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Russ Conway

06 Nov 00 - 01:09 PM (#335307)
Subject: Russ Conway
From: Fiolar

Pianist Russ Conway who was found unconcious at his home in Eastbourne, England was taken to Eastbourne District Hospital on Sunday November 5th. The 75 year old has suffered a recurrence of cancer and is extremely ill. Conway who sold over 20m records had a succession of hits in the 50s and 60s with such items as "Side Saddle", "China Tea" and "Roulette." m

06 Nov 00 - 06:53 PM (#335535)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: Lanfranc

As a youngster learning piano, I used to enjoy switching to Russ Conway's compositions as a change from the classical pieces that I was expected to learn.

He also wrote at least two more classically-oriented pieces, one of which was "My Concerto for You", and another was, I think, "Concerto for Dreamers". A bit cod Rachmaninov, but pleasant tunes. These seem to have vanished into oblivion, as I've never come across them on any reissued CD of his work.

Two other things that stick in my memory about him: he was missing one joint of a finger, and his real name was, I think, Trevor H Stanford.

Oh, and yes, I met him as a kid in the late fifties when he appeared on the "Billy Cotton Christmas Show" at which I was a small and insignificant member of the audience!

Hope he pulls through.

07 Nov 00 - 06:56 PM (#336268)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: okthen

Billy Cotton band show, Alan Breeze, saturday nights by the fire, family, dixon of dock green, the football results, sheer excrutiating boredom that has passed into nostalgia for a simpler, "safer" world.

hope he has no pain



08 Nov 00 - 06:37 PM (#336883)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: Lanfranc

Searching through the music my mother left me, I found the dots to Side Saddle and My Concerto for you. Wonder how the former would be as a guitar solo? Watch this space.

"Hey, you down there, you with the glasses!"

Simpler days, boring, but simpler!

16 Nov 00 - 04:39 PM (#341945)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: Quincy

Sadly, Russ died today....he will be greatly missed.

16 Nov 00 - 05:32 PM (#341973)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: Lanfranc

May he rest in peace.

Thanks to recordings and memories his music will live forever. Must finish arranging "Side Saddle" as a guitar solo as my tribute to him.

Thanks for the memories, Quincy.

16 Nov 00 - 06:39 PM (#342016)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: okthen

"Wakey Wakey"

night night Russ



16 Nov 00 - 06:57 PM (#342027)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: GUEST,CraigS

Be assured he felt no pain - the UK regulations allow Diamorphine (heroin) to be prescribed for cancer patients, unlike certain barbarous US states.

17 Nov 00 - 03:42 AM (#342202)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: GMT

I'm sorry to hear this.

Thanks for the music Russ

My sympathies to his family.

17 Nov 00 - 04:40 AM (#342216)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: Michael in Swansea

Rest in peace Russ


17 Nov 00 - 12:00 PM (#342417)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: GUEST,Les from Hull at work

This looks like a way of finding out if a 'catter is of a 'certain age'. Previous to this I would mention Keynsham and check for reactions.

Sorry about Russ, though.

17 Nov 00 - 01:41 PM (#342504)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: okthen

So THAT'S how you spell Keynsham



17 Nov 00 - 06:44 PM (#342682)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: Lanfranc

Keynsham, thats K E Y N S H A M, BS8 2LR

Horace Batchelor

Isn't memory strange?

How about "miaouw"?

Still working on "Side Saddle", and played "My Concerto for You" (well, the first two pages, anyway) on piano today for the first time in thirty years.

Nostalgia's all right, etc

17 Nov 00 - 07:00 PM (#342688)
Subject: RE: Russ Conway
From: Murray MacLeod

Now, I remember (just) Horace Batchelor, but that was Radio Luxembourg, wasn't it? Did he sponsor a show, or was it just a advert that came up intermittently?
