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BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?

16 Oct 00 - 09:38 PM (#320387)
Subject: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: GUEST,khandu

We indeed needeth the Big 10 for jamming. Verily, I say unto thee, it wast enlightening.( Tho it gotteth focked uppeth [thanx Spaw].)

Dost we haveth Ten for posting a thread?


16 Oct 00 - 09:45 PM (#320394)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: kendall

Thou shalt not take the name of another 'catter in vain.

16 Oct 00 - 09:53 PM (#320398)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: MMario

I) Thou shalt have a succinct and relative title (unless of course thou doth not)

II) Thou shalt not creep the thread before the second post

III) Thou shalt refresh thy thread if it falleth off, for it causeth confusion if thou shouldst start a second

IV) Thou shalt start a second portion if thy thread creepeth past 100 posts. If thou knowest not how, ask a friend.

V) Thou shalt post lyrics of songs mentioned not in the Digital Tradition or suffer the wrath.

VI) Wherever possible thou shalt post a midi or a link to a midi or someplace where one can find the tune of lyrics thou shalt post to prevent thy fellow mudcatters of dying of inexhautable curiosity.

VII) Thou shalt feel free to ask advice of thy fellow mudcatters for they are generous of spirit and knowledge and are a bunch of really nice people except when we art not.

VIII) Thou shalt not take offense if thy thread creepeth for verily I say unto you, thread creep hath uncovered wonders.

IX) Thou shalt try to respect those with other opinions, for diversity is a wellspring of information.

X) thou shalt have fun, and enjoy life, and that which Max Susan and Dick hath wrought, for we are blessed by the MudCat and the DT.

16 Oct 00 - 09:54 PM (#320400)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: MMario

obviously the above is my opnion and should be taken with a grain of salt or not as you see fit

16 Oct 00 - 10:11 PM (#320411)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Bill D

Thou shalt DO A SEARCH before asking for lyrics...and thou shalt **check thy spelling**, else thou findst it was right under thy nose!

16 Oct 00 - 10:11 PM (#320413)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Sorcha

Oh, loverly, Mario!! 'Tis a great thing indeed, that thee hath wrought. I should'st add only one:

Thou shalt thinketh thy post through, before thou posteth it. (translation:--engage brain before typing)

16 Oct 00 - 10:20 PM (#320425)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Midchuck

Though shalt not post when pissed. Postphone the post until the pissed has passed.


("Pissed" used in the US sense, not the British. Being Pissed in the British sense may improve the quality of the dialog)

16 Oct 00 - 10:28 PM (#320437)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Joe Offer

Is thith anudder one of them tongue-twisther thweads?

16 Oct 00 - 11:26 PM (#320484)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Elise

Now, I'm fairly new here, but it's my understanding that there's a yet unwritten commandment that goes as follows: Thou shalt abuse Spaw when the opportunity ariseth

16 Oct 00 - 11:32 PM (#320490)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Naemanson

Thou shalt ride herd on your posts and thank those who work to answer thy questions.

17 Oct 00 - 12:12 PM (#320905)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Uncle_DaveO

Thou shalt proofread (and if necessary correct) thy post before hitting "Submit Message".

Dave Oesterreich

17 Oct 00 - 12:18 PM (#320908)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: mousethief

Thou shouldst seek to discover if another thread on thy topic existeth ere thou createst a new one, lest thou seem a fool, yea verily, like unto what Mousethief did on his first day here.


17 Oct 00 - 12:20 PM (#320910)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: wysiwyg

Thou shalt be thine own self.

17 Oct 00 - 12:27 PM (#320911)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Jon Freeman

Though shalt endeavour to respect the opinions of others when the said opinions are presented politely.


17 Oct 00 - 12:58 PM (#320937)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: WyoWoman

Thou shalt not post as GUEST: Made-up Name, for the express purpose of pissing off and riling up the members of your community so you can show everyone, mostly yourself, how stupid everyone but you is. This is poopy.

Thou shalt say "Please" and "Thankyou."


17 Oct 00 - 03:25 PM (#321069)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Morticia

Thou shalt read what hath gone before lest thy make a pratt of thine self by repeating anothers thought
Thou shalt stay up-wind of Spaw on all occasions
Thou shalt check the Mudcat Snog of the Week lest the recipient be you and thou acknowledge it not, for, Lo! that doth cause Morticia much vexation and woe.

18 Oct 00 - 04:09 AM (#321613)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: GUEST,Roger the skiffler

Thou shalt drag Lonnie Donegan, the '50s and kazoos into threads at the slightest excuse in order to piss off the folkies, the youngsters and the musicians and shalt make at least one simple error or misaprehension per posting in order to retain thy place as resident village idiot. Thou shalt further resurrect old jokes that were tired when Ossian was a lad, without shame, for, verily, a virtual audience cannot pelt thee with over-ripe fruit.
RtS (OK I'll give it up for Lent, promise -maybe)

18 Oct 00 - 10:01 AM (#321741)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: A Wandering Minstrel

If thou asketh for a lyric or chords and Lo! some brother or sister hereabouts provideth it. Salve their effort and consideration to thee by returning and posting when thou hast thine answer. For verily it is said that he who is thanked is as enriched as he who thanketh

18 Oct 00 - 12:34 PM (#321859)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Bert

Thou shalt be nice.
Should it be remotely possible to construe a message as a joke then thou shalt accept it as a joke.
Thou shalt not chide beginners for requesting the lyrics of Kumbaya.
Thou shouldst remember that Bill D, Kendall and Spaw are not really the old farts that they appear to be.
Thou shalt be 'thou' and not pretend that thou are not.
Thou shalt remember that the word 'folk' meaneth different things to different folk.
Thou shalt pun.
Thou shalt post lyrics.
Thou shouldst take a careful look at the 'Clear Entries' button before posting your message.
Thou shalt have fun.

