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Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains

17 Oct 00 - 01:17 PM (#320948)
Subject: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: GUEST,Angelo

hi, I am trying to find lyrics and transcriptions about two gaelic songs that I listened in a Chieftains LP: "Fire in the Kitchen". Unfortunately I don't know the title of this two songs, but I believe they are the only gaelic song of this LP.

waiting for a answer

moran taing


17 Oct 00 - 03:20 PM (#321059)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: GUEST,Angun

Is one of them sung by Mary Jane Lamond?


17 Oct 00 - 03:50 PM (#321089)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: GUEST,Angelo

hi, Angun I think that one of this song is sung by Mary Jane Lamond. During this afternoon I found the title of this two songs. They are the track 2 and 8 respectively called: Track 2. An Innis Aigh Track 8. A Mhairi Bhoidheach

both this song are played inthe LP "Fire in the Kitchen" and I believe M.J.Lamond sing in "A Mhairi Bhoidheach"

moran taing


17 Oct 00 - 04:16 PM (#321111)
From: Áine

Dear Angelo,

Here's one of the songs you're looking for. The other, An Innis Aigh, is done by The Rankin Family.

-- Áine

Beautiful Mary

A Mhàiri bhòidheach 's a Mhàiri ghaolach,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi,
S a dh'fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t' fhaotainn.

Oh beautiful Mary, darling Mary,
Oh beautiful Mary, great is my love for you.
Oh beautiful Mary, you have wounded me,
And left me sorrowful with no way of winning your affection.

A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mór mo ghaol ort,
Gur tric mi 'cuimhneachadh ort 's mi m'ònar,
Ged a shiùbhlainn gach ceum de'n t-saoghal,
Bidh t' iomhaigh bhòidheach 'tighinn beò gach taobh dhiom.

Oh beautiful Mary, great is my love for you.
I often think of you when I'm alone.
Although I should travel the world over,
I will see your living image at every turn.

A Mhàiri bhòidheach 's a Mhàiri ghaolach,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi,
S a dh'fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t' fhaotainn.

'S truagh nach robh mi 's mo Mhàiri bhòidheach,
Ann an gleannan faoin 's ceò air,
Ged bu righ mi 's an Roinn-Eòrpa,
Chan iarrainn pòg ach o Mhàiri bhòidheach.

It's a pity that beautiful Mary and I
Weren't in the little, lonely, mist covered glen.
Although I should rule all Europe,
My only desire would be a kiss from beautiful Mary.

A Mhàiri bhòidheach 's a Mhàiri ghaolach,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi,
S a dh'fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t' fhaotainn.

Ach chìthear féidh air sgéith 's na speuran,
'S chìthear iasg air àird nan sléibhtean,
Chithear sneachda dubh air gheugan,
Mum faicear caochladh 'tighinn air mo spéis dhut.

Deer will be seen flying across the skies,
Fish will be found high on mountain slopes,
And black snow will be seen on tree branches
Before my love for you will ever change.

A Mhàiri bhòidheach 's a Mhàiri ghaolach,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi,
S a dh'fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t' fhaotainn.

Guma slàn dha mo Mhàiri bhòidheach,
Ge b'e àire 's am bidh i 'chòmhneaidh,
'Se mo dhùrachd cho fad 's is beò mi,
Gum bidh gach sòlas aig Màiri bhòidheach.

All the best for my beautiful Mary,
Wherever she may dwell.
As long as I live, my wish is
That she will have every happiness.

A Mhàiri bhòidheach 's a Mhàiri ghaolach,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur mòr mo ghaol ort,
A Mhàiri bhòidheach gur tu a chlaoidh mi,
S a dh'fhàg mi brònach gun dòigh air t' fhaotainn.

18 Oct 00 - 04:05 PM (#322061)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: GUEST,Angelo

Thanks Áine, I am grateful to your kindness. If need be do you know where I can find transcription about this beatiful song?

beannachd leibh


18 Oct 00 - 04:40 PM (#322095)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: George Seto -

Do you want a paper copy of the music or is it a recording of the song?

If it is the paper copy of the words and music, send me your address, and I can photocopy both of them.

