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Thought For The Day: 11-01-00

01 Nov 00 - 12:29 AM (#331687)
Subject: Thought For The Day: 11-01-00
From: JenEllen

"So many things fail to interest us simply because they don't find in us enough surfaces on which to live, and what we have to do then is to increase the number of planes in our mind, so that a much larger number of themes can find a place in it at the same time."
Ortega y Gasset


01 Nov 00 - 01:03 AM (#331704)
Subject: RE: Thought For The Day: 11-01-00
From: JamesJim

Very good JenEllen. Reminds me of what was once said by Oliver Wendell Holmes:

"Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains it's original dimensions."


01 Nov 00 - 07:47 AM (#331785)
Subject: RE: Thought For The Day: 11-01-00
From: belter

Reminds me of an episode of Quantum Leep set in the sixties. A elderly white lady prevented a hospital from turning away a black girl injured in a trafic accident. That was oviously the right thing to do, but she wasn't a quick to give up the little (or at least less dramatic) ways of descriminating that were buinsess as usaul in a small sutheren 1960s town. Her black servent told her

"once you've seen the light you can't go back into the dark."

01 Nov 00 - 11:12 AM (#331912)
Subject: RE: Thought For The Day: 11-01-00
From: katlaughing

I like it and basically agree with it, Jen, except in times of great stress when one sometimes has to shut down so many planes, to focus on one great feat/thing at a time; of course, it may be the capacity for stretching and having many planes which allows for such intense concentration when needed. If one didn't have the ability to fathom many planes, they might not be able to conceive of being able to accomplish that one great thing, eh?

Thanks, darlin'


01 Nov 00 - 01:30 PM (#332043)
Subject: RE: Thought For The Day: 11-01-00
From: GUEST,JenEllen

Times of great stress withstanding, I understood it more to be about letting life affect you. Being able to see the beauty of these glorious fall days in more than the asthetic, understanding and accepting the cycle's end. Allowing yourself to be taught by experiences, rather than live with the blinder's of 'my job' 'my family' 'my pain'.

01 Nov 00 - 10:50 PM (#332472)
Subject: RE: Thought For The Day: 11-01-00
From: bflat

A wonderful thought for the day. To venture forward open to all things which come towards is exciting and challenging. The problem I face is not enough time and energy to do/experience it all, and well. I do not fear the unknown nor restrict the surfaces and planes but rather embrace the opportunity and the themes of life. I love the symmetry and the symbiosis in the universe. Even the chaos has its' themes. Gosh I'm sounding pompous and naive. Sorry!
