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Welcome to the 'Cat---Jean Ritchie

23 Dec 00 - 08:12 PM (#362478)
Subject: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: catspaw49

Well, she and her son Jon have been keeping a low profile on another thread (Click Here) but Jean Ritchie has been visiting us and I thought it might be a good idea to start a separate thread as we usually do. Some of us welcomed her there, but the thread was getting long and creeping badly!

We have some fine, well known, folkies in our regular and semi-regular contingent here including Sandy and Caroline, Art, Frank, Hedy West, Margaret MacArthur.........On all of those list threads for "Most/Best/Significant, many of us have always included her and as she has always been one of my personal favorites, its a pleasure to see Jean show up here at the 'Cat. Welcome again, Jean and Jon.


23 Dec 00 - 08:21 PM (#362485)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Banjer

Jean Ritchie answered an e-mail of mine several years ago. I asked told her about my lap dulcimer that I had built and my struggles to learn banjo. It was her encouragement that convinced me to keep at it. I took her advice and put the banjo aside for a while and played with the dulcimer. She was right, playing tunes on the dulcimer and then picking up the banjo again made a world of difference. If she said the world was flat and the sky was green, I'd believe her!! Great lady!! I was flabbergasted that she would take the time to respond to my e-mail..Thank you bunches, Jean, and welcome to the Mudcat...

23 Dec 00 - 08:30 PM (#362489)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: dwditty

Welcome Jean. Any friend of Dave Van Ronk's is at home here, at least from my point of vies.


23 Dec 00 - 08:33 PM (#362493)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: John Hardly

I was so stunned to see the name of a writer I admire so that I just assumed it was someone writing under her name!

Ms Ritchie,
Yours songs are among my FAVORITES to play!

John Hardly

23 Dec 00 - 08:39 PM (#362496)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: katlaughing

Spaw, what a wonderful thing to bring to our attention! Thank you. You know I am just a youngster compared to the rest of you old phoakies (big grin) and am catching up on the non-specific-to-Colorado folk music I never knew much about before. I've read about Jean and her family and music a bunch on here, from you, Sandy and the rest of the lot and know what esteem you all have for her.

What a pleasure it is to know that you, Jean, and you, Jon, have started to post and share your knowledge and stories with us. Thank you and a GREAT BIG WELCOME TO THE MUDCAT from Big Ole' Wyoming! Please join us as often as you can and desire; it is truly a pleasure to have you here.

katlaughng aka kat - Spaw's *good* twin! LOL!!

23 Dec 00 - 08:43 PM (#362499)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: kendall

THE Jean Ritchie right here among!

23 Dec 00 - 08:48 PM (#362503)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: dwditty

BTW, Jean, be sure to read the Newcomers thread. It would be absolutely wonderful to hear you on PalTalk.


23 Dec 00 - 08:53 PM (#362507)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Allan C.

It has been cold on Mars lo these many years. I guess that is where I have been because, although I have heard your name, I don't know that I have ever heard your music. From what I gather, I have a real treat ahead of me.

I am glad you stop here from time to time and hope it will become a regular thing for you. It is obvious that you have a lot to share.

Allan C.

23 Dec 00 - 08:56 PM (#362508)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: InOBU

Ms. Ritchie:
As a life long folkie, born into an Irish ballad family, I have number of times when traditions have come alive for me... reading your wonderful book was one, seeing you at Cooper Union with Oscar Brand was another, now that all said, welcome to this little party of mad folk. Irreverant and articulate, the muck and mire fly as fast as the gems, and all equally fun, I hope... Welcome to the table.
PS Did you know Oscars late friend Thomas Scott, who played with Woody Guthrey? Thom died in the early 60's. I used to play in a trio with his daughter Suki.

23 Dec 00 - 09:06 PM (#362513)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Matt_R

Didn't Jean Ritchie do "Summer of My Dreams"? Heh heh before I did? lol

23 Dec 00 - 09:07 PM (#362515)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Alice

Well, Jean, I dug out an email I sent to you and your reply from April '98, not sure if it was still in my archives, but I found it. I am so glad you have joined in. Here's the history of my reference to you about Mudcat!:

From - Mon Apr 20 15:56:52 1998

Dear Alice, After much travelling, having hosts of company from England, and many other Interruptions to Living, I've found a minute...looked up the mudcat discussion forum and was so pleased at all the good things you said of me, and was further pleased to read all the discussers of other things, many of those discussers being friends of mine... it looks like getting involved would be either the frying pan, or the fire, and I'll hold my contributions for now, with thanks! Looks most interesting, though, and someday, who knows, I may dive in... Best, Jean

I'm happy to "see" you here, Jean!