I haven't typed up An Innis Aigh, but will probably do it soon. I have TWO versions of the words, slightly different.

Another person who sings it is Ishbel MacAskill on her NEWEST recording, Essentially Ishbel. For more on her, check out

Ishbel MacAskill's Web-site

19 Oct 00 - 04:44 PM (#322802)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: GUEST,Angelo

Thanks George, I sent to you my e-mail address

tiaraidh an drasda


14 Apr 01 - 01:08 PM (#440501)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: GUEST,Alex

Hi everyone! I'm furiously trying to learn the pennywhistle, and would love the music to An Innis Aigh. I checked a couple of references I read here, but no luck. Any suggestions? Thanks, Alex

15 Apr 01 - 03:15 PM (#441212)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: Roger in Sheffield

I looked and failed Alex, are you after the sheet music?
I did find a site that plays the tune
Sorcha should be along any minute....

16 Apr 01 - 09:52 AM (#441604)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains

Thanks! Yes, I'm looking for the sheet music. I've got it on Fire in the Kitchen--I can probably plunk it out by ear, but I'm sooooo much better with the written notes. Thanks, again for looking. Al

16 Apr 01 - 04:20 PM (#441931)
Subject: How About...
From: GUEST,Alex

Ok, I got An Innis Aigh..I think. Now I'd like the music for A Mhairi Bhoidheach, if anyone has it. I noticed the lyrics up above--anyone have the notes?

Thanks, Al

16 Apr 01 - 04:20 PM (#441932)
Subject: How About...
From: GUEST,Alex

Ok, I got An Innis Aigh..I think. Now I'd like the music for A Mhairi Bhoidheach, if anyone has it. I noticed the lyrics up above--anyone have the notes?

Thanks, Al

16 Apr 01 - 04:20 PM (#441933)
Subject: How About...
From: GUEST,Alex

Ok, I got An Innis Aigh..I think. Now I'd like the music for A Mhairi Bhoidheach, if anyone has it. I noticed the lyrics up above--anyone have the notes?

Thanks, Al

16 Apr 01 - 04:21 PM (#441935)
Subject: How About...
From: GUEST,Alex

Ok, I got An Innis Aigh..I think. Now I'd like the music for A Mhairi Bhoidheach, if anyone has it. I noticed the lyrics up above--anyone have the notes?

Thanks, Al

16 Apr 01 - 04:22 PM (#441936)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: GUEST,Alex

Sorry for the multiple posts! I pushed the button too many times--I'm an impatient wench, I guess!! Al

17 Apr 01 - 11:57 AM (#442560)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: Roger in Sheffield

didn't george say he had it? back up the thread?

18 Apr 01 - 01:47 PM (#443580)
Subject: I found it.
From: GUEST,Alex

Thanks, I'll try and email him. Al

07 Jun 14 - 10:47 PM (#3631284)
Subject: Lyr Add: AN INNIS AIGH (Angus MacLellan)
From: GUEST,seanair

"AN INNIS AIGH" Angus MacLellan
9/8 time starts on 7
                Am   G             Dm9
Seinn an duan seo dhan Innis Àigh
       Em    F    G    C    Em
An innis uaine as gile tràigh
                      F    G       C          Dm       C
Bidh sian air uairean a' bagairt cruaidh ris
         Em7   Am    G            Dm9   Am
Ach se mo luaidh-sa bhith ann a' tàmh

Càit' as tràith an tig samhradh caomh
Càit' as tràith an tig blàth air craobh
Càit' as bòidhche 's an seinn an smeòrach
Air bhàrr nan ògan 's an Innis Àigh

An t-iasg as fiachaile dlùth don tràigh
Is ann ma chrìochan is miann leis tàmh
Bidh gillean easgaidh le dorgh is lìontan
Moch, moch ga iarriadh mun Innis Àigh

'S ged thèid mi cuairt chun an taoibh ud thall
'S mi 'n dùil air uairibh gu fan mi ann
Tha tàladh uaigneach le teas nach fuairich
Gam tharraing buan don Innis Àigh

O 's geàrr an ùine gu'n teirig latha
Thig an oidhche 's gun iarr mi tàmh
Mo chadal buan-sa bidh e cho suaimhneach
Mo bhios mo chluasag 's an Innis Àigh

04 Jun 17 - 03:54 PM (#3858892)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: keberoxu

"Mhàiri Bhòidheach," introduced in the fourth post on this thread (Áine, 17 October 2000),
can also be found in Malcolm MacFarlane's 1908 anthology,
Binneas am Bàrd, pages 63 - 65.

