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Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's

12 Nov 00 - 03:55 AM (#339051)
Subject: Tonight at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Peter Kasin

Just returned from a singers circle at p.j. and Dave's. Bseed, rIGGY, radriano, Oak, Ash, and Thorn were there, plus The Windlasses, who are in for the week leading up to their first West Coast concert. What a perfect getaway from the week's electoral complications. Good friends, good music, songs ranging from sea chanteys to a classic Rice Krispies singing commercial - there's nothing quite like music among friends. If you need a break from the week's political turmoil (before getting back to it) have a few friends over for music. It'll do ya good this week.


12 Nov 00 - 07:05 AM (#339090)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: katlaughing

That sounds wonderful, CR!! Good suggestion, too.



12 Nov 00 - 08:21 AM (#339108)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Naemanson

You've got the remedy and the dasage should be as high as you can make it! Come to one of the Manchester Mudcat Gatherings this coming weekend or find a Manchester in your area to start one!

12 Nov 00 - 11:58 AM (#339209)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Peter T.

Did Dave get the boots made for his oxen yet?
yours, Peter T.

12 Nov 00 - 12:06 PM (#339214)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Ferrara

Jealous. It's a little too far to drive in an afternoon.

We'll have lots of singing next weekend when Helen Schneyer comes to town, but, dammit, I don't want to miss ANYTHING!!

Hi, p.j.

12 Nov 00 - 04:27 PM (#339302)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: bseed(charleskratz)

It was a terrific evening: I arrived first, before Pam's chili had a chance to heat up, but even at room temperature it was great (Imagine me liking vegetarian chili!). I had a steaming bowl a half-hour later.

Dave, Tom, and Doug (OA&T) were in great voice and harmony; Pam is a wonderful singer and bodhran player (no wonder Rick invited her to join him in recording his new CD); the Windlasses, Donna and her daughters, are all fine singers, solo and ensemble, and Daniel, linked with one of the daughters, has a fine, strong voice; Chanteyranger's singing, fiddling, and storytelling and RiGGy's usual wonderful concertina playing and the surprisingly traditional sounds he evoked from his backpacker guitar--and of course his singing--matched their usual superb standards. One woman--A.J.?--whom I didn't really have a chance to meet--did some hysterical songs from her family tradition, and Tom's Rosie, after shyly passing most of her turns finally sang one beautifully.

Most of the singing was a capella with the exception of RiGGy's and most of mine (I did "Have Some Madiera, M'dear" a capella and a variety of other things with banjo accompaniment--one of these--requested by Pam--was a song posted to the 'cat forum by Blessings Barbara, "The Overflowing Catbox Blues" for which you have to imagine me as a talking female cat.... I guess I was singing reasonably well: Donna, who sat to my left, said repeatedly after my songs, "How can I follow that?"--which I suppose could be taken a number of ways.

Again, it was a terrific evening, starting early and ending late (the Windlasses and Daniel) started succumbing to jet-lag, but most of the rest of us were at it until after 11). Swong circles are always memorable and happily, they occur several times a year. Thanks, Dave and Pam.


12 Nov 00 - 06:12 PM (#339342)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: WyoWoman

I am forest, kelly, utterly chartreuse with envy and longing. Having sat in that very living room with some of those very players, I can easily, easily imagine how yummy it was. Ergo, see "longing" above...

Thanks for sharing though.

No, really ...


12 Nov 00 - 08:17 PM (#339415)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: MMario

I rarely have any longings for the left coast, having (shall we say,) less then fond memories of my visit in 1963 - but this makes me wish I could get out there!!!!

12 Nov 00 - 08:42 PM (#339423)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Big Mick

Sucks, I'm telling you, it just sucks!!! Here I am, well connected and all (snort)........and canna even arrange a simple wee trip to the west coast to be with my friends...........although I would be a bit intimidated in such sage company. One of these friggin' days though once we get done with all this other shite, I am going to make one of these gatherings..........not even gonna announce I'm coming, just show up...........hahahaha


13 Nov 00 - 09:38 AM (#339669)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Dave the Gnome

Hey WyoWoman, you say "I am forest, kelly,..." Is that the famous DeForest Kelly of Star Trek fame? If so, I thought you were dead - or did Kirk beam you to sick bay in the nick of time?

(Oh Gawd - can't you tell it's a boring Monday afternoon in Manchester...)

Dave the Gnome

13 Nov 00 - 10:29 AM (#339692)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: catspaw49

Do you notice there is an awful lot of sucking noises coming from the Great Lakes area? Mick, Mario, me........It was obviously one fantastic night and fuck you very much for telling us all about it. I hope your oxen get blisters........


13 Nov 00 - 12:07 PM (#339751)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Rick Fielding

I still wanna know about the boots!

PJ, are you playing your dulcimer?



13 Nov 00 - 05:04 PM (#339978)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Peter T.

with cute little cloven fronts, and laces all the way up the whatever it is oxen have for legs (pasterns? shanks?)....yours, Peter T.

13 Nov 00 - 05:10 PM (#339982)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: Dave Swan

Awright you wise guys, when I'm a filthy rich ox-boot maker, hauling in nearly as much as I make as a folksinger, you'll be laughing out the other side of your cake holes.

Regarding the other night, I can't say what a pleasure it is to have a houseful of good friends making good music. Pam and I are always pleased to host these evenings and we're greatful that our friends come.

Chanteyranger is right. It does ya good.

Cheers, D

14 Nov 00 - 02:53 AM (#340310)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Hey, Pam, one of our Monday night group is making a CD and he needs a bodhran player. I told him you're an experienced session musician. You and Dave'll have to come to one of our sessions (as I've been trying to get you to do for a year now).


14 Nov 00 - 01:22 PM (#340573)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: radriano

The singing session at Dave and Pam's house was a lovely evening. The Windlasses were a treat and I'm looking forward to their concert this Saturday. Everone that evening was in good form. BSeed seemed to be pulling all sorts of songs out of his hat for the occasion. Hey, Seed, I never had a conversation with you but I like your music.


15 Nov 00 - 12:11 AM (#340902)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Jeez, Rich, I left you out of the census, didn't I?

Richard (Radriano) is a fine singer, too. He followed Donna who followed me with ease and grace. Let's see, maybe if I do it geographically, I can do it. At the start of the singing--after we had hit the munchies and ale for a while--clockwise from me were Donna (mother of the other two Windlasses [Wind Lasses?}), Radriano, Donna's younger daughter Stephanie, Daniel (older daughter's other), older daughter (whose name slips my mind), Rosie, Tom, Chanteyranger, Dave, Pam, A.J., Doug, RiGGy.

Do I have it right now, Rich?


15 Nov 00 - 11:12 AM (#341110)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: radriano

Seed, I have no doubt that you left me out inadvertently but it has been fun to see you squirm. I enjoy your presence at these singing sessions and look forward to getting to know you better.


15 Nov 00 - 11:39 PM (#341539)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: bseed(charleskratz)

Likewise, Richard. Are you going to see the WindLasses? Is their concert Friday, Saturday, or Sunday--or are you as ill-informed as I am? I'll manage to find out before the weekend, I guess.



16 Nov 00 - 03:56 PM (#341919)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: GUEST,chanteyranger

It's Saturday, 8 pm, Seed. Tickets at the door $12, at the Hyde St. Pier. Concert aboard the BALCLUTHA.


16 Nov 00 - 05:45 PM (#341984)
Subject: RE: Yesterday at p.j. and Dave Swan's
From: radriano

Yah, sure, you betcha, Seed. I'll be at the WindLasses concert.
