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Peadie and a Headless Parakeet

30 Oct 00 - 07:49 PM (#330761)
Subject: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,Peadie

Hi, I am in an up and coming folk duo, I just recently got a websit, so if you want check it out, and join the club. I would appreciate it.


30 Oct 00 - 07:51 PM (#330765)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Matt_R

Hi Peadie, to quote The Move, "Tell us some more about yourself!"


30 Oct 00 - 09:02 PM (#330813)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Annabelle

i love peadie and a headless parakeet!!!

30 Oct 00 - 09:07 PM (#330816)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Somebody call the ASPCA.


30 Oct 00 - 09:08 PM (#330817)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Matt_R

Reminds me of our ECU mascot, PeeDee the Pirate.

30 Oct 00 - 09:08 PM (#330818)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Bill D I the only suspicious one?

30 Oct 00 - 09:10 PM (#330820)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: CarolC

I typed in the URL and I got a warning. I decided not to proceed any further. Anybody got any idea what that was all about?


30 Oct 00 - 09:19 PM (#330825)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Carol...I have no idea why you got a warning, but I have reported this to the ASPCA myself and advised that possible fines of $10,000 and up to 18 months imprisonment can result if they do not cease and desist. I also advised they get an attorney ASAP.


30 Oct 00 - 09:20 PM (#330827)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,peadie

for those that are skeptics, just wait.

30 Oct 00 - 09:24 PM (#330829)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Matt_R

Yo Annabelle, remember me, I'm the poster formerly known as Mbo? What is all this?

30 Oct 00 - 09:30 PM (#330834)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Annabelle

this is my best friends folk duo. it is called php from dum and dumber. remember that parakeet without the head??? it is just supposed to be funny, guys. definitely not animal killers. sorry about the confusion, guys, but they are good. sign up!!

30 Oct 00 - 09:34 PM (#330838)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Bill D

"SIGN UP"???? are there prizes to be won?.....

30 Oct 00 - 09:40 PM (#330842)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Annabelle

no priizes, why the skepticism???? doesnt eberyone need a little encouragement once in a while. humor me, i want to think that people are good! if you find it empty todasy, chech on it next week. maybe it will be better

30 Oct 00 - 09:44 PM (#330845)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Bill, I beg you not to participate in this crass and bloodthirsty organization. Better to take the high ground and think of the animals themselves. I prefer larger birds myself, but even these small hookbills have the same entitlement to life as do Senegal Parrots and Macaws. The ASPCA will press charges within a few days and I would ask that you respect the rights of avian fanciers everywhere.


30 Oct 00 - 09:45 PM (#330846)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,peadie

After readinga few of the replies, I must apologize, for the prejudice brought forth by some people when just seeing the name. Though the name looks as though it is towards the cruelty animals, it is far from it. Here is the history of it. My friend and I wanted to start a band back around 1995, so we did. We both were into sports at the time, and we were going to play a 3 on 3 basketball tourney, earlier that year, a him and a few of his buddies played in another tourney and were called Seabass and the boys, taken from a popular movie at the time, Dumb and Dumber. So we were at a pizza place at the local mall, and I just thought of it. There is a scene in the movie where, yes it is tragic, but funny, where a parakeet is decapitated, then it's head is reattached with duct tape, and sold to a blind kid. I do believe that is cruel. BUT back to the story, the parakeet's name was Petie. back when I was in 5th grade my teacher gave me a nick name of Peadie, and it has stuck ever since, many people now know me as Peadie. We were searching for a name, similar to Seabass and the Boys, and I thought of Peadie and a Headless Parakeet, and since my nickname was Peadie, we just substitute it for Petie. I am sorry if I offended any parakeets or birds, it is no reference to actually headless birds. It is meant to be funny, and not serious, if you don't like the name, use the intials, PHP. That is what we usually say anyways, because it is easier. On the other hand I have no apologies, for those who can't look past things, to see the humor, goodness, and just plain stupidity behind things. I don't apologize for who, I am what I do, or what I think, I respect others opinions, and I don't critize ogthers for their thoughts. I was once told, "ture genius in knowing when to be stupid." Thank you for your time and thoughts. Keep checking out the site for update, it was only made like 2 days ago, there should be a lot more next week sometime.