Alice Flynn

23 Dec 00 - 09:37 PM (#362529)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Mary in Kentucky

Hello Jean and Jon,

I said it before, and I'll say it again, Welcome!

23 Dec 00 - 09:56 PM (#362537)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Pinetop Slim

When I heard Madonna was marrying into royalty I figured Guy Ritchie must be related to Jean. What a wonderful thing for Mudcat to have such company drop in -- foremost traditional ballad singer, first lady of the dulcimer, custodian of the magnificent Ritchie family collection, co-founder of the Ritchie-Pickow collection at Galway, writer of some great contemporary folk songs... It's exciting to see the interest you've taken in these threads. And thanks for that wonderful Christmas gift to the world: "The Holly Carol" is one of the most joyous ever.

23 Dec 00 - 09:56 PM (#362538)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Jimmy C

Welcome Jean and Jon. I have admired your songs for a long time now. I still use your dulcimer book a lot.

Nice to have you amongst us.

Stay awhile !

23 Dec 00 - 10:17 PM (#362539)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE

Jean,I've been a fan of yours since seeing you on A Prairie Home Companion some 16 years ago.Welcome!


23 Dec 00 - 10:36 PM (#362544)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Banjer

Alice, I too dug back in the archives and this one was dated 11-28-98. It was this E-mail that I made reference to in my earlier post. You can see the words of encouragement that come not from someone trying to sell you something, but from the heart of one who really believes what she says.

Dear Ray, We, my husband and I, have been away from home for several weeks, finding your good letter upon our return. Good news that you have conquered the dulcimer- yes, it's MUCH easier to plan than guitar or banjo... one CAN make it very complicated, but playing the easy way sounds just as good to me. Keep at it- when you get really confident on the dulcimer, the banjo just may be a lot easier!

All the best
Jean Ritchie

How right she was!!!

23 Dec 00 - 10:49 PM (#362552)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Ma-K

Welcome to the Ritchies. Jean did you ever do a concert in Cody Wyo? I saw a young women in the 1940s play the dulcimor and sing. It was so beautful. I got my first ducimor 15 years ago. I never forgot that beautiful sound. Thank you for bringing it to us....Mary

23 Dec 00 - 10:54 PM (#362554)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: GUEST,bflat

Wow, this place has gained further gound when the esteemed Jean Richie lends her knowledge and experience. Saw you, Jean, at the NJ Folk Festival back two years or so. Dynamic!! And your workshop on the dulcimer was terrific. Happy to know you are here.


24 Dec 00 - 03:02 AM (#362628)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: catspaw49

Alice and Banj......I can see I have to start saving more e-mails instead of flushing them. Thanks for sharing those. And Pinetop, Mark, I was figuring you'd be here if you saw it!


24 Dec 00 - 03:13 AM (#362635)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: CarolC


Welcome to the Mudcat Jean and Jon!

Best wishes,


24 Dec 00 - 06:11 AM (#362668)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

I'll add my voice to the delighted crowd.
Allan, if you've ever heard the words to "Simple Gifts" sung or heard a lap dulcimer north of the Mason-Dixon line, you've seen just a small part of the way Jean Ritchie has contributed to American music. Others have also contributed, and this is not to diminish them, but Jean has had a lot to do with us Yanks knowing a little more of the riches of the music of Appalachia.

24 Dec 00 - 06:21 AM (#362671)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Little Neophyte

Howdy Jean and Jon
Lots of wonderful folks around here and now we have 2 more! Guess you guys are the Mudcats special Christmas gifts this year.

Little Neo

24 Dec 00 - 08:07 AM (#362693)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Quincy

Pleased to *meet* you Jean and Jon!


24 Dec 00 - 08:26 AM (#362696)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: kendall

Black Water and Come Fare Away are two of my favorites.

