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CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming

05 Oct 00 - 12:39 PM (#312833)
Subject: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: Vixen


Please 'scuse if somebody's posted this already, but my calendar (and his website) says our own Rick Fielding is going to be playing at the Mystic Seaport on 13 October and the Glastonbury Audubon society on 14 October.

Tim and I will be at one, or the other, or both, depending on a heap of variables...We'll be looking for other Mudcats!


05 Oct 00 - 03:59 PM (#312991)
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: Rick Fielding

Look forward to seein' you folks. 'Course we also wanna see how the Shaws resolved their "parking problems"!


05 Oct 00 - 07:29 PM (#313128)
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: bbc

We'd love to be there, but distance & dates are not copacetic for us. Guess we'll have to hold out for the December dates closer by. Any chance of a visit, Rick--hint, hint, since you havent't answered my email?



06 Oct 00 - 11:53 AM (#313522)
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: Rick Fielding

E-mail? What e-mail? Oh, oh, better start huntin! I'll get ta you in a flash Beebs!


06 Oct 00 - 12:24 PM (#313541)
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: Barbara Shaw

Hi folks! Rick, we were going to invite you and Heather to our Branford Folk Music Society "house hoot" on Friday the 13th, but I see that you are otherwise engaged, and now so are we. . .

We'd like to make it to Glastonbury on Saturday. Where the heck is Glastonbury?

As for the "parking problems," I put shades up on the garage windows which face the source of the problem, and have planted several arborvitaes. That seems to have solved the immediate problem of confrontation, along with the occasional well-placed rhetorical expletive, which has tended to keep the source of the problem indoors.

06 Oct 00 - 12:35 PM (#313546)
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: annamill

Can we, who have not been able to read every thread, please know times and places please? A drive up to Mystic would be fun.

Thank you in advance.

Love, annamill

06 Oct 00 - 12:42 PM (#313551)
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: Amergin

Hey, I'm jealous!!! I'm beginning to think Rick is too cheap to go to the West Coast....*BG*

06 Oct 00 - 09:58 PM (#313874)
Subject: RE: CT Mudcats: Rick Fielding's coming
From: Sandy Paton

Book him a tour! I'm sure he and Duckboots would be glad to head west.