18 Oct 00 - 12:53 PM (#321877)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Midchuck

Thou shalt be nice.

I will as long as the other person is. I'm not too good at turning the other cheek.

Should it be remotely possible to construe a message as a joke then thou shalt accept it as a joke.

That's excellent advice. So how come nobody follows it when I try to be funny?

Thou shalt not chide beginners for requesting the lyrics of Kumbaya.

Remember John Wayne in McClintock? "I should punch you right in the nose. But I won't....I won't...the hell I won't!"

Thou shouldst remember that Bill D, Kendall and Spaw are not really the old farts that they appear to be.

Wait a minute. Isn't Kendall chronologically older than I am? That makes him an old fart as a matter of definition!

Thou shalt be 'thou' and not pretend that thou are not.

Run that by me again?

Thou shalt remember that the word 'folk' meaneth different things to different folk.

No. It means music that I like. The others are all wrong.

Thou shalt pun.

After about 55 years of punning...well, make that 56...I'm almost 59...I should stop now?

Thou shalt post lyrics.

After making sure that they're not in the DT already, and you aren't committing any copyright violation that will actually upset anybody other than bloated corporate suits.

Thou shouldst take a careful look at the 'Clear Entries' button before posting your message.

I think that's what I was saying with my alliterative thing about posting while pissed, up there somewhere.

Thou shalt have fun.

Have so far. If it stops being fun, I'll leave (loud cheers!)


18 Oct 00 - 01:00 PM (#321882)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Bert

Re: run that by me again. Just another way of saying what Kendal and Praise had already said.

Re:I think that's what I was saying - Yup that's it exactly (I think you said it better but I won't admit that to any one else)

18 Oct 00 - 01:01 PM (#321884)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?

Post from the knees and in rhythm with the horse. Otherwise your butt and you bounce all over the place in a most unattractive way. Noisy too. Although folkies might like the sound. "Slap..OW..SLAP..OW..SLAP SLAP..Shit!!!!

18 Oct 00 - 06:16 PM (#322190)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Max Tone

Thou shalt deal with all the above, + the Fu*kin' Awkward Questions before thou typest.
(an' I'm still learnin'.....)

18 Oct 00 - 06:24 PM (#322198)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Little Neophyte

Thou shall keep thine head out of thee gutterith.

Little Neoith

18 Oct 00 - 08:51 PM (#322315)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Rich(bodhránai gan ciall)

I think bert's hit it on the head.

Vote bert in November! He's in tune with th real issues.



05 Sep 01 - 12:10 PM (#542545)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: wysiwyg

Thou shalt learn as thee liveth.

Thou shalt be confident that thine companions on the way art also learning as they liveth.

(Mmario, I read your early post as a "grin of salt. *G*)



05 Sep 01 - 12:15 PM (#542548)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Rt Revd Sir jOhn from Hull

Thou shall not make trouble or offend people.

05 Sep 01 - 01:46 PM (#542666)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Joe Offer

When trolls and flamers are active, thou shalt resist the temptation to respond to them,
even though thou thinkest thy response is ultimately clever.

They are very active now. Some of their posts may seem almost logical - but as a whole, they're poison. Time to shut 'em down, folks. This means that if we're going to end the current streak of flaming/trolling, we have to refuse to respond to them in any way. This includes posting responses of any sort in flame threads. It also includes starting "answer" threads and resurrecting old threads that may have something to do with the flames. I know it's a difficult thing to get people to do, but the discipline of silence is the most effective tool against flaming and trolls.

-Joe Offer-

05 Sep 01 - 04:43 PM (#542824)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: Jack the Sailor

The one True Commandment!

Thou Shalt respond onto others as Thou would have others respond onto Thou.

Jack the Savior *****BG******(not really but it's funny)

05 Sep 01 - 06:13 PM (#542870)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: SharonA

Thou shalt love the Mudcat thy website, and thou shalt have no other websites before it.

08 Sep 01 - 04:35 AM (#545045)
Subject: RE: BS: What are 10 Commandments for Posting?
From: GUEST,Genie

Thou shalt not bear false witness concerning the authorship of songs thou posteth simply because thou art too lazy to do thy research. If thou dost not know who hath composed the song, thou shalt not post the lyrics followed by the phrase, "by Jiminy Cricket" just because Jiminy Cricket recorded it. Such practice pisseth off songrwriters who do tire of the singers getting credit for songs they have, verily, not written.