24 Dec 00 - 02:06 PM (#362776)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Wavestar

Wow... THE Jean Ritchie? We should be honoured. Yet another wonderful memory from my childhood of my parents playing you recordings, and listening on the radio to you on the folk shows, Prairie Home Companion, and all the rest... welcome indeed!


24 Dec 00 - 02:11 PM (#362777)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Don Firth

I never really equated Mudcat with Mount Olympus before, but the more I wander around here, the more I keep encountering legendary gods and goddesses! What else can I think? I am in awe. . . .

Don Firth

24 Dec 00 - 02:36 PM (#362782)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Melani

When I was about 10, a chapter from "Singing Family of the Cumberlands" was included in one of my school books, and had the words, but not tunes, to several songs. I went home and sang them, and when I heard recordings of those songs years later, I was astonished to find that the tunes I'd "made up" at age 10 were almost identical to the actual tunes. I guess that says something about the universality of music. Welcome!

24 Dec 00 - 04:06 PM (#362816)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: GUEST,Art Thieme

Jean---If you would, please ask George to come in here and tell his tale of the time he stopped Big Ben. It's a true story folks.

Love to all o' you and I hope you're well this Christmas eve. (We're gonna be grandparents for the first time fairly soon.)


24 Dec 00 - 04:21 PM (#362825)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: MAG (inactive)

A delighted hello from another fan, who has passed on griffy gruffy to many children, Mary Ann

24 Dec 00 - 06:35 PM (#362863)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Murray MacLeod

Welcome, Jean ,from an expatriate Scot. You were already a legend in Scotland before I left. Now if we could only get Hamish Henderson on here ..........


24 Dec 00 - 07:19 PM (#362881)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Dave (the ancient mariner)

Welcome aboard mate. Yours, Aye. Dave

24 Dec 00 - 09:18 PM (#362910)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Mark Clark

Ms Ritchie, I'ts been forty years since I first heard, and loved, your recordings and my admiration for your music has only grown since then. I look forward to seeing your comments here with eager anticipation.


      - Mark

24 Dec 00 - 11:02 PM (#362960)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: paddymac

Welcome to the mad house - it can sometimes seem a little odd, but it really is a family place and we're glad you're here.

25 Dec 00 - 03:32 AM (#363017)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: georgeward

Jean & Jon,

What a nice thing to log on at 3 a.m. of a Christmas morning and to find that you've joined in!

Love to you all from the (presently very cold and windy) Mohawk valley). -George ::-.--O (Vaughn, too. But she's asleep.)

P.S. Handsome website, too! Howie Eskin sent me the url from Lena's a few days ago. (There's a blue clicky on the other thread folks.)

25 Dec 00 - 03:49 AM (#363020)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Haruo

Welcome (of course we've already met on the "other" thread!) ... I'm bit off the beaten path here, being mostly into Esperanto folk music (which many might think an oxymoron) and hymns, but even I had heard of you before ("... didn't she write the Child Ballads ... ?" ;-)), Jean. Nice to meet you too, Jon, hope you'll both drop in often.


25 Dec 00 - 05:25 AM (#363028)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: RoyH (Burl)

I am proud to be part of anything tghat includes Jean Ritchie. Jean, thank you for your songs and writings, and for your example in keeping the music alive. Sincerely, Roy Harris.

25 Dec 00 - 04:12 PM (#363215)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Dave Swan

A warm welcome and many thanks. We hope you enjoy it here.

Dave & Pam

25 Dec 00 - 04:14 PM (#363216)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: GUEST,Frank Hamilton

Jean, you are the Smith Barney of American folk music and I'm listening! Glad to see you here. Mountain Born is one of the best CD's that I've heard in a while. Highly recommend it.

Frank Hamilton

25 Dec 00 - 04:21 PM (#363219)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Banjoman_CO

Welcome - Welcome - Welcome. Jean, your dulcimer book is a "Bible to me". Thank you. Glad to see you here at the "cat". Looking forward to your posts.


25 Dec 00 - 04:26 PM (#363222)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: catspaw49

Frank, you're kind of a "Smith Barney" yourself....its just that some of us like to argue with you a bit!(:<))

And its always seems to be my job, as in previous threads, to follow Frank and say that the "Mountain Born" TV special was excellent as well.............'cause it was! Its available in some libraries now for those who haven't seen it.


