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Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2

11 Nov 00 - 12:12 PM (#338668)
Subject: Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2
From: Little Robert

Hello everybody!!!!(Smile) I hope everyone is doing well and in good spirits!!! I am once again thankfull for all the response I've been getting from fans of my uncle's music. Somehow I wish he were alive so that he could know just how much his music and legacy have impacted the blues community and the world. To answer some of your questions......yes D.N.A. testing would settle this matter once and for all but unfortunately no one knows (with any certainty) where my uncle is buried. And if we did locate his burial place would there be anything there to test. The closest person in the family that we could test to see if claude is really family would be my grandmother (Mrs. Carrie Spencer) since she and my uncle were half brother and sister. I and my attorneys have talked about this prospect and as of this moment prefer to leave this option as a last resort.

As for whether I have any musical talent........I do. I play bass guitar and piano. I and my uncle are very much many aspects. (I will talk about this later and a little more in depth). But for a long time.....I thought he and I might be the same person. I don't believe in reincarnation but some things have happened in my life to make me wonder. Especially when it comes to music. I am also self taught. I play by ear and can play just about anything with only having to hear it a few times. Like I said the simularities are uncany.......and sometimes a bit spooky. Well .......I'm going to have to cut this short.......I will be in touch again soon!!!(smile)!!!!!!!!


11 Nov 00 - 12:18 PM (#338673)
Subject: RE: Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2
From: Rick Fielding

Good to hear from you again Robert.

A suggestion: Don't start a new thread each time you visit with us. The folks here who are following your story need to be able to know what information has passed back and forth. The only way we can do that is if it's all in one thread...preferably the first (or even the second) one you started.

Where abouts do you play?


11 Nov 00 - 12:49 PM (#338691)
Subject: RE: Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2
From: Peter K (Fionn)

Following up on Rick's point, please post any further thoughts on this theme in the parellel-ish thread called Robert L. Johnson's nephew say's hello! If I've done it right, you now have a "blue clicky," as I think Rick christened them. For anyone newish at Mudcat,just point to it and click, and you're in the other thread.

11 Nov 00 - 01:04 PM (#338700)
Subject: RE: Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2
From: Peter K (Fionn)

For once I wish we could edit our posts *BG* I now realise that we should continue the chat in Robert Johnson's family tree to which I have also linked the thread in my preceding post.

15 Nov 00 - 07:26 PM (#341419)
Subject: RE: Robert L Johnson's say's hello - 2
From: Little Robert

Hello Everybody!!!!!Sorry......I know it's been a few days since I last posted. I've been alittle busy.....I don't have a personal computer of my own yet.......I currently do all my surfing at the public library....that is why my postings seem eratic.

Anyway, I think it would be a good idea not to start a new thread. I'll just continue to post to (RJ2)......that way no one will stumble onto this by accident. Only those who are really interested will be able to locate it.

We got a settlement offer from the other party.......(we turned it down). It's not nearly enough to cover expenses already incurred. I think they just really want out from this......but they really have to make it worth our while for us to (go away). However, it still wouldn't change the facts. We would only be saying hey.......this thing could drag on forever and ever (and for sanity's sake).... lets come to some kind of mutual agreement. More than money is a stake here.......(it's heritage) family's heritage......unfortunately, others have, and continue to, benefit from it. Sometimes I feel like throwing in the towel......but so much work has been put into this thing. If I quit......I would be quiting not on myself.......but on my grandmother and all the family members who have passed on......who no longer have a voice. (I)am their voice now......and I will not be able to rest until the world hears what they have to say......... continue to answer some of the questions that was asked (How did my grandmother feel about how RJ's music impacting the world). Unfortunately she never got the opportunity to see the totality of it. She never got a chance to see the accountings of the income that was being generated from all over the world. I, and my aunt, however, was blessed to see it. But my grandmother loved her brother for a much different reason. She loved him (first) because she helped raise him (being the older of the two). It was the custom at that time that older siblings care for the younger. She loved him because she grew up with him.....helped him make his first guitar......she probably even encouraged him to play and watched him grow into a fine musician. As a child I would see this proud smile come to her face as we would listen to my uncle's music. She loved her brother very much........and she was very very proud of him.......because she knew him.....grew up with him......knew his failures and accomplishments.....and to hear his music would bring her dear beloved brother (in her mind) back to life again.... She loved him because he was her brother.......and she was pround of him because he accomplished and lived the life he wanted to live...

Well guy's....I'm going to have to go for now......until next time......take care and God Bless You!!!!(Smile)

Always..Little Robert.