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Now I know why!

16 Oct 00 - 10:30 PM (#320438)
Subject: Now I know why!
From: GUEST,calico

I was sitting around this evening searching the T.V. trying to find something to watch. I was getting very frustrated and told my husband, now I know why everybody cats on the Mudcat forum.Because they are so bored with everything else, they just don't have a damn better thing to do.I know I will probably piss alot of people off,but I'm just speaking my mind.


16 Oct 00 - 10:34 PM (#320441)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: MMario

sometimes. other times because I want to find new music, or refresh my memories of some "old friends" but if I'm really bored, I'm too apathetic to 'cat

16 Oct 00 - 10:34 PM (#320442)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Matt_R

Are you in England? The Mets are sweeping up with St.Louis! That's good stuff alright!

16 Oct 00 - 10:43 PM (#320447)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Troll

Bored? It would be nice to be excited enough to be bored.

troll...the cave beckons

16 Oct 00 - 10:45 PM (#320453)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Ebbie

Life is too short to ever be bored...Will never have enough time to do all the things I want to do.


16 Oct 00 - 10:48 PM (#320457)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: paddymac

Jeez, Calico, you make it sound like the 'cat is a diversion of last resort. I got so PO'd at the vast nothingness of the tube that I disconnected the cable about seven years ago. I only use it now to watch videos. Friends think I'm a bit weird, but disconnecting gave me back large chunks of time to do creative things with, like read, write, play music, pub crawl, etc. Best thing I ever did. Comming to the 'cat is always a learning experience for me, and I enjoy keeping track of the wonderful people that inhabit this place. It is NEVER an escape from boredom for me, but always an eagerly anticipated journey of the mind.

16 Oct 00 - 11:15 PM (#320476)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Naemanson

I'm with you paddymac. I have cable but only for the modem. I watch the occasional video but I have too many other things to keep my attention.

Example: Tonight, I have been editing a children's book for a friend, researching chanties for a workshop or two this weekend, recording Ed McCurdy and Oscar Brand on to cassette and typing up the cassette cover, plus I have been engaged in being a single father, doing laundry and fixing supper. I grab a few minutes on the 'cat to take a break.

17 Oct 00 - 02:28 AM (#320600)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Liz the Squeak

Sorry, have to agree with the first post there, UK TV has been so crappy recently that I've run up huge bills on the net just being here..... Now I'm seriously addicted and am even posting BEFORE I go to work, because I can't do it AT work..... ho hum...


17 Oct 00 - 03:39 AM (#320620)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: WyoWoman

I am absolutely NEVER bored, and haven't been for so many years I've forgotten what it feels like. I sometimes wish I could be bored, just so I could take a rest. So any time I spend on the Mudcat is time taken away from something else that interests me. But it's almost always worth doing because I like the people here, have mutual interests and also from time to time Catspaw or Chanteyranger make me spew whatever liquid I'm drinking right out of both nostrils.


17 Oct 00 - 03:52 AM (#320625)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Little Hawk

Naw...I have not been bored in ages and ages. I can't even remember the last time. It's just a whole lot of fun on Mudcat, that's all...usually. Maybe it's you who's bored, calico.

17 Oct 00 - 06:33 AM (#320671)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: GUEST,micca at work

What is being bored???,
It is not enjoying what your doing, like bashing your head against a brick wall? why not stop and do what does interest you??? 'cat, read , listen to music,paint picture, shave the cat, annoy your kids/spouse/dog.
I 'cat when I can , and it always has lifted my spirit and long may it continue to do so,Mind you ,it needs bringing down to earth just now ,not lifting, after the w/e,and it is driving my colleagues nuts as i keep humming bits of songs.

17 Oct 00 - 08:08 AM (#320712)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Grab

LtS, get cable. NTL do free internet access which is a wondrous thing to behold.


17 Oct 00 - 08:43 AM (#320722)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!

Sorry. Interest not boredom.

17 Oct 00 - 08:46 AM (#320726)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: LR Mole

Just before I logged on here I was thinking that the quality of recent TV scripts (or issues considered anyway) had improved lately. Maybe, all else having failed, the box is trying intelligence as an inducement. BUT even if that's so, it isn't in the same league as the mind-to-mind, music-to-music entity as the Cat .De gustibus non est dispudandum, though, if I've got that spelling even close to correct.

17 Oct 00 - 08:56 AM (#320733)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Little Neophyte

Calico, I am here because I love the Mudcat, it offers me so much.
It might help to consider what things you want to do that would fill your life with joy.

Little Neo

17 Oct 00 - 10:49 AM (#320841)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Mrrzy

I do come here more often when bored at work...

17 Oct 00 - 11:25 AM (#320872)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: KingBrilliant

Everything depends on how you look at it doesn't it? Is the 'cat half-bored or half-excited? :) Anyway - of course there's nothing better to do than to 'cat!


17 Oct 00 - 12:13 PM (#320906)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: mousethief

What is this "TV" of which you guys speak?


17 Oct 00 - 02:50 PM (#321023)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: annamill

Create something! I'm in the process of building a video store and have been for almost a year. (Money only comes in dribs and drabs) I haven't had time for anything. Even Mudcat! It sure is motivating fun though. Can't wait to see what I've done!

or, get married...that can be very time consumming too ;-)

There is such a lot to do out there, how can anyone be bored! Go look at a river or a mountain..go walk by the ocean.

but I still love my 'cat!

Love, annamill

17 Oct 00 - 05:12 PM (#321157)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Froodo

play some music

17 Oct 00 - 05:19 PM (#321168)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: Naemanson

Alex, don't you worry about that "TV" thing. As a quick explanation it is a box from which mindless drivel drools out and pools on the floor of your living room. You have to be careful not to step in it because you may wind up tracking it through your soul.

If you do decide to sample the noxious brew then you must strain very carefully through the slime to find the one or two bits of mediocrity that shines only in comparison to the the rest of the sludge that is called programming.

Not that I have anything against the box, you see...

17 Oct 00 - 05:20 PM (#321170)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: rabbitrunning

I don't come to the 'cat because I'm bored, I come because I can discuss music (and sometimes other things too!) with people from all over the world. TV generally does bore me these days. I use mine primarily as a place to play video games. Now that's the diversion of last resort!

17 Oct 00 - 06:34 PM (#321263)
Subject: RE: Now I know why!
From: GUEST,khandu

Perhaps it is not that everything else is so boring, but rather that Mudcat is so exciting. To say we have nothing better to do could be correct. At the time we are 'catting, it is the best thing we can do!

It is very interesting to me to read the many different threads and see all the many different personalities exhibited here.

And I agree, it is far better than TV!