25 Dec 00 - 04:50 PM (#363227)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Alice

Here is a link to the thread mentioning the film Mountain Born. I quoted some info from the notes on the film. I saw it on PBS in '98. It's really a great documentary to have in any folk here to go to the earlier thread in '98.

25 Dec 00 - 08:13 PM (#363288)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Guy Wolff

Dear Jean, THanks for the inspiration you have given so meny of us. I do love your music.. I made 40 somthing dulcimers in the early 70's to try amd figure out what a good combination of acustics made a good dulsimer.. It was so much fun ..I do love the look of the simplest older instroments in your book.. You have given us all so much.. Tons of thank you's, Guy Wolff

26 Dec 00 - 01:59 AM (#363393)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: CamiSu

Yea, welcome! What Jessica didn't mention (since she wasn't there) was that 'Simple Gifts' was my wedding song. Everyone sang it as I came down the stairs. BUT one of my favorites is 'None but One'. Haunting.

And, boy do you have a lot to read when you see this!


26 Dec 00 - 07:46 AM (#363442)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Bud Savoie

Jean, saw you and spoke with you a month ago in Pawtucket, Rhode Island. You are still one of my biggest inspirations; and when I sing a ballad, I try to imagine how you would do it.

I was the fellow who had the early (original?) edition of your autobiography for you to autograph. You could not possibly be more gracious nor your smile more radiant.

And for those other Mudcatters who might have wondered, I have it from the source that only the END of her toe broke off when she kicked the rock, and the toe grew back.

26 Dec 00 - 02:39 PM (#363547)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Hollowfox

All Right!! Georgeward is right, htis is the best non-chocolate Christmas present I've gotten this year. Welcome!

26 Dec 00 - 04:14 PM (#363608)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Joe Offer

Did Jean Ritchie ever appear on Prairie Home Companion, or are people here getting her confused with Jean Redpath? I know that Jean Redpath sang Dave Mallett's Summer of My Dreams on the show, but I'm not aware of Jean Ritchie singing it. Jean Ritchie is not mentioned in the Prairie Home Companion archives, but that goes back only to 1996.
-Joe Offer-

27 Dec 00 - 01:45 AM (#363875)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: katlaughing

If she hasn't been, she ought to be, Joe! Garrison better get on the ball!

For a wonderful short Christmas video featuring Jean and family singing and playing a gorgeous song called Winter Grace, please visit her website by clicking here. Absolutely beautiful, Jean, I loved the images; great job of editing and recording.

all the best of the season now and always,


27 Dec 00 - 02:24 AM (#363885)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Banjer

Yeah! Truly worth a listen folks. It don't get any better than this....Thank you, Jean for that nice Holiday greeting! (and thanks to Kat for the clickie)

27 Dec 00 - 03:40 AM (#363901)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: BigDaddy

Jean Ritchie is one of our national treasures. Some of the most joyful and moving moments of my life have included seeing her on a Pete Seeger PBS show about thirty years ago, getting my first album by her ("Clear Waters Remembered"), finally seeing her peform in person about 19 years ago, recently e-mailing her and getting a warm and prompt reply, introducing a young friend to her music just this month and seeing the magic take effect. God bless and keep you, Jean Ritchie! And know that the old songs are constantly finding a new audience.

27 Dec 00 - 10:08 AM (#363958)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Luke

Dear Jean,

As a new member of this Mudcat group, let me say a warm howdy and say how good it is to see you here.

I look forward to seeing you again this summer at Swannanoa. I will never forget the many times your music has touched me throughout my life. Your music first reached me through my brother Jim when I was 12 years old and then in person in the early years of Fox Hollow. Since then I am blessed with every meeting. You are and will always be the queen of song to me.

Your friend and ardant fan,

Bob Lucas

27 Dec 00 - 05:08 PM (#364146)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Rex

Wow, Jean Ritchie is here among us? I'm sure glad to have you here and us western folks are eagerly awaiting your next visit to Swallow Hill in Denver. Thank you for saving all those fine songs from your coming up years.


28 Dec 00 - 09:57 AM (#364513)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE

You were about to launch into another song when the CSX (used to be L&N) "Bullet" passed through slowly and blew its whistle at each crossing in the town. You didn't miss a beat as you took the opportunity to sing "The L&N Don't Stop Here Anymore," a capella. What a treat, with that lonesome whistle as your only accompaniment. Even though some Kentucky thumbpickers later tore up the stage doing a tribute to Mose Rager, and the "big draw" and show closer was Don Everly, that impromptu moment with the train stands out.