30 Oct 00 - 09:48 PM (#330848)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,peadie

I promise those, they can investigat,or what ever, there is no destruction of animals here, except a few bugs I kill, I apologize to them before I kill them though, I hate bugs

30 Oct 00 - 09:49 PM (#330849)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Where's the "Irony" thread when you really need it?



30 Oct 00 - 09:52 PM (#330852)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,peadie

what is LMAOROTFL? Just wondering? I am slow

30 Oct 00 - 09:55 PM (#330856)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Annabelle

what the hell does that mean, and why are you wigging out?

30 Oct 00 - 10:09 PM (#330861)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Bill D

hmmmmpphh!! from one who does foul things to Possums, Mr.Catspaw... YOU should talk!

30 Oct 00 - 10:13 PM (#330869)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,peadie

I just want to say, you can save a lot more birds, if you get off your damn computer, and quit harassing a couple of teens, trying to make a name for themselves, and trying to better this world in a simple and peaceful way, or has noviolence and peace gone away from this world, when the computer arrived.

30 Oct 00 - 10:15 PM (#330870)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Matt_R

Peadie...check it out. Locate the "Welcome New Members" thread (I'll refresh it for you) and introduce yourself there. I guarantee you'll get a MUCH friendly welcome that you've received here. Heck, you might even get a poem written for you! Hang around a while, and ignore the curmudgeons. They jab me too, but you can't let the bastards grid you down, can you? Keep at it friend, and you will be respected. From one young dude to another, welcome!


30 Oct 00 - 10:18 PM (#330876)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,peadie

All I have to say is Cool.

30 Oct 00 - 10:21 PM (#330879)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: zonahobo

Looks legit to me. Good luck Peadie. At least the name is memorable. PHP sounds like an illegal substance, but that's not a problem with a group name I guess. Wouldn't be a subliminal reference to Hootie and the Blowfish would it? Good luck with your site and your music!! Have you joined the mudcat?

30 Oct 00 - 10:24 PM (#330880)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Matt_R

Well see, he's following in the footsteps of such other great band such as Hootie & The Blowfish, Big Head Todd & The Monsters, and Toad The Wet Sprocket. Incidentally, all awesome bands...if the name is any indication, then they will be big.

30 Oct 00 - 10:25 PM (#330882)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Matt, do you realize how strong the urge is to continue this?

Annabelle and Peadie-----I wasn't harassing you. Its simply a joke. That you began to take it more and more seriously just eggs me on. And age has nothing to do with it......I'm an Equal Opportunity Insulter. If you were to take any posting above in a serious fashion, then listen to what Bill and Jon have said.

We have lots of new people at Mudcat and all are indeed welcome. The point that they make is that although we like to hear about what's going on, introducing yourselves like that turns a lot (not just a few) people off. Let us get to know you and you us. Relax......Hang out and you'll find we're not too bad at all. I'm even known to blow up a possum's ass myself now and again.....Possum seems to like it too. (also a joke)


30 Oct 00 - 10:29 PM (#330884)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: p.j.

Dear Guest Peadie,

You and your parakeet have accidentally run afowl of one of the great goofballs of all time-- our dear, deluded Catspaw. This is a man whose posts clearly reflect that he has too many ironies in the fire. This catcher in the wry has experienced yet another flat satire on the information superhighway.

Don't hold it against him. He's stuck in that awkward age between adolescence and senility, when there's no reasonable excuse for his behavior. Then just when you think that you can never take anything he writes seriously, he'll blow you away with something completely endearing and wonderful that makes you want to slobber on the side of his face.

LMAOROTFL is Spaw's secret code for "Let's Make All Overt References On This Forum Ludicrous", thus encouraging us all to join in the process of merrymaking along with him. Roll with it, babe.

By the way, congratulations on your website, and on your folk duo. I honestly wish you well and hope you'll stick around here for the laughs, the things you can learn, and the good friends you can make.

Welcome, Peadie.


30 Oct 00 - 10:36 PM (#330888)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Peadie

Ok catspaw, I just get fed up with people putting my band down, we are just now taking it serious after 5 years. I can't take sarcasm on a computer screen, it's kind of hard to do, unless you are telepathic. And also think that blowing up opossums asses is a little sick.

