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Well by golly they've let me in

16 Oct 00 - 12:01 PM (#319858)
Subject: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Boxette

This will mean something to very few except Skipjack and maybe Carol, but Kit's joined you! Anyway, Boxette is my new name since someone's already got my real one. I've got a very warm feeling; I'm no longer a pariah with 'guest' in front of my name!

16 Oct 00 - 12:06 PM (#319864)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Bert

Hi there 'Xette!!!

16 Oct 00 - 12:08 PM (#319866)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Wesley S

We hope you enjoy it here - tell us about yourself.

16 Oct 00 - 12:08 PM (#319867)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Liz the Squeak

You may want to reconsider your cookie, once this lot have finished with it!! Welcome anyway!! and give my best to Skipjack, we never got to say goodbye, yesterday.


16 Oct 00 - 12:11 PM (#319868)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: hesperis

Hello! Welcome to Mudcat!
I don't know you yet, but I'm pleased to meet you!

(Why did you choose 'Boxette'?)

Stay away from this character called 'catspaw49', he's obviously crazy. He actually thinks his 'thing' is six feet long!

Don't insult ANY song in any thread that Mbo is likely to read.

Don't post ANY BS if you want to be taken seriously by the 'SuperTradPolice' phoaks.

Just follow this advice and you'll be fine.


16 Oct 00 - 12:13 PM (#319872)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: paddymac

Welcome to the world of "official 'cattership". I gather that you've been "guesting" for awhile. Guests are not, per se, pariahs. They are merely "unregistered" visitors. But, the category does on occasion get a nasty rep due to the tendency of certain nefarious types to hide behind their presumed anonymity. Evidently your experiences as a guest were sufficient to motivate you to become a registered member. That's another vote of approval for the community that is Mudcat.

16 Oct 00 - 12:14 PM (#319873)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Liz the Squeak

You may want to check that warm feeling too, have you been eating vegemite??*BG*


16 Oct 00 - 12:18 PM (#319874)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Welcome, Boxette! I want to know the meaning of the name, too! Where you from?

16 Oct 00 - 12:28 PM (#319881)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: catspaw49

Boxette??? Out of the 137 lines that came immediately to mind, the only one printable is, "Is that how you size them? I mean is there also a Packing Crate?"

Somehow the Boxette is far more appealling albeit possibly more painful.

Spaw (with a supply of K-Y on order)

16 Oct 00 - 12:38 PM (#319886)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: McGrath of Harlow

You see - you were warned about 'Spaw, weren't you?...

16 Oct 00 - 12:40 PM (#319887)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Skipjack K8

I'll take the heat for you, Kit. She posted this in an e-mail to me

"Have called myself Boxette on a whim: the box bit for obvious reasons and the rest because it implies something small and girly, which describes me pretty well."

Yes, friends, I have inviegled (sp?) this charming young lady into playing the stomach Steinway. She picked it up two months and one day ago, and plays accurately and expressively (It is possible, Liz, just can't quite get it myself. Missed snogging you, but got Morty in lieu. What a girl!).

Welcome to membership, anyway Kit. Max said it has its rewards.


16 Oct 00 - 12:46 PM (#319892)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in

pariah.... Some things never change.

16 Oct 00 - 12:59 PM (#319900)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Noreen

Well, Boxette, I'm presuming from the company you keep (!) that the name has something to do with you playing the box? OH NO! Incoming accordions! Duck! :0)

Seriously, you're very welcome here to the Mudcat Café. Just warn us in advance if you plan to all start up playing together!


16 Oct 00 - 01:27 PM (#319933)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Troll

I've been told that I am no longer allowed to make accordian jokes, so welcome to the asylum.
"Stomach Steinway"? Pretentious? MOI?
I always heard it called a "squiffer" or a "lap piano". Shows what I know about things.
Anyway, I'm troll (note the lower case "t") and I do NOT live in a culvert.


16 Oct 00 - 01:31 PM (#319936)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: kendall

I live under a bridge..and I dont tell which one..

16 Oct 00 - 02:49 PM (#320003)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Morticia

Any friend of Skips is a friend of mine....Welcome!!I am losing my prejudice regarding squeeze-boxes since I heard what Sam and Skip can do with them...they snog well too :)

16 Oct 00 - 03:13 PM (#320016)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Seamus Kennedy

Stomach Steinway? Lap piano? Squiffer? Where I come from, we call 'em tit-nippers. Welcome Boxette. Seamus

16 Oct 00 - 03:26 PM (#320021)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Dharmabum

Welcome Boxette,

Two rules here at the Mudcat,

1.Don't take anything here too seriously.

2.Refer to rule number one.


16 Oct 00 - 03:38 PM (#320029)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Catrin

Welcome Boxette, pleased to meetcha!


16 Oct 00 - 04:52 PM (#320103)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: mousethief

Momma's got a squeeze box she wears on her chest
And when daddy comes home he never gets no rest

Welcome, Boxling!


16 Oct 00 - 08:52 PM (#320356)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Bugsy

Welcome aboard



16 Oct 00 - 09:09 PM (#320363)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: CarolC


Hey Boxette! Glad you got in!

Sorry I haven't returned your e-mail yet. I just finished an intense week of exams at school. Look for a Personal Message from me sometime this week.

Your Sister in boxdom,


P.S. can make accordion jokes, but only if you come to the accordion/melodeon/tenor banjo workshops in May.

16 Oct 00 - 10:13 PM (#320416)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: catspaw49

YOUR SISTER IN BOXDOM????????.........geeziz Carol, you got ANY idea how "hard" that is to resist? I mean I could really "get into" it and all, but decorum prohibits.