28 Dec 00 - 04:49 PM (#364763)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Mrrzy

I saw her in person about 25-35 years ago. I was a smallish child, I don't remember where we were, what the season was, with whom I was - or anyone else who sang... there were several stages, you could wander around, and the only reason I even remember that is that the one thing I *do* remember is hearing this voice, stopping my wandering, and just listening to her till she finished, not just that song but yielded the stage. I remember her name because we had a holiday carol album of hers on vinyl. I've never forgotten about hearing her at that folk festival or whatever it was... I am honored to count myself among such company.

28 Dec 00 - 05:32 PM (#364795)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: GUEST,Erica

uh, hi . . .

Though not really a 'Catter (more like a lurker -- one of the young brats running around Pinewoods these days) I'd like to say my hello, hi, and howdy. Ms. Ritchie, I lovingly sing "Pretty Saro" wherever I go :) And where I "gig" -- in the NYC downtown clubs -- people respond so strongly. I always mention I learned it from your recordings. Soon I'll be rehearsing/recording it with a band; we're gonna make it swing a little. I hope to have something to give you come this year's picnic. Anyhow, hi, and thank you for touching my life in this special way!


29 Dec 00 - 03:34 PM (#365228)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Happy New Year! What a WELCOME! Just back from the holidays, and have read all those wonderful letters- I didn't know that so many of you were old friends (you know who you are- I won't take space for all the names), and it's great to meet all you others who have the GOOD TASTE to like me and my music (do I sound like the actress at the Academy Awards ceremony?). I'm really so pleased at the Welcome, and so is Jon of course (if it weren't for Jon I wouldn't ever have thought of "working" a computer, being one of the oldtimers).

My husband is George Pickow (and, Art, he can't tell about stopping Big Ben, because he can't type- so that story will just have to tantalize folks until I can get the time to do it...what are the space limits here? Don't want to break any rules). Our other son is Peter, who lives in NYC and is chief editor at Music Sales (wrote the Hammered Dulcimer Book, if any of you play that). Jon works with George in his video & visuals, and runs our Greenhays recording studio here.

We do a lot of coming-and-going, so I will not write often, but will certainly be lurking around, checking on what you all are saying. Know that your welcome so impressed me that I joined The Mudcat Cafe, and I'm here now, officially, as kytrad, and so henceforth shall ye know me. Happy New Year 2001 to every one! Jean

29 Dec 00 - 03:43 PM (#365237)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Mary in Kentucky

kytrad, (we know who you really are, but will try to treat you like just any other mudcatter!) I'm so glad you saw the welcome thread. I was going to refresh it earlier. Also, I think you'll enjoy being a member because now you can send personal messages and check the "messages since last visit." George really should get with it and learn to type so he can join us!

29 Dec 00 - 03:44 PM (#365238)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: catspaw49

Glad to see you back and NOW as a member.....with a very appropriate name! Lurk, post, enjoy........Its obvious we're glad to have you. Enjoy the rest of the holidays and many thanks to Jon for getting you on the 'puter to begin with.


29 Dec 00 - 03:45 PM (#365240)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Bert

Hi kytrad, welcome aboard. We don't really have any rules except maybe 'be nice' and we know you're that already.



29 Dec 00 - 05:33 PM (#365304)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Peter T.

By the way, did we ever solve the "what is the definitive Pretty Saro" controversy (hollow Mudcat laugh)?

yours, Peter T.

29 Dec 00 - 06:25 PM (#365331)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Alice

Kentucky Trad (kytrad), what a great "handle", Jean. There are no space limits, especially for you! We will hang on every word you type, you can count on that... write, and write, and write as much as you have time to. - Alice

29 Dec 00 - 07:15 PM (#365358)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Banjer

George can't type? I didn't know that you had to be able to type to be a member here. I guess I'll have to go take some typing lessons real soon. Kinda been gettin' by with the 'Columbus method' of typing. You know, that's were first you find it and then you land on it!

