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Help: Camp Oleana-That's My Song (Hester?)

13 Nov 00 - 10:54 PM (#340206)
Subject: Camp Oleana
From: Filley

Hi - I'm real new at this, but I learned my folk songs at a summer camp called Camp Oleana in West Copake, New York -- I've lost all those folkies -- if anyone went there, either as counselors or campers, please let me know -- a songfest reunion would be great. Years the camp existed: 1964-1969.

Also, I'm looking for the songwriter of a song I learned there entitled "That's My Song" -- familiar to anyone? Thanks much!

14 Nov 00 - 02:12 AM (#340289)
Subject: RE: Help: Camp Oleana
From: Sandy Paton

Welcome to the Mudcat madness, Filley. You may not find your old camper friends, but you'll sure find a lot of interest in the old camp songs, especially when Joe Offer gets back from visiting his sister in Newtown. He was supposed to make it to NOMAD, too, where I would have introduced you to him, but he wrote down the wrong date in his little black book.


15 Nov 00 - 04:55 PM (#341322)
Subject: RE: Help: Camp Oleana
From: Sandy Paton

Hey there, folks! This is a new kid on the block. Can't anyone help her find the songwriter she's looking for? I never went to camp myself and I'm a total cyber-klutz, but some of you web-surfing experts can probably help her. Hop it now!


15 Nov 00 - 05:58 PM (#341364)
Subject: RE: Help: Camp Oleana
From: mousethief

Isn't Camp Oleana where they only eat foods fried in Olean? Or not.

Good luck finding your people and your songwriter!


15 Nov 00 - 06:49 PM (#341393)
Subject: RE: Help: Camp Oleana
From: IvanB

Don't know the song, but a song by that name's referenced on this page:

Click here

Welcome to Mudcat and good luck on your search.

15 Nov 00 - 11:03 PM (#341525)
Subject: RE: Help: Camp Oleana
From: Filley

Thank you, Ivan! Turns out that -- I hope (I ordered the cd) the song "That's My Song" is on a Carolyn Hester double cd, along with lots of other beloved 60s folk songs -- I've been looking for a recording of it for a long time -- and I'm looking forward to mudcatting!

16 Nov 00 - 12:33 AM (#341551)
Subject: RE: Help: Camp Oleana
From: Sandy Paton

What'd I tell you, Filley? I knew some good old 'Catter would come through for you. Thanks to IvanB!