All the verses in Áine's post are in the Binneas am Bàrd version.

MacFarlane also has EIGHT additional verses.
So, this thread will present them.
The spelling may be different than standard in places.

A Mhàiri rùin, lughdaich thu mo chiall domh;
Tha mo chrìdh' le do ghaol air lìonadh;
Tha gach là dhomh cho fad ri bliadhna,
Mur faic mi t'aodann a tha mar ghrian domh.

Do shùilean meallach fo d' mhalaidh bhòidhich;
Do bhilean tana air dhath nan ròsan:
Slios mar chanach an gleannan mòintich,
'S do ghruaidh mar chaorann fo sgèith nam mòr-bheann.

Cò chi Màiri 's is urrainn àicheadh
Gu 'm bheil a chridhe fìor-laist' le gràdh dhi?   
Oir thug i bàrr ann an cruth 's an àilleachd
Thar gach maise tha fàs 'san àl so.

C'àit' am faicear 'san t-saogh'l bean t'aogais?
Cha 'n 'eil do choimeas-sa ann ri fhaotainn;
Am maise, 'n tuigse is an deagh bheusan,
Tha thu ro àrd os cionn gach aon diubh.

Fhir a shiùbhlas thar tonnan uaibhreach
A chum nan Innsean tha cian 'sna suaintean,
Thoir gach sìoda is nì a tha luachmhor
A dh' ionnsuidh Màiri a rinn mo bhuaireadh.

Eòin is moiche a thèid air sgiathan,
'S a dhìreas suas ann an àird na h-iarmailt,
Na bitheadh là a thig fad na bliadhna
'S nach seinn thu seòl do mo Mhàiri chiataich.

Ach cha dean eala air slios nam mòr-thonn,
Cha dean smeòrach am badan bòidheach,
'S cha dean na h-innealan ciùil ach crònan
An uair a sheinneas mo Mhàiri bhòidheach.

Ged a bhiodh mi gu tùrsach, cianail,
'S mo chridh' le cùram gu mòr air lìonadh,
Ni do ghnùis-sa, a tha mar ghrian domh,
Mo chridhe sunndach nuair thig thu m' fhianuis.   

Binneas nam Bàrd, Stirling: Eneas Mackay, 1908.

04 Jun 17 - 05:04 PM (#3858903)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: Helen

This site has both tunes with lyrics, chords and pdf sheet music.

A Mhàiri bhòidheach

An Innis Aigh


04 Jun 17 - 05:07 PM (#3858904)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: Helen

Well, that was weird. I also posted this info and then got a message that my post had a "forbidden html tag".

It only allowed me to post if I removed this bit but I can't see any problems - not that I'm fluent in html.

I have a few tricks when looking for sheet music/music notation.

Firstly I do a Google image search for "sheet music tune name". I usually find what I am looking for unless it is still in copyright, in which case I would buy it if I want it.

If that fails, I try to find an ABC of the file, e.g. at The Session site, copy the ABC's, go to an ABC site like MandolinTab, paste it in and convert it to notation.

If I can find a midi file, that's really good because I can save the file and, open it in my music notation software - Noteworthy Composer is free, but I paid about $30 for the full version because it is a good bit of kit.

In Noteworthy I can print the music, or muck around with it first by transposing to a different key, or adding or taking away some of the music lines. I can save it as a Noteworthy file or as a midi file. The musical world is your oyster with software like that. Thanks Noteworthy people! You're the best!

04 Jun 17 - 05:09 PM (#3858906)
Subject: RE: Lyr/Chords Req: two gaelic song by Chieftains
From: Helen

Well, that answers that question. I had "sheet music tune name" but I had put < and > around the words "tune name".