30 Oct 00 - 10:37 PM (#330889)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Gary T

Peadie and Annabelle: Welcome to the Mudcat. It seems you got the "full-bore hazing" initiation from Spaw (short for Catspaw, a type of ocean wave I believe--he's done some sailing). Spaw is one of the best-loved (and arguably weirdest) characters here. He sometimes shows a "take no prisoners" form of humor. "LMAOROTFL" is internet shorthand for "Laughing My Ass Off Rolling On The Floor" (perhaps more often seen with a different word order, ROTFLMAO). Spaw has been pulling your leg, and not being familiar with him and his ways, you took the bait. He's really not as ornery as he may seem, and he's often very helpful here on the Mudcat. I hope his bizarre humor didn't get your goat too much.

I would offer a suggestion. For the benefit of those who aren't familiar with you and PHP, take advantage of your website to help folks get to know you. Some things you might want to include would be the above story of naming the group, the names of both members (first names at least), what type of music/songs you play, what instruments each of you play, what area you live in (nothing personal like a home address--but what city or state are you in?), etc. You're off to a good start on the website, but I think most who visited it were thinking "Okay, they exist, and....?" Opportunity awaits you.

30 Oct 00 - 10:43 PM (#330892)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Peadie

Thank you all for you suggestions, I will take them all in to consideration. The site is brand new, still under construction. There are many things to do, and to imagine. And to all who read this. Now that I have been introduced to all, and ridiculed, and made fun of, I offer a small warning, I am prepared to offer the same onriness, and sarcasms as I have been shown, except I am more blunt and shrewd.

30 Oct 00 - 10:54 PM (#330900)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Troll

Yeah. Watch out for Spaw. He's kinda strange. Has this possum that forget that. He gets groups of little kids together sometimes and teaches them to make... dulcimers.(or so he claims) He even takes in foster children! HE says he just wants to help them but I dunno...theres something a little off about a man who molests ceramic possums...and then BRAGGS about it!
He's also one of the most helpful guys around. But don't tell him I said so. He's big headed enough as it is.
Oh yes. I'm


30 Oct 00 - 10:55 PM (#330901)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Then you'll probably do OK Peadie....Glad to have you around.


30 Oct 00 - 11:38 PM (#330923)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Rick Fielding

Dear Peadie, I feel that like a number of others, I MUST apologize for Catspaw. He is an elderly man (I believe approaching his 87th year) and as you know, we have no control over who uses the net. The last live concert he attended was Anita Bryant at the Hollywood Bowl in '67 and apparently even then he asked them to turn down the volume. We humour him, and even send him bits of food every so often, since he became unable to take care of himself. He means no harm and will probably leave this mortal coil within a few days.

Rick (who thinks your Band name is just fine...awesome actually)

30 Oct 00 - 11:58 PM (#330935)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Troll

Rick, is Spaw REALLY that old? I must be more respectful of the old fart in the future.

87...just imagine that. the things he must have seen...

31 Oct 00 - 12:02 AM (#330938)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Rick Fielding

Sorry Troll, I forgot to mention that he's also virtually blind. He hasn't seen a thing since Harry Truman was Pres.

31 Oct 00 - 12:16 AM (#330945)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: CarolC

Well, I still can't get in. Every time I try, I get a warning saying that if I continue, I my computer might stop functioning. Could that be because it's as old as Catspaw and also has very little memory?

I'd upgrade my browser, but I'm afraid that would have the same effect as giving a 150 year old man in weak condition an entire bottle of viagra.

Carol (still living in the stone age)

31 Oct 00 - 12:35 AM (#330955)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: katlaughing

Now, Spaw, darlin' why doncha c'mon out back here in the Faery Garden with me and let's rake up some more of that litter you've been spreading around. That's right, Mama always did say you were the evil twin, but heck if I know why and I refuse to make any apologies for you. Phoaks just need to get to know ya before they decide to take you so seriously! O what murky depths to plumb....

Peadie, were it up to me, I'd drop the headless parakeet part as it does turn some off, long before they get to the explanation, but welcome to the Mudcat and do tell us more about yourselves, look around in the threads like Matt_R suggested, and get to know us, too. You've just entered a totally new dimension of being, check your seatbelts, and get ready to ride!


31 Oct 00 - 12:52 AM (#330961)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Metchosin

Argh! Well I haven't heard of a headless parakeet, but I've heard of a debeaking a parrot, course it was dead before they got its head out of the vice.

