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? for Civil War Re-enactors

08 Nov 00 - 12:33 AM (#336492)
Subject: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Sourdough

I would very much like to get a cavalry shirt of the Civil War period style. Perhaps it is called a Dragoon shirt. It is of the style that veterans took with them after the war when they moved west and are often thought of as cowboy shirts.

They have a double line of buttons, each running up one side of the shirt so tha the front (plaque? plaquette?) can be opened to let in air. It seems to me to be a very sensible riding shirt and has a sense of style.

I did find one, a cheap cotton version, that doesn't fit well and I realized, too late, that I really wanted a woolen version.

Perhaps there is a company or companies that some of you re-enactors can recommend from experience as having a good product at a fair price.


08 Nov 00 - 03:13 AM (#336560)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: GUEST,

Try contacting Teresa at Milk Creek, a "Sutler" for Civil War Reenactors.

She does great shirts, quite a bit of internet business, and can make in material, color, etc. as you want, period proper.

08 Nov 00 - 06:07 AM (#336601)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Banjer

The type of shirt you describe was actually a firemans shirt. I have one in my closet of uniforms and other accessories. Probably the best thing to do would be attend a reenactment close to you and go to sutlers row. There you can try before you buy to make sure the fit is correct. On mine I had to have wifey move the buttons for the plaquette so it would fit properly. The only way I have seen them is in cotton fabric. Good luck...

08 Nov 00 - 09:51 AM (#336663)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Kim C

I guess you are talking about a bib-front shirt like Lt. Col. Custer was so fond of wearing. If you want an accurate period reproduction, I do not advise you to buy ready-made clothes from sutlers - I know there are a handful of good ones out there but most of them are in it to make a profit and don't bother researching how period clothes should be made. Get a pattern and have someone who knows what they're doing custom make it for you. If that is not an option, and you want a period reproduction, make sure you ask the sutler for documentation. If they don't have any, or don't want to share it, don't do business. I want to make it very clear that I am not trying to disparage anyone, but I learned early on not to rely on most sutlers for accurate goods.

If you just want it to wear, just because it's cool, then no big deal - but if you want a wool one, you may have to have it special made anyhow. There is a company called Hand Sewin' Shirts - sorry I don't know their contact info offhand, you can probably search for them on the Web - they are not cheap but the work is very good and I believe they do custom work.

08 Nov 00 - 10:00 AM (#336667)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Cobble

See Sealed Knot web site

08 Nov 00 - 10:07 AM (#336669)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Dave Swan

Try River Junction Traders,( have several versions of the shirt you want. Although they ask $10.00 for their catalog, which is quite a nice production, they include certificates worth $10.00 off your order.

Stay warm,


08 Nov 00 - 01:11 PM (#336744)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: GUEST,Les B

Kim C - Out here in Montana we always say Custer wore an Arrow shirt - custom fitted by the Sioux & Cheyenne !

08 Nov 00 - 07:48 PM (#336918)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: GUEST,Ely in need of resetting cookie

My brother always got stuff from C&D Jarnagin. They were fairly expensive but the stuff was nice. I don't know if they have a website, though. I'll see if I can find any more info.

08 Nov 00 - 10:27 PM (#337012)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Melani

If you or anyone in your life can sew, you can get a wide variety of patterns for the type of shirt you want from an outfit called Alter Years. They have a website at, but it only shows their Renaissance patterns and you can't order online--they tell you to print out the order form and mail it! The catalogue, which includes a number of time periods, is well worth the $5-$8 they charge for it.

09 Nov 00 - 04:35 AM (#337095)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Sourdough

Thank you all for the suggestions. I really would like to find a ready-made. I am not so much intersted in period authenticity as I am for the general style (I want to wear it riding rather than to re-enactments. The biggest problem is fit.


09 Nov 00 - 11:32 AM (#337107)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Irish sergeant

Sourdough; Any sutler should be able to fit you out with a cotton one. Wool may be tricky but C&D Jarnigan is a good bet. You might try John Ferry in Binghampton, NY his phone is area code 607-775-4434. He's open 9am-9pm and he stands behind his stuff no questions asked. He will ship and if he can't get it he very likely can tell you who can get it for you. Kindest reguards, Neil

09 Nov 00 - 01:57 PM (#337233)
Subject: RE: ? for Civil War Re-enactors
From: Ely, I think. Or just type "C&D Jarnagin" into the search engine--it came up right at the top of the list for me. We've had good luck with their stuff. It's been a few years since we got a new catalog and I can't promise they'll have what you're looking for but it's worth a shot (they do multiple wars/time periods and I think a bit of civilian stuff, too).