16 Oct 00 - 10:21 PM (#320426)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: MMario

*urk* 'spaw? Is that you? decorum prohibits? Who are you and what have you done with Catspaw?

16 Oct 00 - 10:36 PM (#320443)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: catspaw49

So the guy's got this girl in bed and she notices that his tool is nothing to write home about and says, "You have a very small organ." He's upset of course and strikes back with "I didn't know I'd be playing in a Cathedral!" Now she's irate and says, "Put your hand in there." He does and she says, "Now put in your other hand," which he also does. She then says, "Now CLAP!" He tries but it doesn't work and he says, "I can't." She gives a satisfied smirk and asks, "Tight, ain't it?"

......didn't want you to worry Mario.


16 Oct 00 - 10:44 PM (#320450)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Naemanson

It's too late Boxette! We've got you now. Muwahaha! You've already been Catspawed, had one aggrieved "Guest" post, and been welcomed by warm hearted kindly folks. The only thing you haven't been yet is snogged.


Now your welcome is complete.

Nice to have you aboard.

16 Oct 00 - 10:46 PM (#320454)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Matt_R

I already snogged her last week, but here's another. SNOG!

17 Oct 00 - 07:27 AM (#320696)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Boxette

I'm currently sitting in a completely silent room full of hard-working linguistics students, trying to keep a straight face while reading all your messages. At least I'm in your cohort now; I fear I may be ostracised from this one for laughing too much in the echoing diligence in here. If that happens, Catspaw's ever-subtle humour is completely to blame. Just wanted to say a huge thankyou for the snogs and for being so lovely. If you want to know more about me, I've just started York uni, probably the youngest Mudcatter at 18, and as Skipjack said, started to play the box just over two months ago, inspired by the man himself. In my post-cookie triumph you'll be hearing much more from me no doubt. Do I have to be extra-nice to make up for the fact that I'm an accordionist? But they sound so sweet.....

17 Oct 00 - 07:52 AM (#320705)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: SueH

Which college are you in??

17 Oct 00 - 11:07 AM (#320853)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Tinker

Welcome Boxette,
Anyone who can make sweet music and laugh with this crowd has definately found a home.

18 Oct 00 - 05:07 AM (#321625)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: CarolC

Lost track of this one for a couple of days.

Yeah, Spaw, I had an idea about what you might do with it. But I figured, what the hell? It's just one of the perks that comes with playing the box.

When I used to play the recorder at jam sessions, they said I was in the "blow" section.

Life is good.


21 Oct 00 - 03:23 PM (#324082)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Hollowfox

Welcome! Silent linguistics students...hmmm..I know what you mean, and why it is so, but it "sounds" oxymoronic to me.

21 Oct 00 - 03:43 PM (#324086)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

Welcome Boxettee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Never mind avoiding Spaw, he's alright usually. A good rule of thumb, however, is the best protest to a dumb thread is to let it die, instead of posting that it's a dumb thread and thereby putting it at the top of the list again.

I'm pressed for time now, more wisdom from a drummer without sense, later.


21 Oct 00 - 07:38 PM (#324228)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: GUEST,The bloke in the corner

It all a bit funny this, I really feel I know this Boxette girl, she might almost be flesh and blood - AND she's at York Uni, where my son AND daughter are both studying - my daughter's studying French, Linguistics and Italian, my son's in his second year of an English degree. And ONE of them has just started playing the piano accordion. What's happening? Where am I? I just wanted to find out the lyrics to a song, and I'm in a parallel universe! A propos nothing else, is anyone going to the Ali Bain and Phil Cunningham concert in Brigg, North Lincs, next Thursday? Now THERE'S a box player!

21 Oct 00 - 08:31 PM (#324246)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Matt_R

Phil Cunningham RULES!

(raspberry to ddw)

21 Oct 00 - 10:10 PM (#324276)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: CarolC

Hey, The bloke in the corner!

Congratulations on having a fine daughter! By the way, I've heard you sing. Nice voice. (How's that for a weird parallel universe? And I've never been to the U.K.)


22 Oct 00 - 01:30 AM (#324330)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Little Hawk

Hi, Boxette, nice to have you in.

Now if they would just let Spaw out<\i>...of the NYCFTTS I mean.

22 Oct 00 - 07:41 AM (#324395)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Skipjack K8

I'll be there, Bloke in't Corner! Want to count Phil Cunningham's fingers! Sure hes got eight on the right hand.


22 Oct 00 - 08:15 AM (#324401)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Liz the Squeak

Aly Bain and Phil Cunningham are at the Green Man, Wanstead this evening (Sunday)!! Manitas plans to go, I have other things I need to be doing..... grrrr.


Hope the bad jokes aren't getting you down Boxette, we refer to it as the nadger nipper, and Spaw is really the person your parents warned you about. Mind you, that covers most of us here!!

22 Oct 00 - 08:32 AM (#324414)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Boxette

Well I must say, this is a bizarre way to contact my father. I'm counting down the seconds to Phill Cunningham along with the rest of North Lincolnshire's folk population. Skipjack, I've heard him do St. Anne's Reel and estimated at least ten fingers. Any advances? Kit

22 Oct 00 - 10:02 AM (#324439)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Amergin

Uh, what sort of advances do you so desire?

BTW welcome....


22 Oct 00 - 10:04 AM (#324442)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Little Hawk

Damn! Screwed up the close italics symbol again! Will I ever learn?

22 Oct 00 - 08:32 PM (#324923)
Subject: RE: Well by golly they've let me in
From: Little Hawk

Probably never. Duh.

- Little Hawk's reflection.