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A Hard Year, but..

28 Dec 00 - 03:48 PM (#364712)
Subject: A Hard Year, but..
From: Hollowfox

Yes, it's been quite a year, beloved friends died, as did people we admired but did not know. Relationships ended, accidents of all kinds happened. But considering the worldwide scope of Mudcat, I suspect that statistically we've been pretty lucky. In spite of fire, flood, and earthquake, none of us died from these. Besides musical and folkloric questions, some of us have asked for advice on computers, help with projects ranging from wallpaper removal to giving up tobacco, or even just a kind word when we were feeling overwhelmed. And by and large we've gotten both what we wanted and what we needed. This place has kept me sane this past year, and I suspect I'm not alone. So here's a toast to the new year. Heaven knows we'll never die of boredom, and with luck we'll each think of a few more folk-and-blues related questions.

28 Dec 00 - 04:00 PM (#364721)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Wesley S

I'll second that.

28 Dec 00 - 04:05 PM (#364723)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: McGrath of Harlow

"In spite of fire, flood, and earthquake, none of us died from these."

Touch wood. The year's not over yet. And of course, it may well not be true. There've been plenty of people who haven't posted in a long time, and we can just hope it's just changing tastes or changing circumstances, and nothing too bad has happened to them. We do know some people have had some pretty hairy times.

But I share your gratitude towards the Mudcat, Hollowfox.

28 Dec 00 - 04:11 PM (#364729)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Mrrzy

Read, read!

28 Dec 00 - 04:15 PM (#364732)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: catspaw49

Well 'Fox, living in Youngstown, you DO need something I'm sure! But you are exactly right and I too join in seconding that emotion. Say, that would be a great song title wouldn't it?


28 Dec 00 - 04:26 PM (#364741)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Morticia

Of course, one would have to define sane......but I expect I'm in.

28 Dec 00 - 04:28 PM (#364743)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Kim C

I'm still here. :)

28 Dec 00 - 04:37 PM (#364752)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Helen

I can definitely say that I owe a large percentage of my sanity this year to Mudcat. A lighthouse in a raging storm, a beacon in the dark.

Thanks everyone - you'll never know how much I needed you all this year.


28 Dec 00 - 04:48 PM (#364762)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Hollowfox

Tish, m'dear, like so many of us 'Catters, you are sane, you're just not typical. This is a good thing.

28 Dec 00 - 05:08 PM (#364779)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Matt_R

Suffice as to say, Mudcat has been a source of joy and...intense pain too. And I'm thankful than HearMe shut down, and that Jon discovered Paltalk. If he hadn't...well I may not have found the one I was truly meant to be with. And we will be together very soon.


29 Dec 00 - 12:00 AM (#364984)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: CarolC

This place is pretty amazing. One of the things I haven't mentioned so far that the Mudcat does for me, is that it gives me more opportunities to be loving to people than I would have otherwise.

That probably sounds Pollyanna-ish, but it's important to me. So, not only have I been on the recieving end of some of the best people have to offer, I've been able to give some of it back, as well. That feels good.


29 Dec 00 - 12:15 AM (#364993)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Sorcha

In the Best of All Possible Worlds, SHIT STILL HAPPENS. Next year may be better, may be worse, but it will be Next Year, and shit will still happen. Maybe it will be less shit, or less bitter shit, but it will still happen.

29 Dec 00 - 12:15 AM (#364994)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Amergin

Carol, I couldn't agree with you more....a fine as a bunch as this is rare. I keep reading and rereading that thread dedicated to me and I am just as amazed each time at the caring of the people here....I was amazed before when I read all of those other threads relating tragedy and pain, but this, this astounds me, perhaps because I was the object of it. I just don't know what to say.....


29 Dec 00 - 04:47 AM (#365018)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: GUEST,Thom M. at work

I like to think of it more as "Life Happens". Sure we're going to have spells in our lives when nothing ever seems to go the way that we thought it should. For a long time I thought that I must have really done something awful in a previous existence to cause all this crap to happen to me. Then I realized that this same stuff happens to everyone at one time or another in their lives. It's sorta like driving 20 miles of potholed, washboard backroads to get to your favorite fishing spot, or any place that you find comfort in. It's a pain in the ass but it sure makes you appreciate the place all the more.
Oh well enough ranting. Hope everyone has a great 2001 and may only good things and good people, like here at the 'Cat, enter your life.

29 Dec 00 - 07:55 AM (#365039)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: AllisonA(Animaterra)

Sorcha, a wise friend once told me: Fertilizer happens, and then you grow.
Pain stinks, and I wish we didn't have it. I have a blessed and charmed life, except for one major pain I carry around with me all the time, so I'm very aware of the truth that shit happens. But I also compost, and I garden- so keep that shit in its proper place: piled behind the shed, and keep turning it over, then let it go on with its work in the garden!

29 Dec 00 - 11:07 AM (#365088)
Subject: RE: A Hard Year, but..
From: Noreen

To mudcatters everywhere!