31 Oct 00 - 07:31 AM (#331048)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Aw geez Mets......Thanks for that particular "slice of life" vision..........And could ta' tell that Fielding feller that I ain't eatin' none too well here at the Neil Young Center for the Terminally Screwed cause all they serve are deep fried possum assholes and they give me the winds somethin' fierce! See if he could use his influence to have mine boiled instead.


31 Oct 00 - 08:54 AM (#331089)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,annabelle

never lose the headless parakeet part. dont sell ou. thanks for the turnaround, guys! annabelle

31 Oct 00 - 09:32 AM (#331108)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,Matt_R

Peadie...I'm thinking that "Peadie The Headless Parakeet" would make more of an impact! See, I'm into graphic design and typography, for commercial use, and I've learned that a name or logo that's too wordy is usually not memorable to an audience. For instance, would we all (subjective) remember Led Zeppelin as much if they had kept their original name "Jimmy Page's New Yardbirds"? Think about what rolls off the tongue more fluidly, and what is more fun to say! Remember, Verve didn't think it was such a big deal to add "The" to their name. So think about names are critical! Good luck,


31 Oct 00 - 10:02 AM (#331122)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: kendall

Points of fact. 1 Spaw is not elderly. He is younger than me!
2. Matt, the only time we "bastards" jab you, is when you lead with your chin!!

31 Oct 00 - 10:24 AM (#331138)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Steve Latimer

Peadie, Welcome. By now you have realized it is a strange place populated by some interesting cats. Hang in there it's fun.

Despite 'Spaw's age he is a valued resource here at the 'cat. He runs the Neil Young Centre for the Terminally Screwed, can quickly tell you the difference between a real poncho and a Sears Poncho, and is my latest culinary advisor, hasn't steered me wrong yet.

I like the band name, good luck to you.

31 Oct 00 - 10:26 AM (#331139)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: GUEST,peadie

I thank you all for your comments. I hope that you will check out the site down the road. It is stll new, and under construction, I am jsut trying to get the name out right now. I will try and keep you all informed of its progress.

31 Oct 00 - 10:28 AM (#331143)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Troll

Rick, do you mean that Truman isn't President any more?
HOT DAMN! I KNEW Dewey would beat that Kansas haberdasher.
C'mon Spaw. The root beers are on me! The Dems are out of office !


31 Oct 00 - 11:01 AM (#331172)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Why is it that the term "root" beer bothers me? Soumds as though its the reprocessed result of drinking real beer.......geez, that's too graphic even for me.

PEADIE.........Its not about websites, band names, up and coming, or whatever. Its about the music. Folk music does seem to differ some in that respect since the emphasis is on the song and not the performer. We all have artists that we prefer, but tend to think about the songs first. Around here you will find folkies who have been at it for over 40 years. Amongst the 'Catters you will find Sandy and Caroline Paton, Art Thieme, Dan Milner, Seamus Kennedy, Kendall Morse, Rick Fielding and many others who have made their living, such as it is, in folk music for many years. Many other 'Catters are just releasing CD's after playing parttime for many years such as Jed Marum. There are scores and scores of others playing regularly in all types of venues and hundreds more who play and sing several times a week in sessions and song circles. They are all passing on a rich heritage of musical knowledge and wonderful songs. Dick Greenhaus has collected over 8000 of them in the Digital Tradition database, a part of the Mudcat.

Quit worrying about names and websites and publicizing yourselves. Go get the gravel in your own shoes and learn whatever you can from some of these "folkies" around here who have all "Been There, Done That." This is a community of sharing, caring, and helpful people with knowledge of songs, history, musicology, theory, luthiery, songwriting, playing of any folk instrument you'd care to ask about..........Join in and ask, learn, contribute, and enjoy.


31 Oct 00 - 11:44 AM (#331211)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Rick Fielding

Yah, it's true. Kendall IS older than Spaw, but being a Maine man, all his parts are still working.

Rick (NOW do you know why I almost never get involved in these threads?...I caint stop mahself!)

31 Oct 00 - 11:50 AM (#331222)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Metchosin

sorry to upset your delicate stomach Spaw.