06 May 01 - 06:14 PM (#456587)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: GUEST,Mark Young (


I'm am also looking for lyrics to " Three times seven ", which I have on tape by Doc Watson somewhere. Would also like any other verses from other versions. Chords I've already figured out, and can help w/ that. Banjoman (something like that) posted a requrest a while back, but I found no lyrics in my search. PLEASE send or cc: to my EMAIL ADDRESS!!! Thanks,


chords: G (walk down to E)// A//D// G // A// D// (walk down to E chord again)//... etc.

06 May 01 - 06:20 PM (#456591)
Subject: Jean Ritchie
From: GUEST,Mark Young

Hi Jean...

I was told to get your book by David Massengill. I can't find it anywhere. Is it available directly through you?

Thanks for any help (Please write or copy to my EMAIL address below)...

Mark or

06 May 01 - 10:08 PM (#456697)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Liam's Brother

When's the next picnic?

All the best,
Dan Milner

06 May 01 - 11:11 PM (#456716)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Deckman

GOOD GRIEF! Such adulation! It's enough to make a grown person shy. Jean, I simply say thanks for being you and welcome. CHEERS, Bob (deckman) Nelson

09 May 01 - 10:32 AM (#458653)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: GUEST,Sheila

Dear Ms. Ritchie, One of my proudest possessions is your "Swapping Song Book." The text is illuminating and the photographs are absolutely exquisite. My thanks forever.

09 May 01 - 01:11 PM (#458779)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Stevangelist

Even though I'm 27, I am still enough of a wide-eyed kid (in terms of my appreciation of the greats in music) to "be like, wow, man, far out... Jean Ritchie..."

Ms. Ritchie, I just finished re-reading "How Can I Keep From Singing?" (Seeger's autobio) and several books of and about trad and folk music, and sure enough, you recieve warm and loving mention in all of them. You are a gem. I am glad to know that you may even read this and smile.

May The Road Rise To Meet You,


P.S. Ms. Ritchie:

Just in case you ever care to say "Hi" (:0>

09 May 01 - 02:16 PM (#458832)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Mark- All my books are available thrugh my website: I don't know which book David may have told you it one about learning to play dulcimer, or is it one having lots of songs, or the one about my family growing up in the mountains of KY? And, although I know Doc Watson very well,I don't know the song you mentioned. Some of these learned Mudcatters will come up with it for you, though...just hang in!

Won't be able to write for a few days, until we get to our log house in KY and get our laptop organized.

Dan, Deckman, Sheila, Steve- I'm almost embarrassed at seeing this OLD, OLD thread, which I thought dead and buried in the archives, revived again- but thanks for your added welcomes!

Jean Ritchie

09 May 01 - 03:23 PM (#458901)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Stevangelist

Dear Ms. Ritchie,

If you are ever around and not too busy, I'd love the chance to meet you. I live in Louisville and am planning on seeing the whole state over the next two summers or so. Would love to hear some stories about the family growing up in the mountains around here.

May The Road Rise To Meet You,


09 May 01 - 03:55 PM (#458932)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: Dave the Gnome

A big North of England welcome, Jean/kytrad. Sorry - I know I'm an ignoramus but I am unfamiliar with your work. My loss entirely and if what the rest of the rabble have said is anything to go by I will enjoy filling the hole in my knowledge forthwith.

Any recommendations?

Cheers and once again, welcome.

Dave the Gnome

10 May 01 - 12:24 AM (#459277)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: kytrad (Jean Ritchie)

Well Dave, you can see what I look like these days (I'm 78- may live to get old if I'm careful) on my website (given above) and there's an accompanying letter that's been there too long I guess, but gives a sort of short tale of our recent doings. I don't do too many performances- click on Itinerary to see the Chosen Few- and if you click on Links you'll be led into mysterious pages where you can see JR at almost any age, from mewling babe on up. I'm a quiet singer, and I learned to talk after I left home (didn't need to before). Much ado embarrasses me, and I think it's very refreshing when folks have never heard of me. Know something? I never heard of you! Thanks for your welcome... Jean

10 May 01 - 12:36 AM (#459286)
Subject: RE: Welcome to the 'Cat---JEAN RITCHIE
From: catspaw49

Thanks Jean......I'm sending a thanks to Joe by PM. I was completely surprised and more than slightly pleased! Again, thanks so much.
