Brothers thread trying to make an argument by parodying Joe.