Twas the punchline to a very old joke about the pirate who's parrot developed the bad habit of nipping him on the neck, while riding on his shoulder. Seems the much bloodied pirate went to a Vet to see if there was a cure and he enquired if debaking would be a solution. The Vet warned him that without a beak the parrot wouldn't be able to eat and would be dead within a week. The Vet horrified, saw the old pirate a week later on the street, sans parrot, and said, "See, I told you that parrot would be dead within a week, if you resorted to such drastic measures", whereupon the pirate replied, "Hell, he was dead before I got his head out of the vice."

'Tis a line we use in this household when one of us overreacts to a situation.

31 Oct 00 - 02:50 PM (#331283)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: catspaw49

Kendall's had a recent revamping of his Edgar Cayce, now risen from the dead, with the aid of modern hydraulics. Ya' gotta' watch bein' around him though if one of those lines break. He was surrepticiously eyeballing a copy of Hustler at the local grocers. A high pressure line let go and not only took out the ass of his pants, but also a bin of cabbage on sale for 39 cents a pound.


31 Oct 00 - 05:02 PM (#331396)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Kim C

Aw, Spaw ain't nothin but a harmless little fuzzball! ;)

31 Oct 00 - 07:12 PM (#331492)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Little Hawk

ROTFLMAO!!! Rick, that was the funniest description of Spaw I have EVER heard! What an old reprobate, eh? Nice to see you back in form.

God, how Spaw must have been enjoying himself.

Peadie, I am gonna look at your website shortly.

In the meantime....the important thing with a parrot is not whether it is headless, but whether it is DEAD. Some things can still be done with a headless parrot, but a dead parrot is totally useless, even if it IS nailed to the perch, and should be taken back without delay to the shop where it was purchased, and a refund demanded in NO UNCERTAIN TERMS. A headless parrot? Well, that's another matter entirely. A headless parrot is less expensive to feed and you can keep it in a really spartan cage and the bird won't object, because it can't see that its lodgings are, shall we say, substandard...

Furthermore, it won't squawk or make loud noises, and it won't say "The cow's here!" when your mother (or girlfriend, or whatever) walks in the door, for example.

The other great thing is you won't have to provide it with a little woolen hat during the winter.

I hope this helps...

(*please note that I am most definitely joking...)

31 Oct 00 - 07:17 PM (#331499)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Little Hawk

Yes, I know it is a parakeet, not a parrot, but the principle is the same in either case... :-)

31 Oct 00 - 07:17 PM (#331500)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Jeri

Hawk, I hate to be the one to point this out to you, but headless parakeets, parrots, whatever, are usually dead ones, and aren't any less expensive to feed than the dead ones with heads.

31 Oct 00 - 07:52 PM (#331532)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Little Hawk

Okay, WHO is getting funny, here, or was that irony?

31 Oct 00 - 08:33 PM (#331563)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: little john cameron

Hi Peadie,the first thing ah thocht o when ah saw yer post wis the [dead parrot]skit wi John Cleese.Guid luck wi yer band. ljc

01 Nov 00 - 01:01 AM (#331703)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Gary T

Now Jeri is correct in saying that headless parakeets are usually dead, but please be aware that they aren't NECESSARILY dead. I understand that there have been some decapitated chickens that lived for months or years that way, so long as they were fed down the top of their esophagus. So the headless parakeets may not be a lot less expensive to feed, as you still have to feed them, but then again you can feed them the cheap stuff and they're hardly going to complain about it are they, now?

01 Nov 00 - 07:25 PM (#332320)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet

Welcome! I will take a look at your website. Meantime, visit out Mudcat Resources page where you will find a picture of Cleigh O'Possum, the poor unfortunate 'possum who is the recipient of Spaw's blandishments. It may explain a lot.
Then come join Matt on Hearme and attempt to convert a few of these dinosaurs. They will kick and scream but I believe you have already suffered the worst of their nonsense.

01 Nov 00 - 07:29 PM (#332324)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet

OH...For the record, I am older than Spaw and see no humor in the above posts. Also for the record, I am younger than Kendall. But so is God.

01 Nov 00 - 10:39 PM (#332466)
Subject: RE: Peadie and a Headless Parakeet
From: Troll

Little Hawk, does the same hold true for dead and/or headless chinchillas?

troll...who is older than he once was.(but not much)