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Lyr Req: North to Victoria

22 Oct 00 - 11:57 AM (#324505)
Subject: North to Victoria
From: richardw

Is anyone familiar with the California Goldrush Song titled North to Victoria? I have searched through my usual sources and cannot find it. Any help appreciated.

Richard Wright

22 Oct 00 - 03:30 PM (#324664)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: The Shambles

This one is a little further north. North to Alaska

22 Oct 00 - 05:44 PM (#324769)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: richardw

And, about 50 years too late.

Thanks Richard

22 Oct 00 - 05:49 PM (#324774)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: The Shambles

But apart from that.............

22 Oct 00 - 10:12 PM (#325003)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: raredance

I could not find anything like that in "The Songs of the Gold Rush" by Dwyer and Lingenfelter (1964 Univ California Press)

23 Oct 00 - 11:23 AM (#325299)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: richardw

Thanks for looking Rich. one day I'll find a copy of Dwyer and Lingenfelter. Appreciate your looking.

Richard Wright

23 Oct 00 - 01:17 PM (#325391)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: The Shambles

Not a mining one as such but has given me an idea for a new song about the digging of the London Underground's then new line, in the 70s The Victoria Line.

Richard you never know, the more posts this thread receives, even if they are not very helpful, like mine, may keep the thread alive longer and make it more likely that you will get an answer? Does work sometimes.......

23 Oct 00 - 02:41 PM (#325454)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria

Could the song have come out of the Yukon gold rush rather than the California? Victoria BC would be on the way up there.

24 Oct 00 - 02:27 PM (#326203)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: The Shambles

Refresh so that some of the more knowledgeable among us can answer.

24 Oct 00 - 03:03 PM (#326238)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: Metchosin

The Song probably came out of the 1858 Fraser River Gold Rush, for which Sir James Douglas of the Hudson's Bay Company, headquartered in Victoria, instituted a licensing system. All prospectors, most of whom were arriving from the California goldfields, were required to stop at Victoria for the license and this was backed up by the gunboat the HMS Satellite at the mouth of the Fraser River.

24 Oct 00 - 03:06 PM (#326242)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: Metchosin

Richard, where did you hear of this song? I would also be very pleased to have the lyrics and tune.

24 Oct 00 - 10:42 PM (#326635)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: richardw

Thanks Shambles. I often do that myself.

Metchosin - Came across the title in a California reference. And this Mudcat is a small circle. I just got an email forwarded from a cohort who had someone ask him for the song North to Victoria, quoting your letter's notes about Douglas. One big circle.

I'll let you know if and when I find it.

I doubt it was a Klondike song as it would more likely have focused on Skaway, or Nome or something. Victroria, as you mention, was the center or the jumping off point for the Fraser River and Cariboo rushes.

I'd like to use it on a web-based Cariboo Road adventure game we are helping develop with the provincial government. The game will use some of the songs off our CD "Rough But Honest Miner" but this would be a good tie-in with Victoria. If I find it.

Richard Wright

25 Oct 00 - 12:07 AM (#326686)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: Metchosin

Richard I'm awaiting a book titled Songs of the Pacific Northwest edited by Phillip J. Thomas published by Hancock, when I receive it I'll check to see if it is there, in the interim, if you can find a copy, you might check it out.

25 Oct 00 - 01:14 AM (#326728)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: richardw


Didn't realize it was still in print. Yes, I have a copy and it's well worn. There is, or was, an LP that came with it. Are you still able to get it? If not, it should be reissued on CD.

Unfortunately the song North to Victoria is not in there. There is actually a wealth of BC songs but the trick often is to try and find the tune as many were and are obscure.Phil actually had to write a few tunes himself or adapt them.

Phil stopped by the ranch here a couple of weeks ago and we traded a few stories in the short time he had. He's reviewing our latest CD. (Hope he likes it. ) The grand of man of BC folksongs. Anyone who collects BC stuff is riding on his early work.


Richard Wright

26 Oct 00 - 12:57 AM (#327563)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: John in Brisbane

The reference I'd suggest would be 'The Overlanders Songbook' by Ron Edwards (Australia). The American and Australan gold rushes occurred at roughly the same times, a number of gold diggers tried their luck on both continents and as a consequence both areas have a shared heritage of gold songs. The songs of the Australian gold rushes in Victoria, New South Wales and North Queensland are very well documented. Ron Edwards was my first thought, but BOB Bolton is much more clued up on this stuff than I am. Regards, John

26 Oct 00 - 03:06 PM (#327944)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: richardw


Is there a collection of Australian folks songs on the web that you would recommend?

Richard Wright

02 Feb 03 - 04:03 AM (#880518)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: masato sakurai

"North to Victoria" is in Keith & Rusty McNeil's California Songbook (Part II: The Gold Rush). Info is HERE.


02 Feb 03 - 09:58 AM (#880590)
Subject: RE: Lyr Req: North to Victoria
From: Charley Noble

Looks like Masato has struck paydirt again!

Charley Noble